Coming Up For Air

By wonderfulsause

1.9M 75.1K 49.6K

What happens when one boy shatters everything you thought you knew about yourself? "I don't like boys. But I... More

{the beginning}
Character Answer and Other Thing(s)
[ e p i l o g u e p a r t o n e]
[ e p i l o g u e p a r t t w o ]
the first ends
the second ends
the third ends
Shameless Self Promo


34.5K 1.3K 1.2K
By wonderfulsause

"You've got a tendency in taking all your clothes off
Oh man hot damn you've got a body like ohh
You've got a part of me addicted to the moment
Oh man hot damn I've fallen hard like ohh
I like it."
-We The Kings, "I Like It"


"Sorry I'm late. I brought Chinese." Ashton was flushed with cold and happiness as he shrugged off his jacket in the hallway of Luke's new flat.

"Food? Yes." Luke was smiling and looking at Ashton and Ashton suddenly felt very self conscious and very warm.

"So..." Luke said, gesturing around the space, "This is it. Smaller. But it's nice and it always smells like coffee."

"Coffee smells good. I like it here," Ashton told him. Luke was wearing low slung red basketball shorts. Ashton tried to look at things other than his hips. (He couldn't.)

Luke, luckily, wasn't paying attention to Ashton's eyes. He was eating Kung Pow chicken on the kitchen counter and swinging his feet and being breathtakingly adorable, and Ashton wanted to tackle him but Luke wanted to take things slow, so instead Ashton just smiledsmiledbeamed because Luke was his version of perfection.

"Yay. You should come here a lot. I mean--wait. Yeah." Luke blushed a little. "I want you"

"Want me to...what?" Ashton grinned as he hopped up on the counter next to Luke and took out the box of potstickers Mrs. Wu had given him for free because she liked him and he was a regular.

"I just want you to want to be around me. I guess." Luke said quietly, like he was scared.

"I do." Ashton told him quietly, because he was scared. Not of Luke, but of other people like his grandmother, and other things like the fact that she was paying for his university.

"Yay." Luke smiled and Ashton was capsizing into an ocean that was the exact shade of blue that Luke's eyes turned when he was happy.

They ate in silence for a while. Luke occasionally hummed snatches of songs and Ashton tapped a nervous rhythm with his foot, and the mutedness was kind of nice until it was pummeled to pieces by the noisy opening of the front door.

"Lucas! Come help me with the groceries!" Calum called. All Ashton could see was his back as he seemed to have opened the door with his elbow.

"Christ, Calum. Did you buy enough food?" Luke laughed as he jogged the short distance to Calum and grabbed a few bags off of his arms.

"Do you want dinner tonight or not?"


"Wow. I was going to try to make you that rice stuff I know you like, but I guess you don't appreciate me enough to deserve it." Calum pouted and turned around. "Oh, hello. Ashton?"

"You guys sound like a married couple." Ashton observed. "Hello."

"We have food. Ash brought it." Luke said, putting a jug of milk in the fridge. "What rice stuff that I like?"

"The Spanish shit. I don't know. Maybe we are married, Ashton. Jealous?" Calum smirked and took a potsticker from Ashton's box and Ashton felt like he belonged.

"Cal, don't be mean. I like Ashton." Luke reprimanded with his head buried in a cabinet, hands loaded with different kinds of pasta he was organizing.

Ashton smiled. Luke liked him.

"Shut up, Luke. You're making him blush." Calum grinned at Ashton insolently. Ashton blushed more deeply and looked down. And flipped him off.

"You know," Luke began, popping up from behind the counter, "What would be nice?"

"Hm?" Calum took another potsticker while Ashton tried to shove him away.

"If you would leave." Luke said, flipping Calum's shoulders and turning him toward the door.

"Why? Why? Is this a date? Is little Lukey on a date?" Calum laughed as Luke thrust his jacket into his hands and shoved him into the hallway. "Date date date date date?"

"Shut up. Go make out with Niall, or whatever it is you two do in that dark hole of an apartment he has." Luke was laughing too, and Ashton could tell they loved each other a lot by the casual way Calum reached out and flicked Luke on the nose.

"Not all of us are gay, Luke. Bye, Ash! Nice to see you agai--," Calum was cut off by Luke slamming the door in his face. He turned around and looked at Ashton, still half smiling, and Ashton was half smiling too, and they quietly completed each others smiles for a moment.

"So that was Calum." Luke said finally.

"Little Lukey?"

"If you call me that, I will destroy you."

"Is this a date?" Ashton asked.

Luke shifted a little, looking uncomfortable and nervous.

"I mean, it wasn't supposed to be, but...I mean, if you...if, you know, if you want it to, I mean, maybe?"

