The Mysterious Girl

By LiaUchiha_NoLife

76.7K 1.6K 292

(COMPLETED) "W-What's wrong with your hair!?" He stuttered while pointing to my hair. I glared at him, pulled... More

Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Girl
Chapter 2 - The BadBoy
Chapter 3 - And then they met
Chapter 4 - The reveal
Chapter 5 - The sleepover
Charecter Info
Chapter 6 - Dodgeball! And a hidden ability?
Chapter 7 - A prodigy?!?
Chapter 8 - The buddy project
Chapter 9 - We're Back!!
Chapter 10 - The party
Chapter 11 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 12 - The Rescue
Chapter 13 - My Return
Chapter 14 - Sleepover at the school!?!?
Chapter 15 - Goodbye
Chapter 16 - Settling back in
Chapter 18 - The Reunion (2)
Chapter 19 - Long Time No See
Chapter 20 - Is this a proposal?!
Chapter 21 - Why is Titanic so sad!!! (Bonus part at end)
Chapter 22 - The First Date
Chapter 23 - Kidnapped again
Chapter 24 - Feel the feels!!
Chapter 25 - Last Chapter
1K 😱😱😱
I got tagged :P
I once again got tagged :3

Chapter 17 - The Reunion (1)

1K 38 7
By LiaUchiha_NoLife

Violet POV

"I loved you seven years ago Ryder, but you broke my heart when you didn't come out of the gym to look for me." I state. His eyes widen from the memory.

"W-w...Amber approached me first!" He stumbles a little in the beginning. I shake my head. "I still love you," I start. His eyes light up from what I said. " need to earn my love back." He hesitantly nods. "I'll win it back! Then we'll be together!" He states, confidence laced throughout his speech.

I smile and nod back. "Alright!" I proceed to hang up the FaceTime. "So what are you gonna do?" Brianna asks. "Get a dress for the reunion." She sighs and shakes her head. "I mean about Ryder." I groan. "I have no clue." She starts laughing really loud. I throw a pillow at her smacking her straight in the face.

*timeskip: at the mall*

"When does Shayna have a break from college?" I ask Brianna. Her eyes widen. "Sh*t! Im supposed to pick her up from the airport in.." she checks her watch. "An hour!!!" She panics. I chuckle softly. Grabbing her hand I rush to my car, plopping her in the passengers seat, I get in the drivers seat and drive to the airport.

"What gate is she at?" I ask Brianna. "Um..gate 20!" She says looking up from her phone. We run to gate 20 just in time for the first people to come out of the plane. A minute later my dear sister, Shayna steps comes out in all of her glory...just kidding, she trips and almost falls, to be caught by a guy. He looks at her his eyes.

I smirk at Brianna and she smirks back. I hide behind the pillar in front of Brianna. Shayna and mystery guy walk straight past me. I slip around the pillar behind them and scare the absolute shit out of them. "AHHHH!!!!!" I scream behind them causing Shayna to scream and the guy to jump. Both with eyes wide in shock and fear.

Shayna turns around and squeals really loudly. "Violet!!!!" I chuckle and pat her head. She smacks my hand away and I giggle a bit. "So who's your guy friend here?" I smirk at her. Her face turns a bright red and she mumbles something under her breath. "What was that?" I ask teasing her. "He's my boyfriend." She finally says. I laugh and say "Alright, let's go. Brianna are we going to my house or your guys' house?" I ask. "Our house." She replies. I nod.

*timeskip: Brianna and Shayna's house*

"Tally ho~! Get your booties out! I have questions for you mister!" I shout getting out of the car. I'm followed into the house by a laughing mess I call my sisters.

Shayna's boyfriend places his and Shayna's luggage in their room and walks back to the living room where everyone else is sitting.

"So." I ask. "What's your name?" I ask, giving him my most deadliest glare. "My name's Jack!" He responds. "How old are you?" "Same age as Shayna." He replies. "What are you majoring in?" 'This is gonna be good!' "B-Biology!" He stutters. I glance at Shayna to see her shaking from nerves.

"He's a keeper! I give you my blessing to marry her." I announce. As if on cue Jack and Shayna's faces turn a bright red. I chuckle and turn around. "Peace out! I'm going to the mall to get my dress." When the word dress left my mouth Brianna and Shayna's conversation stops. 'Fxck!' They drag me by the wrist to my car. "We're getting that dress!" Shayna states. Somehow they managed to drag Jack in here as well. I sigh and make my way to the mall.

We've been here for 2 hours and I can't find a dress they both agree on. "I think she matches with the red!" "No I think pink would look better." I inwardly cringe at the word pink. (I personally dislike the color, but if you like it that wasn't meant to offend you.) I walk away only to stop at the perfect dress. It was a white two piece dress. The top was a long sleeve and the bottom piece went down to my knees. 'Simple yet nice!' I think to myself.

I pay for the dress and walk over to my sisters and Jack. "Guys I already got a dress!" I exclaim. They both glare at me and then start laughing. "What color is it?" Brianna asks. "White." I answer. "White....I can deal with that." She says nodding her head.

*timeskip: at the reunion*

As Blake drives me to Astrid Academy in my limo, I get flashbacks of memories. (Imagine your favorite part so far.) I smile at the memory. The limo comes to a halt at the front of the school. I get out walking inside.

"Invitation please!" I hear an a familiar cheery voice ask. "Hi Taryleen!" I say. "Do I know you?" She asks. "Guess the lack of red hair is making me really hard to guess." I say sarcastically. "V-Violet?!?" She stutters in disbelief. "The one and only!" I smirk back walking inside.

I'm greeted by an old buddy of mine, Amber. "Say cheese!" I turn to look at her and give my best smile with my hand on my hip. She snaps the picture and hands me the photo. (It's a Polaroid. Idk how to spell that.) "Put it next to your name on the wall!" She says pointing to a huge wall with a bunch of names and photos on it. I nod and walk over.

Scanning the wall I find it, 'Violet Winters'. I tape the photo on the wall and walk to the kitchen to get a drink.

*timeskip: announcement*

"Hello fellow classmates! My name if you forgot is Taryleen. Right now we are going to do a game. One by one everyone's going to come up and say their name and what they do now. I'll start. My name is Taryleen Williams, I am a lawyer." She smiles and walks of the stage.

"My name's Amber Cross and I'm a model." She smiles, obviously proud of being a model, and walks off the stage. While listening to everyone I hear some classical music being played. I recognize it. 'They're playing my music!' I smile to myself.

"My name is Ryder Black, I'm the CEO of RacingCorp." He deadpans. I look up and lock eyes with him. He smirks and walks off the stage. No one goes up so I guess it's my turn.

I walk up on stage and hear a bunch of gasps. "My name is Violet Winters, I am the CEO of VisterCorp and am a professional violinist." I proceed to walk off stage.

"Violet!" I hear a voice say. I turn around and see...

My finger hurts. FINGER CRAMPING! It took me about an hour to write this. My brothers have been distracting me. This was real fun to write. I have no clue when this is going to update, but thank you for the reads, I appreciate them! (1205 words)

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