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By wethairblair

53.9K 618 49

DISCONTINUED "your love feels so fake." started: June 7th 2018 More

one !
two !
three !
four !
five !
six !
eight !
nine !
ten !
eleven !
twelve !
thirteen !
fourteen !
fifteen !
sixteen !
seventeen !
eighteen !
new story

seven !

2.2K 25 6
By wethairblair

AS SOON AS I opened my eyes and acknowledge the light seeping through the curtains. I groan loudly and turn the other direction closing my eyes. I don't even want to know what time it is. I'll just go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Except that wasn't what happened.

I groan again as I slowly get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I just had to pee. My body couldn't wait later to have to pee.

Once I finish and wash my hands I go downstairs for breakfast. My hangover wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was there but I could tolerate things a little more than what it could've been.

I sit down at the table seeing my dad sitting down with his phone in hand, most likely looking over the news about something, and my mom was making coffee and putting breakfast on plates.

She set down my dads plate of breakfast in front of him and took his phone, putting it on the counter. We weren't one of those no phones at the table family. Yes we thought it was rude, but half the time we didn't really care.

The minute my mom set a plate of food in front of me I started eating. My dad was quickly eating his food, guessing he has work today.

I was enjoying my food, savoring it—since my moms cooking is great.

Before I knew it, my dad got up from his seat, put his plate in the sink, and kissed my moms cheek. He walked to me kissing me on the head before saying his goodbyes as he left.

It was quiet between my mom and I. All you can here is the clattering of forks hitting the porcelain plates.

"It was nice of that boy to help you last night." My mom glanced at me from her food as she cleared her throat. I almost choked on my food.

I quickly grab my glass of orange juice and take a few sips. What the heck.

"Hm?" I hummed, "Oh yeah, Scotty. He drove me home and helped me to bed before leaving."

"Yes dear, I saw that." My mom gave me a straight face, "Hope to see him more often."

"What?" I choke out. Why are moms so full of surprises? I don't think I can handle eating anymore. Every time she says something I choke that's not cool mom, not cool.

"Ah, yes. He seems like a nice kid. Are you guys dating?" She asked. My eyes go wide as I look at her. This time I did choke. I really did choke.

"No! We're just friends, I met him like a month ago, mom." I cough a few times, recovering.

"Oh." She frowned. "I talked to him last night while he was on his way out. He looks very familiar, like I've seen him around. Handsome isn't he? Honey, are you sure you haven't known him longer?"

"No mom. And you probably have seen him, he's Jeff's friend." I didn't want to mention his name. Especially to my mom, but did anyways.

We got quiet for a few until I got up to rinse my plate off. I told her I was going to take a shower since I was still in my clothes from last night and didn't even notice.

I go upstairs back to my room to grab a tank top and shorts. It's not like I'm going anywhere today. It's the weekend and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are recovering from last night, mostly my friends.

I go to the bathroom, grabbing a towel, and shutting the door behind me. I turn the water on, adjusting the warmth before turning it to the shower cap. Once I take off my clothes I go into the shower.

I couldn't help but relax into the water hitting me with its warmth. I stand just relaxing for minutes before finally washing myself and my hair, while also having a few singing sessions and talking to myself.

Once I get out and get dressed I brush my teeth and wash my face for the day. I feel so much better.

I go back to my room, throw my dirty clothes in my hamper, and jump onto my bed. I turn on my tv going to netflix and start playing The Vampire Diaries.

I decided to go on my phone to text Scott about what my mom and him talked about.

hey so i've heard

uh what

so u talked to my mom
last night on ur way

oh yeah she's as nice
as always

she made me choke
on breakfast today so
idk what ur talking ab

oh that's nice isn't it
but why

she was asking me ab
it and then she asked
me if you were my

yeah i would've choked
on my breakfast too jk

too soon

right sorry

u should come over i
think my mom likes u
js and cause i'm bored

yeah okay sure

see ya later scotty😘


I leave my room to go tell my mom that Scott was on his way over. I don't know what we are going to do, but I just want someone to hang out with for the time being.

It's the weekend I can't just spend it by myself. It's not like I want to go anywhere just stay home with company.

