Watch N' Learn

By TipHarris

2.4M 51.6K 13.2K

Being a part of a close-knit group of friends has its perks. You share laughs together, you have fun together... More

Watch N' Learn
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 2

63.9K 1.3K 938
By TipHarris

Chapter 2






The next morning I was so tired but I got up and cleaned myself up and went into the den where we had our little sleep over and everyone was knocked out but I didn’t see Quez, Lala or D’Andre. I wonder where the hell they were.

I walked into the kitchen and Quez was standing in there and he smiled at me.

“What you smiling for?” I asked.

“Damn, you know your ass is rude as hell.” Quez said.

“Kiss my ass.” I said going into the fridge and pulling out some food to cook because I was past hungry and I didn’t want to spend my own money to go buy something to eat.

“Ima beat yo ass one of these days.”

I turned around and looked at him and he licked his lips and smiled. I laughed a little and pushed past him and sat the eggs and bacon on the counter and he stood beside me.

“You gonna cook for me?” he asked.

“No, why would I do that?”

“You a hoe man.”

I laughed and pushed him in the chest. “Fuck you stupid.”


I looked at him and he smiled and I just started smiling so big. He shouldn’t have called me that because my smile wouldn’t disappear.

“Oh I see you answer to that.” He said laughing.

“Shut up Quez ugh!” I said.

“Shit so what’s the deal with that?”

“Nothing at all.”

“Aw okay.”

I smiled and started to cook some breakfast and I just went ahead and made enough for all of us because if I didn’t they would have eaten my food.

My phone started ringing and it was Kyron so I picked up. He called me every morning and it just made me smile so much. Boys in general just drive me crazy.

“Bella.” Kyron said. He sound like he was just waking up or something.

“Hey Kyron, what’s up?” I said smiling as I cooked the eggs and bacon in separate skillets. My mom taught me.

“Babe what’s up mane…what you doing today?”

“I’m not sure, the guys and girls are at my house now and we might go swimming after they wake up since it’s the summer and we don’t have nothing to do. You wanna come?”

“Hold on…who stayed at your house?”

“Kyron, my friends did.”

“You had niggas sleeping over at your house?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, is there a problem with that?”

“I mean why you kicking it with all them niggas like that.”

“I can do whatever I want to do, we are not in a relationship.” I told him.

“So this what it’s gonna be like if we were then huh?”

“Why are you getting in your feelings?”

“Mane cause you got all the time in the world to be with them but with me it’s just a damn phone call.”

“Whatever.” I said rolling my eyes.

“What you mean whatever Bella? You think this shit we got going on ain’t real?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t even believe you acting like this cause I really like you.”

“No you don’t.”

“Yeah, I do but you spend more time with them than you do me.”

I hung the phone up because I just didn’t even wanna talk anymore. We have these moments all the time so it was nothing new and he knows that if I don’t want to talk I’ll just hang up in his face.

He called back and I answered.

“What?” I said.

“Mane come on with this shit, don’t hang up in my face.” He said.

“I’m about to do it again if you don’t calm that tone.” I said.

“Why the fuck we got to do this shit?”

“Because you tripping because I’m with other boys.”

“Did you hear what the hell you just said.”

“Didn’t it just come out my mouth.”

“You on that bullshit.”

“Fuck you.” I said hanging up again. If he calls I will not be answering. I just don’t have time for that shit so it’s whatever.

I finished cooking and you know people can smell in their sleep all of them was up and at the table ready to eat. Niggas! Smh.

“Bella you straight?” Quez said.

“I’m fine.” I said.

“Aye lil’ mama, can you give me some OJ? I’m kind of thirsty.” Ezra said smiling.

“Why is you begging with yo thirsty ass.” I said and they started laughing.

“Damn E.” Quez said laughing.

“Fuck ya’ll.”

“That’s yo hoe?” King said.

“Shid that’s my hoe too.” Lorenzo said laughing.

“I hate all of you.” I said.

“You love Ezra though.” Imani said smiling.

“Riiiiiight!” Sasha said laughing.

“She don’t play about Ezra.” LaMaya said.

“Leave me alone.” I said smiling.

“Smiling and shit.” Quez said laughing.

“That’s her boo.” Sky said.

“I can’t stand you hoes.”

“It’s alright babe, let em talk.” Ezra said smiling.

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him his drink and he held onto my hand just smiling. He so damn childish.

“E stop.” I said smiling.

“Don’t try to deny me in front of your friends.”  He said licking his lips.

“Boy please. I don’t want you. That’s what I have Kyron for.” I said snatching my hand away.

“He a bitch.” Dre said.

They started laughing including the stupid girls too.

“Don’t talk about him because he is not.” I said defending him.

