(Postponed) A True Bolt Of Li...

By H27_Venom

3.9K 27 11

Y/n, a boy who got caught up in the business of killing, soon it turned from killing humans to... well this m... More

Where do we begin?
Targets found
Seeing the Terrifying Truth
Helping the Target
Elemental Dragon God
Blood Promise
A Dragons Rage
Shattered Trust
I meet a hero


195 1 0
By H27_Venom

"Chaos, we havent found them... wherever they are, he must have hid them well." You heard a voice say as you woke up. "Then why have you returned?" His voice asked, the one you hated to know as your fathers. "W-we thought you needed to know.... Lord Dragon." Jack said shakily. "Thats better, now leave, my son is awake." your father said, you felt your head being pulled up and you looked into the eyes of your father. "I never should have let that elemental rest in you, but the gods do make a good soldier." He said, you spat at him, landing on his cheek right below his eye. "Your never going to find them... and when im out of these chains, Im going to make you pay." You yelled pulling on the chains. Your father slapped your across the face, hard enough that you had to blink rapidly to keep awake. The burning on your cheek was enough to enrage you more. "When I find her, im going to kill her in front of you, im going to kill them all in front of you." He said. "And that is no way to treat your father Y/n." He added. "Father of the year award goes to this asshole." You said smirking, you felt a fist hit the side of your head. "Respect the savior of the dragons boy!" Jack said. "FUCK YOU JACK! I thought you loved me! I thought you cared about me like I was your child! but it was only to raise me for him! Go fuck yourself!" You yelled. "The Hunters.... what a pitiful excuse for killers." Jack said smirking back. "Jack, you said this boy was better then the others... show me why." your father said. "Sir? You cant mean to release him!?" Jack asked. "I do, he could not hurt me, I will be fine, release him." Your father said nodding to Jack, you felt your arms become looser and looser, when they were loose to the point you could move you sprinted out, turned and kicked Jack into the wall. Then you caught his hand as he tried to attack, you raised him up by his collar and smashed him into the ground, you continued until a hand laid on your shoulder. "You do posses the rage of the dragons... use it!" He urged, you slammed Jack into the ground again and again, then threw him into the wall, he landed flat and started to get up. "You didnt kill him? Why?" Your father asked. "I wont stoop to his level, Im better then that." You said, your father smiled. "For now." He said snapping his fingers, chains ran to your hands and feet, you were slowly pulled into the liquid like wall and the dark slime consumed you. 

When you emerged it was too fight, you never found yourself hungry or thirsty. Slowly you fought harder and harder with Jack. Until one day a week later....

"Die!" You yelled striking Jack down to the ground, you walked over him and raised your heel. You kicked his skull multiple times, until he stopped screaming. You turned to your father. "Pleased!?" You asked. "Oh Y/n, you are perfect." He said laying a arm around you. "Now how about fighting one of these?" He said turning you around, you faced your friends. "Y/n! Help!" Rias screamed. "Kill one and the rest go free." your father whispered, you felt a smirk grow on your face. "And if I kill them all?" you asked loudly. "You'll have to see." He said taking a step back. You ran forward, something was telling you to hold back but you stabbed clear through Issei. "I can tell when my friends are around me... father." You said as the illusion dissipated. "Why cant I kill the real thing?" You asked turning. He smiled. "Soon, soon my son." He said laying a arm over your shoulder and walking out. The bright light made you groan but your eyes soon adjusted to see the hundreds of dragons flying about. "This realm belongs to the dragons, and with your help, all realms will." Your father said, he walked you down to a armorer. 

