The Aloof CEO

By itsrealme_81

332 25 0

Abbey Hernandez, is a 20 year old graduating college student with a simple life and excellent grades. She alw... More

Author's letter
chapter 1 - work & frienship
chapter 2 - dream
chapter 3 - Company
chapter 4 - Handkerchief
chapter 5 - Deal
chapter 6-Mall
chapter 7 - Hyatt Steakhouse
chapter 8 - New hired employee
author's letter
chapter 9 - encounter


41 2 0
By itsrealme_81

ALDRIC ORTEGA was born from a high class family in the Philippines. After he graduated high school, he moved to Hong Kong to continue his college. He earned his bachelor and masteral degree in business administration at Polytechnique University (PolyU)Hung Hom, and he graduated as Summa Cum Laude.

He later characterized himself as being impatient with formal schooling and eager to start working and go into business. He kick-started building and selling homes at his first project, the Ortega's Homes Phase 1 and 2 in Yuen Long district, initially with 500 units and would have resulted to be the country's largest home building company, with an emphasis on low-priced mass housing. A notable innovation of Ortega's companies was to sell house and lot packages, when the common practice at the time was to sell lots for future homeowners to build upon. The number of homes built by Ortega's companies totaled to over 200,000 units in just 2 years.

Aldric also ventured into coffee shop business, holding companies and a lot more.

At the age of twenty four he became the top one richest businessman around the globe.

In the midst of his success, Aldric missed one piece of his life...the so called "LOVE". A busy person with a huge responsibility had no time for romance.

What do you think, did he found the one that crash his busy life?

Let's take a bit snap👇👇👇


Monday..... his brother Ethan called him early in the morning and Aldric was in a business trip to Singapore. Ethan was nervous and panicking and he didn't know what to do so he decided to call his brother for emergency. In just a second the call connected.


Brother, please come to country P as soon as possible.

What's wrong, Why so rush?

Grandma is in the hospital and she's out of control and she's looking for you. She doesn't like to eat and taking her medicines.

Hmm...what happen?

Please brother, grandma needs you and also we have something important that we need to discuss it's about the Company. grandma had severe sickness ?

Not really, but she's stubborn.

Aldric smiles and say, Okey! I'll be there tonight after my business meeting with my client. Ethan try to calm grandma and tell her that I'll be coming to see her after an hour.

Thanks brother, bye!

Bye!...Aldric call an emergency meeting to his members as soon as he received the emergency call from Ethan to settle the important matters and review all the documents that he needs to sign so that he'll fly immediately to country P, after a brief meeting Aldric fly to country P. Good thing that Aldric used his private plane. He traveled 3 hours 17 minutes, 1474 miles, 2372 kilometers and 1281 nautical miles. At last he's arrived to Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA)Philippines without any problem. He directly go to St. Luke's hospital where his grandma hospitalized.

The two brothers going straight to the private room of their lovely but strict grandma. Upon reaching the room, their grandma exactly awake and rushly hug Aldric and say...

My eldest love...I missed you so much.

Grandma, I missed you too. How are you? Are you in pain? Aldric holding the hands of his grandma and come that my energetic and easy going granda would be stock in the hospital? Why you didn't call our private doctor to check on you?

You brat!...I'm okey now because I see you both. Oh! my two loving grandson. Thank you for coming back eldest love, are you staying with us for good? I want you to be with us everyday because I feel weak, I am already old and I need you both. I want you and Ethan with me. I'd missed your grandpa and your parents and I don't want to see you away from me, that brat behind you always make me mad. I told him that I'll stay in the villa but he insists to come here.

The two brothers were shocked and they didn't expect what they heard from their grandma. Aldric wanted to say something but the eyes of his grandma becomes red and starts to cry. Instead of explaining.... both Aldric and Ethan hugged their grandma but Ethan say...

Grandma, am I bad that I'll send you here? I am worried about you and you're stubb...

Ethan didn't continue what he wanted to say because Aldric slightly kick Ethan to his toes.

Grandma, you sleep now because it's already late. We can talk tomorrow, okey? Aldric says...and Ethan also say...

Yes, grandma sleep now brother and I were here to take care of you.

The old lady smiles and closed her eyes peacefully. Both Aldric and Ethan kissed their grandma's forehead.

In the morning the private doctor of their grandma check his blood pressure and he say...

Mr. Ortega your grandma is okey now and anytime you can discharge her. I already instruct my staff nurse to give the medicines for the medication of your grandma.

Thank you!.

In the office, Ethan was busy when he received a call from his brother Aldric.

Hello brother, how's grandma? Sorry for not accompanying you to discharge grandma. My secretary called me early this morning, I know you're tired so I decided not to waking you up. Are you coming here? We need to talk.

Hmm...okey! I will. Grandma is okey now, she's sleeping.

