Love, Briella | ✓

By aftertastefully

21.3K 1.5K 79

Briella had fallen in love with a coffee barista at a cafe she frequented; she didn't think he'd ever notice... More

Love, Briella
Note 1
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Note 3
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Note 5
Note 6
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Note 10
Coffee Shop Love
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Note 15
Coffee Shop Answers

Coffee Shop Orders

1K 84 7
By aftertastefully

Briella entered the quaint cafe, the bell tinkling above the door disturbing the quiet atmosphere to alert the baristas of another customer.

She stepped up to the counter as it seemed rather empty for a Tuesday night, hesitating to see if she wanted to switch up her order to try something new. Her friend had told her of a blueberry lemon refresher she tried here that was delicious.

"Your total is $6.87." His voiced raised goosebumps across the top of her skin that made her hug her sweater tighter to herself, her eyes snapping to his as she finally paid attention.

"I—" she cleared her throat, as she averted her eyes to read off the chalkboard. "I'd like the blueberry lemon refresher instead of my usual latte, please."

Though he looked tired and worn out, he cracked a small smile. "Changing it up I see. Is that all I can get for Miss. Routine?"

"Yes." She murmured, pulling out cash.

He cocked his head but said, "It'll be $5.61."

She handed him a $10 bill, waiting to accept the change. He handed it to her, fingers brushing her palm. Sparks shot up her arms.

"Your order will be done soon."

"Thank you," She decided to add, "Keegan."

If he was surprised he didn't show it. She'd been here every day for the past five months. He knew her order by heart, she had to know his name.

Keegan called Briella's name, sliding it across the counter for her to reach it.

A note was pressed to the side of the cup, Briella grabbing the cup quickly and walking to her corner booth she usually sat at.

Unfolding the note, her eyes scanned the folded piece of paper. A number was scribbled on it, with a two-word sentence.

Text me;)

Briella glanced at him. He was already staring, and winked.

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