"Dragon's Steel suites you my son." Your father said as you walked out in a set of gleaming silver armor. "The army has assembled, come with me." Your father said, he walked away and you followed without question. You came across a huge amount of dragons, some in dragon form, others in the human form. All wearing Dragon Steel. "It its time to show your true form my son." your father said. "Show us your power, release your dragon!" he chanted, soon the entire audience was cheering. You pushed out the dragon power, letting it change your form. Until a loud sound of awe came from the crowd. "A lighting dragon? There has never been one! Not in a hundred millennia!" A man shouted. You opened your eyes to watch the electricity run around your body, you looked around you black armored body. "A true lightning dragon? You are special." Your father said. You looked to see a enormous grey dragon with wings like coal. "I am the king of all dragons, a god dragon." He said smiling. "I am a dragon of death, of the eternal rest." He added. You bowed your head, but only slightly. "My son, for our armies to invade, we need to see what the defenses of Hell and Heaven are like.... so you must go." He said, almost sadly. "I will see it down, but how should I show what I learn?" You said, your father pointed at his eye, mumbled a few words, a necklace appeared, a beautiful gold necklace with a charm, and at the center of the charm, a black jewel. "Wear this, and you shall carry my eye. Do not disappoint me, the faster you get back, the more worlds we shall conquer together, as prince and king." he said, you let the necklace fall to your neck. Then turned to the portal. "You will return one week later then you left, do not fail me." Your father said. You bowed and ran through the portal, you looked at yourself to find a boy wearing human clothes. "Now, where did I put them?" You asked yourself.

You found your way to the house. "I put them close by, that fool Jack should have listened to my father, he could have broken me much faster." You thought as you opened the door. "Akeno! Were late! C'mon lets.... I dont believe it." Rias stopped as she saw you standing in the doorway. You smiled and stepped forward. "Dont take another step!" Kiba called as he appraoched, everyone started to gather around. "Its me guys! Y/N!" You said. "How did you escape?" Kiba asked. "I killed Jack and ran off, I found a open portal and I was back in Kuoh!" You said smiling. Kiba stared at you for a minute, then nodded. "I believe you, welcome back." Kiba said. "Idiot." You thought silently. "Y/N!" Akeno said pouncing on you. "Your really back!?" She asked. You nodded. "Im back Aki, I am." you said, you felt her kiss you, her chest right on the necklace. "Well at least he's getting a good view." You thought smirking. "Whats that smirk about?" Rias asked. "Happy to be back, that week I was gone! Man he tried to break me!" You said laughing. Akeno let you up and glued herself to your arm. A sudden barking distracted you, you were pounced and nearly licked to death. "Duke! Oh how I missed you!" You said petting the pup ruffly. "I was taking care of him for you, I knew you would come back." A voice said. "You! I thought I said for you not to show up again!" Rias yelled as Artemis walked down the stairs, her blue eyes flecked with lines of silver. She approached you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. She let you go and stepped back. "Its so good to be back, I almost dont want to leave!" You thought, then a pain hit you like a hammer to the skull. You shook your head. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Everyone called. "Remember what your mission is boy, dont even think about trying to disobey me." Your fathers voice rang in your ears. You slowly stood shaking your head. "Sorry, still dealing with some mental trauma." You said smiling. "Is that who I think it is!" A voice said, two men ran down the stairs and stopped. "Dragon Lord." They said bowing. "Vinseir, Amot!" You said running forward. You embraced them happily. As brothers reuninting. "You kinda left us behind, when your father took you... I am happy you managed to escape, however could you come with us for a second?" They asked, you nodded following them into a room, your necklace immeditly began to shake and then turned into cold iron. "Thats better, now, tell us everything." Amot said falling into a chair, Vinseir locked the door. "What did you do!"you asked. "Disabled the amulet, no one gets away from the Dragon Lord, Y/n." They said. "He's gonna kill me, he knows where everyone is!" You cried visibly shaking. "Stiildus" Amot said, your mind stopped and you sat down. "That was a not a eye, he does that to shake you up, to test how much you can stand before you break... thats all this is, he can already invade when he wishes." Vinseir said. "A test?" you asked. "Indeed, we were put through such a test, I broke free and Vinseir was sent to guard me, but after learning about who you are, what you are, we broke free and have turned to yourside.... A Dragon of Death and Lightning is rare, with everything you are, you are a true Dragon Lord, unlike that Dragon of Shadow your father is, he has stolen that power from his children, all of which were no where close to as strong." Amot admitted. "You broke free?" you asked. "It seems like it should be the opposite, doesn't it?" Vinseir said smirking, then blowing a strand of black messy hair out of his eyes. "Yes, Yes it does.... still I guess I should thank you, for everything."  You said smiling. "What happened Y/n... what really happened?" Amot asked. You sighed then explained what had happened, everything. "You killed Jack? Really? He let you do that? Wow!" Vinseir said surprised. "I stooped down to that level, terrifying." You said shuddering. "He plays mind games Y/n, dont be too worried." Amot said laying a arm on your shoulder. "Now, about Rias.... you can tell no one else anything, it would place them in grave danger." Vinseir said, you nodded and stood. "Wait, should we do it now?" Amot asked. "Do what?" you asked. "I think it would be wise, let us begin." Vinseir nodded. "Dragon Lord Y/n, I dragon of the Abyss, Swear my allegiance to you, as all dragons should." Vinseir added kneeling and bowing his head. "Dragon Lord Y/n, I Dragon of the Light, also swear my allegiance to you, as all dragons should." Amot said mirroring Vinseir. You dont know where the words came from they just flowed out. "Ko kruziik vun do dovah, Zu'u gron hin mir, ahrk Zu'u valokein hi voth bex viing." You said, (In the ancient tongue of the dragons, I bind your allegiances, and I welcome you with open wings.) The two looked up wide eyed. "Where did you learn dragon!" Amot asked. "I-I dont know! It just came out!" you said smiling. "Thats a rare gift Y/n, use it carefully." Vinseir said smiling, you nodded turning and walking out, then turned back. "The necklace is disabled no?" Logan asked. "It is, why?" Amot asked. "It is quite beautiful, if I could wear it." you asked, they nodded and you grabbed the necklace running out. "Amot, is he the one? It takes us years to learn a single word of the ancient tongue, but he just said a sentence with little thought!" Vinseir asked. "Its always possible, but if it is him... may the first dragon help us, for the war to come will be horrific." Amot responded nodding.

