Roommates (An Alex Ernst Fanf...

By everlustingly

123K 1.9K 524

Dakota Denley is looking for an apartment in LA after her and her boyfriend suffer a horrible breakup and she... More

2: Roommate Ad
3: Getting Ready
4: Meeting the Roommates
5: The First Vlog
6: Welcome Party
7: Movie Day
8: Kota's First Youtube Video
9: David Suprises Us
10: Modeling Gig in Mexico
11: FaceTime Calls
12: Reunited
13: The First Kiss
14: Car Ride
15: Pool Party
16: Editing and Cuddles
17: The First Date
18: Coming out About Us Video
19: Pranks, Pranks, Pranks
20: Hanging out at the House
21: Bad News
22: Airport
23: Meeting the Family
24: Couple in Love (WARNING: SMUT)
25: I Love You to the Moon, Back Around the World Three Times and to my Heart
26: Comfort Cuddles
27: Goodbye, Mom
28: Back to L.A.
29: Boyfriend does my Makeup Challenge
30: Nerf Gun Fights and a New Piercing
31: New Video and Live Show
32: Girls Day
33: Mini Golf
34: Skateboarding and Filming With Kristen
35: Caught Cheating
36: Hiding Out
37: Baking With Todd
38: Seeing Alex
39: Busted
40: Photoshoot
41: Cutting My Hair
42: Vlog Squad Vacation
43: Private Jet and Florida
44: Beach and Fighting
45: Making Up and the Twins
46: Fair and Feelings
47: Old Man Prank
48: Bailey
49: Party and New Car
50: My Forever

1: Moving out

6.5K 88 35
By everlustingly

"You fucking cheated on me, and you're making me be the one to move out? I pay for all the fucking electricity and water and most of your rent half of the time!" I scream, making wild hand gestures at my now ex boyfriend, Parker.

"This apartment was mine before you moved in, so it makes sense for you to be the one to move out! I already packed all of your shit for you, so get it and fucking leave!" Parker yells back.

"You touched my stuff? How fucking dare you! Where the hell did you put it?" I demand to know.

"It's in the living room. Get it and get the hell out of my house!" He screams at me, and I can almost see the steam come out of his ears.

"This makes no sense! I have stuff here too, and you decide to pack it all up and throw me out when I pretty much pay for everything in this apartment?" I screech.

"I have money, you dumb fuck. I can pay for it," Parker says defensively.

I scoff. "Yeah, sure. You have fun trying to pay for this whole apartment by yourself with that minimum wage job at McDonald's you have," I tell him.

"Just get your damn bags and leave! I don't need to take this shit from you anymore!" He yells at me.

"Fucking fine! Have fun trying to pay for all the damn bills and rent by yourself! Good riddance, asshole!" I say, stomping over to the living room and gathering my couple of suitcases.

Luckily, I had only been living with Parker for a month and half so I barely had anything in our apartment besides my clothing and personal belongings. It all somehow managed to fit into a total of five suitcases, which I did my best to fit into my two hands.

I ignored his presence as I angrily made my way from the kitchen to the front door.

"Go have fun with your blonde haired bimbo, Parker," I snarl, and slam the apartment door behind me.

Damn, it felt good to slam the door in his face. However, now I was holding all of my belongings in my hand at 7:30 at night with no place to stay.

It wasn't exactly safe to be a 20 year old girl roaming around he dark L.A. streets at night with no place to stay, so I decided to call up my makeup artist and good friend, Ainsley.

I stand in the lobby of the apartment building and drop the suitcases in my right hand to the floor so I can use my phone. My shaky hand makes its way to my back pocket to pull out my phone.

I slowly type in Ainsley's number and put the phone to my ear. It rings for a couple seconds before she finally answers.

"Hey girl! What's up?" She asks.

"Ainsley?" I ask, my eyes suddenly starting to tear up.

"Oh goodness, Dakota. What's wrong?" Ainsley asks, concern lacing her voice.

"Parker cheated on me and kicked me out of our apartment. I have no where to stay. Is it okay if I stay with you until I find a new place?" I ask, now starting to cry.

"Oh, honey! Of course! I'll come pick you up right now. Share your location with me babe I'll be right there," Ainsley assures me.

I sniffle. "Thank you so much Ainsley I love you so much. This literally means the world. I'll text it to you right now," I say.

"Okay, hold yourself together while I get there, okay? I'll be right there," Ainsley says, and hangs up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and suddenly the few tears steaming down my cheeks turn into a full on sob. I can't hold the tears in anymore.

So much has happened within the past few days, and I just can't keep it together anymore.

First, I came home from a week long modeling gig in the Bahamas to find Parker in our bed fucking another girl, then I find out my mom has cancer, and now Parker kicks me out of our apartment, leaving me homeless. Could it honestly get any worse than this?

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" The doorman asks, noticing me sitting on the bench and crying.

"Yes, yes. I am fine. Thank you," I assure him, trying to wipe the tears from my face without messing up my mascara.

Then, as soon as I manage to clean myself up a little, Ainsley walks through the doors, her long tanned legs walking fast and her long brown hair flowing behind her.

"Oh my god, babe. Are you alright?" She asks, clearly noticing my tear streamed face and messy hair.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can we just go now?" I ask, my eyes feeling very puffy from crying.

"Oh course, honey. Let's get your bags in the car," she says, grabbing two of the five suitcases I have.

We make our way out of the apartment building and towards Ainsley's car. She tells me to put my suitcases into the backseat and I do as she says. Then I get into the passenger seat and we set off to her house.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. Parker is a douche," Ainsley says.

I laugh at this and smile for the first time in what seems like forever.

"I know he is, right? God, I wish I never dated him," I say, attempting to wipe my eyes again.

"You deserve someone so much better than him, girl. You're a super model for fucks sake, you don't need some guy that works at McDonald's," she says, making us both laugh.

"Thank you so much, Ainsley. I promise I won't stay too long. I'll go apartment hunting tomorrow," I promise her.

"Girl, you stay however long you need. I'm here for you, and my house is yours whenever you need it to be," Ainsley assures me.

"I don't want to bother you for too long, but thank you so much Ains. It means the world," I tell her.

I tuck my long blonde hair behind my ears and lean my head on the back of the seat as we slowly make our way to Ainsley's house.

Sure enough, we reach there in about five more minutes, and she takes two suitcases out of the back seat and leads me into the house.

I've been over Ainsley's house plenty of times, considering she was one of my only friends in L.A. besides Parker and his friends. But I had never stayed longer than night, but I guess that changes today.

"You can have the guest bedroom right here. Logan is out of town for the next couple of weeks, so you don't even have to worry about running into him," Ainsley tells me. Logan is her fiancé and soon to be husband who lives with her.

She opens the door to the guest room for me, and leads me inside, putting my suitcases on the floor.

"You know where the upstairs bathroom is, and if you need me my room is right down the hall. It's getting late, Kota. Get some sleep, okay?" Ainsley tells me.

"Yeah, I will. Thank you," I tell her, dropping the suitcases I have on the floor.

"Night, Kota," she says, walking out of the door.

"Night, Ains," I say, as the closed the door behind her.

I don't bother changing or unpacking or anything, I just crawl right under the covers of my new bed and stare up at the ceiling.

I have already decided to go down to the other apartment complex near my old one and look at the bulletin board for any roommate ads tomorrow. Maybe I'd get lucky and find someone who desperately needed a roommate soon, and not have to bother Ainsley for more than a day or two.

But until then, I still needed to sleep. So I got out of my bed and went to shut off the lights. Then, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell right asleep.

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