Falling for the Billionaire

By Jkenner__

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Lil Dartley's life is a mess, her predictable sister is finally getting married to a rich billionaire and nee... More

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By Jkenner__

Lil met her sister's eyes in the mirror and dabbed a happy tear away before it could smudge her makeup.

"Are you sure the veil is on securely?" Abby asked.

"I can have the stylist check it again, but I think short of stapling it on, it's as secure as it gets."

Abby turned and Lil was once again moved by the glow on her sister's face. The paparazzi would love her – not that they would have a chance to snap a single photo. With the Andrade's blessing, the couple had flown less than a hundred guests to Isola Santos for a highly private wedding. Immense air-conditioned tents covered the lawn and led to a discrete area that would allow the couple to marry with the ocean as a backdrop to their ceremony. There was only one photographer and he'd signed a non-disclosure contract.

Although Alethea was not attending the wedding, she'd sent a wedding present–a schematic breakdown of the weaknesses she'd found both at Dominic's engagement party and in his plans for the island wedding. Abby hadn't warmed up to her enough to invite her to the wedding, but she was beginning to soften her stance against her. After all, Alethea had played a role in saving

Corisi Enterprises.

The only one who wasn't presently happy with Lil's best-friend was Dominic's head of security. Rumor had it that he was furious when he read her report, especially since she'd noted that he was "easily distracted" from his duties. That was Al, making friends wherever she went.

My sister is getting married today.


Three weeks hadn't been much time to prepare for a wedding, but since the budget had been so generous–it had come together seamlessly. Amazing what people could accomplish when they worked on commission and the bride could have whatever she wanted.

Concepts for wedding dresses had arrived almost immediately from several well-known designers and it was no surprise that Abby had chosen something simple: a white strapless, silk gown with layers of lace that covered both the dress and Abby's arms and shoulders in the classic style of Grace Kelly. Her bouquet was a nosegay of white wild orchids, white peonies and mini calla lilies. Abby's most stunning accessory was the huge smile that hadn't dimmed since she'd met Lil for breakfast that morning.

Lil looked down her own iridescent, charcoal chiffon dress. The body of it was shirred and fitted from the strapless, ruffled bodice to the mid-thigh hemline that boasted a detachable flowing skirt. Mrs. Duhamel had found the perfect compromise-dress, floor length to satisfy Abby and sizzling and short in one easy step for Lil. Nicole and Maddy had been easy to talk into wearing the spicy bridesmaid's dress, but Zhang had been an altogether different matter. She had also been the wildcard in the wedding party. Maddy's husband, Richard, and Nicole's fiancé, Stephan, were natural choices for groomsmen. Maddy convinced Abby that choosing a groomsman for Zhang had to be done as carefully as if they were matchmaking.

Lil smiled at the memory of how they had finally chosen a fourth groomsman.

Dominic had declined on having a bachelor party, saying that he'd had quite enough wild days in his past. In the spirit of that decision, in lieu of a bachelorette party the women had gathered at one of Dominic's homes with a few bottles of champagne for a high tech slide show of men Dominic knew well enough to ask to be part of his wedding party.

Maddy had suggested that, to keep it fun, the candidates must either be royalty or be on Forbes list of most influential men. The selection process was as much fun as any night on the town would have been. Maddy cued up the photos on a large screen in the home's private movie theatre. Nicole read a detailed description of each man. Pros and cons were discussed and then Maddy used her Photoshopping skills to superimpose Zhang and the potential escort into the same photo walking down an aisle, arm in arm.

Even if the candidates were wildly inappropriate, some were kept in the proposal packet simply for the humor of it. Too tall. Too short. Too old. Too young. Too greasy. Too uptight. Too much facial hair. Too bald.

At first Zhang had stoically held to her stand that she had no preference.

Lil poured her a glass of champagne.

"No, thank you," Zhang politely refused the beverage.

"Everyone drinks at weddings," Lil insisted.

Zhang motioned with her hand at the movie theatre around them and said, "This is not even the wedding."

