Saving His Princess Of Darkne...

By mariam_shaar

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(Sequel to Love Will Overpower) if you haven't read it I suggest you read it first to get a better understand... More

A Story To Tell
When It All Goes Down...
Bloodshed & Family Heartbreak
The Death Of One Small Child
Rescue Me
Because Of The Night
Heart Of Darkness
Pictures Of You
500 Years Of Solitude
The First Emotion To Come Out?
Do Not Go Gentle
She's Come Undone
Kill Or Be Killed?
As I Lay Dying
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
Kissed By The Dead
By The Light Of The Moon
To Be Swallowed Into A Pit Of Darkness

While You Were Out

592 25 5
By mariam_shaar

Victoria’s Pov

“Its beautiful up here. I could do this, you know. The Lexi method. Hang with you, party with you. It wouldn’t be the worst way to turn on my emotions back on” I looked at the view from the rooftop, then turned around to face Damon.

“I though you hated emotions” Damon looked at me warily “I do. Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to... spend more time with you.” I walked closer to him taking a sip from the bottle in my hand.

“I’ve never done it on a rooftop before” I smiled at Damon, I started to lean in closer when Damon hesitantly pulled away making a face. “Your not missing much” rolling my eyes I mentally groaned.

“You don't have to take the high road, Damon. I mean were still married. Neither one of us walked away from our marriage. I want this. You want this.”

Damon looks at me for a second, while I smile at him. Giving in Damon grabs my face and presses his lips against mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss him back. I let on of my hands trail down his chest and wonder to his pocket where his car keys were. As I slip my hand in his pocket and kiss him back Damon slaps my hand away and pulls away.

“What?” I asked innocently. Damon shaking his head and pulling out the car keys from his pocket, he dangles them in front of me.

“Looking for this? Did you really think that was going to work? The sex, the temptation, the booze? What, are you kidding me? I invented that trick.” Damon snatches the bottle of alcohol out of my hand and takes a sip.

New York – Billy’s 1977 Third Person

Damon and Lexi are sleeping on the rooftop. The sun started to rise and Lexis’s skin started to sizzle. Waking up she vamps-runs out of Damon’s arms and seeks refuge in a shaded doorway. Hurriedly she tries to open the door, but its locked.

“Good luck” Damon spoke from the mattress. “I spent all night reinforcing it. It was tough.” Getting up Damon started to approach Lexi “Had to be really quite not to wake you up” Damon smirked at her.

Lexi laughed nervously “What is this?” she asked. Standing across her in the sunlight, Damon smirked wickedly “Payment.” Lexi frowns as she tries to hide herself under the shelter “For what?”

Damon shrugs “Oh, for the last six months of my life, for the nagging, for the self-righteous platitudes. I'm paying you back for six months of you.” Lexi looked at Damon in realization “Your humanity isn't back on, is it?”

Damon smirked at Lexi “Never was” Lexi looked at Damon hurt “So this was all just-“ Damon cut her off he smirked wickedly “A joke! A big fat lie!” Damon started to smile.

“Best part of it is, you believed it. You thought I was like Stefan, a wounded little bird that you could nurse back to health.” Walking up to Lexi, Damon started to touch Lexis’s cheek making Lexi grab his hand viscously.

“But he's a victim. I choose to be this way.” Damon garbs Lexis hand and pulls it into the sunlight, making Lexi scream in pain. Pulling her hand away from Damon’s, Lexi gasps.

“Enjoy the day. I hear it’s going to be a scorcher” Damon smiles nastily at Lexi before vamp speeding out of sight.

“So you pretended to have feelings for her just to get her off your back?” I asked Damon. “I was willing to do whatever it took. Sound familiar?” I couldn’t help but chuckle “Aww. I hurt your feelings” I smiled at him.

“Not my feelings. I'm looking out for you because one day, you will flip that switch back on, and all the bad stuff that you did is going to come rushing back, and it is going to suck.” I looked at Damon in boredom.

I just wanted to get my hands on his car keys, so I could leave this city. Go back home, I have a sister to visit.

“So you’re saying that you felt bad for Lexi?” Damon signed he looked up at the sky then back at me.

“She became a walking, talking reminder of all the awful things I'd done. And I managed to avoid her for decades, and then she just shows up in Mystic Falls to wish my baby bro a happy birthday, and boom-- rush of memories, rush of guilt.”

