Fire Girl {UNEDITED}

By warriorwomen

9.1K 417 79

Aisling is a red headed, hot tempered tomboy who may not be the perfect princess material, but makes up the w... More

Rumors of Rebellion
Final Breakdown
Grey Twister Spiders
Escape from Jhonesswood
Safely Trapped
Escape from the Castle
Into the Woods
The Mounted Soldiers
Deeper In
The Wizards
Kingdom of Drakon
Into the Unknown
Greyark of the Dark Forest
The Second Camp
Allies Again
Abandoned Castle
The Final Attack
War's End
Broken Girl
Fire's Solas

Captive for a Captive

258 15 6
By warriorwomen

Douglas wakes up some time in the evening to eat. The nurses had put him in his own bed chamber since his condition was improved so well. He still has a realy small appetite but eats all of what he is given hungrily. I came in just as he was finishing.

"Oi! If it isn't my hero," His voice is weak but his old smile has returned.

"That title actually belongs to Riesha. She found the entrance to the tunnel that led to the-"

"Finally getting to be a hero and you brush it off. What happened to my little sister?"

I sit on the edge of his bed. "I cannot tell you how glad I am that you are alright."

"I could say the same to you. After you escaped, I was just praying you'd make it home safely. I never thought you'd ride in on a white horse to save us. After all I'm your big brother, I'm supposed to protect you."

"You've taken care of me for so long. It is time for me to save you," I smile.

"Oh, Odin we've gotten sappy," he laughs. I give him a litte shove and join in laughing.

"But really Doug, were you that surprised that I just had to come and save you all?"

"No, it was that you had come with the calvary riding behind you. And a bood y marvelous one at that. I didn't even know this place existed."

"You of li'le faith," I tease.

"Really though, how did you do it?"

I sigh and begin. I start from my trek through the swamp then being found. I spare him no details and tell him all of it, from my escape to finding Zola and Quentin deep in the forest with Thom. Lastly, I tell about coming to Drakon and then finding him. He is a good listener.

"....once we were separated from the rest of the Drakon warriors, Riesha and I found the entrance to the tunnel that led us to you. From there n you know the rest o' the story."

"Yeah," he says staring at me. "You are remarkable, Aisling. I'm so sorry you had to do this all on your own."

But I have never felt alone. Not since Thom had climbed through my window at the castle. He had always been there for me. "I wasn't totally alone...." I mumble. "So what about you all? What happened since I escaped?"

"After the scuffle, the guards hadn't paid much attention to you being missing. That is until we arrived at the camp and the were hounded by one of thier leaders about it. Obviously all brawn and no brains, that lot. They separated all of us from mum. I haven't heard much of her since. Then I was put straight into a tent with Henning and Hagin. They kept us there on a ration of water and stale bread. Nothig really happened with us three until I was taken away to be tortured. They pulled me out of the tent and marched me straightforward with a blindfold. From there you've heard the rest." 

I can tell he is watering down his sufferings for my sake. I take his hand. "i'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner."

"You're here now and that's what matters."

"Look there is something...." I start but am interrupted by the guards entering the room and posting themselves on the inside of the door. Elise trails in after.

"I'm terribly sorry to be interrupting," She says to me but I see her eyes wander to Douglas.

He sits up as straight as he can in his bed. "You are fine, your highness."

She smiles shyly. "Douglas, it is an honor to meet you. We are all very pleased at your swift recovery."

"I am too. It wasn't hard to recover with your incredible nurses being so attentive." I give Douglas a look. He doesn't need to talk all fancy and proper. It's not like he's king yet.

"It is good to hear that. Drakon is always eager to aid the future king of our allies." Oh, my gosh, she's flirting.

"I will remember your kindness when I return to rally the troops." Oh, Sif, is he flirting back?

"You are very gracious, sir," She smiles and then looks to a very disgusted me. "Aisling, I could not make any arrangments for warriors to leave so soon with you. They would have to do it of their own free will. But I can prvide you with a horse fom the common stables. I do hope that you find him and I wish you all the luck I have." With proper goodbyes, she exits. Maybe she isn't so uptight.

"Where are you going?" Douglas inquires, sounding very concerned.

"If dad is out here being tortured as you were, then I'm going to find him."

Douglas stares at me. "You are going alone? That is suicide! Not alone no....oh gosh if only I could stand from this wretched bed. You cannot do this, Aisling."

"I have to! I don't care what they risk is."

He groans. "I know there's no way I can change your mind on this." He shakes his head looking out his window. 



I kiss his forehead. "I will find him and come back to you." He doesn't move.

I drag my feet out of the room. I barely hear him speak as I walk out, "Do not underestimate them like I did."


I stroke the nose of the horse Elise has allowed me. All morning I have been grabbing few provisions and reajusting my armor.

Finally, after waiting for my heart rate to settle, I mount the horse's bareback. 

"Oi, princess. You trying to get yourself killed?"

"Riesha?" I ask looking over my shoulder at the strong-willed, darkskinned partner of mine.

