Fates Will // Highschool dxd...

By MrKiraQueen

30.8K 324 469

Many years have passed since the nettle with Buu and the Son family has gotten another member to their family. More

Ch 2: The Raven Strikes
Ch 3: The Saiyan Vs Devils
Late updates

Ch1: Unknown Danger

7.8K 88 115
By MrKiraQueen

3rd POV

It had been over 20 since the defeat of the evil Buu who had terrorized the entire universe! And then Peace has reigned over the world. Everyone's was happy with this except for the saiyans mostly the full blooded ones and during this time period Goku or Kakarot called by Vegeta, has had another child who was also a boy, he had black spiky hair like his father, onyx eyes, a brown fuzzy tail, and a charming smile, the boy was named (Y/N). (Y/N) was almost identical to his father he loved to fight, train, and eat but didn't bother much with school even though he was forced to attend because of his mother.

   (Y/N) however wasn't completely like his father, he still had some pride in him but it didn't overshadow him, he was rebellious from time to time and got into a lot of fights ending him getting expelled from many schools; on one occasion he had accidentally broken a boy's ribs and given 3 other people concussions. (Y/N) also got the chance to train with both his father and his rival Prince Vegeta who was reluctant to train (Y/N) but did so anyways since he and others were going to be the next generation of saiyans.

   However peace cannot always last, 7 years after the defeat of Buu other new threats showed their faces such as Beerus the god of destruction who was the hardest opponent Son Goku has ever fought and let's not forget Freeza a galactic pirate was resurrected to destroy earth and get revenge against the saiyans only to fail again. A evil version of Goku showing up, fighting for the survival of the multiverses...now what's next?

"Ha!" (Y/N) shouted landing a punch onto Vegeta's face while in the spaceship at 600x earth's normal gravity. Vegeta's body didn't move an inch shocking (Y/N) a bit, he had put everything into one punch but instead a smirk formed on Vegeta's face.

"Not good enough" In a flash Vegeta grabbed (Y/N)'s arm pulling him closer and kneeing him in the gut causing spit to fly out of (Y/N)'s mouth. (Y/N) clutched his stomach in pain as Vegeta looked down on him before turning off the gravity machine.

"Ah man, that hurts" (Y/N) moaned in pain gasping in between his words trying to catch his breathe.

"Walk it off. You have already surpassed the other child of Kakarot so don't slack off understood?" Vegeta said getting a nod from (Y/N). It's ironic Vegeta hates Goku..er Kakarot yet he sees Kakarot's son as his own it was this feeling that caused Vegeta to train (Y/N).

"Hey guy's come on and eat!" Bulma the wife of Vegeta and one of the smartest person alive shouted getting both Vegeta and (Y/N) to smile, eating was the best thing to do after having a rough sparring session.

Like usual saiyans both (Y/N) and Vegeta began to gulp down the food at fast paste which wasn't to surprising. It had began to turn dusk and (Y/N) had to get back home soon if he didn't want a scolding from his mom.

"Thanks for the food Bulma, bye!" (Y/N) shouted from the distance flying away from their house to his own. Flying was something (Y/N) always enjoyed doing, the wind passing through his body felt amazing, the view he could get was astonishing as well.

After flying for a few minutes flying over mountains and rivers he could finally see his house coming to view. The son family always preferred living in the woods alongside with nature instead of crowded cities so it was pretty silent around his area except for the bugs and animals.

"Hey dad!" (Y/N) waved getting the attention of Goku who waved back as (Y/N) landed a few feet away from him.

"Hey (Y/N) how was training with Vegeta?" Goku asked as they began to walk home.

"Not to bad" (Y/N) replied shrugging getting a chuckle from his father. "Hey dad I want to fight you while your in super saiyan form" (Y/N) suddenly said shocking Goku a bit.

"Where have you been all day young man?" Chichi asked in a stern voice. Chichi was a very protective mother which was good and bad at the same time.

"U-um I was training" (Y/N) replied sweating nervously. Chichi was scary when she was mad.

"Well I hope you enjoyed training because I got you enrolled to a prestigious Highschool with the money Mr.Satan gave us" (Y/N)'s face paled at the moment his mother mentioned school. (Y/N) had dropped out school for a few months due to another fight and now he has to go to school again.

"B-but mom what if I get into another fight?" (Y/N) asked trying to convince his mother to not enroll in the Highschool. "No but's young man. You need a proper education and become like Gohan" (Y/N) cringed when she mentioned becoming like his older brother. (Y/N) didn't hate his older brother it's just that becoming a scholar was not his interest and he couldn't even think about starting a family.

