Something new

By Aaashley2017

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Book 1: my best friend Yn and Trey love story Book 2: love me now Btw: this book will mainly revolve around... More

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By Aaashley2017

Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣

✨Summer's POV

"Listen. I care about you a lot summer but if you and Malak have something then you shouldn't try and ruin that. Yeah he messed up but you have to see things from his perspective, he was trying to make both families happy but he couldn't do that unless he ended up hurting one or both of you in the end" Chris said

"Yeah and you know what he did, he hurt ME...I gave him everything he could've ever wanted I even let him have his fucking basketball career for crying out loud and look at what I get in return, divorce papers thrown in my fucking face" I said

"You have my number summer you know you can always call me whenever things become too much for you. I care about you, just like I care about Julian and Jordan" Chris said

"Don't forget Justice" I said

"Justice" Chris asked

"Yeah, she's my daughter who's a year younger than the twins. You'll meet her eventually" I said

"Oh that's what's up. Well imma get home before royalty gets there" Chris said

I looked at him in the eyes just like he looked at me, I don't know what came over me but I kissed him and the thing is that he didn't stop me, he kissed back

I locked the door behind him and went into the kitchen so I could start dinner since everyone's gonna be home soon, gosh how am I gonna tell Malak, how am I gonna tell the kids 🤦🏾‍♀️

|1 hour later...

"So how was school boys, Justice" I said as I ate my food

"School was aight same old, same old but I did meet this chick real cute mom. You'd like her, she's cool and laid back" Jordan said

"I have two AP exams next week" Julian said

"Hmm. Have you been studying" I asked

"Non stop mom, I've been in the library at least 15 times this month" Julian said

"Alright just making sure your keeping up with your studies. What about you justice, how was school" I said

"It was okay I guess. Just class, then lunch and more class" Justice said

"Okay" I said continuing to eat

Of course I didn't make Malak a plate he has to stay another two hours at work to prepare for the next game so what's the point if his food is gonna get cold. I looked down at my phone because I didn't notice that it was vibrating on the table so I picked it up because it could be important


Yes is this Mrs.Watson

This is she

I'm sorry to inform you but there's a Mr. Malak Watson in the main stream hospital on 3rd and master

Is he okay

We're not sure right now he's in critical condition due to an injury

Oh my god. I'll be right there

I hung up the phone and texted Yn so she could watch the kids. I ran into the living room grabbing my jacket and my car keys

"What's going on mom" Jordan asked

"Nothing sweetie, I'll be back soon, aunt Yn is coming over along with your cousins and uncle tray. Behave and Julian your in charge until they come" I said leaving the house and heading straight to the hospital

Once I arrived I parked the car in front and ran inside

"I need help" I said looking at the lady at the front who was on her phone

"Yeah girl he ain't even wanna give up the dick after I cooked for him and washed his clothes the other night" the girl said into the phone

I snatched the phone from her hands and slammed it on the desk

"Uh excuse me I was using that" the girl said

"Not anymore. Now can you please tell me what room Malak Watson is in" I said

"Hmm and who are you to him, a fan? Because fans aren't allowed back there" the girl said

"No I'm not a fan! I'm his WIFE now can you tell me what room he's in" I said getting angry

"Room 356A, you just take the elevator to the third floor and make a left" the girl said

I handed her back her phone and walked off towards the elevator. Once I made it to the elevator I pushed the button and got on the elevator pushing the '3' button, I got off the elevator making a left and walking down the hall until I saw all of Malak's teammates outside his door.

"How is he" I asked

"Not good, he's been working out nonstop and today in the gym he just collapsed on the floor" DeMar said

I nodded my head and it was silent until the doctor came out

"How is he" I asked

"Well everything's fine now, he just needs to be on bed rest" the doctor said

"Then why did he collapse in the gym today" DeMar asked

"Well we found androstenedione (andro) in his system, we flushed it out and he's fine" the doctor said

"What's andro" I asked

"It's a form of steroids, from his last few check ups he wasn't making the weight count and the workouts at the gym weren't enough so he needed another outlet which was steroids. Although the steroids aren't harmful they can become more powerful to the point where he'll want more so just try to keep a close eye on him until he gets back into the gym, I would suggest approximately 3 weeks of bed rest" the doctor said

"Thank you. Can he have visitors" I asked

"Yes. Two at a time" the doctor said putting Malak's clipboard back on his door

"You should go in with one of the guys. Your his wife after all" DeMar said

"Thanks D" I said hugging him

He smiled at me and went to take a seat in one of the chairs that's in the hallway

I walked into the room and saw Malak wide awake with some tube that was connected to an iv

"You came" Malak said trying to smile

"Of course I did, even though I'm still mad about the divorce papers. Your my husband and we're in this together" I said smiling

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