Pharmacy- A 2D x Reader (Gori...

By ILoveMyObsessions

85.9K 2.3K 2K

So this is officially my very first fanfiction. You're a girl, suffering from depression and an abusive relat... More

Pharmacy 2
Brother Russel to the rescue
Blue Boy
Pancakes and Pickles
Breaking the ice
Mudz being Mudz
Movie night
Noodle, the match maker
Just another fan
2D, the guardian angel
"I think I'll stick with Blue Boy"
Hot chocolate
Womanizer, wise-ass, regret
Tea and chocolate cake
One last time
The End Of Times
I'm just gonna drop this here


2.8K 84 50
By ILoveMyObsessions

"So wait, the original Kong was zombie infested?" I kicked a pebble in front of my path. Blue Boy and I had left the coffee shop and were now going for a walk around town, chatting the day away.

"Actually, it still is. Afte' phase 4, we rebuilt Kong. It jos' felt mo'e like 'ome fhen anyfink else. Fhe zombies come ou' at night."
"So you expect me to believe that you, at night, carried me to Kong through a hoard of zombies?" I glance at him sceptically.
"Fhey're fine wiff me. Russel said sumfink abou' mutual respect between me and fhem. Mudz jos' says i's because I'm fhick in fhe 'ead like fhem." he sullenly chuckles, rubbing his arm.

I recalled the conversation I had with Murdoc a few days ago. About how he regrets the things he once did and said to Blue Boy.

"He doesn't still say stuff like that, right?"
"Eh... not really. Bu' it dosn't take much for 'im to start up wiff 'is shit..."
I nod, watching the steps I took at the same pace as his. He was significantly taller than me, but we seemed to both be walking comfortably alongside each other. After walking about half a block in silence, my stomach started grumbling.

"I'm hungry..."
"We could get sum fish and chips?" Blue Boy suggested.
I pondered over it and then had an idea. "I have something else in mind..." I grab his arm and start jogging a short distance to the gates of a huge school building. On the side of the road was a burger stand.
"I used to get food here everyday after school." I chirped, ordering 2 burgers.
Blue Boy stared at the old moss covered building, vines draping from windows and grass creeping up the first few bricks of the walls. "Yew went to school 'ere?"
"Yeah..." I sighed, handing him one of the burgers and positioning myself against the gate. "Some of my best days were spent here. Or at least, some of my best days of skipping class were spent here." I laugh softly, delving into the lunch I had bought.
Blue Boy was still standing, staring at the old building in awe. His eyes taking in the full glory of it.
"You gonna eat that?" I ask, wiping the crumbs off my face with the back of my hand.
He shakes his head out of his thoughts and gives me a funny look. "Yew're done?! How?!"
I shrug, turning myself around to look at the building. It was my turn to blankly stare at it. It was summer break, so no one was there (hence the long grass of course). Not much had changed from the outside. The faint memories of walking into the main doors, wishing I could be anywhere else, were flooding into my mind.

I nearly had a heart attack as Blue Boy's face was right in front of mine, the only thing separating us two, a steel gate.
"What the hell are you doing!?" I yell in a whisper, not wanting to draw attention from anyone that might be walking on the opposite side of the street.
He giggled, "Jos' wanted to see wot fhis place luks like from fhe inside."
"This is probably illegal! This could get not only you, but also me into trouble! I'm an accessory to this! Do you know how dangerous this is!? I mean, how did you even..."
"Fhe gate's unlocked, luv."
My face was frozen in disbelief as I turned my attention towards the open gate a few feet away, double taking as I shift my gaze from him to the gate and back again.
"How... what..."
"Don' fink abou' it too much, luv. Let's go on fhis 'adventure' yew were talkin' abou'!" he said with the excitement of a child.
This was the Blue Boy I knew. The one who seemed to be all too carefree and happy. A part of me wanted that to be a constant thing... So... how could I say no? I got up, and walked through the gate, the thought of being caught making me tense up as my feet hit the grass. No turning back now.

"Yew okay, Y/n?"
"Yeah, umm... just a bit cautious."
"Jos' imagine yew're at Kong and fhe zombies are yewr fears... they like yew. Oh wait, fhey like me..."
I shook my head and laughed, speaking in a mock Cockney accent, "Don' fink abou' it too much, luv."
He blushed, nervously chuckling.
"Well come on then!" I say, walking to the main doors. "I was promised an adventure!"
He smiled excitedly, rushing pass me, through the doors, yelling behind his shoulder. "Catch me if yew can!"

It was so dark inside... at this point, the sun had started to set and it was getting dim outside. The empty corridors seemed eerie through my eyes and I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy walking down them. I could hear Blue Boy's footsteps running off in the distance as it became evident to me that I was utterly alone in the dark. The deeper I wandered into the building, the darker it became until, at that point, I had to lead myself by brushing my hands against the walls and lockers.
"Blue Boy..." I say loudly, trying to suppress the fear in my tone. "This isn't funny... it's too dark in here to see."

A few metres away, a light shown from an open classroom door. My heart sank into my shoes. Was someone here? Did they hear me? Oh God, we're in so much trouble... I'M in so much trouble.
I slowly make my way closer, the anticipation eating me up inside as I slowly lean my head in to see who's inside.
"Blue Boy?"
He was writing on the board with a piece of chalk, turning his head to me with a serious expression.
"Yew're late for class again. Please take yewr seat."
I stare at him in confusion for a few seconds before speaking. "Yew're joking, right?" I ask questioningly.
He motioned to one of the seats with the chalk in his hand. I decided to go with it, curious as to what he was doing. I made my way to the seat, putting my feet up on the table.
"Now class, who can tell me wot fhis is?" He says, moving away from the drawing.
"Is that Mudz wearing a dress!?" I practically yelled, almost falling out of my seat in laughter. "Why!?"
He suppressed his laughter and waved the chalk in circles in the air. "Don' question my teachin' methods!" he said, finally bursting out in a fit of chuckles.

I gradually stopped laughing, wiping the tears off my face, forgetting about my worries and fears for a moment and just enjoying the 'adventure' we were on. But that didn't last long as we both heard a voice call out from the hallway.
"Who's there? No one is allowed in this building!"
Blue Boy gives me a wide-eyed look, before running to the window and opening it, beckoning at me to follow him out.
"'Urry, 'urry..." he whispered, as I climbed through.
We both darted across the grass and through the gates as we heard the person call for us to come back. We ran for about 4 blocks before stopping to catch our breaths. We both stood there huffing before breaking out in another fit of laughter.
"Fhat... was... close." He said out of breath.
"Hey, you two!"
"Shit!" We both say in unison, before once again running the whole marathon to Kong.

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