"Guys wait up!" You said running to catch up with the others. You laughed with them, then stopped as you were about to enter the school. You glanced to your left, and spotted him. "So, its finally time." You said smirking. You continued through your day, your mind sharp, watching every shadow, and when the final bell rang you walked up to the others quickly. "Other hunters are here, we have to go." You said glancing around. "Who? You sound scared?" Akeno asked. "Some of my best friends, it wont be hard to kill them physically, but I dont want you around to see me afterwards." You said, they nodded and started off, you let them into the room and walked out to the field. A group of people emerged from the shadows. "So... finally time eh?" You asked looking to your friends. "Ace didnt want us to come, but we had to, its only fair that were the ones to bring you down, and besides, killing you and your target will impress the council, we can be operators." One of the boys said,  you took off your coat and threw it aside. "So, hows it going to be? Fists or do I have to show what my contract did to me, why im branded a traitor?" You asked. "You killed the doctors Y/n!" A girl yelled. "They tried to kill me, and besides, they werent even human, why am I being marked a traitor!" You yelled. "We dont know! All we heard is that your with the enemy now! Whatever that means!" A boy yelled, he drew a pistol pointing it.  "It because they didnt tell me what the hell was happening! I didnt know about devils or fallen angels! I was a killer! But my contract was being hunted by a fallen angel! When I died I was brought back as a devil! But turns out I'm a elemental sent from the greek gods, I made out with the moon goddess!" You pleaded. "Your crazy! Just die Y/n!" A girl screamed they all opened fire, You dove under the bullets, and rushed at them, grabbing a knife from one and slitting their throat under the fire, five fell to your blade, the others stopped and stared at you with utter horror. "You killed them! What the hell! We should have shot you!" One cried, you smiled flipping the blade in your hand. "Are you being streamed? As a example?" You asked smiling, you had noticed the small camera on their shoulders as soon as they approached. "So what! Everyone should be able to see the traitors death!" A boy shouted firing his rifle, the movement was so fast, so slick, the camera's would have only seen a blur as you dodged the bullet and plunged a Grenade  into the boy, when time caught up the boy gasped. "What the hell just happened!?" A boy asked. "Sorry about this guys." You said backing up and summoning your wings, using them as a shield from the grenade. You untucked your wings and turned around heading back for the  clubhouse, and jumped to the roof, the realization hitting you hard, tears flowed like a river down your cheeks. "I just killed them, not with a second thought.... what have I become?" You asked yourself through your tears. "A Dragon Lord, like you should be..." A voice said. "I killed you, so now your immortal?" You asked looking up into Jacks eyes, he smirked. "Kid, you have no idea what dragons can really do." He said simply, then waved for you to follow him.

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