"Now go take a shower. I don't want my baby boy to smelling like fish" With a sigh (Y/N) made his way towards the shower, however, before he could a hand landed on his right shoulder, looking behind he was met with a usual grin from his father. "Hey (Y/N)..I know you don't want to go to school but please try..for Chichi she means well for you" (Y/N) was slightly taken back by what his father had just said, he knew his father wasn't someone who would say those kinds of words, but soon his shocked face turned into a smile.

   "Ok dad" (Y/N) replied before continuing his way towards the shower. Even though (Y/N) didn't want to go he would try his best not to get into trouble his mother had gone through a lot of trouble getting him in and he didn't want to disappoint her.

"New school here I come" (Y/N) declared turning this shower on.


"(Y/N) wake up!" Startled, (Y/N) fell of his bed and onto the floor, with a groan he slowly got up and saw the cause of his fall was his mother Chichi. "M-mom that was mean" (Y/N) said sleepily rubbing his eyes. "I got you your uniform now get changed and come eat breakfast" (Y/N) lightly groaned after hearing uniforms. (Y/N) always hated uniforms since most of the school uniforms were uncomfortable and usually too tight. After putting his uniform on (Y/N) made his way over to the table where a ton of food was laid.

"Thanks for the food mom!" (Y/N) thanked before digging in with his father consuming everything that was on the table like a vacuum. Chichi had seen saiyans eat before many times so seeing her son and husband suck in all the food wasn't to surprising but what she found surprising was how they didn't choke while eating.

"Man that was great! Thanks again. Bye mom bye dad!" (Y/N) said as he hopped out of his seat and ran out the house before leaping into the air and blasting off leaving a trail of blue aura behind him.


"So we're getting a new student huh?" Sona said getting a nod from her pawn. They were currently waiting outside to give the new student a tour of the school areas and borders. "Oh I hope it's a girl" Saji a pawn of Sona hoped imaging s girl with long yellow hair, shiny blue eyes, and large breasts, causing him to slightly drool. "Saji control yourself" Sona ordered "sorry ma'am" Saji replied.

"Hey I think that's the new kid" Saji pointed to (Y/N) who was receiving glared from everyone and whispered going around.

"Wow would you look at those arms" "How is his hair standing up like that?" "His smile is so adorable~" The girls whispered admiring his well toned body and his bright smile.

"Ugh, another pretty boy" "We must eliminate him!" "Enemy of man!" Whispers or more like shouts went around the boys despising the young saiyan for attracting the girls.

"Hello you must be the new student am I correct?" (Y/N) stayed silent for a bit as he felt weird energy he had never sensed before, it was a mix of evil yet good at the same time. "Uh hello?" Saji waved his hand getting (Y/N) attention. "Oh sorry about that. Yes I am the new student" (Y/N) finally replied giving them the famous son family grin getting a small smile from them.

"My names Sona and I am the president of the student council and this Saji and partner of mine" Sona introduced herself and her pawn as they began to walk. "My names (Y/N) it's nice to meet you guys" (Y/N) said in a cheery voice like his usual self.

"This right here is the kendo club a club for martial arts etc" (Y/N) nodded observing the building. Without wasting more time they began to make their way to other buildings.


"If you need any help please contact the student council. Here is your schedule" Sona said handing (Y/N) the schedule. "Thank you for the tour, bye!" (Y/N) waved as he made this way to his classroom walking down the seemingly endless hallway. After walking for a few minutes getting lost a couple of times he finally made it with a knock on the door he waited until it was opened by a young female teacher around the age of 25.

"Hello you must be the new student right?" (Y/N) nodded keeping his grin. The teacher gestured for him to come in. The moment he had took his first step into the classroom it fell silent and all eyes were glued onto him, the students watching (Y/N)'s every step as he walked in front of them.

"Class this is your new classmate please treat him with kindness." The teacher instructed before focusing her attention back to (Y/N). "Could you please introduce yourself?" With a nod (Y/N) said with a grin. "Hello everyone! My names Son (Y/N), I love training, fighting, and eating. I hope we have a fun year together!" (Y/N) said giving them the famous son grin causing most of the girls squeal and most boys to groan.

"Thank you introducing yourself. Now does anyone have questions for (Y/N)?" A few hands went up after the teachers question. (Y/N) pointed to a girl. "Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked making (Y/N) for a second, he never really had friends his age he usually trained, sparred with his brother, father, and vegeta but didn't have any girlfriends. "Uh no?" (Y/N) said in a unsure tone of voice which managed to satisfy the girl. "Are you pervert?" Another girl asked. "Uh I don't think I am" (Y/N) shrugged. "Are you here to steal the girls?!" A boy who had short hair with a muscular body shouted. "Ok that's enough questions for now. (Y/N) please take a seat next to teacher instructed before (Y/N) could respond. A hand went up from a girl with blonde hair and green eyes as the girls slightly groaned and the boys glaring daggers at the confused saiyan.