“Mane what’s up with ol’ boy?” Quez said smiling.

“Don’t talk to me again. I hate ya’ll.” I said.

“So are we going swimming or what cause I’m soooo ready. I need a boyfriend.” Sky said smiling and looking at Jamahl.

She likes him.

“Boy you better hop on that.” King said smiling and looking at Jamahl.

“I got enough girls on my back as it is.” Jamahl said laughing.

“Ya’ll it’s 11:30 now and the pool party is gonna start at like 12 or 1 so be ready.” I said to them.

“Yes ma’am.” Quez said pulling me by my waist and I laughed and kissed his cheek.

“Damn you gonna play me like Bella?” Ezra said smiling.

“I love all of you guys.” I said laughing.


We cleaned the house up and everything and was heading out the door at 1 pm and I was straight with that.

“You gonna ride with me?” Ezra said walking beside me.

“No, we are going to the same place and I think my friends want me to ride with them.” I said smiling.

“Aye ladies.” Ezra said getting their attention.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was slick trying to tell them that I couldn’t ride with him.

“What is it?” LaMaya said.

“Ya’ll mind if ya girl ride with me?”

“No, take her.” Imani said smiling.

I did not have a smile on my face. He looked back at me and smiled and we went and got in his car.

OMG!!! I fucking hate them for this! I’m so freaking nervous right now I don’t know what to do and I have been knowing this boy since 7th grade.

He pulled away and I was just listening to the music vibing and I felt looking at me every now and then and I just smiled.

“So you feel me looking huh?” Ezra said laughing.

“Oh shut up!” I said smiling.

“Why you smiling? I ain’t even said nothing.”

“I am not about to play with you Ezra.”

“You let me play with you last night.” He said cheesing really hard.

I slapped his chest.

“Don’t tell no one that.”  I said smiling.

“You like that shit though, didn’t you?”

Ohmygosh! I thank the Lord we was pulling into the lot where the party was because I jumped out without answering his questions.

“Girl come on so we can change.” LaMaya said.

“Come here.” Ezra said to me.

I smiled and walked over to him and he put his hands on my waist and we just stared at each other and I started to bite down on my lip.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Why you trying to ignore me?” he said.

“I’m not…can I go change please daddy.” I said that smiling and he laughed at me.

“You a trip mane.” He said laughing and letting me go.

I walked away and I just knew he was staring and that just made it even better. We went into the ladies room and changed and the girls was riding my ass about what just happened between me and Ezra.

“That’s your baby.” Sky said smiling.

“Whatever…he is not nothing to me. I don’t like him. Kyron is all mines.” I said smiling.

“Girl whatever.” Imani said.

We didn’t take long because our swimsuits were under the clothes we had worn so we exited out after finished putting out things in the locker. I promise you when we walked out and all those boys with their shirts off. I felt like I died and went to heaven.



“Oh hell no! What is this bitch doing here and all over my man?!” LaMaya said staring at Emma all over D’Andre.

Ugh, shit was about to get real because nobody could suspended so they could actually fight. LaMaya stormed over there and we were right behind her because this my girl if she fight, I fight.

“Bitch what the fuck are you doing over here?” LaMaya said.

“With my boyfriend.” Emma said smiling.

“He don’t want you.” I said to her.

“Uh, bitch stay the hell out of this.” She said.

I was about to slap the shit out of her but Ezra pulled me down in his lap and put his arms around me. The bitch better watch her fucking back.

“Babe, chill out mane.” Ezra said in my ear and kissing my neck.

He needed to stop right now because I was not in the mood for it even though it felt AMAZING!

“Look if Dre wanted you he wouldn’t have you as a sideline hoe.” Emma said.

LaMaya looked at D’Andre.

“Yo chill with that shit.” D’Andre said to Emma.

“So I’m a sideline hoe?” LaMaya said staring at him.

“Mane you know I ain’t say that shit LaMaya.”

“Break up with her then…you said I meant so much to you.” LaMaya said.

“He’s not gonna do that.” Emma said.

We all stared at D’Andre waiting to see what he was about to say.

“LaMaya come on mane you know I can’t do that…” D’Andre said.

“Are you fucking stupid?! What the hell is wrong with you?!” I yelled trying to get free from Ezra grip so I could slap him.

Lala got to him first and she slapped him really hard that heads turned and she walked away.

“Ezra let me go.” I told him.

He did and I got up and went after LaMaya because I knew she was hot.

“Lala!” I said walking into the ladies room.

She was sitting on the counter just staring at nothing I guess. She’s not really the emotional type so she just sat there tapping her fingers on the counter.

“I want to kill him and that bitch!” she said.

