One Night with the Mafia Prin...

By alexahlove

29K 88 4

The typical, your girl sleeps with a Mafia Prince story but wait, there's a twist. In this realistic world, w... More


Chapter 1

5.8K 74 4
By alexahlove

One Night with the Mafia Prince is copyright. © Any copies, files, notes or any ideas (etc.) that are from this book are strictly copyright. And if taken without a written consent or permission is a criminal act, Plagiarism. All Rights Reserved ©


I have completely decided to revive this book, and with this I have decided to make A LOT of changes to the story and characters. If you have just started reading this book, there won't be any problems. To my previous readers, I hope you still enjoy and support this book. Thank you.


I rolled my eyes in irritation as my date, whom my mother had graciously arranged for me, ranted about his well toned body and his charming good looks, I almost puked. If it wasn't for my widowed mother, I wouldn't be here wasting my time on an idiot like Randy Cooper. 

Uh-huh you guessed it right folks, Randy Cooper, 'the most famous bachelor in town' as they had proclaimed. In my opinion, he is famous and he is a bachelor I can't deny that, but he wasn't the famous bachelor. I mean look at this guy. We've been here for 30 minutes and not once had he stopped talking and this was merely 30 minutes of my life, how much time would I waste If I decide to marry him, I shudder in disgust. I didn't even know how my mother met this guy or where my mother found him, much more how she asked him to go on a blind date with me when he was completely in love with himself. Boy! My mother must be this desperate to have a taste of grandmahood.

I got up in the middle of my date's rant not bothering to excuse myself so he could hint my annoyance, "restroom." I blankly said as I left him without another word.

I watched my reflection on the mirror and smiled at myself as I exhaled slowly. "Bear with it Keeley, just until you find a suitable man for you, which will be--- never." with one last glance and a quick sigh, I got out of the restroom.

I inwardly smiled as I saw my date. I had sat down at my table only to find that my date was yet again talking about himself while winking at the waitress. The waitress being her, seeing a hot rich young bachelor, flipped her hair while battling her eyes and giggling. I almost barfed at the sight of him talking while glancing at the waitress.

Bored, I was bored. I placed my elbow on the table and my head on my hand as I stared of the entrance examining the people who were walking in and out.

I soon found myself staring at a man who had just walked in. He was wearing an all black Armani suit, he was dressed for an occasion and not only that. He was devilishly handsome and intimidating and he looked to be much of a rich player, there was no surprise there seeing as he was carrying around in his arms two young girls who looked to be paid. I rolled my eyes.

"So as I was saying.." I heard a cough, and I turned towards my date. "You're really pretty and all, but I just don't think... I mean... It's me not you--"

"Can you just get to the point." I said.

"I just think I'm not ready for a relationship other than--"

"A relationship other than yourself?" I asked. He beamed at me.

"Exactly! How did you know, I think we are meant to be but not now, like wrong person right time, I- I mean the other away around, am I right? You can give me ca--" I inwardly laugh at him being naturally stupid.

"Just go already." I said. He got up without another word, and it only took minute of watching Randy leave with the waitress did I realise, he had left me with the bill. What a gentlemen.


"How was the date honey?" My mom asked as I walked through our door tiredly. I turned towards her smiling. "It was uhhh okay." My mother beamed.

"Will I finally get those grand children anytime soon?" I rolled my eyes, as I started walking up the stairs after I yelled my mom a "Good night!"

"I'm hoping!" I heard her yell back, I groaned.

Being an only child to an only child and a widow has its rough patches. 


"Keeley I want those reports ready by the end of this week, understand?" My boss Chadwick said. My eyes widened at his words.

"But Sir--" I didn't get to finish my sentence when my boss just walked away leaving me dismayed.

I had initially planned a night out together with my friends today and I was extremely excited about it, and now it looks like my plan out was canceled.

I sighed, I got my phone and called Scarlot after three rings she had picked up.

"What's up Keels?" My friend Scarlot asked.

"Just calling to say I can't make it tonight, I have a report to make and my boss wants it by next week."

"WHAT?! Boo you whore! You can't just stand us up! We planned this for weeks Keels!"

"I know but--" I protested.

"No buts, after-all it is only by next week! It's still a Monday, you'll have it by his office in like 7 days! If you don't you can totally make it up to him by giving him your sweet and romantic kisses!" I rolled my eyes as I imagined my Scarlot smirking, I really didn't want to remember the night or more like the relationship I had with my boss.