   "It's nice to meet you (Y/N)" Asia muttered out. "It's nice to meet you to Asia, I hope we have a good year" Asia blushed slightly noticing the grin (Y/N) was giving her but quickly nodded before burying her face in the books to hide her red face leaving (Y/N) confused. "What a odd girl" (Y/N) mumbled as he focused his attention to what the teacher was saying.


   "Hi (Y/N)~Kun, would you like to eat lunch with us?" A girl asked with smile and her friends by her side. (Y/N) didn't see the problem so being a friendly person (Y/N) accepted. "Follow us~" Another girl said as they led the way with (Y/N) following close by. As they walked down the hallway the girls and (Y/N) passed a two girls one with long red hair and blue eyes another one with long black raven and violet eyes so what was so special about these two? (Y/N) had sensed powerful energy coming from them.

   "Who were those two?" (Y/N) asked midway which seemed to irritate the other girls. "Those two are Rias and Akeno. Complete whores" One of the girls said saying the last part quietly. Without saying anything else they made their way outside and sat under a perfect cherry blossom tree.

   "Say (Y/N)~kun, have you ever kissed anyone?" One of the girls who had long and curly golden hair asked getting dangerously close to his neck (Y/N) could already feel her warm breath tickling his neck making him giggle a bit. "No I don't think I have" (Y/N) responded getting a smirk from them confusing him a bit more.

   As they talked and eat (Y/N) wasn't eating much as he kept feeling weird energy from the area. He looked up and saw the girls he met in the hallway looking at him from a old building, want and wonder in their eyes.

   "Taken a interest in the new boy lady Rias?" Akeno asked in a teasing tone of voice getting a no from Rias. "Yes something about him that reminds me of someone but I can't remember who. I am also aware that you have his suppressed power have you not?" Rias replied. "Yes and I'm wondering how much power he really has~" Akeno moaned slightly imagining kinky stuff while Rias sighed. "We're gonna have to keep a close eye on him" Rias added as she turned around.

   "Hey (Y/N)~kun would you like some poky?" The girl (I'll call her Luna for now) asked showing him some porch sticks which (Y/N) nodded. "I love these!" (Y/N) happily shouted before eating them happily chewing on 'em unaware of the large crowd of girls surrounding him. The girls made a 'Aww' sound as they watched the innocent saiyan eat the poky sticks.


   After lunch it was finally time to head back to classes. As (Y/N) made his way to his next class looking down at his schedule he didn't realize he had bumped into someone until he herd a groaning noise. "Hey are you alright?" (Y/N) asked lending a hand for the boy to get up. "Yeah sorry for running into ya" He replied before spiriting off while (Y/N) shrugged and continued his way to class.

   "Man what's the guy made out of?" Issei famous for being a pervert asked himself, his body still in pain. It felt like running into a brick wall when he had bumped into (Y/N) who had seemed to be unfazed which confused the brown haired pervert even more.

   "Oh well" Issei added as he made his way to his class.


   It was finally the end of the day and to (Y/N)'s surprise he hadn't gotten into a fight...until now. (Y/N) was making his way from his classes and was outside when the girls he had passed during lunch walked up to him asking few questions like if he liked to join their club.

   "You think you're tough pretty boy?! I'll show you who the alpha is!" The muscular boy (Y/N) had spotted in class shouted angrily attracting unwanted attention making the girls worry about (Y/N)'s well being and the other boys smirk wanting to see him beat up. "Watch and see Rias! I'll show you I'm the strongest!" The supposed it 'Alpha' shouted towards Rias's direction who seemed disgusted. "Hey can you stop shouting my ears hurt" (YN) complained. (Y/N) had sensitive ears since he could hear much better than humans which was a good and bad thing.

   "Eat this!!" The 'Alpha' shouted swigging at (Y/N) who didn't do anything and took the punch head on. The girls closed their eyes not wanting to see their crush beat up while the boys watched in delight, however, instead of hearing a loud cry of pain they herd nothing; when the girls opened their eyes they saw that (Y/N) was unscathed. "Ahhh!!" The 'Alpha' cried out in pain his hand bright red. "W-what the hell are you made out of?!" He shouted clutching his hand in pain. "Uh flesh and bones" remarked the young saiyan.

