Love a Bully แฏฝ Vkook

By DinsFire

713K 33.2K 44.2K

(book #1 completed. 17+) Jeon Jungkook can't help but to feel attracted to his bully, Kim Taehyung, despite b... More

Ayo ladies and gentleman ^^
โ—An IMPORTANT messageโ—
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Do you mind?
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
addressing the ages & thank ya!
Part 18
Part 19
Part 19.5
Part 20 (HS)
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
I was tagged
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Down Memory Lane
Down Memory Lane PT. 2
Down Memory Lane PT. 4
Part 40 [Book #1 Finale]
Love a Bully 2.0?

Down Memory Lane PT. 3

5.2K 267 584
By DinsFire

A/n: This takes place 5 years after the last chapter. It is the second to last Down Memory Lane Part. I might be publishing a second part tonight, so look out for that. =) also wanted to say thanks a lot to the people who commented on my last a/n. You guys made me feel so much better! love you all ❤️ and again, sorry for the wait.

Also, OMG 100K? this is truly amazing and I'm gonna freaking cry. I never dreamed in a million years this would happen. Tysm for your support❤️❤️❤️ if I could hug you all, I would.

-5 yrs earlier-

(Taehyung and his dad sitting at the table, talking)

"I'm not talking to him anymore, dad.."

"You better not be lying to me, boy."

"I'm not lying..."

"Because you know what will happen if I find out you are."

"I'll get sent to boot camp.."


Taehyung looked down at the table and started picking at the chipped paint on it, feeling uncomfortable. Yohan smacked his hand down on the table when he realized that Tae wasn't paying attention and says, "Eyes up here when I am talking to you."

Taehyung sheepishly looked up at him. "Sorry.."

"You do realize that my threat to send you there isn't because I'm trying to be a mean person, right? I'm only warning you because I want you to grow up and be a man. A manly man. And hanging out with girls is going to prevent that."

"Girls..? But I don't hang out with girls."

"You might as well be if you're talking to Jungkook. Because that boy isn't a normal boy. Boys shouldn't be giggling the way he giggles...and not to mention the way he dresses. I've seen him walking around in pink shirts. Boys shouldn't be wearing anything colored baby pink." Yohan shook his head in dismay. "I don't understand how the boy's father can allow him to walk out of the house looking like that. If he were my son, he'd be gone to boot camp a long time ago."

"Jungkook's really nice...he's just a little different."

"Yeah he's different alright. Gay people are much different than you and I."

"Just because Jungkook is nice and wears pink every now and then doesn't mean he is gay, dad.."

"Believe me, I know a gay when I see one, so, I forbid you from having anymore contact with him."

"I haven't really even spoken to him for like...2 years.."

"Good. And I expect you to keep it that way."

Taehyung fiddled with his fingers nervously. "Can I ask why you are so against gays..? I always heard you and mom talking about it and now we're talking about it.."

"Because sex was only meant for having children...but people have turned it into something for their own personal pleasure...and gays especially because there is no way two men and two woman together can bear children. So, when they have sex, it's purely for pleasure. Nothing else."

"But...what if they love each other? How else are they supposed to express their love for one another?"

"Listen, Taehyung...being gay is wrong and isn't anything to be proud of...just trust me, OK? I know best.."

Taehyung nodded slowly. "I understand, can I go to school now?"

Yohan stared down at the table and nodded his head 'yes'.

As Tae was standing up, Yohan reached over the table and grabbed onto his arm; stopping him. "Just promise me one more time that you don't have a crush on that boy."

Taehyung was silent for a few moments before he responded. "...I promise."

"Alright..." Yohan stood up and pulled Taehyung in for a hug. "Just remember that I love you, son, and that what I'm telling you is only me trying to help you."

"I know dad...I love you too.." He mumbled; his face squished into Yohan's chest. "...can you let me go now? I can barely breathe.."

Yohan gave Taehyung one last squeeze and let go of him. He lifted his hand up and ruffled Tae's hair. "You're free to go."

Tae gave him a half smile as he fixed his hair. Yohan stood there and watched as he then hurried out the front door; letting out a sigh when the door closed.