"Hey mom." I said as I stood at her bedroom door. She looked up from her book letting me know that she was listening. "Uh so Scott is coming over to hang out if that's okay."

"Really," Her eyes lit up like a kid and a smile grew on her face, "Oh I would love to talk to him again. Tell him he's welcome to come anytime."

"Wha— no mom!" I rubbed my hands over my face. I cannot, will not with this. At least not now. "I'm going back to my room."

I walked out of her doorway and back upstairs to my room. I just hope she doesn't open the door when he gets here. Or that I at least reach it first.

I continue my binge watching TVD, which was having me all over the place the last couple of seasons. I swear to life that this show has you spiraling. It makes you happy, laugh, mad, sad, and annoyed all at once. I don't know how the hell a show does that, but it does.

Then there's other shows that I watched and completed. For jesus, I watched Teen Wolf season one-five in two months then the season six came out so it was all that.

Before I knew it the doorbell rang. I was quick to get out of bed and start running to the stairs calling out an I'll get it. Unfortunately, I was too late.

I could hear my mom talking oh so friendly to him. Mentally, I'm jumping out the top floor window of the empire state building.

I reach down the stairs seeing my mom and Scott walking to the living room together. What the hell? Before my mom could say anything very embarrassing, which she probably has, I clear my throat.

"Uh, we're going to my room." I grab ahold of Scott's wrist. My mom looks at me with a grin before replying.

"Okay sweetie, just don't do anything." She said starting to walk off. Okay there it was. She embarrassed me terribly.

I felt the heat of my cheeks probably turning read and I look down to hide it. I cannot, will not.

"Not cool mom, not cool!" I yelled before yanking Scott with me to the stairs and to my room. Once we reach my room I close the door behind me and flop on my bed with a groan.

"Well, nice to see you too." He chuckled. I let out another groan before saying anything back. Why is life so cruel and torturing? I guess I will never know.

"Shut up." I said, but was muffled by the sheets of my not so neat bed.

"What?" He asked. I let out another groan before turning around on my side to see him sitting down.

"I said shut up." I repeated myself. I sat up myself and moved myself up to the headboard of my bed with myself stacked up with pillows behind me. "Make yourself comfortable, we're going to be watch movies."

He gave me smile before doing the same. I grabbed the remote to my tv and exited off netflix knowing that it wouldn't have the movie I'm looking for.

I enter something else and start to search up the movie. Before I put in the first letter I turned my attention to Scott. Noticing that I was looking at me he turned to me with a what.

"Close your eyes loser." I laughed. He responded with an oh and covered his eyes with his hands.

I went back to searching the movie and see it pop up. I signal for him to open them once I have the movie playing. I get up from my spot on my bed and go to my closet.

"What are you doing?" I heard him ask.

"About to get naked Scotty." I turned to him with a smirk. His mouth went open as he stared at me. I let out a laugh before saying, "I'm just fucking with you, that's for another time."

"Oh um, o-okay."

I opened a drawer to a small dresser I had in my closet revealing tons of snacks. What? A girl needs a stash somewhere.

I go back to my spot in bed with a couple of my favorites, which was only sour patch kids and twizzlers.

"Wait, is this Neighbors?"

"Yes, have you seen it already."

"Uh, duh."

"Boo, you whore." I threw a twizzler at him.

"Oh come on you love me." He picked up the twizzler from his shirt poked me with it.

"No." I said scooting away.

"Yes you do!" He said getting closer.

"No I don't." I laughed a little as his fingers made contact with my side. "Stop tickling me."

"Say it." He pulled me closer so he could get a better effect on tickling me.

I shut my eyes as I laughed and tried to move away. Of course, that didn't work. "Never." I breathed out.

"Then I guess I won't."

"Okay, okay! I love you!" I laughed. He stopped tickling me and laid back down.

"Hm, I thought so."

"I hate you, Scott Reed." I laughed turning back to the tv.



okay so if you see an okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy anywhere in here idk where it came from stg. i mean one other than that one up there. bc my phone is messing up and is doing whatever it pleases and that came up in my autocorrect box thing so that must be somewhere in here. i've never typed that before so just saying. i also don't feel like looking for it rn so yeah.

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