A Crocodile's Journey

By SilvanaSuheiCarrillo

11.5K 306 131

Makuu must keep his vow to a dying Sacred Ibis: he promised to not eat the egg, hatch it and teach the chick... More

The Promise
The Egg
The Chick
The Game
The Feeding
The Incident
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

418 9 1
By SilvanaSuheiCarrillo

Pride Rock was rarely so crowded.

Usually, the animals of the Pride Lands only attended when a new heir was presented, a coronation took place or to hear out royal decrees or announcements.

Today, they gathered to honor the animals who had successfully escaped from the humans, as Kitwana explained later, and returned to the Pride Lands alive. Kitwana and Makuu, in particular, were regarded as the true heroes by the others though, the former for having freed them from their prison and living amongst humans, the latter for risking his life to save a fellow crocodile-omitting that said croc was Kiburi-and then facing against the poacher by himself and managing to defeat him.

The group of animals stood in the peak, where Simba stood in front of them while proudly looking at them. Kalere, Oga, Nurisha and Usian looked shy, while Jafari, Julisha and Umoja looked proud of such honor. Makuu and Kitwana were in the opposite side of the spectrum; don't misinterpret, they were honored, but they had never been the type to hang around big crowds that much.

On the ground, the float was among the front rows, looking up at Makuu and Kitwana beaming with pride; even Pua was there, and he looked very proud of his successor, though he couldn't help but chuckle internally when he saw the dismayed expression on his face.

Bakshi's flock was also among the front rows, with Dalila cheering for Kitwana along with his new fans-the youngest flock members mostly-, while Mshale looked like he'd explode at any moment.

After giving a whole speech about the group as a whole, Simba called Kitwana and Makuu forward. Again, both had similar reactions as they reluctantly stepped forward and into the spotlight.

"The two of you showed great courage by guiding the rest of your group back home safely and standing up to the humans. For that, you have my thanks, and the gratitude of all of the Pride Lands."

"Thank you, your majesty." Makuu said, bowing is head, and Kitwana did the same, if only because he still didn't understand the etiquette; he even jumped when suddenly all the herds cheered loudly.

Soon after, everyone scattered, and the other animals returned to their respective herds, Kitwana even witnessed Oga returning to his grandmother and aunts, who had been very happy to see him. Umoja and Usian were loners, so they merely returned to their own dens. Oddly, though, Makuu had not gone back to his float, which let Simba know he wanted to talk about something else.

Good timing, he also had something he wanted to talk about with the crocodile in private.

"Makuu, Kitwana," Simba started, glancing at both momentarily before sighing. "I owe you both an apology."

Kitwana looked confused. "What for, your majesty?" he inquired. Makuu said nothing, though, he knew why.

"In your case, Kitwana, I'm sorry for taking you away from your family," Simba said sadly. "I was so focused on the bad things you learned from the crocodiles I overlooked the good things; your courage, boldness..."

"Recklessness." Kitwana added quickly.

Simba couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, recklessness, but who isn't that at your age? Even I was reckless when I was a cub."

Kitwana smiled at Simba kindly. "I have nothing to forgive you for, your majesty. In a way you helped me, even though it took me all of this mess to realize it." With that and a last head bow, Kitwana trotted away to give Simba and Makuu the privacy they wanted before they even asked.

Simba turned to Makuu. "Makuu... I'm sorry for taking decisions about Kitwana without taking you into account."

"You're the King, Simba. You had every right to do what you thought was best for him."

"Maybe, but it still doesn't excuse me not minding your opinion on the matter just because you are not his biological father. You were right when you said it was unfair of me to let you get attached to Kitwana only to take him away later. I should have known better than that considering I am a father too."

"I didn't really put up a fight about it, so you're not the only one to blame," Makuu responded. "Though in part it was because I did not want to fight against you because of my previous... misdeeds and I didn't want to be on bad terms with you again, I was looking for a way to weasel out of that situation easily... It's something I'll always regret."

"It might have been a mistake, but it was an honest mistake. You thought it was the best thing for him too, but I never wanted to give you the impression you didn't have a choice. If there's something I can do for you..."