"True," Lil laughed and pushed the drink into Zhang's hand. "But you're going to spend a significant amount of time with whoever we pick. There is the rehearsal, the wedding itself, photos, maybe even some dancing. You don't think you care now, but do you really want to spend the wedding holding onto this Prince Charming?"

Lil motioned to Maddy who brought up a photo of a man they had actually found on a world's scariest criminals website, but Zhang didn't need to know that. Lil said, "Sober, you don't seem able to decide. We can choose for you if you want, but this is what might happen." Maddy cued up the photo of Zhang and a long haired, mostly toothless criminal walking down an aisle together.

Shamelessly, Lil added a final zinger, "Maddy even has the software that could show you what your children would look like if ended up with him." The photo Maddy produced was as hilarious as it was hideous.

Zhang downed the glass of champagne in one gulp and replaced the glass.

Abby looked on, shaking her head. "Lil, you are..."

Maddy answered for her, "My hero!"

Abby smiled sympathetically at Zhang and said, "You know, I can call her off. At least, I can try."

Zhang took the second glass of champagne Lil offered her and smiled in resignation. She and Lil were polar opposites, but somehow they had connected and were building a friendship through the planning the wedding together. She joked, "I had no idea that the American custom was to choose a groomsman worthy of bearing children with or I would have paid more attention to the previous ones. Please, cue up the next one."

Nicole read the corresponding card. "Sheikh Rachid bin Amir al Hantan, Crown Prince of Najriad–a small country but gaining prominence for their technology as well as their oil."

Lil shot a quick look at Zhang and saw her interest before she was able to conceal it again. Thank you champagne. Lil prompted, "He's hot."

Abby added, "I think Dominic actually knows him pretty well. He either graduated from Harvard the year before or the year after Dom and Jake did. I've heard him mention him before." She smiled, "I agree–he's hot." Everyone looked at her. "What, I'm getting married, but I'm not blind. That man is gorgeous."

Zhang said, "He wouldn't be our worst choice."

Lil said, "Cue up how they would look as a couple."

Maddy clapped. "Oh, we have to pick him. He's perfect for you."

Nicole warned, "Just remember, gorgeous men have big..." she paused for dramatic emphasis. "Egos." She finished with a laugh.

Everyone laughed – even Zhang.

Abby said, "If he got out of line, I'm sure Zhang could put him firmly back in his place."

Zhang straightened a little defensively and said, "Sometimes I'm shy around men." A round of laughter swept the room, but Zhang didn't join in. She added, "You don't work as much as I do and date much."

Maddy said, "Oh, my God that is so cute." When Zhang shot her a glare, she back-peddled nervously. "I mean cute in the least condescending way I could have said it. It's just that I can picture you staring into those beautiful dark eyes–temporarily at a loss for what to say–waiting for him to kiss you for the first time."

Lil said, "You've been reading too many of those romances again."

Maddy countered, "Hello, I married a French man. I live romance. And who do you think suggested that Jake be the one to move you into a new place? Hmm?"

Lil threw some popcorn at the tiny woman's head. "That was you?"

Maddy laughed and removed a piece of popcorn from her hair. "You can thank me whenever you're ready. Match-making is my gift."

Zhang said, "I'm not looking for a man."

Maddy nodded her approval, "That's always the best time to find one. I vote for the Sheikh. All in favor say 'aye.'"

Everyone except Zhang chimed in their approval.

Maddy played around with her laptop until a photo of a beautiful baby, somewhat distorted, appeared on the screen. "Come on, look at how cute your children would be."

Zhang stiffened. "I don't care which man we choose today."

Lil leaned closer to her and said softly, "Really, then why are you blushing?"

Before World War III broke out, Abby quickly interceded. "I'll have Dominic call him."

Lil said, "Should we pick a runner up in case he says no?"

Everyone looked at her like she'd asked if they should have a plan in case the world stopped turning on the wedding day. Dominic got what Dominic wanted–that hadn't changed regardless of how much Abby had tamed him. Lil laughed, "You're right. Meet your date to the wedding, Zhang–Prince I-should-be-an-underwear-model Rachid."

Zhang laughed and shook her head.

Lil said, "See, if you get shy just imagine him in clothing catalogue. That always cracks me up."