   "You think you're tough? Get him!" He shouted as 10 other boys surrounded (Y/N) as he smiled in confusion thinking that this was a sparring session. "Oh I get it! You guys want to spar, you should've just asked" (Y/N) said aloud causing sweat for form on the spectators heads from his comment. Without wasting another second the gang of boys rushed at (Y/N) one swigging a punch only for (Y/N) to quickly dodge and give him a 'light' slap sending him crashing into the school wall installing fear in the other boys.

   "Why you!" (Y/N) leaped back as a boy attempted to kick him. (Y/N) responded by grabbing the boy's foot and spinning him around before sending him crashing into his friends. "You guys should train more" (Y/N) said giggling making the boys groan.

   "What is going on here?!" The president of the student council shouted as she pushed through the crowd of people and was pretty angry at what she was seeing. "Oh hi Sona we were just sparring" (Y/N) said in his usual cheery voice as he waved at Sona. "This is your first day and you get into a fight?" Sona asked raising her voice. "Wait that's not what happened" Rias interrupted. "I was talking to (Y/N) here when this person attacked him" Rias added. "Is this true?" Sona asked the people getting nods from 90% of them which was convincing enough.

   "You and your friends are going to be getting suspended from school for 4 days. (Y/N) I know you were defending yourself but you will be getting after school detention tomorrow" Sona said before walking away and soon the others started to walk away as well.

   "Well it was nice talk to you guys bye!" (Y/N) said as he began to make his way towards his house unaware that Rias had her eyes on him. "Koneko, Issei, I want you both to follow him" Rias ordered her rook and pawn getting a nod from them as they spirited towards the young saiyan silently.


   As (Y/N) made his way back home he stopped mid way and stared down at a crystal lake that he had accidentally stumbled upon and couldn't detach his eyes from. (Y/N) was captivated by the crystal clear lake that he was unaware of a female walking towards him.

"Hey there darling~" a smooth yet seductive voice purred as she stroked (Y/N)'s brown and fuzzy tail that had been swigging back and forth from staring the lake causing (Y/N) to feel a bit weak and feel slightly pleasure something he was no familiar with since unlike most teenagers (Y/N) never really touched himself.

   "Huh, oh hello" (Y/N) said giving the famous son grin once more taking the girl by surprise but she quickly composed herself and played with her long white hair and smiled. "I was wondering...if you like to go on a date with me" (Y/N) knew what a date was but he had never went on a date before normally (Y/N) would refuse but he decided to give it a shot. "Sure but the way my names (Y/N) it's nice to meet you" (y/N) introduced himself smiling. "My names Emma, lets meet again on this lake tomorrow ok cutie~" She purred kissing the crook of (Y/N)'s neck sending shivers down his body. Emma winked at (Y/N) before running off giggling.

   "Well better head home" (Y/N) muttered to himself blasting off into the sky unaware of other two people that had been spying on him the whole time.

   "Hey pervert you saw he was able to fly right?" Koneko asked shocked that he was able to fly and more surprised that he had a tail, was he nekomata? It was uncertain. "Oh man did you see her boobs?! They be larger than Rias's!" Issei cried out drooling about pressing his face against the large pair of breasts which caused him to receive a punch to the gut by Koneko. "Y-yeah I saw." Issei added gasping for air and clutching his gut in pain.


   "So he was able to fly huh? And had a tail? This is certainly a turn of events" Rias said thinking about how a human or nekomata was able to fly without wings. "How is that possible, to fly without wings?" Kiba asked her king who remained silent. "I don't know but what I do know is that if a fallen angel is after him he must have a powerful sacred gear" The princess of destruction replied. "Well a man shrouded in mysteries now that's my type of guy~" Akeno cooed licking her lips. "And a innocent one to. I can't wait to take his innocence~" Added the sadistic/masochist sending shivers down everyone spine.

   "(Y/N)...he maybe my next piece...and my way to get out of the marriage alongside Issei" Rias said to herself as a picture of (Y/N) grinning flashed inside her mind which, to her surprise, kind of calmed her down and felt protected.


   "My baby boy got a date!" Chichi happily shouted tightly hugging her son slightly causing (Y/N) to blush. "Congrats little bro" Goten the older brother of (Y/N) said in a teasing tone of voice ruffling (Y/N)'s hair. "Guys it's not a big deal..." (y/N) said trying to ignore their comments. "Make sure to wear protection (Y/N), I don't want my baby to become a father at such a young age" Chichi said aloud causing (Y/N)'s face to turn red as he knew what Chichi was talking about. "MOM!" (Y/N) yelled as his family laughed.


A/N: Hello everyone! How was chapter one? Please leave some feedback on things I need to improve.  I do apologize if it isn't the best since it is my first time writing. The person on the top is what Emma looks like btw. Thanks for reading chapter one and I'll see ya in chapter two, bye!

Word count: 3841

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