Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Ha...

By AmberSilverwood

4M 118K 71.4K

Harry Potter was supposed to be the golden boy, the savior of the wizarding world. However, Dumbledore's plan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Christmas Special
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Epilogue
Hadrian Riddle Harmonia - A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Chapter 17

84.4K 2.4K 754
By AmberSilverwood

Before I start with the story, I'd like to say (well write) a few things. First of all, I never expected this story to be so long, as I usually lose the motivation to write after awhile. However, this story is completely different from my others and I am very proud of it. When it's done, I'm gonna go back and fix any mistakes, so sorry about any of those. Now, I've been holding off a lot of unanswered questions that Hadrian has, so thank you for your patience with that. The next few chapters will be full of history and flashbacks, with a lot of explaining. Forgive me in advance if any of the explanations are confusing, and you can ask me to clarify anything if you want. Thanks, and let the story begin!


"Father." Hadrian said as he kneeled down.

"Hadrian, please stand. You have no need to bow down to me." Marvolo said, sitting at his desk. Hadrian stood and sat down on one of the couches, mentally preparing for this confrontation.

"I have questions, Father, that must be answered." He started.

"I know that, and that is why I had you come here."

"Then you know what it is that I will ask." Hadrian stated. Marvolo nodded, standing up and walking to the fireplace.

"Your mother, was a very special women. She had powers that wizards only dreamed of, and a mind that could overpower even me. You got your intelligence from her." He started, obviously not comfortable talking about her.

"She had very long black hair, and eyes that looked like emeralds. She was a very kind women, but only to the people she trusted. To others, she appeared indifferent to her surroundings. You have found two women, correct? Tell me what you are thinking." Marvolo said, turning towards Hadrian.

"Xerthea Harmonia and Aria Zolmais. I am leaning towards Aria due to your description of her, and the fact that she would have Dark Elf blood in her. She would be more willing to aid the dark, and thus more appealing to you." Hadrian said, repeating what he had been thinking the day before. Marvolo smirked.

"Yes, that is what anyone would think using what you had gathered, however, that is not how things turned out. Aria Zomais was half Dark Elf, with a dark core. She went to Hogwarts and met Albus Dumbledore, the leader of the light. He pushed her towards the light and she eventually turned traitor, telling the light of some of our plans and leaving the Knights of Walpurga. Aria was not my wife nor your mother." Marvolo stated. Hadrian's eyes narrowed.

"Then-" Hadrian started.

"Yes, Xerthea was your mother." Marvolo cut him off. "She had a grey core, and was very loyal to me and my cause. At Hogwarts, Dumbledore tried to sway her over to his side, but she stayed firm and pushed back. Xerthea never took the mark, and instead spied on the ministry by become secretary to the minister." Marvolo said, beginning a long tale.

"Xerthea was pregnant around the same time that Lily Potter was. On the 31st of July, Xerthea went into labor, and you were born 30 seconds before midnight. Potter also had her child a couple minutes before her, however the child was premature and didn't make it. The wizarding world didn't know that though. We spent the next year with very few raids, as we didn't want any casualties. The Death Eaters all adored you, and even at one year old you were performing magic that many others had never seen before. It was on your birthday that we were betrayed.

"We had a party with most of the Death Eaters attending with their families. We didn't think anyone had found out about you, as we kept you a secret within the dark side. At midnight, when everyone was gone and Xerthea was putting you to bed, Aria appeared next to her and... killed... her. She took you and had the Potters blood adopt you, changing your looks and making you their heir. On Halloween, I found where the Potters were hiding and killed them.

"By then, Dumbledore had come and fought me in the room you were in. I had been slowly becoming insane, and that hindered my fighting substantially. I threw the killing curse at him, and hit you instead as he moved out of the way. Instead of killing you though, it rebounded and destroyed my body. I'm still not sure how it happened, but Dumbledore won that time and hid you with the muggles.

"I'm assuming the magic that hid your appearance wore off after awhile due to your potent magic, and that is why you didn't need the counter spell to throw off the magic on you." Marvolo finished, sitting down on the couch opposite of Hadrian.

"So my mother, she was a zoometamorphagus?" Hadrian asked.

"Yes. As the gene spread though, each heir had one less animal that they could turn into. Xerthea had eight animals, however I only knew of three. A raven, fox, and cat. The others are unknown to me, as she preferred a fox." He explained.

"How do I go about doing this?"

"You should have been able to do it for awhile now. There is probably something blocking it. Do you have an object that may be blocking it? Something of significance." Marvolo asked, walking over to Hadrian.

"I'm not sure, I would have to check." Hadrian answered.

"Go check your room. Anything that gives off magic, bring it." He instructed. Hadrian nodded, and walked to his room. Marvolo sighed, sitting down at his desk, and took out a ring. "What should I do with him, Xerthea?" He whispered.

~•~•~•~•~ Flashback

"Marvolo!" Xerthea screamed from the nursery. He appeared in an instant, bending down and helping her to her feet.

"The prophecy must be fulfilled. Even if it is not the actual child to do it. Dumbledore will be the leader of the world, and darkness will fall." Aria said, holding Hadrian. The baby was glaring, not uttering a sound, just staring. She was unnerved by his icy and intelligent eyes, and disappeared from the room.

Xerthea collapsed, blood flowing from multiple wounds freely.

"Hold on, I can heal you." Marvolo whispered, saying spells in Parseltongue to heal the deep wounds. Despite his attempts, however, the wounds still gaped open, not showing any signs of closing.

"It's alright Marvolo. Let me be. It is my time. Our child, Marvolo, you must protect him. He... he will lead the dark to victory. Protect him." Xerthea whispered, dying slowly.

"Xerthea. Xerthea! Please, don't leave me. Don't leave me." Marvolo yelled, holding onto her. He suddenly quieted, and lifted his head up to look out the window. "Potter." He growled.


Hadrian woke with a start, curious about the dream he just had. Apparently his mother was killed by this Aria person, and had taken him to the Potters. But what was this prophecy? Why was he the one chosen to 'fulfill' it? Pushing these questions to the back of his mind, he held up the necklace that he had found while searching. He had it since he was a child, never having been seperated from it. He had forgotten about it because he had never taken it off. Perhaps this was what was blocking his powers.

He walked to his father's study and entered, holding the locket in his hand. What he saw was rather amusing, however. Marvolo was lying face down on his desk, sleeping very soundly. Nagini was hissing in his ear, but not even that could wake him. Deciding to hold off the necklace issue, Hadrian left the study and went to grab breakfast.


Alright! Congrats to ozgirl for getting it right! I was trying to make it less obvious, so I hope I did a good job with that. Hope you liked the chapter! Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

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