When things quieted down, Yohan sat down in his desk's chair and lifted the phone to his ear after dialing a number.

"Hey, you." A younger man's voice said on the other end of the line.

"Hi." Yohan said through a sigh.

"Oh, no. I heard that feeling OK?"

"Oh yeah...I'm fine.." Yohan says while spinning a pen around on the desk.

"Are you sure..? You don't sound fine."

"Really. I am."

"Hmmm, I don't believe're feeling stressed, aren't you?"

Yohan went quiet for a few moments before he replied, "...extremely."

"It's that bitch you call your wife, isn't it? She bossing you around again?"

Yohan let's out another heavy sigh. "As doesn't matter what I do for her, she's never happy."

"Aw, poor deserve better than that."

"I'm the one who brings in the money, yet I have to be the one to cook and clean too...I do everything a woman should be doing because she's too lazy and won't get off her ass."

"You do so much for her, isn't fair."

Yohan rubbed his face, feeling stressed. "I do. It seems you're the only one who understands that.."

"Of course I do. I see how much you struggle at work every single're a hardworking man, Yohan."

"You think so..?"

"No, I know so...and that's why I think you should stop by my house tonight." His voice turned softer as he continued. "It sounds like you need someone to do something for you for once.."

Yohan stopped spinning the pen and went quiet for a few moments. He looked around to make sure Jina wasn't around before he says in a quieter tone, " what?"

"Oooh I don't know...maybe a nice, long massage? Possibly while enjoying a glass of wine or two..."

Yohan's cheeks heated up and he quickly reached over and turned down the photo of Taehyung that was sitting on his desk. "...could you do what you did for me last time..?"

"Of course, handsome. I'd do anything for you."

Yohan's pants tightened as he thought back on what had happened the last time him and the younger male had met up. "...anything I want?"

"Anything. After are my superior. And good boys like me should always obey those higher up than them."

"Fuck..." Yohan says in a breathy voice. "You're always making me want to go against everything I believe.."

"It's ok, baby. I promise I won't tell anybody. It's our little secret.."

"I'll head out at midnight when everyone's ready for me."

"Mmm, I'm always ready for you, handsome. Can't wait to see you..."


"Tae Tae!"

Tae, who was playing soccer, looks over his shoulder in the direction that he heard Jungkook's voice calling out for him; cringing when he hears the sound of his friends snickering behind him.

Tae let's out a sigh and kicks the ball over to Hoseok who was standing nearby. "Here, take it...I'll be back in just a second."

"Okay...Tae Tae." Hoseok says, barely able to get his words out before cracking up.

Tae rolled his eyes and jogged over to the sidelines; trying to drone out the sounds of his friends laughter coming from behind him.
After he made his way over to Jungkook, without hesitation, he grabbed onto his hand and harshly pulled him to the side. "Jungkook...! I told you not to call me that in front of my friends..!"

Jungkook's smile faded after hearing Tae's irritated tone. "Oh...sorry. I forgot.." He says.

"How many times do I have to remind you??" He let go of Jungkook's hand and put it into his pocket.

"It's just...I thought you liked being called 'Tae Tae'." Jungkook says while rubbing the side of his arm.

"No, of course not...that was years ago..." Tae paused before he continued. "'s dumb. So just...don't say it anymore. You're embarrassing me."

"Oh...sorry I embarrassed you. What else should I call you then?" Jungkook asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"By my name...duh.."

"'s been awhile since we've hung out and I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house. My mom says she can cook extra if you-"

"I can't."

Jungkook body slumped after hearing Tae's answer. "Why not..? We never hang out anymore..."

"I just can't, Jungkook. OK?"

"Well...isn't there a reason? Did I do something wrong? I mean, you've hardly talked to me these past couple years..."

Tae lets out a heavy sigh before he replies. "Why don't you go make some other friends? We don't always have to be talking, you know."

"It's just that...I miss hanging out with you.."

The two went silent for a few moments; staring down at the ground awkwardly. Eventually, Tae speaks up. "Listen Jungkook...I didn't want to hurt your feelings but I was thinking that maybe it would be best if we-"

"WATCH OUT!" A boy calls out as a soccer ball was hurling towards the two boys' direction.