Well, since he was mentioning it, there was something he wanted to discuss with Simba, and now was the perfect time. "Actually, your majesty, there is something I'd like to ask."

"What is it?"

"There's a part of the story I omitted because I wanted to discuss it in private," Makuu took a deep breath before continuing. "Kiburi was the other captive crocodile."

"Kiburi?" Simba was surprised. He'd heard he had stopped causing trouble, but he never imagined it was because he had been captured.

"His whole float was killed by the humans. He saved my life in the desert when I was shot after I took that bullet for him, and he was the one who helped me reconcile with Kitwana, even if indirectly," he sighed sadly. "He decided to stay in the oasis, however, because he is still banished and he didn't want to go back to the Outlands to die of loneliness and despair, or worse."

"That's a... sad story," Simba admitted. "But why are you telling me this?"

Okay, it was now or never. "I ask you to consider allowing Kiburi back into the Pride Lands."

The silence that followed let the crocodile know Simba was caught off guard and in shock. After a few more seconds, Simba spoke again, sounding serious. "Are you aware of what you're asking of me?"

"I am, your majesty."

"He tried to kill me, Makuu. The punishment for that crime is usually execution, but I did not wish to recur to such unnecessary method; banishment was the easiest I could go on him."

"I know, but I can assure you he is not the same crocodile that attempted to murder you. His loss and the experience in the desert changed him, and without his crocodiles he'd pose no threat to you anymore; I don't want to imagine the solitude he's finding himself in at this moment," Makuu sighed. "And he saved my life. He could have taken advantage of the situation to let me die, but he didn't. I am indebted to him in that way."

"You saved his life first by taking that projectile in his place, isn't that enough?" Simba inquired

"He paid off his life debt to me, but I have not paid off mine, your majesty. I'm willing to accept the responsibility should he go back to his old ways, but for now I'm confident he will not do so. That's why I ask you, your majesty..." Again, he bowed his head. "...Give him the chance to start anew."

A few seconds later after a thorough consideration, Simba made his choice.


During the following weeks, Kitwana was still held in high regard as a hero among the Pride Landers, especially since his newly-acquired knowledge about the traps and the humans' vulnerability without their weapons soon proved to be useful. The animals knew how to detect traps or get free of them, and the Lion Guard managed to learn new tactics to knock the weapons off the humans' hands and drive them off.

Other than the occasional trouble from the Outlanders or the Poachers, life in the Pride Lands mostly went back to normal.

The float did notice some changes in Makuu and Kitwana.

Makuu was no longer as rude or grouch to others as before, he was more considerate with animals-if only slightly-and his attitude in general had changed for the better. Of course, only his float noticed this, he was still as blunt and grouch with the other animals, and he'd make sarcastic comments every now and then. But he seemed... happier.

As for Kitwana, the biggest change was that he no longer thought he was a crocodile, and though the float was glad some missed seeing him bask in the water. He had matured considerably too, some animals even thought he'd be as wise as Rafiki soon.

Speaking of changes, that wasn't the only thing that changed in Kitwana. Soon what was left of his baby down was gone and completely replaced by white adult plumage. All of his beak, legs and neck had turned black, and he grew to be taller even than Ono, though he was still some inches smaller than Makuu. His three-feather crest still remained, though.

Kitwana stared at his reflection in the edge of the lake, examining every inch of his self intently, recalling all those times he'd stare at himself and wonder why he was different from the other crocodiles; now that he repeated it he found it amusing.

He was worried about the 'flight' thing, though. He might be able to open his wings now, but he now knew there was more to flying than just that; yes, he had paid attention to Bakshi's lesson that day.

Who knows? Maybe now that he was an adult it would be easier.

What bothered him was what he was planning to do when he learned to fly... He hadn't mentioned it to anyone just yet.

"What's on your mind, birdo?"

Kitwana couldn't help but laugh a bit; since he was all grown up, Makuu didn't call him kiddo anymore, but instead took a fancy to calling him birdo. "I'm nervous about the thing about flying..." His voice was slightly deeper, another proof of his newfound maturity.