"Listen, girl. You may not be the wisest, but the heart you show for your family is more than some warriors gain in a lifetime. If you are willing to go on a suicide mission to save your dad, then we're with you."

"We?" I ask, my spirits lifting. 

"We." Slowly, more warriors enter the barn. With a curt salute to me, they go and mount their own steed. It isn't the whole regiment, but plenty for a rescue. Riesha rides to my side grinning. I shake my head, amazed.

"Let's go."


We all reach the area of the Unknown camp. After dismounting we all spread out. We can see each other but leave gaps in between us so we can cover a larger area. From this formation we set out.

The search was going well with all the warriors being here. However it was still very dull and felt pointless at many times. It is also hard because it turns out to be hot and humid today. My damp leggings are clinging with sweat. Even Riesha has to stop and  brush the sweat off her face with her forearm.

We press on. I keep hoping that the next tree we pass will reveal how close we are to my father but it never does. Just more and more sickly trees dense with moss. Eventually we turn back and begin to strategize more.

"We should search north.of the tunnel where Prince Douglas was found," One of the warriors suggests. So we do just that for two miles of land.

We are treking back from the north when I think of what Douglas told me. "He was taken straight from the tent to the forest."

"Well that still won't tell us which tent he was brought straight from."

"No it wouldn't. But I know the Unknowns brought us through the swamp and straight on from there to the camp. Therefore, they must be out from the swamp." The sun is going down as make it back to our horses. Farther east, we reach the swamp and begin our search inward toward the camp.

 I feel my heart begin to pound as I hear noises that get louder as we move in. Pounding and chanting. I raise my hand and the warriors all halt. Reisha and I exchange a look.

Definately up ahead. The very small light is now visible between the trees.

"It is them." Riesha breathes. "All warriors to join your ranks around the camp."

"Riesha," I say placing a hand on her shoulder. "No matter what happens, you have to get my dad out of there."

She looks at my hand then to my face. "Aisling what..."

"Promise me that no matter what, we get him out."

"Yes, of course."

"He is our priority."

"I got it, Aisling. We'll be fine." She goes and takes the lead. I fall back into the ranks.


I'd rather be on the ground right now, honestly. It wasn't my idea to stick my up in one of the lower trees. But seeing as I was the only warrior carying a bow and the aerial advantage, I have obliged.

I steady my back against the trunk of the tree and knock an arrow. It is difficult to see, but I my eyes make out a circle of hooded figures surroundng someone. I assume this must be my dad being tortured.

My instict normally would drive me to act now. But I am awaiting orders of the Warriors who have organized more ambushes than I ever have imagined.

Moments pass and I hear a cry of, "Drakon!"All around the Unknowns, warriors swarm in to suround them. But rather than surrender, they draw swords. I expected nothing less. The sound of swords meeting in combat begins.

I keep a sharp eye out from my perch. Everyone is cleverly locked in combat but me. I prepare to take aim when I see the lone cloaked figure standing over my father. He is eyeng one of the warriors. Slowly a boulder beside him is lifted into the air.

I shoot my arrow. It flies straight past his ear, breaking his focus. I see his head snap upward and smirk at me.

Running out on a limb of the tree, it bends allowing me to jump safety to the ground. I charge my opponent, knife drawn. My father's body is curled tight into a ball. From what I see of him, he looks as bad as Douglas did.

I turn my focus back to the man. He stands empty handed. He raises them as if in surrender. "Coward," I hiss, "Step away from the king."

"Whatever you say, little warrior." Still sporting a smirk he takes a dramatically large step. He "trips" and drops to the ground, swinging his legs hard across the back of my knees. Catching myself, I roll to the side as he pounces. I kick back just hitting his face.

He grasps my foot as I aim to kick again. I step on his hands with my free foot then pounce onto his back. I hold my knife across his throat.

"Give it up," I say pulling the kinfe tighter and tighter against him.

 "Very confident for someone in your position." I am about to question what he means when I see the boulder floating over one of the nearest warriors. "No." I whisper. I lurch forward. There is barely enough time. But I tackle the warrior away from the Unknown she has been fighting. The boulder crushes him and barely misses our feet.

The warrior and I get back to our feet slowly. "Thank you." She says. I nod and stomp back to the man. But he is coming faster to me. I raise my knife, but his strong hands grasp my throat. I slash across his arm but it doesn't even leave a scatch.

My lungs burn and scream for air that I cannot deliver them. The mans hands are clogging my airway, with fog it feels like. He moves to hold me in front of him like a human shield. My feet drag in the dirt.

"Pull back!" He exclaims. "Leave the King!" The two Uunknowns remaining alive extend their hands shooting out a thick fog like the one I feel inside me. I see the warriors quickly snatch up my dad. None of them seem to notice I am missing. Except Riesha.

Her eyes meet mine and I see them fill with horror. Before she can do anything I shake my head. "Get king," I wheeze. She seems to have understood somehow and disapears with the rest of the warriors into the fog.

Everything else becomes fogged and I feel a familiar pinch on the back of my neck. "Darn spiders," I mutter, just before all goes black.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Vote, Share, but most of all COMMENT. I long to hear your lovely opinions!


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