Falling In *An Oliver Wood On...

By CaseyRaee

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Falling In *An Oliver Wood One-Shot*

1.2K 30 7
By CaseyRaee

Every time I see your face

My heart takes off on a high speed chase

Now don't be scared, it's only love

Baby, that we're falling in

How can he not see it? I’ve been in love with him since third year- third year- and now we’re in our sixth. I mean really? One of your best mates fancies you for ages and you can’t notice it?

I mean I know he loves Quidditch, its one of the things I love about him, but it can’t distract him that much can it? I guess I’ll never know. I’m terrible at sports, since I’m so incredibly clumsy. Or accident-prone, as Oliver calls it. *Sigh* He could call me the Loch Ness Monster and I wouldn’t care.

But, I don’t think he notices my feelings. I’m rather good at hiding them, so only Fred and George know, and that’s only because they’re nosy gits. I wish I could just go up to Oliver and ask him to Hogsmeade with me, but there’s a reason I’m not a Gryffindor. I’m a Ravenclaw, so I strategize and plan. I’m big on plans. And I’ll think of one.


I can't wait till tomorrow

This feeling has swallowed me whole

And know that I've lost control

This heart that I've followed

Has left me so hollow

That was then, this is now, yeah you have changed everything

Not that I don’t have any other friends or anything because I do. I’ve had guys ask me out. Sometimes I say yes, other times no. I just keep holding out on the hope that he’ll finally recognize me as a girl. Like someone he could date girl. So lying in my bed, this morning I made a resolution. I was going to ask Oliver out. Today.

Have you ever notice that things sound so much better when your lying in bed? Okay, I’m a coward. I just walked into the hall and he waved me over. I opened my mouth and…

Closed it. I greeted them and took a seat, pulling some eggs toward me. Oliver looked at me, stopped his Quidditch conversation and smiled. I grinned stupidly back and pretended like I knew what he was talking about.

Every time I see your face

My heart takes off on a high speed chase

Now don't be scared, it's only love

That we're falling in

Oliver is infuriating. Annoying. But then, cute. Funny. Charming. All in all, a pretty decent guy. A tendency to over-talk Quidditch and go all Nazi-Captain on the team, but he’s an okay guy.

So why am I so in love with him? I ask it myself sometimes. Is it the way he tilts his parchment when he takes notes? The way he runs his fingers through his hair when he’s agitated? The excited look he gets in his eyes when he talks about Quidditch? Will he ever get that excited when he talks about me? Somehow I doubted it.

After Herbology, Fred and George came up on either side of me and pulled me behind a tree.

“You’re never going to believe-”

“Guess wha-”

“Still can’t believe we didn’t notic-”

“What did you sa-”

I was startled. “What are you two going on about?”

I would never do you wrong

Or let you down or lead you on

Don't look down, it's only love

Baby, that we're falling in


“I’m going to ask her today at breakfast.” Is what I told the guys while we got dressed.

“Okay, after Transfiguration.” I said that after breakfast ended, with Jennifer waling back to her table.

“Charms?” That was after I chickened out during Transfig, where we even sat next to each other.

“Definitely before Herbology.” I assured them. So in the corridor, I approached her. She was reading a book, her auburn bangs falling in her left eye. I wanted to brush them back, have her smile at me, and then lean in to kiss her-

But it’d be best to ask her out first I suppose. I reached her and she looked up and grinned at me.

“Hey, Oliver.” She brushed her hair from her eyes. “What’s up?”

“Not much. Listen, Jen in was wondering-” I began. She raised an eyebrow. That infuriating eyebrow.

“If I could-er, borrow your Charms-er notes?”

“Sure. No problem.” She gave me an odd look and handed them to me, before smiling one last time and turning around.

“Thanks!” I called out past her. She shook her head and I knew she heard me. So it wasn’t my original question, but there are plenty of opportunities to ask her out, right?





I'm standing in your driveway

It's midnight and I'm sideways

To find out if you feel the same

Won't be easy, have my doubts too

But it's over, without you I'm just lost, incomplete

Yeah you feel like home, home to me


“You mean you don-”

“He didn’t as-”

“You mean you have no-”

“Idea what we’re talking about?”

I was annoyed, to say the least. “Obviously I don’t or I wouldn’t be so confused.”

They glanced at each other and spoke in a rush.

“Forget we were here.”

“Forget what we said.”

“We were never here.”

Then they hurried off, back to the castle. I was so confused. Then I shook my head and laughed at myself. It must be a prank. It was Fred and George, after all. But I couldn’t help asking myself:

Who was “he”?

