Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Tr...

By DrifterDan

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A crossover sequel to Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-The Adventures of The Ghosts. Colette's fashion designer fri... More

An Odd Discovery
Trip To California
Thea's Return
"We're In Paris!"
First Things First...
Night One: Urban
Without A Trace
Night Two: Desert
Night Three: Woodland
Tech(nological) Support
Attack On The Convoy
Under Siege
The Return Of An Old Enemy
Operation Nightstrike
Operation Waterfront
"Be My Hero Again, Will Ya?"
Opération Libérées Ailes
End Of The Line
Final Rehearsals
Don't Slowly Fade Away

Last Farewells (or maybe not)

106 6 2
By DrifterDan

Saturday - April 5, 2014 (5 days later)
0545 hours

My phone had woken me up at fifteen minutes before six. The adzan (Muslim call for prayer) was about to be sounded from the mosque in Uptown, so I forced myself up and out of bed. I rose up and stretched a bit, then headed for a warm shower.

It was five days after the talent show. Benjamin had finally confessed and won his best friend's heart over and she became his girlfriend, Thea confessed to her crush, but it didn't turn out as expected. But hey, she got an offer to hang out with him, at least. And his number, too!

Meanwhile, a lot had happened in just those five days.

Tuesday, The Crew, Thea Sisters included, went to stop and expose a corporate espionnage. A chocolate cheese snack cake factory had its sales going downhill and a rival company had theirs with a brand new image to their packaging and sold better than the former overnight. It sounded suspicious, so we were talked into looking it by the owner of the company. We found out that someone from the inside had sold the company's trade secrets (the recipe) over to the rival. We were put near to death when we were about to be dipped in a pool of hot, boiling chocolate after sneaking in the rival's factory for evidence, but we escaped when the owner of the company thought it was a good idea to leave us with unarmed guards. We escaped, went to the police, then had the rival company's boss and the mole sentenced for illegally selling trade secrets. This scoop was made public on prime time news at that day.

Our good ally Russell returned home to his home and wife, Yelena, in Nice, France, with his new car. He was welcomed home with great news - his wife was one month pregnant! He informed us the same day he found out, and we couldn't feel more happy than he was.

Kamal Hussein and his team, the Specters had returned home to Malaysia. Before that, they cleaned out the things in Paris, and found Firas. They took him home with them, told us about it, and they said they arranged a hero's funeral for him. I felt bad for missing it, but at least Firas received what he truly deserved. I planned to go visit sometime after. Hussein's two teammates, Adam and Malik, were hospitalized in Malaysia also. They had third degree burns from the Hellfire missile's fireball back during Julie's rescue mission, and they were knocked out in a coma. Doctors expect them to wake up not that soon, but not for too long either since they suffered mild head trauma.

The Eiffel Tower and Paris was undergoing reconstruction and repairs as soon as Thursday. The city and the tower should be fully restored in a year.

Julie stayed under Interpol's protective custody, in The Crew's Ops Command until Thursday. Interpol provided her transport to her home in Paris, where fighting between the French military and The Technologists didn't happen. She informed Colette about it, and she informed us. We felt grateful that she made it back to her home safe and sound.

SO, back to me.

I had showered, got dressed, performed my prayers and went down to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the Thea Sisters and their teacher as they sail back. Some spaghetti Aglio e Olio with some cottage cheese sprinkled on top. I knew that they would love it if I cooked up something. It's the only thing that will make them not to forget about me. Plus, I love cooking for other people and seeing their reactions. They would react to my mother's cooking because all I use are her recipes.

After packing them in small Tupperware lunch boxes, I stuffed them all in a bag to give to them at their departure later.
New Mouse Harbor
1004 hours

We reached New Mouse Harbor at about ten in the morning. I, as usual, provided the Thea Sisters with transport in the form of a Mercedes-Benz CLS 63 AMG S. In a three-car convoy as yesterday, we traveled together with the CLS in the middle as the two other cars acted as escorts.

Our team walked with them down the docks to where Thea's small yacht was, harbored right next to her catamaran. The skies were clear with a few white clouds scattered, the winds were just gentle sea breezes that blew in our fur and hair. The the air smelled of sea water and the waves were calm as they hit the docks, rocking the boats around. The six girls went on board to load their things then got back on to the docks so we could say our last farewells before we meet again.

As they would always do to each other, the Thea Sisters gave ever member of The Crew friendly cheek bumps with smooches on each side. Each of us took turns with them, with Trap receiving the tightest of hugs (because he was huggable, to be honest).

After a long hug with Geronimo with some advice exchange, I was the last person for Thea to say goodbye to. The others were done with each other, now it was just the both of us.

We stood in front of each other, just staring at one another eye to eye without an idea what to say. The rest just stood by the sides and had their eyes on us.

"So this is goodbye, huh?" I broke the silence with a faint smile.

She tilted her head lightly. "Like Pinky said to you, just don't make it our last," she said with a shrug.

"Yeah..." My eyes looked down. "I'm gonna miss you again."