Okey! I'll tell Anton to drive you here.

No need, I will drive. Don't bother.

Are you sure ?


Okey, then bye! See you.

After the call, Ethan rushly command his secretary to tell all the department heads that the president will come to visit the Company within an hour and ready for a short meeting to conference room. Everyone was preparing and gossiping for the arrival of the president specially girls employees. Some are putting make ups, lipstick and etc. to look good. They're excited to see and meet the wealthiest man around the globe and it was the first time that they'll see their president in person.

After one hour Aldric arrived to their company. He wears a normal clothes, a black pant paired with white shirt and sneakers rubber shoes. Everyone was intrigued because no one knows the true identity of the president except Ethan and his secretary of course. At the main entrance upon entering, Aldric monitoring the surroundings he greets and ask the guard directly with a cold face.

Good morning, what floor the office of the vice president ? Of course Aldric knew what floor but he was testing the ability of the staffs.

Good morning sir, do you have an appointment? Sorry but our VP didn't accept any visitors without an appointment. Do you have an I.d sir?

Aldric took his I.d on his wallet and give it to the guard. Upon seeing the I.d, ALDRIC ORTEGA, the guard widened his eyes he was shocked and become nervous and afraid, he immediately asking an apology, begging for forgiveness.

Sorry Mr. President please forgive me.

Aldric says... what floor

18th floor Mr. President I'll accompany you sir.

No need, stay in your post. Anyway, thank you.

You're welcome sir, and thank you.

Aldric directly go to the elevator and press the botton to 18th floor putting his sunglasses and put his two hands in his pockets. There were four ladies inside and they're muttering...Aldric heard it what they're talking about but he didn't care.

OMG! Who's this guy, he's so handsome and he has a soft skin and a perfect body figure. Is he coming from heaven? Girls, you know what I heard that the president will come to visit the Company this hour that's why I rushly go to 18th floor to see him. Really! We can come too.

The girls didn't realize that the man infront of them press the 18th floor and the president what they're looking for. When the elevator open, Aldric saw the secretary of Ethan waiting for him and say...

Good morning Mr. President, sir Ethan is waiting for you in his office. This way sir.


The four girls were shocked what they had heard and at the same time afraid. Aldric and Anton walked directly to Ethan's office. The four girls from finance department disappear just like a smoke. Before entering the office the secretaries of Ethan greets good morning but Aldric didn't answer and he kept on walking with a cold face. Anton knocking the door.

Come in!.

Ethan was busy with his computer when Aldric came in. Aldric knew that being the head of the company there's no time for rest and had many things to comply and complete.Al dric tap the shoulder of Ethan and say...

You're great brother, congratulations! You did a great job. I think you need to be promoted.

Ethan was shocked and say...

Really ! Oh come on brother...don't tell me you want to give me your place.

Why not! This company from our parents need a full time president and you deserve it. I am very busy with my businesses abroad and....

Oh! come on brother...I can't, this company was given by our parents to both of us and I don't want to get what is yours. Sorry but I don't agree even a million times.

Okey! Okey! But I'll assign you as an acting president when I'm not around. Next month I'll be going to Korea for a business and it took three weeks and on the next month I'll be heading to L.A, Ethan I want you to focus on the business. Please, don't trust anyone but only yourself. All the important documents should be kept by you, don't allow anyone to turn you down, okey!. Be responsible in everything, never show to anyone that you're weak and merciful. Show them that you're strong and merciless so that no one dares to fight you back. Do you understand what I mean ?

Yes, Mr. President.... I'll fallow all your advices. it okey to have a girlfriend?

What!? You've a girlfriend?

Brother, are you crazy! I am young, fresh, rich and handsome. How about you ?

I don't care... I have no time...just do whatever you want but don't give me an headache about your girls.

Brother, I am a good man. I'm stick to one.

Really! Then I approved it. When will you introduce to me, I mean to grandma ?

Soon brother.

Okey! Good luck. I hope grandma will like her. Hahaha...

Hahaha...I know grandma will love her.

Okey! Then let's start the meeting because I need to go back home for grandma.

Sure, Mr. President. Let's go to conference room.

Anton knocking the door and upon opening...

What Anton? Says Ethan

Sir, all the department heads are in the conference room now.

Okey, thanks.
Let's go Mr. President

Inside the conference room. Everyone were silent and wearing a good smiles. All of them greeted Ethan but they were intrigued whose the man beside him. Aldric wearing a normal clothes maybe that's the reason why those people inside didn't know him. Some are afraid by the looks of the man because he's so serious and with a cold face despite of his handsome face. Aldric sit beside Ethan and recognize each one of them silently. Ethan cut the silence and say...

Good morning everyone, thank you for coming. The reason why I called an emergency meeting is that I want to introduce our very own President..... Mr. ALDRIC ORTEGA.

