Operation Waterfront

164 6 2

Évreux-Fauville Air Base
2213 hours

After an hour-long flight, the wheels on our cargo craft screeched and smoked as they met the tarmac on the runway of the airbase. Later, three other planes proceeded after us, and the pilots parked in front of the hangars by the mobile armory so we'd get there easier.

As the cargo doors flipped down open, we marched out with whatever gear we had put on ourselves. We took fast steps though we were tired, slinging our primaries on a shoulder and holding our helmets down because our heads needed to breath. MacArthur and Lemkova were flown in a separate flight to Lyon. As usual, we were led by our team leader, Geronimo, followed by Thea and me by his side, and the rest of our division. Joining us were Division 2, led by Hussein.

We were tired as heck, as said. Joints were aching, ankles sprained, backs felt like they were about snap, and Pandora still hasn't fully recovered because there was still pain felt in her thigh, so she limped as Benjamin lent her his neck for her arms to wrap around and walked with her until we got to the truck.

We saw the two of three that stayed behind while we were gone, standing out at the trailer ramp with their hands in their pockets. Pinky was inside, came dashing out and leaping out as she got to the ramp. We were halfway to them when she sprinted across the stretch towards me, and I braced myself for another one of Pinky's hugs.

"I'm so glad that you guys are back," she said over my shoulder.

"Us too, Pinky..." I replied, in efforts of catching a breath. The only thing that made me able to respirate was my vest.

She let go first and we kept walking. "I heard Pandora got shot. Is she okay?" she asked in concern.

"She got patched up with Danny's help," Benjamin answered. "She'll be fine."

"Thank Gouda..."

The spotlight that lit up the tarmac shone on top of us. "Second objective wasn't accomplished, huh?" she asked Geronimo.

"Well, we did what we could," the squad leader said. "We have the commander safe and sound, and that's what matters."

The sounds of the wind whistled by our ears. "I had the French army to deploy two squads to retake the building. It won't take them long."

"Oh? Well then... thank you, Pinky."

"Any leads on where the other hostages are while we were gone?" I asked.

"I did. But it's not for us to discuss now, you guys just ran a rescue op. You need some rest."

Finlay overheard our conversation. "Where should we sleep?" he said.

"The airbase's staff said they had some five-man tents in storage. They pitched them up in the empty hangar, you guys can sleep in there," Pinky said. She sharply turned back to me. "In case there weren't enough, you could sleep in your cars."

"I love the way you think, Pinks."

We got to the mobile armory, seeing Prof Von Volt and Russell awaiting our arrival. "Welcome back, mates!" Russell celebrated.

"Job well done, my friends!" the prof cheered.

After a light dinner and a change clothes to night attires, most of us went to bed while the Prof and Russell stayed up late to have a chatter near the armory.
Saturday - March 28, 2014
0449 hours

I found myself awake a few hours later, sleeping in the comfort of Pierre with Geronimo occupying the passenger's seat as a roommate. The holographic infotainment screen displaying my music library was lit still yet dimmed as the stereo played soothing piano instrumentals to help me fall asleep. I saw my stepbrother snoozing with his arms crossed and snout buried into them, shivering. As a thoughtful move, I let my hand pierce through the holo display and turned the heater up at the middle console. I got out and flipped the hood up so I could get my towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, and my lightsaber.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now