The Ancient One

By OscarHinklevitch

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[COMPLETE] Wild vampires have come to America for the first time, and with no experience in handling them, th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

46 7 0
By OscarHinklevitch

Kristiana watched Sam and his mother leave. Yes, she really liked him a lot, but she knew it wouldn't end well. There was no way it could.

"My sweet, I think this evening went very well, especially for you," Charlotte said.

Kristiana turned to face her, tears running down her cheeks, both from sadness and also a seething anger. That anger was on the verge of exploding, and she knew she couldn't say anything without doing irreparable damage to their relationship. Instead, she walked away, straight to Stefans. Still not saying a word, she made a motion with her hand. He understood, although she had no idea how, because she didn't use one of the established signals, not that there was one for what she wanted. Maybe he just knew her well enough.

A short time later, she was in her room, taking off the trappings of high society and her position. Once done, she put on her 'work' clothes. Although she didn't really need the disguise any longer, it gave her some small illusion of the vampire being someone else, and her just being a regular girl when she wasn't wearing it.

Being as quick as she'd been with her change, she walked out of the condo before Charlotte got home, two guards flanking her. Stefans joined them in the lobby, making it three guards accompanying her. She wanted to hunt, find a way to dispel some of her frustration, her anger...and her excitement. But there was an underlying intent to what she was doing, as there usually was.

"Stefans, tell me of one of these vampires that you would count as evil, one that preys on children." She wasn't even bothering to speak English. In her current state of mind, she was the monster of nightmares, but not for whom the stories would make her out as.

"Kristiana?" he asked, not bothering with the normal address. He was worried about her, but she had nothing to fear. This person would not pose a threat to her.

"I want someone to kill." Stefans looked at her a moment, silent, unmoving. "Stefans, I do not wish to kill someone that is good. Give me what I want."

"As you wish," he replied, then told her of one he thought would give her what she wanted. He was a particularly nasty vampire, even by local standards. The one thing he was guilty of, which the local council seemed to have turned a blind eye to, was his desire for younger children. That was all it took for Kristiana, and exactly what she wanted.

She knew there was an insane look on her face, as she started her hunt. Stefans told her this particular vampire frequented a certain club, which was common to vampires. Apparently, it was also frequented by regular people, making it a prime spot for hungry vampires.

"Have Charlotte meet us at this club." Her voice was low and menacing.

"As you wish." She ignored the odd look he shot her way.

Patiently, she waited for Charlotte to arrive. When she did, Kristiana simply stood up, having been seated on the ground with her legs crossed. If it hadn't been for the look on her face, and her clothing, she'd have looked like any other child.

With Charlotte trying to keep up, she walked into the club, and looked. Finally, she found the man Stefans had described. He had jet black hair, a close trimmed beard, and he was almost sleek looking. The thing that truly made him stand out was a small birthmark, just above his left eye ridge.

"Kristiana," Charlotte began, but she didn't listen. She walked straight to the man, who smiled at the sight of her. His stare gave away his desire, which disgusted her even more.

"What have we here?" he asked, eyeing her with undisguised lust. Kristiana felt utter contempt for him, along with most of the vampires in America. Aside from his contemptuous desires, the American vampires had an innate sense, part of what they were, and they didn't exercise it. If the council had, or this pathetic creature would, they might have saved their lives. Actually, there was no way this foul creature could. He just didn't realize how soon his death was.

"Your death," she answered him. Almost snarling, she launched at him, sinking her fangs into his neck. She'd been so fast, he had no chance to defend himself. There was also no attempt by her to hide what she was doing, as she didn't care if she was seen. As a matter of fact, she wanted everyone to know, including the non-vampires. Let them know the evil they flirted with.

A low, horrible sounding mule echoed from the vampire, as she drained him of his life. It didn't take long. She had a lot of experience doing that. She'd considered letting it drag out, increasing his pain, but she didn't. When she stood up, she looked out at the stunned people, some normal humans, some not.

"You have allowed this one to prey on children. If I discover this again, I will hold you responsible, and you will pay," she said, then wiped the small trail of blood from the underside of her mouth. Her attack had been fast and vicious.

"Who is this little girl to lecture us?" a voice said, rising above the silence.

"I am your executioner, if you do not do as I say," she said, and looked directly at the source of the voice.

The man had a nose piercing, as well as several piercings on his eyebrows, ears, and lip. Their was also a rather impressive collection of tattoos scattered over his exposed flesh. He wasn't young, but he wasn't very old, either. She knew, using that very sense these pathetic excuses for porphyrics didn't.

"We don't listen to some little runt, that is the very thing she's angry with us for allowing. You have no authority here, and in fact, we should kill you for the very crime you are ranting about," he said.

"You know this man did this, yes?"

"Yeah, we all did. So what?"

"Come, take me, if you can," she challenged, with no further prelude, or thought about it.

"Kristiana," Charlotte said, trying to calm her down.

