The Puppeteer

By SweetNightmare01

48K 1.3K 841

Blood, torture, death, possibly major character death, depression I will be starting at the USJ battle and ma... More

Midoriya's quirk and a few other things
The U.A. Tournament (part one of three)
The U.A. Tournament (part two of three)
The U.A. Tournament (final)
Hero names, One for All and Internships
Return to school
Missing: Izuku Midoriya
Extra (short) Chapter: Entrance Exam
Blind Insanity
A/N: New Book
Past (Mostly I guess? Kinda?)
Kidnapped... again -.-
What fun
Return Todoroki
Partial Fix
Important A/N

Battle at USJ

4.5K 105 42
By SweetNightmare01

His costume is the suit above (but without the large flowing part of the suit). This will change later when he becomes a villain, and I will show you a pic of that, too, later. Also, comment me ideas for things you want me to add and where there are mistakes. Comment things you want more elaboration on, etc. I'll see if I can add them. I've already written four chapters before this chapter comes out, but after the U.A. Tournament, I'll see what y'all want me to add.

3rd PoV:
Almost as soon as they arrived at the facility, they were attacked by villains. Izuku wasn't too worried about it, he had a quirk that he could use to easily turn the villains to fight each other.

Izuku's PoV:
As I moved to go fight, Aizawa told us all to get back. Even though I wasn't the only one to move, I know Aizawa was looking at me behind those goggles.

"At least let me help. After all, your quirk is more for stealth and battling for short periods of time due to the side-effect of your quirk. You need back-up," I say, slightly agitated that I couldn't use my quirk. Aizawa just grabs his scarf.

"You can't be a pro hero with only one trick," he says and then jumps down to fight the enemies below them. I grumble as he fights and I glare at the villains. I could control them from here if I wanted, but Aizawa told me not to, and I can't exactly go against my teacher. I slowly turn and follow Thirteen and the other students, who were running for the door. There was suddenly a black/purple fog in front of us, and we all stopped as we heard a voice speak.

(I don't remember what he said, so Imma keep it short) "I won't let you escape," the person says and as Thirteen and I both move, we see Bakugou and Kirishima jump at him. I internally growl as Bakugou is once again trying to steal the show. I cough as there's smoke everywhere. As it clears, we hear the man talk again. "That was close. Now, it's my job to scatter and kill you." The mans purple/black fog surrounds us. I growl, this time out loud. I can't focus on one spot to control to keep him away from us. I feel myself falling and land in something cold. I look around and notice that it's snow. Must be an avalanche zone. I look around and notice that there are villains running at me. I wave my hand and several of them stop before turning to the others and they start fighting, their faces blank. I smirk and walk past the battle, having another one that was further down the hill come towards me and walk with me as I question him. He answers without hesitation, I had taken over his mind, after all.

After getting all the answers I needed, I made him join the battle, all the villains here occupied with battling each other. I'm tempted to laugh, but I need to focus on getting to the plaza and keep them from killing All Might. I hear a slam and look to the entrance and see smoke and dust rising from seemingly a large impact. I immediately know who it is and mentally curse at myself for not moving down to the plaza sooner. I start running down the mountain. As I reach the base, the ground shakes. I look at the plaza to see All Might already fighting bird-brain (Nomu), Aizawa out of commission and being carried away by Tsu and Mineta. Good, I don't want them getting caught in the middle. As I walk towards the fight there's suddenly dust and smoke everywhere, again. I continue towards it, running this time. As it clears, I see bird-brain through a portal, gripping All Might. It seems to dig it's fingers into him and he starts to bleed. I growl and grit my teeth as I run towards them. I suddenly see ice and watch as it crawls along the ground and climbs bird-brain. Bakugou grabs the metal piece portal-man has and pushes it to the ground and Kirishima almost hits handy-man, emphasis on almost. I slow to a walk as All Might gets free of bird-brain and lands next to Todoroki and I join them.

I look at handy-man as he says, "Nomu," bird-brain, who I now guess is named Nomu, starts to move, his right arm and leg breaking off due to the ice. The rest of the ice breaks as the muscle and skin is restored.

"I thought you said his quirk was shock absorption," All Might says from next to me.

"I didn't say that was all he has," Handy-man says as he laughs. I see All Might grit his teeth out of the corner of my eye. I don't look at him as I focus on Nomu.

"So bird-brain has two quirks?" I say, not taking my eyes off the creature in question. "Doesn't matter to me-"

"Young Midoriya," All Might says next to me, making me look at him. I growl as he shakes his head as a way of telling me not to get involved. Honestly, I could stop him easily, I could keep All Might and the others from needing to fight, so why won't anyone let me. I feel a pair of eyes on me as I growl. I look to see Bakugou staring at me, he sees my mood and gets scared. I frown a little at this, I don't want to scare anyone who isn't a villain, not even Bakugou, the hot-head of the class. He only stops doing rash things when he notices I'm angry or annoyed, or just plain not in the mood to deal with shit. The others seem to have noticed this and keep a distance from me, even Todoroki, who doesn't seem scared, just uncaring. I haven't had a friend since my quirk developed. It hurt, but so far it's been fine. Hard at times, but so far it's turned out fine in the end. I turn my attention to bird-brain again as he moves quickly. I watch as it zooms towards Bakugou. I then see All Might move and push Bakugou away and then Nomu punches him, sending him skidding along the ground. I watch as more dust and smoke rises as he collides with something. I turn to Nomu, who's standing over portal guy. I grit my teeth. Why does no one listen to me...? I glare at bird-brain, handy-man and foggy (My names for Nomu, Tomura and Kurogiri XD). They don't notice me as they stare where All Might is as the smoke clears. I don't look, already knowing that All Might's there and can survive a punch. I keep my eyes trained on the three villains. Handy-man starts boasting about Nomu being able to take All Might at 100%, and being the perfect punching bag that fights back. Perhaps it was made for just that purpose, to be Handy-man's punching bag, due to the recovery of bird-brain and handy-man's quirk, which, by the state if Aizawa's elbow, is some sort of thing to do with decaying or destroying things, which is similar to what happened to U.A.'s gate/wall thing. So I'm gonna go ahead and say these guys are responsible. All Might and Nomu start fighting, making it so no one else can fight due to the intensity of the punches creating so much air displacement it's making everyone hold on for dear life to not go flying. I punch the ground, making my arm stronger with my quirk to get my fist to bury itself in the ground to keep me there. I watch as the battle goes on, when suddenly bird-brain is sent flying through the roof. I look at the hole in the roof. Wonder who's gonna pay for that... I turn my attention to All Might.