"Lil, are you listening?" Abby said in a tone that implied she'd asked it before and gotten no response.

Her voice brought Lil back to the present.

Lil said, "I was just thinking about Zhang and her Prince. What a shame he couldn't make the rehearsal. I hope he's not a total stick in the mud."

Abby spun in the mirror and adjusted the back of her dress again. "He had some business he couldn't get out of. Dominic said it was important enough that he understood. Some border dispute that his country is having with one of their neighbors. Whatever it was, it looks like it has temporarily been quelled because he's here today."

"I'm glad. I'd really like to see Zhang have a good time," Lil said and fixed Abby's train for the fiftieth time.

Abby cautioned, "Lil, don't push her. Whatever happens–happens."

"I know. It's just that she's all tough and reserved on the surface, but I think she's really sad on the inside. She told me the story about her parents. Do you know that although she was born into a very poor family and it would have been easier for them if she'd been a boy, her father celebrated her? She said he always told her that she could do anything a man could do. She certainly proved him right, but it's almost like she thinks she can't be successful and be a woman. The fact that she's wearing a dress for your wedding is a testament to how much she cares about you. I don't get why it's such a big deal to her. Does she think she'll lose it all if she wears a dress one time?"

"I told you, no one is immune to fear."

Something in her sister's voice gave her pause. "Are you nervous about today, Abby?" She didn't look nervous, but the closer she and her sister became the more Lil saw that Abby worried just as much as she did–she just hid it better.

Abby gave her a shaky smile. "I love him, Lil, but sometimes I wonder if I can do this. Did you see his side of the invitation list? What if I make a fool out of myself out there today? I have to study before I meet new people so I'll know how to address them; actually study with Marie. Is that really the woman Dominic wants at his side for the rest of his life?"

Lil hugged her sister. "Dominic told me that he's a better man because of you. I don't think he gives a flying squirrel if you mess up when you greet some head of state. And didn't you tell me that beneath all the money, these people are just as messed up as we are?"

Abby sniffed and straightened. "I did."

How had she never seen that Abby needed her as much as she needed Abby? "Then just be yourself, because that's who Dominic fell for and who he wants to grow old with. If you stay true to yourself and true to him, everything else will work out."

Abby smiled. "When did you become so wise?"

"It's a natural byproduct of being raised by two incredible women. You and Mom taught me everything I know about love."

"Don't you dare make me cry and ruin my mascara!"

"So I can't say it?"

"I'm warning you, Lil!" Abby said with a half-laugh, half-cry.

"We'll stop by and have your makeup retouched on our way to meet up with the girls. Don't worry." She picked up the short train of her sister's gown and said, "Lead the way, Soon-to-be-Mrs. Corisi."

Abby took a fortifying deep breath and started walking.

From behind her, Lil said softly, "Always better together, Abby."

Abby turned, wiping a tear from her cheek, but smiling. "You're awful."

"No," Lil answered simply, "just finally grateful."

With growing amusement, Jake watched his friend impatiently pace the room. "Are you sure you don't want a drink?"

"Is everyone here now?" Dominic asked.

"Yes, they are all just down the hallway."

"Why the hell aren't they in here? I thought you said we had to run through some last minute change Abby had made to the ceremony."

"Amazingly enough, I'm the only one, outside of your lovely bride to be, who can stand you when you're like this."

Dominic boomed, "Like what?"

Jake just looked at him until Dominic ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I don't like the waiting part."

"Really? I never would have guessed."

There was a knock on the door.

Mrs. Duhamel poked her head in. "Everyone dressed?"

Jake said, "Yes, Marie."

She walked up to Dominic, straightened the front of his tuxedo and reached up to put a wayward lock of hair back into place. "How are you boys holding up?"

Jake laughed, "He's a wreck."

Dominic growled but didn't deny it.

Marie made a tsk sound at Jake and said, "It's not nice to tease him, Jake. Wait until it's your turn with Lil. You'll be just as bad."

"Is everything set for us to fly out tonight?"

"Yes, the jet is packed and all you have to do is get on and go."

"And on the other side?"