Luke, Ashton thought, was the only person who could still be sexy with his cheeks painted the same color as his red basketball shorts.

"Okay." Ashton said. "I have another question."

"Shoot." Luke said, taking a few steps forward. Ashton felt his kneecaps start to tingle from the not-so-closeness of Luke.

"Are we...are we gay?" Ashton asked, choking a little on the words. "Or, like, bisexual? Or what?"

"Well..." Luke started, swallowing. "I mean, do you like me? Like, like like?"

"Yeah." Ashton said because he was pretty sure he'd made that blatantly obvious.

"Are you sure?"


"How do you know?" Luke looked scared. Ashton felt brave.

"Because you make my heart beat out of rhythm and I love it. And when you touch me I feel like I'm floating and shattering. And sometimes I want to kiss you so much I feel like I might break in half, and even though it sounds like I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart for you and that's okay. I want to fall apart for you."

Ashton took a breath and looked at Luke who looked like he might have just witnessed the second coming of Christ.


"Anyway. That's how I know I like you." Ashton finished lamely.

"That was beautiful. You're beautiful." Luke said from three feet away.

Ashton smiled.

"People don't say things like that to me." Luke said from two feet away.

"They should."

"I like you too. A lot." Luke said from one foot away.

"Good. That would have been embarrassing."

"Let's fall apart together." Luke whispered from no feet away.

Ashton nodded.

Luke kissed him.

Luke kissed him.

Luke kissed him and it was soft and hard and lovely. Ashton melted forward, pulling Luke so that he was pressed against the counter that Ashton was sitting on. Luke's hands were cupping Ashton's face, tracing his cheekbones with his thumbs as their lips moved messily against each other because technique wasn't on the to-do list.

Tongues. Ashton never realized how under-appreciated tongues were until he was introduced to Luke's when it lightly ghosted up the side of his tongue. Tongues were probably the reason humans existed. Someone probably invented people just so they could posses tongues because tongues were really really really great and



Luke was biting Ashton's lip and tracing his hands up Ashton's sides and pulling him closecloseclose and Ashton's legs were wrapped around Luke and Luke Luke Luke


Ashton felt blurry.

Ashton felt hot.

Ashton kissed down Luke's neck and ran his fingertips along the outline of his hips and lightly bit his collarbone.

Luke jerked forward when Ashton's teeth grazed his collarbone and his hands flattened and tensed on Ashton's back. They were close. Their bodies were flush together and Ashton couldn't tell where Luke ended and he began.

"Shirt--," Luke gasped, looking down at him with bright eyes and a flushed face. "Can I take off your shirt?"

Ashton nodded and laughed a little at Luke's formality, but his laughter died and was reborn as a whimper as Luke softly drew lines up and down his stomach before nudging Ashton's arms up and pulling the shirt over his head. He looked down at him for a second, his eyes all hot blueness and his lips swollen, before he leaned down and kissed Ashton's shoulder.

"Fuck. You're perfect." He mumbled. Ashton pulled on Luke's shirt and it was off in a heartbeat so in honor of that Ashton decided to kiss Luke's heart before they pressed their chests and other things together.

Luke's skin was soft.

Ashton let his hands lazily trail down Luke's back as their lips reattached, and Luke shivered a little, and their teeth banged together and Ashton lovedlovedloved it so much.

Luke's hands, which had previously been on Ashton's shoulders, made a quick decent to Ashton's waist and he started tracing circles along the waistband of Ashton's jeans. Ashton involuntarily bucked upward and into Luke and they stopped breathing for a second because the friction was heaven.

"Fuck," Ashton moaned into Luke's neck.

"God, Ash. You've got me falling apart now." Luke whispered into Ashton's hair.

"Yeah. Me too. Kiss me." Ashton kissed a wet trail up Luke's neck.

"Okay." Luke moved against Ashton and pulled him so their everything was sososo against each other and kissed him kissed him kissed him until they were both gasping for air and things were getting a little bit out of control and Ash vaguely remembered he had a test at seven thirty the next morning.

"Fuck." He moaned as Luke moved against him, four thin layers of cloth separating them. And then, "Fuck!"

"That...didn't sound good." Luke panted as he looked hazily down at Ashton, confusion and arousal playing tag between his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I--no." Ashton sighed and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts but it was hard with Luke standing between his legs looking like sex and talking all breathy and hot. "I just--have to get up really early tomorrow and it's getting late and I really don't want to leave because--,"

"Oh." Luke said after a second. "Okay. You have to go home?"

"Yeah." Ashton said, coffee-colored disappointment clear in his voice. "Yeah. I think better."

"Okay." Luke grinned lazily and leaned down and kissed the base of Ashton's neck. "You have nice shoulders. I'll walk you."


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