"Come now, Kitwana, I'm pretty sure you'll do good," Makuu said as he lay down a few steps away from Kitwana. "It looks easy enough, you just have to... flap your wings."

He was not helping him feel better, but Kitwana appreciated the gesture. Besides, he couldn't really blame Makuu, he didn't know how flying worked at all so he didn't know what to say. "Hopefully I won't be blown around by a gust of wind."

This time, it was Makuu who chuckled. "When did you turn so negative, my boy?"

"It's just... I'm not sure about what will happen if I do learn to fly."

"If it's about where you will live, I don't mind if you want to return here. There's lot of space amongst the reeds, and it's a good place to hide from the hatchlings..."

"Is that based on personal experience?"

The crocodile laughed. "You could say so."

"Well, it's not necessarily about that... Rather, it's something I've been thinking these days..."

"What is it?"

Kitwana wasn't sure if it would be a good time to tell him now, considering things between them had been running smoothly. Thankfully, they were distracted when suddenly Hodari came running, looking very nervous.

"Makuu!" he cried out, panting. It took him a few seconds to speak properly. "He's here."

Kitwana glanced at Hodari, and then at Makuu. "Is 'he' who I think it is?"

Makuu nodded solemnly. "Let's go receive him."

They went over to the main area where the float was resting; the air was tense. Though he had previously informed them of this, none were too happy about it, though they accepted their leader's reasons for doing this. Still they did not have to like it.

What worried him the most was how Akina would react upon seeing him again, and he with her. They hadn't been on the best conditions when they parted ways; up to now she had acted indifferently to the news, but he knew her better than that. She was probably on fire on the inside, unsure of how she'd react herself.

Hodari spotted their visitors coming closer. "There they are!"

The float reacted, instantly turning their heads to their direction.

Following Zazu... was Kiburi himself.


He had to admit, he never thought Makuu would actually keep his word. He thought he'd stay in that oasis for the rest of his life; it wasn't that bad, though, the fish was plentiful and there was peace and quiet. The only bad thing was that it felt lonely. He would have liked to bring his float here; then the stay wouldn't have been as unbearable.

A week later, he received a surprise visit from Zazu, the majordomo, who informed him that King Simba, at Makuu's behest, had lifted his banishment and he was welcome to return to the Pride Lands, if he agreed to behave from then on, plus the Lion Guard would keep and eye on him. Kiburi had to admit, he nearly declined the offer, but he was so alone there that he accepted the terms without thinking.

The journey back was easier with Zazu guiding him, but still it was a nightmare for him to go through the desert with the hellish heat; eventually, though, they arrived.

But the closer they got to Lake Matope, the more his stomach churned and he started having second thoughts; how would the float react when they saw him? How would she react? That was what worried him the most, he wasn't certain he'd be able to bear any hateful words coming from her mouth.

As they finally arrived, his fears proved true when the other crocodiles received him with glares of contempt and distrust; the only exceptions were Makuu-who instead looked nervous-, Kitwana and the little blue gecko from before. His eyes scanned the area in search of her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Zazu landed in front of Makuu. "Well, here he is," he announced. "I hope you don't forget your end of the bargain."

Makuu shook his head. "I will make sure he doesn't cause trouble, you have my word."

"Very well, then, I will be taking my leave." With that, Zazu was off.

If the atmosphere in the float was tense before, now it was unbearable. Kiburi just stood there, receiving the hate from the other crocodiles, while Makuu tried of something to say to make him feel at home without upsetting the rest of the float, but couldn't think of anything.

Kitwana realized none of the other crocodiles would do so, so he was the first to step forward to greet Kiburi. "Hey, mister Kiburi! It's been a while!"

The reaction was mixed; half the crocodiles were shocked he was speaking to the traitor in such a friendly manner, while others were tense as to how Kiburi would react.

"Hi, kiddo..." Kiburi said, partly thankful for his attention being diverted from the others. "I can't really call you kiddo anymore, though... You've grown."