"I've lined up two realtors who know South America well. You should have some viable sites chosen by the end of the week."

"And Abby still thinks we're going to Spain?" Dominic asked.

Marie nodded. "You'll have to call me and tell me what she says when she hears that instead of staying in a castle on her honeymoon, she's going to spend a week in a variety of South American countries buying land for the schools you're going to build there."

"I hope she loves it."

"She will," Marie said and then snapped her fingers as a thought came to her. "Before I forget, Rosella and Thomas are in the room across from the groomsmen. Nicole and Stephan went in to see them for a short visit. You should go see them, too, before you go down the aisle. Rosella won't come here because she doesn't want to intrude, but she's your mother and she should be part of this."

Dominic took the older woman into what looked like a bone crushing hug. "Then I am an incredibly lucky man because I have two mothers now."

Jake mocked his friend's display of emotion. "Marie, can you believe what Abby has done to my friend?"

Marie turned back to Jake and said, "True love makes people stronger not weaker, Jake. Remember that. I still miss my husband every day, but I can go on because something as strong as we had makes me believe in an afterlife. Treasure these times, boys. Love your women with all you have because the day will come when you must part from them – however temporarily. Arguments will happen but always apologize – even when you're not sure that you're the one who was wrong. Pride is a cold bed partner."

Jake looked across at Dominic. "I hope she's not about to explain the birds and bees to us."

Marie folded her arms in disapproval. "You boys know a bit too much about that already if you asked me."

Jake put an arm around the woman he'd grown to think of like family. "How else are we going to make those little babies you love so much?"

That got a smile from Marie. "You'd better marry Lil soon if that is your intention."

"Oh, I intend to, Marie. I intend to." He pocketed Dominic and Abby's wedding rings and said, "Come on, Dom. Let's go see Rosella while we still have time. Your afterlife will come sooner than you think if we're late to the altar."

Just outside a large white tent where everyone was seated facing a small altar and the ocean, Lil stood beside Zhang. "So, did you meet the Sheikh yet?"

Zhang's mask of composure was firmly in place. "Not yet, but I'm sure everything will go smoothly."

"I asked Jake to look into something for me. Do you know that Prince Rachid is completely unattached at the moment? I guess his father had chosen someone for him, but he refused. He didn't want to marry a pampered princess. Maybe he likes his woman with a bit more backbone." Lil wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.

Zhang picked up her bouquet and rolled her eyes. "I can assure you that I'm not interested."

Lil reached out and lightly touched the forearm of the beautifully proud woman before her. "There is no press here today. No one to record an impulsive action if you decide to take one."

Zhang didn't soften, but nor did she pull away.

"For just one day, don't be Zhang the billionaire. Don't be the woman you think you have to be. You are stunning in that dress. Make that Sheikh squirm."

Zhang sighed. "I wouldn't even know how."

Lil smiled. "Yes, you do. You just have to let go and nature will take its course." Lil made a quick grab for Zhang's clutch and opened it, removing her phone. "Step one, no texting. No phone calls. You are not a business woman today. You're simply a gorgeous woman in a beautiful dress."

Amazingly enough, Zhang didn't protest–reaffirming Lil's belief that this was something her friend yearned to do.

"Step two," Lil continued, "you pinkie swear to me that you will kiss that Sheikh before midnight tonight."

"Pinkie swear?"

Lil curled her pinkie finger around Zhang's. "It's the most solemn vow."

Zhang smiled. "Americans are so strange."

"Don't try to get off the hook. Swear it. I dare you to."

Zhang's smile widened. "I'm not afraid of your little game."

"Really? Prove it."

Zhang curled her pinkie around Lil's. "I pinkie swear it."

Lil laughed and released her.

Zhang shook her head, but laughed with her. "You are trouble, Lil Dartley."

Shamelessly, Lil shrugged. "It's who I am."

"And the world is better for it, my friend."

The roving wedding planner intruded into their conversation. "Are we ready to line up?"

The two women nodded and moved into their places behind Abby.

The music started and Abby turned around before starting her walk. "I'm so glad you're here, Lil."

Holding her bouquet in one hand, Lil gave her sister a little nudge with her other and said, "Get going unless you want me to make you cry again."

