Bloom (Various x reader imagi...

By SparklyFlamingTrash

344 10 6

Basically, I write about anything that I am obsessed with at the moment (which is everything and anyone) I ta... More

Request Form
2. Love Triangle - Ethan and Grayson Dolan
3. Ian Gallagher (Shameless Imagine)
4. Lil Skies - Shower Scene
5. Miles Heizer
6. Carl Gallagher (Shameless Imagine)
7. Ybn Cordae "You left a dent"

1. A Demon and A Dean Winchester

33 1 1
By SparklyFlamingTrash

*** Sorry, this update took so long. 

                                          Requested by:  grethandolan63 


Lucifer was my dad.

Okay maybe not like my dad dad, saying he's been here since the beginning and I came along later. I was only fourteen when the devil and I crossed paths.

I held my little brother's hand, while my arms carried my baby sister. Our eyes lit by the flames of our house. screams echoed in the silent night air. That's when he appeared, a demon dressed in black. He was so silent that I didn't notice his hand on my shoulder "Ah, child don't cry for them" He moves his hand to wipe the invisible tears from my eyes. Later that night my siblings and I hid in the manger that he showed us, while the mob scavenged the town searching for the witch that caused the death of our parents. I knew it wasn't going to be much longer before they noticed that we were missing. I knew they would kill me if they caught me. I guess that's why I did what I did next. I waited till the torches shadows dimmed, and much like the tenth plague, I weaved through the streets silent but deadly, carrying my brother and sister who had long fallen asleep. I remembered there was an orphanage on the edge of the town, so sweeping my way through the town that I called my home, I escaped.

"John" I whisper to my brother, gently waking him.

"Trinity, where are we? Where's momma and poppa?" He starts to panic, frightened tears rush to his eyes.

"Shh" I comfort him wiping the stray tears that have fallen onto his cheeks "The night has been filled with many tears, let's not shed anymore" I take on the voice of our mother, cradling his face fondly "Listen, John, I need you to take care of Grace" I hold up my hand to silence him as he tries to question me. "Your almost eight years old and I wish I could see you turn into a man except I must leave, but I swear I'll come back for both of you, not even the devil could stop me" I kiss his tear-stained face, he holds onto my head and we stay like this for a few moments, I pull away knowing that if I stayed in his arms I'd go back on my plan. I hear Grace stirring, and I say my goodbyes to her before soothing her back to sleep. I kiss them both on the forehead multiple time and hold them for a few more stolen moments. I listen to voices and torch lights highlighting the edge of town, I kiss my siblings and promise to come for them soon, I stowed away into the night and escape in the forest along with the other murders, witches and demons.

I shudder as the forest calls out and the night air picks at me, knowing I was safe from the villagers until morning. Fables of hags, monsters and demons would keep them from the trees until dawn, with that in mind I stumbled through the trunks and overturned roots hoping to be out by morning. The devil in black watches me through the trees, chuckling as I struggled to reach the edge of the woods.

"Child" he calls to me along with the birds chirping in the morning. I squint and then scramble from the forest floor, hyper-aware of every movement and sound. "Child" He calls again this time the voice is behind me, I snap around hoping to catch him. There he stands the devil himself, smirking and staring at me. I fight to contain my tears "Don't cry child, I'm here to make a deal" A deal with the devil, everyone from the time they were born was told to be wary of the devil and the deals he tries to make with you " I can see your hesitant but I only wish to help you keep your promise to your little brother and sister" he knows he has hit a sensitive spot and I bite.

"How?" his smirk grows understanding that I'd do anything for my siblings.

"Simply you just need to assist me with people of my interest"

"What do you mean?" I stall hoping my sense would return to me and I wouldn't sell my soul or become a slave to the devil.

"There are certain people that make my job very hard and you would assist me in removing them"

"Wait you mean like kill them?!" I cringed at the thought.

"Don't act like you've not thought or acted upon killing someone! These people would be stranger to you and have killed thousands of people, you would be helping the good. Doing gods work in fact" he splutters in a disguised rage.

" I won't be doing gods work! I would be doing your work! The devil's work!" I spit.

" Listen, child! You're a murder! Strangers are easier to kill then the people who gave you life! your own blood!" He takes a calming breathe " help me and I'll help you return to your brother and sister"

I remember what a travelling woman said to me once "When making deals with the devil, he will try to trick you. Make sure that you clarify, seeing true to the deal" A woman in colourful silk help me make a deal with the devil.

"If I were to make a deal with you, you promise to help me return and protect my brother and sister if I help you get rid of the people that make your work harder"

"Yes" he agrees, making our contract up

"My last condition" I stop him and he raises a brow "You'll never make me kill someone I love"

"Against your own will," he agrees presenting me with our contract. I nod my head and read through it, making sure all my terms and conditions were met nod my head again and he offers me a pen, I grab it and it tingles my whole body. I take a breath and sign away my eternity.