"Do not interfere," she replied, only loud enough for Charlotte and her guards to hear. Her words were stretched out, and spoken in Latvian.

"I don't prey on children," he said, smiling and laughing, and turning to his friends.

"You afraid of me? You should be."

He stepped forward a little, but still maintained some distance. "You need to spank this child before she gets in trouble," he told Charlotte.

As with the one she'd killed only moments before, she moved forward too fast for him to prepare himself. She slapped him hard enough for it to be heard in other rooms, and throw him to the side a bit.

"Take me, if you can," she again challenged him.

Now, he was angry. However, he wasn't stupid. That was obvious. Her slap had given him some indication of her strength. He started circling, a large opening forming around them as he moved. She remained perfectly still, not even turning to stay facing him. He fainted once, and when she didn't even flinch, he backed off. He was unnerved by her apparent indifference.

In reality, she wasn't indifferent, but knew he hadn't committed. One of his friends was trying to get his attention, having finally realized there was something very different about her. Looking at the friend, she smiled, and made a shushing gesture. He looked at her at that moment, and terror bloomed on his face. He knew.

"Lester, we need to go," that one said.

"I've got to punish this kid, teach her to respect her elders," he said.

"Lester, let's go," the man said, beginning to sound desperate.

She resumed speaking, before the friend could tell the world what she was. "Lester? Is that your name? I would expect a man that looks like you to have a cool name, not 'Lester'," she said, making it sound really pathetic. The friend was still trying to get Lester's attention, but she made sure she kept it. "Are you able to keep girls interested once they find out your name? Probably not, but that's probably better, looking at you."

"Kid, talk all you want. Your childish taunts don't bother me."

"Ah, so this one," she said, looking over at the friend, "Is what you desire, not girls? I will enjoy drinking him, while you watch." She made a partial step toward the friend, knowing the reaction he'd make. Sure enough, he did, and found himself face down on the floor, not understanding how he'd gotten there.

"Let me explain to you, child. I have lived longer than your pathetic family line has existed, and when I tell you to do a thing, you do it. Do you understand?"

"Get off me, you little bitch!" His reply was yelled, anger infusing him.

"You do not learn," she said, and rammed the heal of her hand onto his lower spine. There was an audible snap, when she did. The boyfriend was looking very uncomfortable and began trying to move away.

"You will not leave," she said, and before he moved three steps, she jumped the distance to him, and tossed him in front of his lover. Before he could even pick himself up, she buried her fangs in his neck. Unable to resist the effects of it, he gave a similar sound as the last victim. Lester watched helplessly. This time, she didn't allow any of his blood to enter her system, instead, letting it run out of her mouth and pool on the floor around his head. When she was done with him, the spark of life was gone from his eyes, and she turned her eyes back to Lester.

"Kill her," he managed to moan.

Three large, burly men stepped forward. Before her guards could come to her aid, she put a hand up. "You will not." They stopped, but didn't look pleased.

This time, she didn't bother with games, or putting on a show. She launched at the first, her hands grabbing his head as she leapt into the air, and twisted as she went past him. When her feet landed on the other side, he dropped to the ground. The other two paused, before fanning out and coming at her from opposite sides. One withdrew a knife, the other a length of chain, which had been wrapped around his waist.

On a whim, she moved toward the man with the chain. He stopped and even stepped back. Her back was to the one wielding the knife. Just as he lunged, she stepped to the side, grabbed the knife from his hand and inserted it into his spine. It was just fast enough to be a blur to the observers, but not so fast that it wasn't seen.

"You have a choice," she said to the one that remained. As she was talking, she took a cloth Stefans proffered, and wiped her face clean. That act, done as if it was nothing, unnerved many of the people that were still watching.

"What is my choice?"

"Pledge loyalty to me, and live. Do not, and die."

"What is your name?" Apparently, he hadn't heard Charlotte's attempts to stop her.

"My name is Kristiana. I am from Latvia and part of the household of the Queen of Latvia." A number of eyes opened wider with her pronouncement, including his. It seemed that not all of them were ignorant, only most.

"I swear by all that I hold sacred that I will do what you want," he said, and actually dropped to a knee.

"You have done right with this. What is your name?"

"Avgust Zelenko."

"Is that not Russian?" she asked.

"It is, but my parents were from Ukraine."

"That is interesting, and convenient. We have recently entered into an agreement with the porphyrics in Ukraine. I think it will be of benefit for them. Would you be interested in travelling there?"

"I will keep my vow, and do as you wish."

"Would you 'like' to travel there?" she again asked.

"I would."

"Do you speak Russian?"

"I do."

"Ukrianian?" He nodded. "Stefans, have this man speak with Artis. Put him to use, and have Artis integrate him into the staff."

"Yes, my lady," he said. Turning a quick eye on the bodies, two of which were still alive, she turned and walked out. Again, Charlotte had to catch up, as did Stefans and one of the two guards. The other had obviously been left to deal with Avgust.