"Me too. It's not fun when you don't have anyone to call family around... Don't get me wrong, girls! Hanging out with you is really fun!" The Thea Sisters looked at each other with smiles. "But... it's when you're in your house, alone, and you got nothing but TV and paperwork for the academy... It get's really bored, and... I sometimes get homesick."

Poor Thea. She misses home as much as I miss Malaysia. Then I had an idea. "Hey, why don't I come visit you and the Thea Sisters every once in a while?"

Thea's eyes began to widen and a smile grew on her snout. "That's actually not a bad idea...!"

"Mate, you should TOTALLY come see us on Whale Island!" Nicky recommended.

"Yeah! There's a ton of stuff to see and do," Violet supported.

"I'm pretty sure the island's residents would love to give you the honor of becoming the first human to set foot!" Pamela added.

This was a great idea. I don't have to miss Thea that much anymore!

"I humbly accept it," I responded with a grin. "How does every two weekends sound?"

"That's great!" Thea agreed. "I'll be expecting you soon, then!"

"I'll be coming in next week if I don't have any major school work I need to do with Ben and Pandora."

"Yay!" she cheered giddily. "C'mon, give me that hug!"

Here it comes. We opened up our arms and welcomed each other in, slamming our bodies together and gave each other tight squeezes.

"I'll never get tired of these bone-crushers you do!" I remarked, not being able to get the air out of my lungs properly.

"You hug like a cuddly bear and that makes me wanna squeeze you even tighter!" she stated, tightening her wrap around me slightly.

"Please don't! I can barely breathe!" I wheezed.

She let go first, and I finally got a wisp of air. "Here, I got something for the trip." I reached for the bag placed down behind me and handed it to her. "I made brunch for you girls. It's my mom's Spaghetti Aglio Olio with a touch of cottage cheese."

Pamela looked up and pumped her fist in satisfaction. "Yaaaaaaassssss..." she whispered.

Thea looked inside and took a sniff. "This smells delish! Thanks so much, Dan."

"It's one thing you girls can remember me by," I said.

She lightly sighed nervously. "Well..." She looked around at everyone there. "We'll be on our way now. Until next time, you guys!"

"BYE!" the rest of us said with a wave in unison.

The girls hopped onto the deck at the stern of the yacht with Pamela untying the rope that anchored the yacht to the dock as the rest climbed up to the second floor and sat on the seats there. Nicky went further inside to the bridge to drive it. The engines started up and it began to move. The Thea Sisters waved at us.

"Goodbye, The Crew!" they said

"Goodbye, girls!" Geronimo bid farewell, shouting over and waving.

"See you soon!" Benjamin said.

"Bon voyage!" Pandora wished, pronouncing in French.

"Happy sailing!" Trap hollered.

"Safe travels, girls!" I shouted.

Thea came forward near the stern. "Hey Danny!" she cried out as the yacht moved further.

"What is it?" I shouted back.

"I love you, baby bro!"

She had me feel like launching myself over the moon and come back down, burning up in re-entry. My face grew red in embarrassment. I overcame it and shouted a reply; "I LOVE YOU TOO, BIG SIS!" I waved over faster.

We watched them go off into the horizon. They appeared smaller as they sailed further out to the ocean. We kept waiving at them until we couldn't see them any longer. I was kind of saddened that they had to leave, but I was at peace because I knew that I could get to see them again soon.

Geronimo got close behind me, and I noticed. "You know, she's only ever said that to me about twice... and I'm actually getting a little jealous," he said, I assumed satirically.

"Ha-ha, what?" I responded.

"A-ha-ha-ha - oh, I'm only kidding." Relieved, I stared back at the ocean. Geronimo placed a paw on my shoulder and looked at me. "Are you handling this okay, Danny?"

I felt only relief. "Kinda," I responded.

"We'll see her again soon, don't you worry about a thing." I heard that the phone in his jacket pocket vibrate to a phone call. He took it out and answered it. "Geronimo Stilton speaking. Yes, Grandpa. What can I do for you?" We all stared at him, intrigued. "You landed us a story? A freight train was derailed near the cargo depot? We'll be right there!" He hung up. "Let's get a move on, Crew. We got a job to do."

"I'll film the coverage," I offered myself.

"I'll get us some aerial footage with Max's drone mode," Benjamin said.

"I'll take some ground shots," Pandora followed.

"I'll guard the car," Trap said.

We scampered off the docks and back to our cars and raced our way to the scene. Just when we thought a great adventure had ended, we were off to go for another one. But this will not be the end for us, because there will be a lot more to come from us.

We are The Crew. Join us soon for another epic adventure wherever we may go in the world.

Until next time.

The End.
A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S BEEN COMPLETED! Thank you guys so much for reading and staying with me until the very end, I couldn't have made it without you giving support. I'd like to dedicate this story to my good friend the_crossover_master for being such a loyal reader and provider of great feedback! I hope you see this and I'll be expecting to hear from you soon. As to the others, thank you so much again, and just wait for a new installment to come out soon! Follow me here and on, I post my stories there too. Stay notified and watch out for a new story from me very soon!

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