The Beast Unleashed {Draco Ma...

By madi1324

14.4K 411 53

Dakota Elliot has had a rough life living alone, and when finally leaving to go to Hogwarts, what is expected... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Epilogue: Nineteen years later

Chapter two

1.2K 34 4
By madi1324

I woke up the next morning quite excited for the first day of learning, only because I wanted to find the entrance to the chamber is.

No matter what.

I pulled on my uniform and did my hair into a side braid and walked from the dorm to the common room. 

My god did I love my house it was amazing. 

I moved out of the common room and towards the library, where I could hopefully find out more about the chamber. 

Since it was only five o'clock in the morning and classes started at nine, I figured I would have enough time to find lots out about it. 

I walked in the doors to the library and found the letter C. I used my wand and levitated myself up so I was able to see the top of the shelves since when the library is not officially open you can't ask for books to come down to your own hand.

Three hours later I had no luck on finding anything, I mean my parents told me that the chamber had been opened a long time ago and that it was Salazar Slytherin's chamber, but there was nothing else they told me about, but they did say to find it because there is supposedly a library that will help me understand.

Understand what, you ask, yeah well I didn't know either for they didn't tell me then they got themselves killed. 

I heard from Draco that there were ghosts around the school some where but they didn't show themselves last night. Draco said that there is the Slytherin house ghost called the Bloody Barron but if I find him not to ask how he still has blood on his ghostly form. Draco also told me that he likes to stay in the left wing tower directly above the Slytherin house dungeons.  

I walked out of the library and towards the left wing tower, I needed to find the ghost, hopefully he knows where the entrance is. 

But wait, I halted in my steps. If someone knows I'm trying to get in and tells the professors I might be in a whole lot of trouble hence the fact that this is the chamber that only a Slytherin heir or person with parseltongue can open. And the fact that it might be forbidden. Oh dam well there goes my plan. 

Since I was only just coming near the first floor moving stairs, I though I might as well have a look around, after I took a quick toilet break.

I walked into the bathroom and heard loud wailing. What the actual hell. 

Inside the large bathroom were a huge set of sinks, and a few toilet stalls. But what got me was the young girl who was a ghost. I quickly went toilet and then spoke.

"Hello, whats your name?"

She flew around so that she was facing me. 

"Myrtle, I get called Moaning Myrtle though. Who are you?" she questioned.

"I am Dakota Elliot, I'm new at this school"

"Why did you come in this bathroom though haven't you been warned"

"Warned about what?" I questioned, where was this going?

"Ah, how have you not? Most people get told not to come in here since I'm here-" Myrtle spoke the next part of her sentence in a whispering voice, "and since the Chamber's in here, no one whats to come in"

"Are you talking about the Chamber of Secrets?" I asked getting much more interested.

"Shh, yes that's what I'm talking about, but I can say no more. Goodbye Dakota, nice talking" With that she dove into the middle stall and disappeared.

That's great, now that I know the Chamber is in this bathroom, I have a much bigger chance of finding the Chamber with out even asking someone. 

I quickly glanced at my watch and saw that it was eight fifty. Ten minutes to get to the potions class. 

I ran, that's how you would put it. The potions class was on the dudgeon's level so I sprinted right down to the them and rushed into the classroom. Inside the only desk left over was an empty one so, that means I will be making the potions by myself, yippee. 

Sarcasm. But at least it would only be me making them, no one else would be able to make it go wrong. 

You see while I was at home for the five years, I got the house elves to set up my own classroom thing where I would learn spells and potions. Well let me tell you, most of the potion books were wrong so I didn't use them. I got told the name of the potion and I some how knew the exact ingredients needed, how much and all of that. Same goes with spells, I just happen to have every single spell in my head and the ones that are just being created even find there own way inside my brain. 

Professor Slughorn handed out the books and then started to explain.

"Welcome class, today as your first lesson Im going to see how well you can all make potions, its a good thing we have two lessons for me to see this morning. First potion we are going to make is... Draught of living death, now this potion is very hard to make so lets just see how well you make it"

Hmm that rings some bells.

"The winner will win a small amount of Felix Felicis, so start brewing"

I didn't even open my book and walked right over to the ingredients section of the class, I grabbed all that I needed.


Sloth brain

Powered root of asphodel

Infusion of wormwood

Valerian root

A sopophorous bean 

So light up my cauldron, pour in the water to start to boil.

Add the infusion of wormwood.

Add powdered root of asphodel.

Stir twice clockwise.

Add sloth brain.

Squash the bean with the side of the knife to get most of the juice, put into the cauldron.

Stir seven times anticlockwise. 

And its completed. 

"Professor Slughorn?" I called out, many people looked up from their cauldrons and looked over to me looking for damage. 

Draco looked up.

"Yes miss Elliot, please tell me nothing bad has happened?" Professor spoke, some people chuckled. 

"No, no nothing like that, I have finished the potion" I smirked at the class, who had all turned to stare.

"I'm sorry, did you say you finished?"

