Not so bad Clarke/You

By thatoneweirdo43

16.5K 458 32

You were one of the grounders the mountain men took to drain but when it is discovered that your blood is no... More

Waking up
the truth
heart attack
i'm okay
Let's do this
He knows
The aftermath
The story
The deal
To the Rescue
Discussion pr 2

War on the Mountain

804 25 1
By thatoneweirdo43

a/n: The next morning

No One's Pov:

when Lexa said war the next day she meant it because early the next morning the entire city of Ton dc was marching in the cold air. Clarke and Lexa lead the group on two horses the sound of war drums broke the silent air as thousands of soldiers marched to the mountain they feared for so long. Lexa looked over to Clarke with a snarl on her face and nodded curtly  Clarke mirrored the look as they continued on.

Y/n's Pov:

My heart throbbed as Cane slashed me with the knife again, ever since Clarke has escaped he has been relentlessly torturing me as much as possible till my heart gives but I refuse to tell him where Klarke was. This morning was no different as soon as the sun rose he abducted me from my hospital room and began the cycle. Today he had decided to use a belt to slash me instead of his preferred pocket knife.

Ca: "Listen here you little bitch I'm getting real tired of this so I'm telling you! where! is! Clarke!" I looked at him and smiled.

Y/n:" Yu Bushhada, yu fragon op ai fou ai tel op weorn Klarke is"(You coward you kill me before I tell where Clarke is) I spoke breathlessly from the loss of blood he smacked me hard in the face he pulled back his hand and it was covered in dried blood from my face.

Ca: "Leave us" he shouted at the nurse

nu: "But"

Ca: "LEAVE" The nurse quickly leaves closing the metal doors Cage pulls out a handgun and cocks it aiming at my head. I lean in and feel the cold metal against my forehead.

Y/n:"Do it, you won't" I spoke in English shocking him

Clarke's Pov:

Lexa and I sat outside of the large metal doors I hopped off the horse and walked over to the doors. Raven and I had figured out a way to blow open the doors and enter the mountain. I took out the deadly box from my bag and set it to the doors I turned it on and walked back over to the army. Lexa had gotten off her horse and drawn her soward I stood next to her.

Cl: "I'm coming for you y/n" I whispered and pressed the large red button on the remote it was successful and the doors blew open.

Le:" Jus drein jus daun"(Blood must have blood)Lexa shouted and they charged into the building.

Y/n's Pov:

Cane was distracted by my English I took this opportunity to kick the little man away he was sent back and hit his head on the desk chair that he had pushed out knocking him out but when he fell backward he fired his gun into the ceiling and most certainly guards were on their way. I fought against the restraints but my tired muscles ache and burn. I stopped the struggle and began to waver from the blood loss the edges of my vision were black and all I could hear was my pounding heart and distant screaming or maybe it was my screams but I couldn't tell my head spinning and my heart pounded louder and louder in my chest was this what death feels like.

No One's Pov:

Loud alarms were blaring and flashing when the door was open. Lexa and her army charged into the mountain Clarke followed behind with her handgun drawn hundreds of soldiers poured out of the small bunker shooting round after round into the grounders some fell but many overpowered them sliting their throats when Clarke entered all hundred were dead on the ground throats slashed and their faces red and begin to boil from the heavy radiation. Clarke went over to one and ripped the keys from his pocket to unlock the 100 kids' room. When they entered the bunker the large army split up and countered the bunker gunshots and warrior screams filled the bunker as they tore their way through the place.

Clarke had abandoned the group and walked into the hall on the left trying to find her friends, she turned the hall and nearly got shot by a guard on the floor he missed as he chocked on the contaminated air Clarke shot him and ran quickly through the halls she found the rooms her and Monty first saw each other and ran through that hall she turned to the right and saw the grounders killing people in the dining hall with a small pang in her heart she ignored it and ran to the left again she found the large room where two large guards stood she shot them dead quickly but took a bullet through the shoulder but she didn't care anymore she ripped a piece of the man uniform and wrapped it around the wound tightly she took out the keys she stole earlier and unlocked the large doors. she found her friends armed with basic weapons and stood in the corner of the large room. Once they saw Clarke they dropped their weapons and rushed to her hugging and congratulating her she told them all that they were free and most of them rejoiced and ran out of the room. Monty was one of the last out Clarke grabbed him by the shoulders.

Cl: "Monty where's Y/n"

Mo: "I don't know ever since you left we haven't seen her "

Cl: "What"

Mo: "Also, when Jasper and I went by her room a couple of days ago it was heavily guarded Jasper managed to distract them and I swiped her journal" Monty pulls out a dirty leather notebook it was the size of his hand I took it gratefully and put it in her pocket. she let go of Monty and ran out of the room. Clarke follows after them and meets Lexa in the hall

Le: "Have you found her yet?"

Cl: "No but they found this" Clarke hands her the journal, Lexa takes it from Clarke

Cl: "The grounders are down the hall to the right here are the keys go save them I'll find her"Lexa nods and pats Clarke on the shoulder and rushes to the grounders. Clarke runs to the opposite side.

Cl: "Y/n" she shouts Clarke hears a loud grunt and rushes to the source she hears another grunt and finds the metal doors she forces it open and finds Cage on the floor and y/n tied to a bored her head drooped and her shirt discarded on the floor.

Cl: "Y/n oh my god" Clarke put her gun in her pants and rushed over to her, Clarke picked up her head causing Y/n's eyes to open.

Y/n: "Klarke" she whispered Clarke smiled softly and pulled her into a kiss you kissed her back and leaned into it but her muscles screamed out and you cut the kiss short. Clarke notices the blood and sadly looks over y/n body. It was littered with many gashes and cutes Clarke also noticed the restraints.

Cl: "Let's get out of here" Clarke releases y/n from the restraints and helps her down y/n puts her arm around Clarke and they  slowly walk out of the destroyed bunker and back to Ton Dc


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