Abby gave her a teary smile.

Too late.

Dominic stood tall and proud at his spot before the altar, waiting for his soon-to-be-bride to join him. The four men who flanked one side of him were an equally impressive sight and one that not many women in the audience, married or not, would soon forget. The female minister they had chosen as their officiant looked on with quiet grace.

When Abby reached Dominic, he took both of her hands in his and they turned to face each other in front of the altar. Lil and the bridesmaids took their places on the bride's side of the altar and the minister began to speak. As Lil listened to the officiant, she couldn't help but look across at Jake and think that they would be making vows to each other one day soon. He winked at her as if he had heard her thoughts and had been thinking something quite similar.

"Dearest friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Dominic Corisi and Abigail Dartley in marriage. When they approached me about performing their ceremony, I wasn't sure if I was qualified since my experience has been limited to small weddings in my local chapel. However, after two minutes with them, I saw that they were no different than any other couple I have married. They are deeply devoted to each other, passionately in love, and committed to making the world a better place through the strength of their love. They have written their own vows for today. Do you have the rings?"

Jake handed the rings to Dominic and said something that made the couple smile.

Dominic cleared his throat and said, "Abigail Dartley, today I take you as my wife. From this day on, I promise to be faithful and honest, loving and supportive. I promise to listen to your wise counsel and confess when I decide to disregard it."

Lil bit her lip to stop the laugh that his comment inspired. Her family was never going to be the same. Yes, it was going to be much, much better.

Dominic continued, "I promise to forgive more, destroy less, and to savor every day with you. I give you this ring as a symbol that everything I am and everything I have will be yours now and forever." He placed a wedding band on Abby's finger.

Abby held out his wedding band, took his hand in hers and said, "Dominic Corisi, today I take you as my husband. I promise to be faithful and honest, loving and supportive. I promise to adore you as you are and gracefully accept your apologies each time you discover that I was right. I promise to risk more, judge less and to savor every day with you. I give you this ring as a symbol that everything I am and everything I have will be yours now and forever." She placed the gold band on Dominic's finger.

The officiant said, "By exchanging rings and vows today, Dominic and Abby you have sworn your life and your allegiance to each other. Time and tragedy will test this bond. When it does, remember the love you felt this day and stay true to your commitment. Dominic and Abigail, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may the kiss the bride."

The crowd held their breath as a man who had once been known only for what he had accumulated and threatened gently kissed the lips of his new wife and hugged her to him with such love that it was impossible to look away.

Everyone stood and the officiant said, "It is a great honor for me to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Corisi."

Lil looked across to Jake and knew that, like her, had had been imagining their wedding, their vows...their first kiss as a married couple. To music and applause, Lil linked arms with Jake and followed Dominic and Abby down the aisle and out of the tent to meet the photographer. They would have their day, but the next hour or so was all about filling Dominic and Abby's wedding album.

After entering the reception with Jake and the rest of the bridal party, Lil turned to him and said "I want to run in and check on Colby really quickly before everything gets started. I love the nanny we chose, but I–"

Jake pulled her against him and whispered into her ear, "I'll go with you."

Lil laughed and pulled out of his grasp, "No way. I'm not missing the toast because we get distracted out there."

"I love the way you distract me," he growled and reached for her again.

She edged away, "That's the problem. I am not going to mess this up. If you don't come with me I can be back here in ten minutes."

"I could control myself," he claimed.

She leaned in and snuck a quick kiss while he was defending his honor then slid back out of his reach. "But could I?" she teased softly.

His face flushed slightly with excitement. "I think I could make ten minutes work."

"That's nothing to brag about," Lil joked and loved how he opened his mouth, but didn't have a witty comeback. It meant that she had indeed succeeded in shaking him up. She snuck in for one more quick kiss and said, "I'll be right back."

His mouth curled in amusement. "I'll be here, plotting my revenge."

She knew it was the kind of payback she would likely enjoy, so she felt safe enough to tease him more. "If you're that sensitive, you've picked the wrong woman."