Without thinking, Tae turned to face the direction of the boy's voice who had called out from across the field.


Tae falls backwards onto the ground after having been hit directly in the head with the ball.

Jungkook gasped and hurried over to Tae's side; dropping down onto his knees next to him on the ground. "Taehyung! Are you OK??" He says while gently shaking him.

The group of boys came running over to the two. "Is he hurt??" Hoseok asks them.

"He's knocked out! Go get a nurse!" Jungkook says, frantically.

"On it!" Hoseok says.
Tae slowly opens his eyes only to see Jungkook looking down at him. "W-what...what am I doing in here?" He looks around the room with squinted eyes.

"You got knocked in the head by a soccer ball." Jungkook says whilst moving Tae's hair away from his eyes. "You're in the nurse's room."

Tae winces and reaches up to touch the ice pack that Jungkook was holding against his forehead.

"I had to help carry you in here. You were knocked out cold." Jungkook says as he scooted himself up in the chair to be nearer to the bed. He removed the ice pack and leaned down a bit closer; examining Tae's red forehead. "Does it hurt..?" He asks.

Tae slowly nods his head. "Yeah...a lot actually."

Jungkook frowned. "The nurse went to call your parents to see if she can give you a pain killer...but, they must not be answering because she's taking an awfully long time."

"It stings..." Tae mumbles.

Jungkook bit his lip and sat there for a few moments; thinking about something before he says, " mom always does something to help make the pain go away faster. I can do it for you if you want me to.."

"Anything..! My headache hurts so bad." He said with a pained expression while looking up at Jungkook.

Jungkook set the ice pack down and pushed Tae's bangs completely back. He leans down and ever-so-gently plants a kiss on the top of his cold forehead. Tae laid there quietly with his eyes closed; a sense of peace having rushed over him the moment Jungkook's soft lips came in contact with his skin.

The two stayed in that position for a bit longer, though, the moment was short lived because once Jungkook removed his lips, Tae's face immediately heated up and he opened his eyes.

"Does it feel better..?" Jungkook asked while looking down at him.

"Y-ye...I mean..." Tae shot up, knocking Jungkook back who was still slightly leaning over him. "N-no! Why would you do that?!"

Jungkook blinked from Tae's sudden reaction. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you??"

"No but..." Tae looked down at Jungkook's hand that was resting on top of his and quickly yanks it away. "W-why did you kiss me?!"

"I told help the pain go away."

"'re a boy! And...I'm a boy.."

"Yes...that is true. So...your point?"

"A boy shouldn't kiss another boy's forehead like that!"

"I don't see the big deal. It's not like I kissed your lips."

Tae groaned and threw his legs over the side of the bed. As he was about to stand up, Jungkook stops him by placing his hands on his chest and pushes him back down onto the bed. "No, no, no. Lay back down. You need to rest, Tae T-...Taehyung."

"I'm fine, OK?? Now let me pass.." Tae says and immediately stands back up.

"Why are you so upset with me..?"

"Just get out of my way Jungkook. I mean it.."

Jungkook stepped in front of him for a second time, blocking him from walking past. "I haven't done anything to you...why are acting like this? First you get mad at me for calling you a nickname that you asked me to make up for you, and now this.."

As Tae kept moving his face away from Jungkook's, Jungkook just kept moving back into his line of sight. "I didn't know that calling you 'Tae Tae' was going to make you so mad...I'm really sorry, OK?"

"It's not just that..." Tae mutters and continued to turn his face away from Jungkook's.

"Then what is it? Talk to me, Taehyung...if I can do something to make it up to you, I will."

"All I want you to do is get out of my way."

Without warning, Jungkook threw his arms around Taehyung and gave him a tight squeeze; Tae immediately tensing up. "I want to be close friends we were before."

"What are you talking about? W-we weren't even that close. We were just stupid kids...n-now let go.."

Jungkook squeezed him tighter; Tae widening his eyes as he did so. "Then we can get to know each other better...over bangopple smoothies?"