“So you poison her and try to kill her? But you fail” I spoke bluntly.

“Out of sight, out of mind. Every day that you're like this is the day that you might do the one thing that you can't take back.” I picked at my nails as I looked at Damon.

“Here's what I don't get. You spent six months trying to get her to fall in love with you just so that you could hurt her. You were spiteful, malicious, borderline evil, and you say that you had your emotions turned off, but those all sound like emotions to me.”

Damon shrugged his shoulders he took a sip of his drink “Maybe they were. Maybe hatred was the first one I got back. All the more reasons to get you turn on your emotions. That way, we get the normal Victoria back without all the ugly stages in between.” I glared at him angrily “Whatever you’re going to do, I am not going to turn my emotions back on.” I started to walk away from him when Damon vamp-speed over and blocked me from walking any further.

“Yes, you are, even if I have to break your neck or tie you up in chains until you get your emotions back on” I started at him for a moment I glared at him icily “Your pathetic” I snapped at him before, snapping his neck.

Stefan’s Pov

“What do you mean by that?” I slammed mine and Katherine’s room door shut. “Let's just say it involves a 5' 7" Blondie” Damon spoke I signed sitting on the bed.

“Please don’t tell me this is going where I think it is.”  I begged. I had been trying to get in contact with Damon for a couple of hours now. Finally he had answered his phone and updated me on everything, which includes all the Victoria drama that has been going on.

“Wrong fantasy, brother. Unless you're into snapped necks.” He paused for a moment, cutting me off  “If you're searching for the words to tell me how badly I screwed up, save your breath.” I closed my mouth, Damon knew me way to well.

“Well what are you going to do now?” Damon singed on the other end of the line and I heard another scream coming from downstairs “What’s that sound?” he asked. I signed running my hands through my hair.

“Nadia. She’s been bitten by a werewolf. I’ve tried looking for Klaus, he’s no where to be found.” Damon made a sound “Oh. Listen I’ve got to go and search fro my emotionless wife. Who has stolen my car. Look after your child and Mystic Falls.”

I was about to hang up the phone when Damon spoke again “And kiss my nephew goodnight” I couldn’t help but smile when Damon hung up.

A part of me deep down broke-down as I recalled Ian’s death. Damon didn’t deserve any of this. He finally found his wife and had a picture perfect family and that all crumbled down in a matter of minutes.

I walked out of mine and Katherine’s room and made, my way to Adrian’s nursery. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I walked over to Adrian’s bed. Pulling out my phone I read the message from Caroline.

‘Would it be too much to ask, if you came over and helped me and Elena set up for prom?’  Hearing yet another scream from Nadia, I typed back ‘Sure. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you girls. I’ll be there soon’ with that I sent the message and looked over at Adrian who was sleeping peacefully.

Kissing him a goodnight from Damon, I walked down the stairs and into the living room hearing the small cries coming from Katherine.  I walked over to her and looked over at Nadia who had her eyes closed. Her skin was grey and sweaty.

I listened for her heart or breathing but found nothing. I closed my eyes in sadness; she was such a beautiful girl. I rubbed Katherine’s back and kissed her cheek as she silently cried.

“Its okay” I rubbed Katherine’s shoulder “Please just leave me alone” and that was my que to leave. No surprise that Katherine didn’t want me at the moment. She never showed her soft, caring side to anyone.

I stood up from the floor and grabbed my jacket from the coat hanger, I left the house and made my way over to the hall were Prom was going to be held.

Klaus Pov

It had been a while since I had left Mystic Falls. After that young witch tried pulling that trick on me, I left Mystic Falls in trying to find what Ian’s blood really was. I had finally found my answer in New Orleans.

Turns out that little Salvatore had the cure for vampirism running in his veins. Just when I though I could use his blood for good use, I hear the news that Silas had killed him.

Luckily I had gotten the original cure that used to lye in between Silas hand from a little friend of mine. I now held the cure of vampirism and I wanted to use it on someone very special to me.

As, much as Rebekah bickered and fought about wanting the cure, I refused to give it to her. The only way I was able to get rid of Rebekah and her running to Mystic Falls opening her mouth was to dagger her.

I made my way to Mystic falls. Ahh it’s been such a long time since I had been here. I had not only come to Mystic Falls to give the cure to this person of mine, but I had also come to see the lovely Victoria. It had been a very long time since I had seen her. I needed to know how she was and has the side effects of breaking the curse trigged yet.