"I really am getting weaker, at my prime, 5 hits would have been enough, but it took more than 300 mighty blows," he seems proud of himself for defeating the Nomu, but if he let me help, if anyone let me help, this would have been done much sooner. He probably wanted to show off. All Might turns and starts talking to handy-man and foggy. The two villains start talking and they suddenly both rush at All Might. As I launch myself at them, handy-man reaches through foggy and reaches for my face. As I'm about to move to grab him, someone shoots his hand and both handy-man and foggy stop and I glare at the entrance and hear more gunshots. Of course the teachers arrive as I'm about to beat them. I grit my teeth.

I fall to the floor and groan as I just lay there, not wanting to get up. As the rest of the villains are taken care of, foggy and handy-man escape. I growl internally. I look at All Might. He looks different. He looks deflated, and his hair has fallen down. So the facade falls... interesting. I close my eyes and open them again as I suddenly hear talking.

"You saved me. Thank you, Young Midoriya," All Might says. I just give him the thumbs up and sit up, turning to him.

"So, what's with the deflated form?" I ask, pointing at him. He looks down at himself and seems slightly shocked. "What? Didn't know about it?"

"No, I knew about it. I'm just confused why you aren't reacting much to it."

"Considering you are constantly leaving class early, and what Aizawa and Thirteen were talking about, you had a time limit and ran out of time, and you used up that time this morning, and now you really can't hold, and are scared to move." I say as I look at him and remember all the things as I mention them. I look up and see he's staring at me. "Did I get that right?"

"How did you figure this all out?"

"You tend to get more observant and have a better memory when you're alone most of your life." As I say it without a care, All Might seems to just be worried.


"More left out or cast out, but I suppose any way it's said, it still means I'm alone. If anything, I feel that it allows me to focus more on my future when I have no one to talk to. I get good grades, and I can get any job. I excel at every subject, and I have a powerful quirk. People view it as a dark quirk, but I think that it can be used as whatever I want it to be."

"I suppose that's one way of looking at things, even if I don't particularly agree. I don't know what I would do if I had no one."

"That's where we're different, All Might. You've had the adoration of the entire world, while I've been feared by everyone who met me. I never expected you to agree or understand, only listen and go about your day like nothing has happened. The only reason I don't control you to forget this happened is because I looked up to you, and what kind of hero would I be if I controlled the number 1 hero?" I see Kirishima out of the corner of my eye and wave at him, taking control of him and sending him back to the others when I see All Might is distressed about him coming this direction. All Might nods at me in thanks. I just shrug as I stand up, dusting my self off. "It was for his own good, anyhow. As soon as he gets to the others, I will deactivate my quirk on him. You look tired, All Might. You should rest on the way back to the school and for a bit afterwards. Although, I may not need to tell you that, you look like you might collapse anyways."

As he falls, I manipulate his costume, wanting to use my quirk on something inanimate for a change. I keep him from falling as I make the costume stay where it is. I see teachers walking over and as soon as one of them has their arms under him, I release him and go to join my friends. I smile slightly, knowing that I needed to vent and All Might probably won't remember anything I said when he wakes up. As I walk over to the others, they're all having conversations amongst themselves. Talking about where they were and what they did, who they were with, etc. I overhear one conversation of the invisible girl saying she was with me. I grit my teeth. I didn't know she was there, and I almost took control of her, shit. I continue walking past everyone, some people start talking about me. I grit my teeth more, probably destroying them by now. I don't want your attention, stop talking about me. I feel my eyes start to water and I manipulate my body to keep more from coming out, not wanting people to see me cry. I keep a straight face, looking bored. I start getting on the bus when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me to see Bakugou. I glare at him and he flinches.

"Midoriya, why did you control Kirishima? I could tell as he was running to us that he was under your control. Why?" He asks hesitantly. Everyone is whispering about the way he acts around me and I look around at everyone, then glare down at Bakugou. He flinches again and takes a step back.

"Nothing you need to know," I say as I turn away from him and get on the bus. I go to the back of the bus and sit down , leaning my head against the window as I start to fall asleep, all the sleepless nights finally getting to me.


Geez, this is long, but I got it done, and I'm kinda proud of it, tbh. I hope you all enjoyed, b/c I enjoyed writing it. Writing about a Bakugou who is scared of only Izuku and avoids him, especially avoids angering him is just something I find refreshing since it doesn't fit his personality in the show/manga at all and I find quite refreshing compared to his yelling and explosions. I know it doesn't fit him, but I feel that showing that HE'S scared of Deku makes him all that more intimidating to the other staff and students, because he yells at literally everyone else.

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