Greyark of the Dark Forest

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A hard slap across the face greets me as I come to. 

"Ah, there she is," gloats the man who took me away. He has now taken off his cloak revealing his face. Though I despise myself for thinking it, he is ridiculously handsome. Dark chiseled features a perfect jawline, dark brown eyes, accented by his dark hair. Such a waste. 

I am sitting beneath a tent on a dirt floor, bound hand and foot. My head aches as I did the last time I met with an Unknown like this. I choose to stare at the ground. The man just chuckles. "Not wanting to talk? Don't worry you will soon enough."

"The Warriors of Drakon will never allow me to be kept here long. They are probably already planning an attack so deadly you all will barely survive it. You will be wiped out in the blink of an eye."

"Oh, I quiver with fear," He says his face leaning in closer to mine. His brown eyes staring right through me. "Such a cute act. Pretending to be one of the warriors. Fairly clever move on your part, Princess Aisling of Solas." He spits my name and the tent is silent. 

I bite the inside of my cheek and look him straight in the eye. "What gave it away?"

The light flickers. I hear the pride dripping from his voice. "You gave a valiant effort to being a warrior but in the end, there is only one blood red head Princess with the nerve you have. So in the end I suppose it was your hair that betrayed you, darling."

"Curse it." i mumble.

The man begins to pace in front of me. "Oh dear me, Princess. Do not be to harsh I was rather impressed by the form that the warriors took. Not the Drakon's normal. Your doing was it?"

My silence gives him his answer. "Oh my." He pulls my chin upward to look at his stupidly handsome grinning face. "Clever as the devil and twice as pretty."

I spit on his hand. I do not mean this as a girl who fishes to be flattered: I am not pretty. Mum is pretty. My cousin Addie is pretty. I am as pretty as a goat's rear end. And if this pig thinks that he will flatter information out of me he can kiss my-

"Now....if I didn't know any better, I'd say that Drakon had to have been planning this attack. But how on earth could they have planned an attack on a secret torture facility?" He looks at me with a look of false confusion. "Why I'd say that they have been fed information from some where."

I stare straight ahead at the wall of the tent. My face remains emotionless to his words. I cannot give away anything. It was my fault I was taken and I will be no more of a hazard to Drakon than any other Warrior who would have been taken.

Fire Girl {UNEDITED}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα