By namjinyoonseok

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🔞Highest Ranked as #1 in yoonseok. . Yoongi is son of rich family having royal background. He gets a persona... More

New Book
Highest Ranking👏
Taehyung? Taehyung!
PERSONA! Who the hell am I?
I am BACK but....


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By namjinyoonseok

Namjoon's pov:-

I force myself out of the bed and pick up my sleeping and exhausted baby. I put him in the tub of warm water and I slip into water taking him on my laps. I slowly clean us as I am tired too. I have so much work lately. Thankfully i have jin to relieve my stress.

But he has changed now. Yesterday he met hoseok at his work, and since then he has been asking weird questions about our relationship. Like, What is he to me? What do i think of him? What is future for us? Etc. Cant he understand that I love him? Isn't it enough? Should I give him identity like boyfriend or mate to prove my love? Why does he still think that I think of him as only slave, pet or toy?! Because that's not true! I might be poor at expressing in words but I really only love him. I have never involved with anyone else sexually since he has arrived in my life.

I soak our bodies holding him closer to my body. He knows I can't give him boyfriend's status while living under the same roof as my father. He knows I can't allow him work like normal person here. He knows all and still acting like this. Making me look like a bad person. I have plans to make him my husband in future, when me and yoongi will get all of our heir. Till then I can't make my father unhappy like Yoongi. He has to understand that.

I kiss his lips before carrying him out of bathroom. I put him on bed and dry his body. He opens his eyes once but as he checks, it's just me wiping him he closes them again. Thankfully he still trusts me. I put a sugarglider-onesie on him. I know he likes it and so do I. My little adorable baby. My sugar baby.

I climb on bed with him and spoon him into my arms. I have only two hours for resting before going out again. One of my friends have thrown a party and I have to go. I hate leaving my baby here alone but I can't deny my friends either. I have already denied them last two times in a row.

I carefully get up again, and replace myself with a pillow. I dress myself. I know jin is fully exhausted and he won't wake up untill I come back. He has started asking me to meet my friends again. I don't understand why! I actually made sure that meeting my friends was bad experience for him. So that he won't ask again. But I guess it wasnt bad enough!.

Actually when Yoongi took hoseok out to meet his friend jimin, jin was insisting so much to meet mine. But I couldn't let him meet. I know my friends. Even though they are good with me, they wont accept jin as one of us. They will always look at him at slave. I don't want him to get hurt. Mentally or physically.

So i keep jin away from them. My friends know I have a personal slave and they have begged me to show him to them. But I have never actually. When last time I took out jin to meet friends, i actually made some fake friends for one night. I had offered them money to pretend as my friends. I told them to make jin uncomfortable too. So that jin wouldn't want to meet them again. I hate myself. I know I shouldn't do this, but I have no choice. I hope Jin doesn't know about this ever and i can take this to my grave.

Once, I will marry jin, he won't be slave anymore. He will get last name. Proper identity. Then I will take him to meet my friends. Till then I have to hide him. Specially from my friend Jaebum. I know him well. He has asked me thousands times about jin but I never told him anything. He is good guy but he treats slaves like toys. He has even offered me to have threesome with jin.

I drive myself to the 5star hotel where there is jaebum's party. He greets me showing his grin. "Hya! Namjoon! Alone again?"
I just smile in reply. "When are you going to show me your little hottie? Still hiding from me ha?"
"F*ck off Jaebum! Stop calling him that"

"What else can I do? You don't even tell me his name" he frowns.
"It's unnecessary. Really. Anyway where is my scotch?"
He scoffs and we walk towards drinks section.

Hoseok's pov:-

I wake up with football match sound. I rub my eyes to see yoongi sleeping beside me watching TV in his bedroom. He shouts the name of the player and chews his popcorn. I whine as I move seeking his attention.

His arms around my waist tightens as he notices me. "You okay ?" He asks. I snuggle on to him pulling him closer. I realize he has already clean us and put fresh clothes on us. His Long tank top and boxers on me.

"I feel dizzy" i whine like a baby. "That's caz you are still sore baby. Have a sleep. Did tv woke you up?" I nod. He mutes the Tv for me. "We are winning!" He says. I smile.

I remember the late evening and how we had spent it. I blush madly remembering the fact that min Yoongi has kinks too. I look at corner where the stuff still lies. He didn't throw it. Is he gonna use them again? I blush madly. "Whats happening baby?" He kisses my nose.
"Yoongi why don't you throw that away?"
"Well, i think... we can...keep them..." He smirks. I look down. "Okay" my voice so low. I play my finger on his chest where there are marks of my bite. He shivers.