Tae wiggles his arms out from underneath Jungkook's and harshly pushes him back. "How many times do I have to say it?? Get out of my way!"

Jungkook stumbled back and plopped down into the chair that was, luckily, sitting behind him. Shocked, he looked up at Tae who's cheeks were colored a light shade of pink.

"W-why can't you take the hint?? Do I really have to say it??" Tae leaned in closer and cupped his hands around the outside of his mouth as he says, "I don't want to be friends with you!"

Jungkook's shocked expression turned into a saddened one; his bottom lip starting to quiver. "W-what..? But why not..?" He says with a quiet, slightly squeaky voice.

Tae pulled his face back a little bit after seeing Jungkook's lip quivering. Feeling guilty, Tae looked down and rubbed the back of his neck as he went to step around the chair.

Jungkook grabs onto the bottom of his shirt, "W-wait...please just tell me why you don't want to be friends with me.."

"Let go.."

"T-that's all I'm asking you!"

Tae shoved Jungkook's hand away from his shirt. "Because you're an annoying idiot, that's why!" He yells and started to head out of the room. As he was doing so, the nurse walked in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you think you're going, Mister?" she pointed over towards the bed. "Lay back down. You need to rest for at least 30 more minutes so this pill can kick in." She says and holds up a small plastic cup and a white pill.

As she lead Taehyung back over to the bed, Tae looked over his shoulder and watched as Jungkook squeezed past them, covering his face. His heart dropped when he heard the sound of sobbing coming from outside the door; getting quieter and quieter as Jungkook hurried down the hall.
Jungkook's house |5:00pm

"H-he called me an annoying i-idiot.." Jungkook says through soft cries; his face buried in his crossed arms.

"Don't cry, sweetheart.."

"He was so mean to me, mom. I've never even done anything to Taehyung..." He held on tightly to the pillow that was underneath him.

"I know sweetie." She placed her hand on his back. " have to remember that sometimes things happen in people's lives that can change them. I'm sure he didn't mean it when he called you that."

"He's a stupid jerk! I hate him! "

"Don't say that." She rubbed his back, says, "Do you remember what I told you?"

Jungkook sniffles and says, " always see the best in people.."

"Exactly. That boy might just be having a bad day, ok?" She wipes his tears away and says, "Maybe you should talk to him. Or better yet, why don't you make him something and give to him?"

"Like what..?"

"You and Jimin have friendship bracelets. Why don't you make him one?"

"But he isn't my friend.."

"Maybe you two can become friends. I'm sure he would really like one."

"...I tried...and I really thought we were because we kept calling each other friends, but...I guess it didn't mean as much to him as it did to me.." He sobbed softly into the pillow.

"Shhh...just give him the friendship bracelet tomorrow, ok? I'm sure that once he sees it, he will love it."

Jungkook lifted his head from the pillow and nodded slowly. Sunhee says, "Now cheer up, sunshine. Everything will work out." She gives Jungkook a tight squeeze.

Jungkook tightly squeezed her back. "Do you promise?" He says and sniffs again.

"Cross my heart." She gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Tae's house

(Taehyung talking to Yejin, his cousin.)

"So, Tae. Still talking to that little Jungkook boy?

"Not anymore.."

"Aw that's too bad. Why?" Yejin asks.

"As if you don't know.."

Yejin chuckles and twirls her glasses around in her hand. "You still afraid of going to that island for little gay boys like you?"

Tae smacked his hand down on the bed. "I'm not gay, Yejin! Why are you always teasing me??"

"Because I can."

"You shouldn't treat me that way. I'm 13 now. I'm not the same stupid 8 year old like I was 5 years ago.."

"'re exactly 5% less stupid than you were before." She snickered.

"Shut up or I'll tell my parents you were smoking with that one girl friend of yours. And then where will you stay? They would never allow a person with a disgusting habit like that in this house."

"Were you...spying on us??"

"No! I just happened to walk by and see! You dummies left the door open."

Yejin went quiet for a moment before she responded, "If you say a word, I'll just tell them about the day you told me about how you got butterflies that one time when Jungkook hugged you."