"Kristiana, what was that?" Charlotte began, with a scolding tone.

Kristiana spun around so fast, Charlotte almost fell back, and the look on Kristiana's face forced her to step back even further. Stefans looked worried, but remained silent. "I was making an example because of the damage you have caused."

"What damage?" she asked, dumbfounded.

"For one that has played the game of court intrigue, that is not becoming of you. Allowing Sam and his mother to attend the ball put them at risk, especially Sam. Because of this lack of forethought, it was required that we make it clear to the local porphyrics that touching a child is strictly forbidden, and any infractions will be met with swift and decisive retribution. This example will put the 'vampires' in line, but not others. I will have more work still to undo the damage. This was your fault, for not thinking beyond my petty desires, and yes they are petty. Anything that grows with me and Sam will not last. I will leave when we are done, and he will not. Even if we stay here in America, as you have suggested, I would watch him grow old, and die. That is a thing I will not watch again, of one I love so much."

She turned back around and resumed walking. However, a short distance further, she again spun around, and again startled Charlotte, "I want your vow that you will not turn, or in any way arrange for him to be turned."

"Kristiana," she began, but Kristiana lifted her hand raising a single finger.

"No. I want your vow that this will not be allowed."

"I swear it," Charlotte said, definitely let down. Although she had suspected Charlotte was considering that since being completely and totally caught off guard with his presence at the ball, she hadn't been certain of it until that moment.

"Stefans, I want your promise, as well, that this will not be allowed," she said, her eyes still riveted to Charlotte.

"I give you my word, I will not allow him to be turned if it is within my power to stop it." She noticed the ever so slight pause before he replied. He had not been expecting her to require that of him. She had been less sure of his involvement, but that pause confirmed that as well.

"Charlotte, I will hunt wild ones now. Stefans, is my sword with you?"

"It is," he said, and without waiting, began strapping it to her. In spite of what had just occurred, she was surprised Charlotte wasn't saying anything about her planned expedition. By the time her sword was strapped on, the third guard had returned.

"Charlotte, go home," Kristiana said. Without comment, her friend turned and left. Charlotte knew Kristiana was angry, and hurt. She didn't make any effort to hide it, not that she could in this instance.

It actually took a surprisingly short amount of time for her and her three companions to find two wild ones. They were about to charge in, but she held a hand up.

Whispering as softly as she could, she said, "They are not hunting. They are going someplace. We will follow."

Although it was difficult, requiring them to stop and remain absolutely still more times than they cared to count, they continued to follow the two wild ones. Not even sure where they were any longer, the two wild vampires entered a concrete tunnel.

"We should not follow," Stefans said.

"I want to know where they go," she said.

"Kristiana, I do not like this," he replied, using her first name, which was very unusual for him.

"You stay, and watch for others. I will go."

"Absolutely not." She'd never had him get firm with her like that, and she wasn't sure how to react to it. Finally, she nodded agreement. Before they could move, four more wild ones entered the tunnel, followed by even more. For a short time, there was a steady stream of them, all entering the tunnel. She was glad Stefans had stopped her.

They watched for over half an hour as wild vampires went in, usually only two or three at a time, but occasionally in a glut of up to a dozen. However, as the first hints of light hit the horizon, the parade ended.

"We must get home," Stefans said.

"Yes, we must," she agreed.

Back at their condo, she went to her room, closed the door and remained there throughout the day. Of course, at the school's lunchtime, she received the text she'd expected. She hadn't been sleeping, as much as she knew she needed to.

"Kristi, are you ok?"

"I am good. Had a long night and needed sleep. Will be there tomorrow. Can meet today, if you still want."

"Are you sure? I want to, but only if you do." She smiled. He was still worried about her liking him. As much as she knew it was a bad idea, she'd finally given up that resistance. She couldn't fight it any longer.

"I will see you at 5:00."

"Are you sure you don't want to make it a little later?"

Again, she smiled, then typed, "5:00" and pressed send.


She finally went to sleep, and slept until 4:00. Her mind automatically woke her, as if she had an internal alarm clock. She'd always been like that, even before she became a porphyric, a vampire.

This time, she didn't ask Charlotte to help her. She was still angry and hurt. Charlotte seemed to sense it, and stayed away, giving her the space she needed. Of course, Charlotte was likely still asleep.

Unlike Charlotte would've done, she chose a simple pair of jeans and a tee shirt. This time, she only pulled her hair back, inserting the comb when finished. She sat in front of her mirror and looked at herself, seeing the beauty of a predator, a beauty to draw in her victims. She'd done too many bad things over her life, last night just adding to an already mountainous heap of them.

Ready to go, she left the condo without telling anyone, and not bringing any of the guards with her. It wasn't done deliberately, but her mind was not focused as well as it usually was. She should've thought about it when she got the daytime help to take her to the mall, but it simply didn't register in her thoughts.

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