But first I needed a drink.  I made my way to the Mystic Grill and ordered a large glass of Brandy. I sat down for a while and listened in on a convo that had caught my attention.

I looked over at Matt and Tyler as they spoke about Elena coming back into town. Geez, I had missed a lot. I had caught eyes with Matt who immediately told Tyler. I couldn’t help but chuckle as they both walked up to me.

“What are you doing back here?” Matt asked as he cleaned down the table “I came to visit” Tyler scuffled and rolled his eyes “We don’t need you here” I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my drink “Listen here mate. I’m not here to start any trouble. I just came back to see how things are doing. By tonight I will be long gone” Both boys raised their eyebrows at me “So were supposed to believe that you just came to check up on the town?” I smiled at them and nodded.

I jumped of my seat and pulled a 20-dollar bill out from my pocket “Have a good day” with that I walked out of the Grill. I got into my car and started to drive out of Mystic Falls. Just as I was about to drive past the Mystic Falls sign a blue car speeding down the road caught my attention.

Would you look at that. I swerved my car stopping it in the middle of the other lane, so that the blue car wasn’t able to go into Mystic Falls. I stepped out of my car and leaned against it and watched as the women in the blue car stopped right in front of my car.

The women came out of her car and slammed her door shut. She walked over to me her heels clicking against the concrete. “Its lovely to see you” A dry laugh left Victoria’s as she glared at me “What do you want?” I held up my hands in surrender.

“Nothing. I just came to check up on this lovely town” Victoria scoffolded “That’s hard to believe. There is always a catch with you Mystic Fall boys” I couldn’t help but laugh. Someone was very fiery today. “Your right. But don’t worry love, it has nothing to do with you or you’re family.”

Victoria chuckled dryly as she shook her head and started to walk away. “By the way. I’m very sorry to hear about Ian’s death” as soon as those words left my lips Victoria spun around immediately “Don’t be sorry. If I’m the mother and I don’t feel anything, you shouldn’t” please tell me she did not turn off her emotions.

“And yes Klaus, I did turn off my emotions” she spoke as if she had just read my mind, which I think was possible. Victoria jumped into her car and backed away and drove onto the other lane.

I watched as she drove down the road and into Mystic Falls. I jumped back into my car and made my way to Katherine’s Pierces house. This was the Salvatore’s problem not mine. I had come here for Katherine. I had a little surprise for her. I parked my car near the many trees that surrounded me and walked to Katerina’s house.

Not even brothering to knock on the door, I walked into her house, hearing the small sound of cries. I walked into the living room to see Katherine Pierce sitting on the floor tears streaming down her face.

“Well” I spoke as I stepped down onto the first step leading into living room. Katherine’s head snapped up as she looked at me in fear “What are you doing here?” I looked at the women on the couch and then looked back at Katherine “Paying my respects to the dead” Katherine stood up as she wiped her tears.

“Bullshit” I couldn’t help but smile at her “What do you really want Klaus?” walking down the reminder of the steps I pulled out the cure from my pocket.

“I come bearing gifts” I smiled at Katherine who frowned at me “What is that?” I looked at the cure in my hands and played around with it “Something very special to me. You see Katerina” I used her original name.

“It wouldn’t give me much satisfaction killing you, because the thrill would be over in seconds. For 500 years I have been trying to get my hands on you for what you did. I killed your family, made you run, scared you to the core. If I kill you right now all that would go to waste.” I stood a couple feet away from her as she looked at me curiously.

“But this” I held up the cure for vampirism “This my dear Katrina will give me pleasure” with that I speed over to Katherine and put her in a headlock.

I opened up her mouth and pushed the cure into her mouth. Katherine screamed and scratched at my hands viscously, but I refused to let her go.  I grabbed her jaw and forced it to close around the cure.

Katherine looked up at me with wide eyes as the cure dissolved into her mouth, smiling viciously I watched as Katherine opened her mouth and pieces of glass from the bottle fell out of her mouth. I let go of Katherine’s body and watched as her eyes closed and her body fell to the floor.

I looked at Katherine, I smiled happily. If I killed Katherine the thrill and happiness that Katerina Petrova is dead would be over in a couple of minutes. But watching Katherine grow old, watching Katherine struggle with her new senses, that was something that I wanted to watch. 

This was my revenge. This was Katherine Pierces punishment for running away from me 500 years ago.

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