"I was 8! How do you know that's what it was?? It could have just been a...spasm or something. Or the flu."

"Quit denying it. You're gay and you always have been."

"No I'm not!" He yelled.

As the two were arguing back and fourth, Yohan throws the door open. "What's going on in here??"

Tae tightened his fists and got up from the bed. He storms out of the room past Yohan without saying a word.

Yohan looks over at Yejin, says, "What the hell was that about?"

"The little shit is just throwing a fit per usual."

Yohan shook his head and closed the door behind him after walking in. He pulls out a set of keys from his pocket and goes over, sits on the edge of her bed.

Yejin spotted the keys in his hands and immediately perks up. She sits up straight and scoots over to him, tucking her hair behind her ears. "So, uh, whatcha want?"

Yohan gave her a side eye and then looked back down at the keys. "I need to ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

"...I need you to tell me if Taehyung ever comes to you and mentions this boy named Jungkook. I have a sneaking suspicion Taehyung may like this boy, and I need you to tell me if he ever says anything to you about it."

"Wow, Yohan...why are you so concerned about Taehyung liking boys?"

Yohan fiddled with the keys in his hand. "...because I don't want him to make the same mistake I have made."

"What do you mean?" She asks while playing with her phone; not really paying much attention to what he was saying.

Yohan looked over at her. "If I tell you, you have to promise you won't tell anyone."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

"I mean it, Yejin." Yohan held the car keys up in front of her face. "Do you want these, or not?"

Yejin looked up at the keys. "You're really going to give me your truck??"

"Only if you promise, and mean it, you won't tell anyone about what I am about to tell you."

Yejin nodded. "Ok, I promise."

"...I'm having an affair. And it's been eating me up inside...and I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I had to tell somebody."

Yejin drops her phone and covers her mouth; shocked. "Oh my God...does Jina know..?" She whispers.

"No. And she can't ever know. This is just between you and me, got it?"

Yejin goes quiet and rubs the side of her arm, a bit hesitant. Yohan moved his face to be directly in her line of sight. "Got it??" He repeated.

"Yeah..." Yejin says and lets out a sigh. "...but, with who..?"

"It's somebody that I hired to be my secretary...and I guess we just...hit it off.."

"What about Taehyung?? You have to end it with her, Yohan..!"

Yohan rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's...not a 'her'..."

Yejin widened her eyes and stood up from the bed. "It's a him?? Yohan! What were you thinking?!"

Yohan stood up too and grabbed onto the sides of her arms. "Shh! Jina is going to hear you!"

Yejin grabbed her head, trying to comprehend everything he had just told her. "But I don't've always been so...homophobic."

Yohan let go over her arms and turned away from her; running his hand through his hair. "Believe me...I hate myself for this...but he's the only person who understands me. He listens when I talk...Jina doesn't. She cares more about her appearance and going out with her friends than she does me."

"I don't seem like you guys are doing fine.."

"If it wasn't for Taehyung, I would have divorced her a long time ago. But, I don't want him to worry about us."

"Yohan, you can't keep this a secret forever. One of these days she is going to get suspicious!"

Yohan groans. "I don't want to talk anymore about this, Yejin. I already feel guilty enough...I don't need you to lecture me when I'm already lecturing myself about it every single day." He stood up. "Now, here. Take these." He held out the keys.

Yejin looked down at the keys then back up at Yohan. "Yohan...I don't think I can stay quiet about this...this is really serious.."

"No. I trusted you with this information, and you're not going to fuck me over. I've done so much for you when no one else would. I let you live in my house for years after my brother abandoned you; even when I was struggling to pay the bills and provide for my own child and wife. And now I'm giving you the truck that I worked hard to fix up and get ready for you. You owe me to keep this secret."

Yejin went quiet, thinking about it before she replied. "...fine." She agrees reluctantly.

Yohan shoved the keys in her hands and gave her a stern look before he headed towards the door. Before walking out, he looked over his shoulder and gave her one last look. "And I mean it. Not a word to either Jina or Taehyung." He walks out, leaving a stressed Yejin standing in the middle of the room looking down at the key's; not knowing what to do.

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