The Magic in my Veins

By ringsx

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This is a book that I wrote, it has swears. More



63 2 0
By ringsx

-Emerald's P.O.V-

The ray of light moves across the yard and hits the target.
"I did it!" Callum says excited
"You hit the target, you're aiming for a bullseye." I say, "But congrats."
"Were you able to hit it first try when you were training?" He asks
"Yeah, I was." I say, "Scott, how you doing?" A shadow moves across the yard and hits the target in the center, "Nice." Another ray of light moves across the yard and hits the target in the center.
"Can we learn how to become animals now?" Callum asks
"If Scott wants to as well." Sam says, "Teaching animals is hard and none of us want to do it twice." Callum looks over at Scott who's still hitting the target with the shadow.
"Sure." He says

-I Don't Feel Like Typing Out the Whole Lesson soooo Time Skip-

The animals are based off your personality and sometimes a strong emotional connection to someone so Callum might not get a fox. Well, Callum got a fox and Scott got a fox as well which was a little surprising. Callum as a fox has yellow, black and white fur. The orange part of a fox is yellow for him and his tail, ears and paws give off some light. Scott as a fox is black and purple. The orange part of a fox is black, his snout, feet/legs and the tip of his tail are all purple. They both seem pretty satisfied with their animals.

-Scott's P.O.V-

A fiery fox walks up the hill and sits next to me.
"Ash I'm really not in the mood." I say
"I don't give shit weather you in the mood or not." She says, "I also don't care what the fuck is going on with you and Callum but you need to work it out." I roll my eyes.
"Easier said than done." I say
"If you don't work this thing out we could all potentially die." She says, "I'm not gonna soften the truth, you have to learn how to get over it."
"You're good at pep talks." I say sarcastically
"I'm not giving you a pep talk." She says, "I'm telling you to get over your shit, even if you have to confront Callum or something, figure it out." She stands up, "We work as a team, not as a team plus Scott and Callum who don't work as a team, it's crucial for your elements to work together." She walks away.
"Tough love." I mumble to myself.
"Yeah, it is." Ash falls over her shoulder. She disappears around the corner leaving me with what she said.

-Rico's P.O.V-

It's 4:07 in the morning. I'm sitting on the couch, reading my book when Callum comes out.
"You're up early." I say
"Couldn't sleep." He says
"Have you tried sleeping as a fox?" I ask, "Wait, you haven't developed your animal characteristics yet."
"What're those?" He asks
"You become more like your animal." I say, "As a fox your hearing, sight and sense of smell will get better. You'll also be able to fall asleep and wake up easier. What's eating at you?"
"Just... people." He says
"Who?" I ask
"It's complicated." He says
"I've got time." I say
"Someone likes me, and I told them I don't like them back, because I don't, but now I'm having second thoughts." He says
"That's your problem." I say
"In this situation you don't listen to your thoughts. Call me cheesy but you need to listen to your heart, not you head." I say, "Heads are good at tell us what not to do, hearts tell us what to do." He sighs.
"It's not just if I like them it's another thing as well." He says
"I know, it's Scott." I say, he give me a 'how did you know?' look, "I have my ways. Look, being gay, or bisexual, or what ever the heck you are can't be suppressed. You're gonna except it eventually, might as well sooner than later."
"Are you saying I'm-"
"Oh my flipping glob." I say, "Look, Callum. Listen to your heart. What is it saying?" We sit in silence for a second.
"Scott." He says
"Ok, so you like Scott. Good for you. What you are is your decision, there's no way we're not gonna support you, half us us are in a gay relationship."
"Emerald and Ash... who else?" He asks
"Rico and are dating and Rain is pansexual." I say, "Ash and Rico are gay, Emerald and Rain are pan and I'm bi, we're diverse group."
"What book are you reading?" He asks
"The Air is Thicker from Above." I say
"What is it with you guys and reading books with your elements?" He asks jokingly, "Ash is reading How to Set a Fire and Why, Rain is reading Rain Reign, Emerald is reading Deep in the Forest and Rico is reading... what is he reading?"
"I never really thought of that." I say, "He's reading The World from up Here, I guess that works."
"Hey guys." Ash says walking in from outside, "Wuzzup?"
"Not much, just talking." I say, "What were you doing outside?"
"Just taking a walk." She says, "I can put up my shield if you're tired."
"Uh, sure, g'night." I take my shield down and she puts up hers. I walk into 'my room' and lay down best to Rico.

-Callum's P.O.V-

I sit down on the bed and sigh heavily.
"Keep it down some of us are trying to sleep." Scott says
"I barely made a noise." I say, he rolls over, his back to me, "Scott, no going to bed mad." I joke. A muffled laugher comes from his side of the bed.
"Ash is really good at tough love." He says, "She told us to work whatever the heck is happening between us out."
"Easier said than done." I say, there's a long silence.
"Callum look I-"
"I should be the one who's sorry." I say cutting him off.
"Go on." He says
"To quote Sam, 'I was listening to my head rather than my heart.'" I say, "I've liked you for a bit, I just did exactly know what those emotions were."
"You're cute when you say cheesy things." He says, neither of us know what to say, "Shoot, it's late, night." He turns off the lamp and lays down. I lay down next to him, a little closer than usual.

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This book has been deleted twice, this is the second time I'm reuploading it. THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN SMUT. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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