"Yes I have, please check it"

"Yes of course, coming"

Professor Slughorn picked up a small container filled up with the leaves he would drop to check. He dropped one in and it turned ember like around the edges and disappeared into the potion. Professor turned to me with a look of absolute surprise on his face. He then looked and saw that the potion book hadn't been moved from its position on the front of the desk.

"Your potion was perfect, have you made it before?"

"Yes only once before though, when I was twelve"

"Twelve? At Hogwarts we don't make this potion in second year"

"Oh no I know, I didn't go to school when I was twelve, this is my first year of schooling, the house elves only supervised, I learned everything I know now by myself" I said confidently.

"Oh, well what other potions have you completed?"

"Well last year I completed the Felix Felicis potion, it was a challenge but I still completed it on my first go"

Slughorn's eyes went wide, his mouth slightly gaped open.

"That's amazing, do you mind coming back in third and fourth lesson, when I have the seventh years coming in, their potion that they are making is the Felix Felicis potion, since you have made it it would be great to show the whole senior class up"

"Yeah sure"

"That's great, if you can make it in one lesson I will give you the second one off"


If I have the rest of the period off to find out about the Chamber of secrets.

"Yeah I'm in"

"Great, well since this lesson is nearly over, oh but we have still got another whole period, no one is even close to finished yet so pick someone to help"

I walked straight over to Draco and Blaise's table. Looked into their cauldron, and backed up.

"Oh jeez, boys this potion is not going well" I spoke.

"Yeah we know" Blaise spoke hanging his head in shame. 

"Ill fix it"

I levitated the cauldron to the sink and emptied it. Washed it out and poured the right amount of water into it.

I completed the whole potion, took a small sample in one of my many phials, and brought it back to the boys table and placed it right in front of them.

Their eyes lit up as they saw the complete potion. Both of them looked over to with thanks in their eyes. 

"Thanks, so much, I mean like cool, um thanks" Blaise spoke.

"Yeah, thanks so much Dakota" Draco smiled. 

"Oh its fine, you to owe me big time" I smirked. 

"Okay then" Blaise spoke, "Will you go on a date with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

"Hmm let me think" I tapped my chin, "Sure thing" 

"Cool, see you then at seven thirty at the common room" Blaise said. 


I walked back over to my desk and sat down thinking it through. Not the date, but the Chamber. At the moment, quite a lot is revolving around finding this Chamber, but I don't want anyone to know. 

I continued thinking about where bouts the chamber could be located. I just had a great idea though its going to take three days to brew, and you can not use too much a day for it strips down your energy and no energy potion can refuel it, you have to sleep it off. 

I am going to invent a x-ray potion so that I can see through the ground and the walls. 

That way I can see what is beneath that bathroom.

"Thank you class, you may go" 

I walked from the class and up to the great hall to get some food, which consisted of two green apples. 

In my mind I said the accio spell to get my parchment and ink/quill to write to my manor. Then said the spell again to get my broomstick, the hydranado. 


How is everything going, I would much like it if you appeared to my side as quick as you can thanks, I shall be waiting for you at nine thirty this evening.

Miss Dakota Elliot 

I hopped on my broom and flew from the great hall to the owlery. 

I gave my letter to my owl Majestic so that she can fly to my manor quickly to get Sugar to take me to get my ingredients for the potion, since I can't apparate out of the school, but I can apparate usually. 

I flew back to the potions class and sent my broom flying back to my room. I walked into the classroom to have all of the seventh year students look at me. 

"Ah yes, I was just talking about you. Everyone, this is Miss Elliot, she will now be in this class" 

"Hi" I spoke. 

A small chorus of hello went around the class and silenced down. 

I sat again in the same desk where I sat earlier and it was once again empty. 

"So we are making the Felix Felicis potion, open your books and get your ingredients" 

I once again didn't need the book and strolled over to the ingredient area. 

Ash-winder egg

Squill bulb

Murtlap tentacle

Tintcure of thyme

Occamy eggshell

Powdered common rue


I brought them to my cauldron just as people were getting up to go get the ingredients. 

I completed the potion from memory then raised my hand. 

"Professor, I'm finished"

The class turned to look at me, what a great first day. 

He started to walk over just as one of the cauldrons exploded. Thank god that wasn't mine.

Professor stood in front of my cauldron. 

"Well done this is once again perfect, class this is what it should look like, golden, now go clean your cauldron" He said to me. 

Firstly though I am going to take a quick phial of the liquid. 

I got my phial and them poured the potion down the sink but not before charming it to become water. 

"Now since Miss Elliot finished her potion in one lesson, in first lesson I said she may leave and have a free lesson to do what ever, so goodbye Miss Elliot" Professor Slughorn said.

"Thanks professor" 

I walked from the room and went back to my room to have a sleep before I would have Sugar come and collect me so we could go get the ingredients.

As soon as I got to my room and collapsed on my bed I was asleep.

Though I awoke twenty minutes before Sugar came to get me.

xx madi xx

Hope you enjoyed it  


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