It was done, over, Nadda.

"Fine, but if I get fired it's on you!"

"Yes! See you there, love you!" I sighed as I hanged up the call, looks like I was gonna have a long and fun night.


I gulped down the bottle of beer in one swing as my friends cheered me on, like me... they were all party goers. After successfully drinking the whole beer, my friends roar, cheers and laughter could be heard.

I was drinking way too much for a Monday night considering I had work tomorrow, but I didn't mind.

I listened to my friends chat as I gulped down my fifth bottle of beer, drowning away my thoughts with it.

"Giovanni Giuseppe." I had heard Scarlot say. "Yeah I had him." She bragged.

Riley, one of friends laughed. "You had him once, I had him twice." Scarlot in her drunk state rolled her eyes at Riley's word.

Siena laughed. "Ya'll had him once, twice but have you ever had him in the beach while skinny dipping." Riley and Scarlot frowned, they turn towards me as if waiting for me to brag about a night with the guy they all had.

"Who is that?" I asked, they gasped.

"Only the most hottest bachelor in the country!" Riley said dreamily.

"Oh trust me, I dated a bachelor once, he was not hot." I laughed at my own joke.

"Honey this is Giovanni we are talking about here, a filthy rich hot bachelor, who is single!" Scarlot yelled, I thanked the heavens that the music was loud so as to save me from embarrassment from my loud and wasted friends.

"Well, I'd like a piece of him." I smiled, as I drank some beer, I can feel the alcohol kicking in.

"Well you can! There he is right now." She turned around to where Riley was pointing, and sure enough a man was sitting by the far dark end corner, I could not quite see him as my vision had already blurred, but I felt the mans aura and sure enough it was dark and mysterious.

"I can't just approach him and ask if I could have a taste at him! I mean how did you guys get him?" I asked my friends, they all nervously looked at different directions.

"Ughhh through a mutual friend!" Scarlot half-yelled.

"I-I-I was uhm ahhhh, drunk yeah." Riley managed to stutter out.

Siena shrugged coolly at her. "It's best if I keep it to myself."

I suspiciously eyed them, but before I could start talking, in no time the girls were already up and they grabbed me up as they pushed me to his direction, Siena yelling "Go get him Tiger!" I even heard them make a few purring sounds.

Truth be told, I was not drunk enough to do what my friends had asked me to do, I just wanted to have a clear view at the man who had swoon my friends to have sex with him, well at least they claim to have had.

I walked slowly towards him and I felt his dark eyes suddenly on me, I felt uncomfortable, I turned towards my friends and saw them giving me thumbs up, I laughed. I turned back towards Giovanni only to see he was no where, where he had sat just seconds ago.

I looked around and to my luck I saw him walking out of the club holding his phone by his ears, wanting to see the man face to face, I followed him out, and I hid myself behind a post as I glanced at him wishing he would turn around and look at me so I could see him.

"Che cosa?!" (What?!) I heard him yell in a language and I flinched.

"Che cazzo eravate voi ragazzi cazzo fare che cazzo permettere che questo accada?! Huh?!" (What the fuck were you guys fucking doing that you fucking let this happen?) I did not understand whatever he was yelling over the phone, but it sounded as if it was top something big, I needed to leave fast before I would hear anything that would eat my conscience up.

"DO NOT FUCKING KILL HIM, CAPIRE?! (UNDERSTAND?!), I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM MYSELF." My eyes widened at what I heard, I cussed.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I heard him yell again as I started to walk away.

"TURN AROUND YOU BITCH AND TELL ME WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE?!" I froze, I knew he was talking to me and none other, I raised my hands up stupidly not turning around.

"I SWEAR I DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING?!" I yelled back, shaking.

"I SAID TURN AROUND OR I WILL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW?!" frightened, I turned towards him only to be met by his dark cold eyes, I could not see his face well, but I knew he was dangerous.

"WHO SENT YOU HERE HUH?! WHICH MAFIA, TALK!" He yelled, I flinched.

"MAFIA?! I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?!" I  was on the verge of crying, terrified over the man in front of me, to make things worse the man had reached out unto his back, pulled a gun and had pointed it at me, I almost fainted, almost.

"TALK!" He yelled.

In that moment, I knew I fucked up.

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