There are so many things we didn't use yet. I feel hot. No hoseok stop having those thoughts. You still sore! I check phone and realise i still have to go to Tae's tomorrow. The reality!! Where I lie to Yoongi!! I hate it.

I snuggle to Yoongi and he pulls me close. I close my eyes trying to feel amazing moment with him....I should cherish it ..until it lasts. I circle on my neck where he gave me hickeys before. The evidence of him owning me.. I don't wanna think about future. I just want this moment to last forever.

<<<One week later>>>

Jungkook's POV:-

"I don't care what do you think! Get your ass here!" Taehyung shouts again.
It's been one week since Hoseok was almost caught and since that day, Taehyung is f*cking me every night!

Why? Because Hoseok is maintaining a safe distance from him. He doesn't let him hug or kiss on cheek since their first kiss which was seen by me. And as hoseok doesn't let touch him, he is taking out his anger on me.

He doesn't care about me. He only needs my body. To take out his frustration. He was so close to make Hoseok his and now the plan is failing. As soon as hoseok leaves he take me in his room and does whatever he please. He has even started to use belts and ropes to bind me to the bed.

It hurts. Really. Not because the physical pain he is giving me but because he is doing all of these to take out his vexation and not because he loves me. He is just using me. My body. I know he has bought me but we had a deal.
"Jungkook!!" He yells. I feel goosebumps as I get reality check from my thoughts. "Shut up Taehyung! Its not gonna happen...i am already sore" i yell back trying to sound strong but my voice disappoints me.

He laughs. He f*cking laughs. He stands up and comes closer. I button my shirt that I just put on after shower. My hair still wet. I just wanted to take shower and have nice sleep but when I came out of bathroom, he was waiting on my bed, in my room.

"Come with me" he grabs my arm. "I am f*cking not! Go f*ck yourself" i bite my lips turning to other side. He can't see nervousness in my eyes. He chuckles. "If you keep being stubborn, i have to keep teaching you a lesson" he grabs my hips. I jerk at suddenly touch.

"Taehyung please...i-" i try to say but he turns me and kisses my lips. I give in. I f*cking give in. Why? I don't want this. But why can't I appose? Why do I loose control on myself as soon as he touches me? Why do I get submissive in front of him? He is not my real master. I have to be stronger.

He kisses me roughly like it doesn't mean anything. He pulls my hair and bites on my lower lip. I whimper in pain.
He throws me on bed and pines my hands together above my head. Gosh, he is f*cking strong. I try to struggle but as soon as he lips attacks my neck i give in. Once again.

Whats wrong with me? Why do I give in so easily? Before coming to the slave house, my life has been rough. I have been with several masters and many bitter experiences. But those made me stronger. I never gave in to the people whom I don't except as master. Then why is it so different for Taehyung?

His lips trails down to chest after teasing off the garment on my body. He owns me f*cking so many clothes by now! He teased my nipples and sucks on it. Ah it feels so good. Why does he have this power? I know he is gonna go to hoseok and throw me later after using. I shouldn't be feeling this. But somehow it feels right. "Ahhh Taehyung-ahhh" i let out loud moan as he bites on one nipple and teases the other with hand.

"Get off me!" I get all my courage and energy together and yell for once. He stops and comes above, staring into my eyes. We both stare into each other's eyes, panting. "You can't disobey me!" He says in strict tone. "Yes i can! I am not yours for real, remember? We had a deal! You can't just keep having sex with me and pretend to happen nothing in next day!!!" My voice coughing my throat. He remains silent, thinking perhaps.

"Taehyung! You like hoseok remember? Will he accept you if he finds out about how you took me every f*cking night after he leaves?"

He backs off a little, confused. "Lets just stick to plan Taehyung! You want Hoseok. I want Yoongi. Its just how it's supposed to be" I say pushing him off me. But he won't go out of room like I expected. Sighing i take a blanket around my exposed and bruised chest. "Anyway i need to call" but as soon as he hears yoongi's name his eyes fills with anger. I don't know why?! He pulls me back under him, throwing off the blanket. "As long as you and I don't tell anyone, everything is fine" he smirks.

He takes out robe, which I was unaware of whole time and ties my hands. I dont understand why he doesn't want me talk to Yoongi! Isnt that plan? Isn't how he will het hoseok? If i be with Yoongi? He attacks my already bruised lips once again. I whose in pain. He takes my struggle as yes so I stop struggling. He jerks off  all my bottom garments. Once again I lay there naked for him. Like all previous night. He quickly strips himself and hovers over me. He bites my earlobe, whispering, "this will be our little secret okay?"

I will add jungkook's backstory in coming chapters parts by parts. This will help to understand his character. Taehyung might be gray character. And yes jin is going to be stronger. Keep reading. Keep voting & commenting. Love y'all ~💜

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