“No don’t say that, you are just mad right now Lala and I feel you 100% but don’t do anything let’s just go enjoy our swim babe okay.” I said smiling and pulling her off the counter and hugging her.

“I will cut off his di-”

“No babe don’t say it please. That just sounds so painful.” I said laughing.

She hugged me and we walked out and went and sat back down with them but she wasn’t by him.

I sat down in Ezra’s lap and he just sat there chilling and staring at me.

“Stop staring at me.” I said.

“Aw okay, get yo fat ass up.” He said laughing.

“Shut up.” I said pulling my swimming suit top up so my boobies wouldn’t get exposed.

“Yo ass look like it swallowed the bottom part of your swimming suit up.” Ezra said smiling.

“Don’t look at my ass.” I told him.

“Can I just hold it in my hands?”

“No.” I said standing up.

“Damn girl who you been fucking? Why yo ass so big?” he said hitting my butt. I turned around and started hitting him.

“Shit…chill.” He said laughing.

I squeezed his nipples and he was looking so mad because I know it was hurting him. He grabbed onto my swimsuit panties and I just stared at him.

“I promise you better not pull them down.” I said to him.

“Let my nipples go.” He said.

“Bella let’s go to the steam room.” LaMaya said.

“Okay.” I said letting him go and he followed behind me.

We went in and closed the door and just sat down then Dre came in and sat beside LaMaya and they started talking.

Wow, I wouldn’t say shit to his ass if he played me like that in front of everyone.

“Come here.” Ezra said.

“No.” I said to him.

“Get yo ass over here.” He said.

“Yes daddy.” I said smiling and walking over and standing in front of him.

He pulled me down in his lap so I was straddling him and his hands were on my ass. I smiled at him and threw my head back.

“Look at me babe.” Ezra said.

I smiled and looked at him and he his forehead to mines and we just kept smiling at each other.

“Why are you flirting with me?” I said smiling.

“Why you flirting with me?” he said smiling too.

“I don’t know…” I said biting my lips because his lips look so good right now.

“You want a kiss?” he asked licking his lips.

“…kiss me…” I mumbled.

I could barely get it out because I couldn’t breathe at the moment. My heart was beating so fast.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine and I thought I was going to die. Our tongues danced together as the kiss got deeper. I never ever thought this would happen because I don’t like Ezra like this. He had soft sweet lips and it made my heart melt.

We should not be doing this right now but my body was saying something completely different. He started kissing down my neck and softly sucking on it and I just closed my eyes and held him. All the heat that was in here was turning me on sooooo much.

“You want me to stop….?” He whispered.

“…no…” I said.

He kept kissing on me and moans were escaping my mouth because it felt soooo good.

“Yooo, this you Zoey?”

I froze and turned around and Kyron was standing there. He looked so mad and hurt and I actually kind of felt bad.


“Nah don’t say shit, who the fuck is this nigga?”

“Aye homeboy yo girl chose me.” Ezra said.

“I ain’t talking to yo ass.” Kyron said.

“Alright well I’m just telling you like it is.”

“What the fuck you wanna do?”

“I mean shid we got opportunity and space right here. Stop talking shit and hit my ass since you so hard.” Ezra said.

“Stop it.” I said to them both and I grabbed Kyron’s hand and walked out the room and he just stared at me.

“Mane the shit you doing is foul Zoey.” Kyron said.

I know I made him really mad because he never calls me by my first name and I just felt so bad.

“Kyron I’m sorry, I don’t like him and he don’t mean anything to me.”

“I mean damn Zoey if you was to see me with another female like that, how would you feel?”

I would beat that bitch ass for fucking with my man!

“I don’t know…I’m sorry Kyron things just got taken too far.” I said grabbing his hands.

“You would be mad and that shit fucked up cause I really like you.”

“I like you too. I don’t want you to be mad at me though.” I said staring at him.

“I’ll talk to you later.” He said letting my hands go and walking away.

He’s never gonna talk to me again ugh! I don’t want to lose him.

LaMaya came out and stared at me and shook her head.

“What the hell just happened?” she asked.

“He’s mad at me because he saw me and Ezra but it’s not even like that with me and E. I don’t like him like that.” I said.

“Seriously? Bella did you see the connection you and Ezra just had back there?!”

“It was not a connection of any sort.”

“Well you need to get your shit together with Kyron and quit leading Ezra on.” LaMaya said.

“I’m not leading him on Lala, I don’t even like him.”

“So what was that ya’ll just did back there?”

I rubbed my temples and just screamed.

“Yeah I thought so sweetie. Just get it together because right now you are torn between the two...” She said smiling at me and I put my head on her shoulder and she hugged me.

I think she was right but I don’t have feelings for Ezra…I think???


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