Sugar Daddy-Zorbyn AU

By kayxi22

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Zach Herron? Know the name? Didn't think so. He is a young 16 year old who lives on his own in LA. He can bar... More

Appreciation Post


1.8K 79 7
By kayxi22

My new book is out called it still haunts me-donah!!!

Zach's Pov:

As I lay there motionless, I think of Corbyn. How will I hide this from him? I feel him take one more hard hit to me stomach making me curl up.

"Alright. I'm done."

He had whipped me, cut me, bruised me, fucked me, and raped me multiple times. He unties my arms and I curl into a ball. Just like when I was 13. I stayed curled into a ball till the pain went away a little. I put my clothes back on and walked outside.

"And you're outta the gang now!" Trey calls out.

I nod and put my thumb up.

"I don't know if I was mad at him or mad at me for hurting him that bad," trey says to the group. "The more I hit him the angrier I got. I don't know who though."

I just kept walking. About the time I got to the road, I heard my name being called.

"Hey, Zach! Zach wait!" Someone calls out.

I stop walking. It was about another three miles to my house and it was 8 am.

"Hey, Zach. Can I give you a ride to your house?" Trey asks.

"N-no I'm good," I say holding my stomach.

"Please I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for this.  I'm sorry for raping you. You were always like a little brother. I feel terrible. The more I hit you, the angrier I got with myself and took it out on you. Please just let me give you a ride," he begs.

"Trey, my boyfriend is waiting for me at home. And if he sees me pull up with you, he'll flip and hurt you just like he did josh. Okay? He'll flip when I don't tell him who did this to me. I don't want you to get hurt by anyone. I'll keep this a secret from the cops, my mom, and Corbyn. Oh and if I even say someone beat me up to Corbyn's face, he'll stick my bodyguard on them. And he is huge," I explain. "I accept your apology. I forgive you. But I will not let you get hurt."

"I understand dude. But seriously I need to repay you this. So if you ever need me just hit me up and I'll do whatever you want whenever."

"Okay, man. I got to go because I have an interview in 45 minutes and I have to look a little more presentable. So if you would drive to my street and then drop me off because with the condition im in it'll take me all day to walk 3 miles."

"Okay, bro." He says grabbing his keys and running to his car.

He brings it around and I get in. We drive off to my road.

"Okay. You can drop me off here," I say.

He stops and lets me out. I thank him and start to walk home seing it's 8:10 and we have to be out of the house by 8:30 to go to the sprinter. I quickly get home and then walk inside.

"Zach!" I hear someone screech.

"What?" I ask.

"Where in the world have  you been?" Corbyn asks.

"I was with a friend okay?"

"The beat-up look tells otherwise."

"I got into a fight with someone. Okay?"

"I want the truth," he says standing in front of me.

He stares into my brown eyes with his ocean blue eyes. I search his eyes for knowledge, but finding none. (For those who might comment what does this mean, it means Zach looked in his eyes to see if he knew the truth already or not.)

"I'm telling the truth," I say as I look at his forehead.

"Look me in the eyes and say I'm not lying," he says.

"I'm not ly-lying," I say glancing into his eyes.

"You are lying," he says.

"Just leave me alone and let me get ready!" I say storming past him as fast as I can. Of course I'm really slow from being hit so many times.

"Zach!" He says calling for me. "Zach don't walk away from me,"

"Corbyn please. You'll never look at me the same if you know the truth!" I shout with tears flowing down my face. "Now please let me get ready for the interview."

"Okay, Love."

I walk up the stairs wincing with every step. I reach my room and I collapse into my room. I lay on my floor in pain with tears rolling down my face. I get enough strength and stand up. I walk to my bathroom and clean up the cuts and the whips. I put some bandages on the cuts. Then I put foundation over my bruises. I put on some clean clothes and limp my way downstairs.

"Corbyn! You ready babe?"

"Yeah baby. Let's go! Bye Myta."

"Bye mom. Tell Reese and Ryan I'll see them later!" I shout.

We walk to the sprinter which was at the end of the road. I see a familiar car. Oh shit it's trey. And he's talking to Logan.

"Hey, guys!" Trey says.

"Hey," I whisper.

"So I was just telling Logan here how wonderful of a singer you are zach," trey says.

"You know him?" Corbyn asks.

"Yeah he's like an older brother."

"Oh how come I haven't heard of him?" Corbyn asks.

"Just never got to that part in my past yet," I mumble. "Trey, what..what are you doing here?" I ask irritated. I put my hand on my head covering my eyes.

"Just wanted to offer you a ride to the interview." He smirks.

"How does he know about that?" Corbyn asks.

"I texted him last night telling him about it." I lie.

"So who are you riding with?" He asks.

"I need to speak with trey. So I'll ride with him," I say walking to his Jeep.

"Bye babe. I'll see you at the interview." I say kissing him and getting into the car.

Trey was waiting for me there so I got in quickly. I shut the door and buckle up.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"Just wanted to see who Corbyn was. And you never said he was the billionaire Corbyn Besson."

"You will not hurt him. I swear to god if you lay a finger on him," I threat.

"Dude, calm your dick. Like I said I'm repaying you so I had to see who Corbyn was first so I didn't beat the shit outta Corbyn. I also met your bodyguard. Yeah I'm good please don't tell him," he chuckles nervously.

We start driving to the interview. We drive in silence for most of the way. We get there and park next to the sprinter.

"I'm serious, zach," he says grabbing my hand stopping me. "I don't want you to tell Corbyn what happened. I know he's your boyfriend and you are open to everyone about everything but please don't. I know I've always said I'm not scared of jail. The truth is I'm scared of what your mom will think."

"I won't trey. You have my word. As long as you don't beat up anyone else as badly as you did me," I chuckle which hurt a little.

"Bye, I love you,"

"Bye love you too." I say getting out.

We say I love you because we are that type of friends. We seem like we are dating but we aren't. And even though he beat the living shut outta me I still love him because he did take me under his wing when my father left.

"Why were you holding his hand?" Logan asks.

"Calm down, we aren't dating. He needed to tell me something and he grabbed my hand to stop me. Okay," I say.

"Okay. Corbyn is pissed though."

"Oh great," I say rolling my eyes.

We walk to the green room and I see Corbyn.

"Corbyn, are you okay?" I ask standing in front of him.

"No, okay. Are you dating him?"

"No! Why- Corbyn. I love you and only you. Trey is like my brother. He took me under his wing when my dad left me. Okay? He had to tell me something Important so he grabbed my hand to stop me."

"Okay, I'm sorry for getting jealous ."

"It's fine babe. I swear I wouldn't cheat on you," I say.

After the interview:

I started to feel like I was gonna pass out.

"Corbs, I need to sit down," I say grabbing a fistful of his jacket to stay up right.

"Babyboy, we are like 5 steps from the van can you make it?" He asks wrapping an arm around me.

"Ma-maybe." I say.

Either im having a panic attack or I'm going to faint. I look around and see blurriness. We get into the sprinter and I lay down.

"Babe, don't go to bed." Corbyn says sitting me up.

"Okay," I mumble.

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