Everyone was astonished, stand up and rushly greeted him. Aldric waved his right hand and say...

Well, I'll talk to you straightforward and I want you to listen carefully because I hate wasting any single second of my time. First rule: you must know your position in our company, Second: I don't allow or accept excuses if you commit a single mistake, Seriously! I'll punish you all at once. If you commit or make a single mistake you're free to leave at once because I don't need useless employee in our company. Get it! And one more thing, in behalf of my absence I'll assigned Mr. Ethan as an acting president starting today and I want you to support and cooperate with him all the time. Aldric stand up and sit on the President chair and continue that clear to everyone? He banged the table with a cold face. Haha! Just to remind them who's the boss. Ethan and Anton were smiling secretly because they saw the faces of the heads.

Everyone was completely afraid and no one dares to say anything only the word yes! Mr. President you've heard.

Well, that's all and meeting adjourned.

All the heads were trembled and chilled because every word what they had heard were breathtaking coming from the president. Ethan silently smiles what he can see, he admires his brother so much. After the meeting Aldric fallow Ethan to his office. Aldric sit on the sofa while Ethan in his chair and scanning some documents.

Brother, do you want to see your office ?

No need, actually I want you to use it before I leave because it will make you relax and most comfortable for you to study from paperworks. Please don't argue and complain with me, okey!

Okey, brother. Thanks!

Aldric suddenly turned his gaze from outside because he saw a young woman with a beautiful smiles talking to Anton and rushly ask Ethan.

Ethan, do you know the woman outside?


When Aldric turn around to show to Ethan what he's talking to but sadly the woman disappeared. Aldric murmured. Ethan ask

Eh, have you seen a ghost brother? Where is she?

Well, I saw her talking with Anton.

Ah! Wait brother I'll ask Anton.

Ethan rushly call Anton to come inside his office.

Yes, Mr. Ethan what can I do for you?

Anton, who's the woman you're talking with....

Ah! It's Ms. Abbey sir, she's asking you but when I told her you're busy with Mr. President then she leave immediately and she said that she's heading to airport now.

Oh! Thank you Anton.

Okey sir.

Ethan ask Aldric with a smile and touching his chin.

Hmm...she's my friend and one of our Engineer. She filed for 3 weeks leave. Maybe she wanted to say goodbye that's why she came here but sadly the President was here. She's pretty right brother?

Aldric didn't answer but he smile. Ethan ask again....

Mr. President are you interested with her?

Ethan, I'll go because grandma needs to take her medicines now. Do you come with me?

Yes, let's go brother. I miss grandma already.

Anton take charge, see you tomorrow.

Yes, sir. Bye Mr. President.

Aldric smile back to Anton but before he leave Aldric say...Anton!

Yes! Mr. President.

Take care of Ethan and if you failed you take the consequences.

I knew Mr. President, don't worry  I'll take good care of sir Ethan untill I  die.

Good! Ethan and I trusted you so be careful and also the company's problems would be entrusted to you too.

Thank you Mr. President and I'll do my best to help and do the works that you entrusted me.


Ethan smiles to Anton and say, see you and don't think too much, Mr. President will give you bonus this month, oh! Every month if you did a good job!. Right,  brother!?.


Anton was excited and happily asnwer,  thank you sir Ethan and Mr. President.


The two brothers caught the attention of all the employees when they go out. Both brothers were cold and domineering. Rumors spread out instantly that the president visit was totally in chaos. Some were happy but all department heads were afraid by the sudden visit and the way Aldric talked with them were warning and the consequences.

Inside the car...Ethan was driving while Aldric is on the co-pilot. Ethan start the conversation.

Brother, when will you return to Hong Kong?

Tomorrow afternoon. Because I have so many appointments on the next day. Please take care of grandma, just call me anytime if she miss me.

Okey brother I understand. Ethan remember Abbey. By the way, Abbey is going to Hong Kong to visit her mom. You want to meet her?

Aldric was happy but it's a weird feeling, he smile to Ethan and say.

Meet? For what!?

Oh come on brother, don't deny it I know you like her. I saw you smiling. Am I right?

Ethan, you're so annoying.

Okey! Hands up! But don't ask me a favor next time. Abbey had many suitors in the Company and even outside!. I'm just helping you if ever....

Ethan, just drive. We can talk later when we got home okey!

Okey! Mr. President, you win.

In the villa...
Ethan stop the car and give the key to the guard. Before they reach the door Ethan gave a card to Aldric.

Brother, here's the mobile number of Abbey and her hotel number and address. I hope you will meet her and please be nice to her.

Ethan wrote the number and hotel address of Abbey in a sheet of paper and give it to Aldric. Aldric put it into his wallet without seeing but smiling.

Okey, let's get inside now, grandma is waiting for us.


Hey guys!

Let's begin👇👇👇

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