"The Winchesters, recon and report back" the dark liquid whispers to me, my next target. I use to regret ending the life of another human but I'm no longer a human, just a demon clutching on to her escaping humanity. My siblings made it easier to keep my humanity but as they aged and I didn't I slowly started to feel numb. I wanted them to have a normal human life but I didn't prepare myself for the normal human end.

I followed the trail of dead darkness and soon found the brothers, huddled together in a dim bar discussing their mission a low-level demon targetting young women. Disguising as a waitress I made my first move. Stacking my platter full of beers, I made my walk uneven and approached them. Pretended to trip over my own feet, I spilt the beers all over them and their work. Now coated in the frothy liquid I fumbled out apologizes and blamed my clumsiness while trying to clean up my mess. The older brother takes the bait and starts to calm me down. His deep voice introduces himself and his brother, and Sam. His introductions start to turn seductive and we start to flirt.

Flashforward 3 months

"Dean" I call out in the hotel room, no response "Dean?" I repeat. I start to look around and I see him slumped over a laptop. Researching. I smiled I once thought that I lost love when I lost my siblings and I went through millenniums of not feeling anything, but I found Dean and then found all my feelings. "Hey baby" I gently try to wake him up "C'mon babe"

"Oh hey," he opens his eyes smiling at me.

"Whatchu doin" I put my head on his shoulders and wrap my arms around him from behind.

"Just reading up on this demon" he replies I stay silent so he explains " She's a favourite of Lucifer and is quite high up in the ranks. A favourite of his"

I feel a shiver of panic run through my spine "Why the interest in her all of a sudden?"

"Well shes many millenniums old and has gathered a rather ironic name as the holy ghost and has killed many hunters" He pauses taking in my silence as interest, " A psychic that sought us out a couple weeks ago said that she was close in our path"

I hum a response "Interesting"

"Yeah, but she has gone cold for a couple months and its become harder to track her down"

I smile hoping that this problem disappears "I'm going to go out for some food, you want anything?" he shakes his head and I grab my coat and head out.

"Trin" a voice whispers, I turn my head in response " it has been a while" I can hear the voice smile.

"I've been busy" I shrug.

"Yes, you have, any more information?"

"They're on my tail" I reply sadly " I don't know how long I can fly under their radar"

"Good" I scrunch my brows confused on his answer " I sense that you are confused but I seem to run out of use for the Winchesters"

"You planted the psychic" I accuse him as I piece together the pieces.

"Well I needed things to move a little quicker"

I inhale asking the question I dreaded " Do you want me to kill them?"

"That would be appreciated"

"But I think I'm in love" I whisper a truth I haven't admit to myself.

"Well you'll have to decide if you kill him or he kills you" and with that, he fades away.

I grab food and start to drive towards the hotel his last sentence circles my mind. I push the meeting away as I grab the bag of food and head to the room. "Hey, babe I'm back" I enter bag of food in my hand. I see him hunched over his legs sitting on the bed, I know somethings off, I approach him cautiously. Books with my stories and face printed upon their ancient pages, scattered across the bed and floors. My stomach drops. "A demon. I let a demon in my life. I let myself fall in love..." He chokes "What kind of hunter am I" He looks up at me, tears of hurt and anger hold their places in his eyes.

"W-What do you mean?" I feign innocence.

"Don't try that crap with me!" He yells springing up from the bed, I take a frightened step backwards "Ha! You're scared of me, or are you faking" he gets close to me "Like you were faking everything our love, the stories just elaborate plan to kill me and my brother! GOD! I can't believe I fell for you" he laughs and cries, a sound filled with anger and betrayal.

"I love you Dean" I sob, tears falling freely.

Something flashes across his eyes but it soon flickers and turns into hate and rage "Don't lie to me" He yells, grabbing a weapon. Tears fill my eyes as I know what I need to do but can I do it is the question. All of a sudden I'm eight and the thought of murder crosses my mind as I stare in disgust as I see my drunken parents lie in the kitchen with John wailing and tugging on our mother's arm. I'm then ten as bruises paint my skin and the cold touches my naked body. I'm now fourteen, bodies on the floor and a fire in the living room. I flick my wrist and his eyes close, his body slumps towards the floor. I let my cries shake the walls and my floors flood the room. I wake up cheeks still wet, I pack my bags, burn the books and carry Dean out on the grass while the motel catches fire. Goodbye Dean, I love you, I kiss him on his forehead my lipstick staining his skin. 

*** 1982 words. So sorry this took so long Grayson and Ethan image next. Please dm with the request form.

Love, Imagination, Power, joy and 

~ Trash

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