This time he did grab her and hold her against his growing excitement. "I wouldn't change a thing about you, Lil, but that doesn't mean I won't prove to you later exactly how much I can accomplish in ten minutes."

He leaned down to kiss her and she couldn't think of a single witty response. He kissed her until she forgot what had been so funny and desperately wanted to beg him to leave with her.

When he raised his head she touched a trembling hand to his lips and stared at the elegant, emerald cut diamond on her left hand. Was this really her life? Could something this wonderful really happen to her?

He sensed her change of mood and tried to lighten it by saying, "Would it help if I promised at least twenty minutes?"

She smacked his chest lightly. In the safety of his arms, she admitted her fear. "Sometimes I still don't believe this is real. I mean, Abby deserves a happy ending, but I've done everything wrong. I shouldn't be this happy."

Jake pulled her closer and kissed her on the forehead. Then he bent and let his words tickle her left ear. "If love was only for the perfect, what a sad and lonely world it would it be. We are the culmination of every good and bad choice we've ever made. Your mistakes have made you into an incredibly fierce and loving woman; one I am head over heels in love with. They have filled your life with friends who are willing to risk jail for you. They brought Colby into the world. One of your mistakes even saved our company. So, don't change, Lil. You keep making those mistakes and you just might save us all."

The next kiss they shared had less to do with raw passion and more to do with two hearts reaching out to each other and promising each other forever.

The wedding planner broke into their intimate moment and said, "Are you both ready to say your toasts?"

Lil smiled at Jake and nodded. "I guess I'll check Colby after we do that." She winked at her man. "We'll go together."

He groaned, "Are you trying to make me forget my speech?"

She laughed wickedly and whispered a hot suggestion into his ear.

Game on.

From a large stone patio, tucked beneath one of Jake's arms, Lil waved again at the private jet that was now only lights disappearing into the night sky. "She's going to love Spain."

Jake said, "Even more than you know."

Lil looked up at him suspiciously, "What does that mean?"

He smiled. "I'll let her tell you."

"Oh, no, we don't do any more secrets."

His smile turned wicked. "You might be able to persuade me to tell you."

"You are insatiable, do you know that?"

He looked rather proud of himself. "Is that a complaint?"

Lil thought about how much she'd enjoyed the reason they had missed the dinner portion of the wedding and reluctantly returned just in time to see the cutting of the cake. "No, but now I won't be able to use that elevator without blushing."

"Especially if the security system has a camera in there."

"Oh, my God! I'm never going to be able to look the security people in the eye again."

Jake laughed. "I'll talk to them and if there is a camera I'll have the video erased. Well, maybe copied and then erased."

"Just erased!" Lil elbowed him lightly.

Jake merely smiled.

Security cameras. She should have thought about that when she told Zhang to wander on the wild side.

Stretching his neck a bit to see more of the runway, Jake said, "I don't see Rachid's plane anymore. It's not like him to leave without saying goodbye. When I talked to him earlier he said he had something he wanted to ask me. That's interesting."

Lil shrugged. "The last time I saw him he was dancing, if you could call that dancing, with Zhang. They looked like they were really hitting it off."

Jake scratched his cheek thoughtfully. "Have you seen Zhang since then?"

Lil checked the contents of the clutch she'd carried with her through the entire evening. "No, but I still have her phone. You don't think..."

Jack cocked his head to the side as if considering the idea, then shook his head. "No, that's not Zhang. If her phone and her plane are here, she's here somewhere. She'd never leave without them." He shook his head again. "No. Not Zhang."

Lil turned Zhang's phone in her hand and considered the possibilities. With a grin, she turned it off and placed it back within her purse. Good for you, Zhang. I did pick the right dress.

Jake returned his attention to a much more intimate topic. He wiggled his eyebrows, likely remembering her earlier promise of how they would end their evening as he asked, "Ready?"

His sexy question implied tonight, but she pondered past that.

Am I ready for all of this? This man? This life change? Everything this means for me and for my child?

Jake entwined his fingers with hers and the answer came to her–strong and absolute.

I am.

I'm finally ready.

"Yes," she said and meant it with every fiber of her being.

Hand in hand, they walked into the rest of their lives together.

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