Every time I see your face

My heart takes off on a high speed chase

Now don't be scared, it's only love

That we're falling in


I was cornered as I walked to the common room after classes, by an agitated Fred and George.

They pulled me behind a tapestry and George asked me, “Definitely before Herbology, eh?”

“Oh come on, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to say! What if she said no?” I justified myself.

“She won’t. I guarantee she would say yes.” Fred jumped in.

“And what is she did? Say yes, I mean?” I questioned. “What would I say? How would I act? How would she act?”

“Its Jennifer we’re talking about. You’ve been best mates with her for ages! How hard is it to ask her on a bloody date? You‘ve asked other girls out before!” George demanded.

“But Jen’s different. I really care about her.” I stated.

“Then ask her out already.” George began.

“Or we will for you.” Fred finished, before taking his twin and leaving me, a very confused guy standing behind a picture of dancing trolls.


I would never do you wrong

Or let you down or lead you on

Don't look down, it's only love

Baby, that we're falling in


I always hated all of Oliver’s girlfriends. I had my reasons. Some were legit, others were, well….a little questionable. But someone smelling like coconut is justified, right?

Anyhow, Oliver walked into the Great Hall, and a fellow sixth drifted over to him and began flirting almost desperately with him.

I stormed right out of the hall, completely abandoning my conversation with Anna Brunnns. I just couldnt standthose desparate fan girls of Oliver's, o stalked him with binoculars. I mean,I grew out of that in like fourth year.

Okay, okay. Fifth year.


All those nights I stayed awake

Thinking of all the ways to make you mine

All of those smiles will never fade

Never run out of ways to blow my mind


If I had to choose the exact moment I fell in love with her, I’d have to say it was last year.Gryffindor had won the Ravenclaw/Gryffindor Quidditch match and I had run into her on my short-cut to the common room.She called me a Gryffindork and we went back and forth, making fun and teasing each other. She had turned around and walked backwards, then when she laughed, she fell backwards. I had laughed and helped her up.I looked into her icy blue eyes. And that’s when I knew she was special. But I couldn’t ask her out. I was a coward. I was afraid that things would be different, whether she said yes or no.I’m going to think of something big. Huge. Massive. So she can’t say no.

I’m going to need Fred and George.

Every time I see your face

My heart takes off on a high speed chase

Now don't be scared, it's only love

That we're falling in


It was the morning of the Ravenclaw/Gryffindor Quidditch match and I could see Oliver’s nervousness. He was sitting at the Gryffindor table, urging everyone to eat while eating nothing himself. He seemed more nervous than usual, but maybe it was just me. I still hadn’t come up with a plan nor a reason for Fred and George cornering me the other day. Perhaps if Ravenclaw won it might shine a light and all shall be revealed.

But I doubt it.

I was walking to the pitch when Oliver came up behind me and said, “Hey,” flattening his hair down.

“Um, hey.” I said, smiling. “Ready to lose?”

He scoffed, “As if. I just wanted to- uh ask you something.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Just meet me behind the tapestry of the unicorn on the third floor when we win, okay?”

“You mean if you win.” I pointed out.

He shook his head, “No, I mean when.” He started to walk away, and called back, “Got it? Unicorn tapestry-”

‘Third floor. Got it.” I finished for him. I grinned and shook my head at him, wondering why he wanted to meet me.

I would never do you wrong

Or let you down or lead you on

Gryffindor lost. It was a close tie, though, 260-300. I still went to the tapestry and hoped Oliver would still come.

What? A Ravenclaw can’t be curious? Anyway, I stood around for about 5 minutes before turning to walk out, sighing.

Oliver was standing there. “I-uh didn’t think you’d come.” He said.

“I wasn’t. But then I kinda did.” I stated.

He chuckled and spoke softly, “I had a big plan, Jen.”

“What kind of plan?” I questioned.

“It involved you, me and a couple of fireworks.” He looked over his shoulder. “But then I chose something else.”

I was confused, to say the least. “Ollie, what are you going on about?”

He looked at me, opened his mouth, and closed it again. Then he stepped closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He ducked his head down and kissed me.

Yes, I’m telling the complete truth.

He. Kissed. Me.

And I kissed right back.

Don't look down, it's only love

Baby, that we're falling in

Don't be scared, it's only love

Baby, that we're falling in

I never would have imagined it. Well, of course I’ve imagined it, but I didn’t really think it’d happen. Walking into breakfast with Oliver Wood, holding hands. Kissing. Standing close to each other. You know, all those couple-y things couples do

As we sat down next to Fred and George, Angelina and Alicia, they raised their eyebrows and we grinned at each other.

We had fallen completely in love with each other, and I didn’t intend in falling out anytime soon.

Or at all, for that matter.

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