The next to approach was Hodari, who much to the shock of everybody, Makuu included, greeted Kiburi cheerfully. "Hey, Kiburi!"

Even Kiburi himself was surprised at such greeting from him, considering their previous interactions hadn't been... pleasant. "Hi..." he said rather awkwardly. "It's... nice to see you again, gecko."

He froze when he finally saw her emerging from the waters and coming forward to greet him, her expression cold and indifferent. His heart skipped a beat; it had been so long ever since he last saw her that she looked even more beautiful in his eyes. Hodari and Kitwana went back to Makuu's side to give them some space. However, the float would not leave those two alone because of their past history, in case Kiburi tried to do something.

But he did not show any aggressive demeanor. On the contrary, he was submissive and immobile, especially when Akina stopped a few inches in front of him, her expression still concealing whatever she was feeling from jim.

"Hello, Kiburi." She said finally, her tone also devoid of emotion.

That nearly did it; Kiburi froze when he heard her beautiful voice, his mind wandering back to their more innocent days, when he first saw her in his life, recalling how he loved her from that first moment. He tried to speak, but his jaws clenched shut, fearing any wrong words might drive her further apart.

Eventually, he gathered the courage to speak. "Hello, Akina..." he assumed she would say nothing else for the moment, which was proven right as seconds passed and her lips didn't move. He thought thoroughly of what he was going to say before speaking again. "I know nothing I say will erase the things I did or what I made you go through, but..." Kiburi sighed heavily, averting his gaze out of shame. "I'm sorry."

Makuu, Kitwana and Hodari stared apprehensively at the scene, worried about how Akina would react to this. She didn't look angry, but she didn't look forgiving either.

"I now realize I was selfish and thought only of myself. I was so angry and hurt that you chose Makuu over me that I refused to see he earned your love fair and square. I wanted to make him suffer the way I was suffering, make him feel the same pain I was feeling for losing you... but deep down, I think I also wanted to get back at you for abandoning me... I thought you had, at least."

The silence he was receiving was killing him, so he continued. "I do not expect you to forgive me, Akina..." his eyes were becoming moist, but he did his best not to cry of regret. Not in front of the others. "...But I want you to know that-"

Before he could continue, and much to the surprise of the others, Akina had stepped forward and lay her chin against Kiburi's back while leaning her neck against his: the crocodile equivalent of a hug.

"That's all I wanted to hear..." she whispered into his ear, tears trickling down her cheeks. "You're not a bad crocodile, Kiburi... I forgive you."

That was the last straw. Kiburi returned the 'hug', and closed his eyes shut as he started to weep silently. The rest of the float soon dispersed to give them some privacy, plus they did not want to be around Kiburi just yet.

Kitwana thought Makuu would say something, but he didn't; instead, he did the same as the others and walked away. Kitwana followed him. When they were out of earshot, Kitwana commented. "I thought you'd made a ruckus. I mean, aren't you jealous Akina is hugging him?"

"It's been a long time since they last saw each other, and it wasn't on good terms. Akina loves him like a brother, nothing more," Makuu said calmly. "Besides, since I'll be seeing Kiburi around, I should get used to him and Akina interacting. You'll see."

Kitwana felt a pang of guilt. He decided it was better to tell him at once. Besides, Makuu always preferred to go straight to the point.

"Have you ever wondered if there's something beyond the Pride Lands?" Kitwana asked.

Makuu was caught by surprise by the question. "Well, there's the Outlands, the Backlands..."

"No, I mean even beyond those."

Makuu glanced at Kitwana in confusion.

"During my time with Jiji, he said the humans control the whole world. He showed me pictures from a book his human had of many beautiful and interesting places, places I would have never imagined existed. There's even lots of more animals that you'll never find here, and different human species too..."

Makuu felt a shiver run down his spine when he realized what he was saying. "What do you mean to say?" he asked half-apprehensively, hoping he was misunderstanding.

Reluctantly, Kitwana took a deep breath, and then spoke. "When I learn how to fly, I want to leave the Pride Lands."

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