Always By My Side

By spideylovee4789

86.5K 2.1K 974

My story is different from everyone. I'm not ordinary, I would say I'm unordinary. My name is Peter Parker an... More

You're All I Have
Night Terrors
The New Avenger Facility
Father Figure
I'm Spiderman
The Dreams That Haunt You
Text Message
Secret Admirer
Thug Life???
Do you like bad boys??
Sneaking Out
I'm Sorry That I Let You Down
Welcome Back
The Revealing
Will You Marry Me??

I hate that I love you

2.6K 58 5
By spideylovee4789

Peter P.O.V

"Petey," my Dad called out.

"Huh," I said as I turned in his direction and looked him in his eyes. He gave me a stern look and said, "be good today."

I nodded my head and Michelle immediately said, "yah Petey don't be a bad loser."

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled at her. I looked at the way she smirked and how it lit up her face and quickly said, "first thing first don't call me Petey, only my Dad calls me that and second thing shut up, will yah."

She gave me the closest thing to a smile for a second and then she turned her head back as we walked in the hall of the headquarters.

It soon started to get awkward for me to be in the same place as my dad and Michelle. They barely talked to me they just whispered things to each other to make one or the other embarrassed or something.

I didn't want to be in there conversation, but for some reason I felt left out. We stood in the elevator and I saw Tony point at me and MJ blushed and shove my dad in the elevator buttons.

I groaned and used my hand as a comb through my dark brown messy hair. I leaned against the elevator watching as Tony kept teasing her or something.

Michelle seemed like she was going to burst, but she didn't. She just rolled her eyes and tried her best to ignore the old beet.

The elevator dinged and I walked out, I looked around the room to spot some of the avengers sitting on a couch and watching the news.

I looked at Tony and then to MJ and went to the couch and turned off the tv. The team stopped and looked up.

Steve hesitated as he looked at me and thought up a reply. "Hey Peter good to see your back."

I rolled my eyes and said, "yeah yeah capsicle, don't act like you don't want to take away Tony from me."

"I promise I don't anymore, Petey." Captain said, with his hands lifted in the air.

I looked at his eyes and crossed my arms as I grumbled, "don't call me Petey."

Tony lifted his hand in my face and said, "woah settle down spiderling, you used to love cap before all this and now you hate him, so just take a deep breath and relax."

I rolled my eyes and sat on a chair and huffed. MJ looked at me and shrugged as she ran to black widow and had a whole freaking talk with her.

Tony well he was being himself as he ordered people around and made weird faces at people and um me, well I just sat there as I stared at the way Michelle's face lit up when she talked.

Then she did the unbelievable, she smiled. I wanted to see it again, but it disappeared fast and all I could see was just her eyes sparkling with joy now.

She finished her talk and turned to me and I immediately turned around, making sure she didn't catch me watching her. She walked towards me and said, "what up loser feeling lonely."

For some reason my feelings went haywire when she said that and I responded with anger and sadness.

I looked at her and said, "Yah, I'm felling lonely way more now that May passed, well um at least I got Tony, right?"

She stopped me and said, "you don't have to go into detail, its all right Pete."

I stopped her and said, "I need to tell someone my feelings and even though Tony's getting better at emotions, for some reason I wanted to tell you."

"Pete you don't have to tell me," she said quickly.

I ignored her and cried, "May's all I had MJ, she was all I had. Everyone I love died, first my parents died and then Ben and now May died too. Its all because of me MJ, its all my fault, that they died."

She looked around making sure no one saw me crying like a baby and grabbed my arm as she pulled me to an empty office and locked the door.

She looked at me in my tear filled eyes and said, "it's not your fault Pete and it never will be."

"Yes it is Michelle, whoever I start to love dies. I don't know how soon Tony's going to die, but I'm a bad person to hang around and also what about Ned, I love the guy to death but if he died too, I'll be miserable," I whined.

She looked at me and shook her head. "You'll never be lonely," she said. "At least you have me, I guess we may not be very close like you and Tony and you and Ned, but if stuff does happen you have me"

I shook my head no rapidly and yelled, "No my freaking feelings are going crazy, because I love you too Michelle and I hate that my brain loves you and everything you do for gosh sake.

I wish I though of you like a creepy nerdy girl whose weird, but that feeling faded away and you just had to be made perfect, so I could fall in love and hurt you one day. "

I took some time for me to breath and I yelled once again, "I love you Michelle and your gonna die because of me, I can't get rid of this feeling and I wish I hated you.

I mean I tried to hate you. I tried to think of you as a annoying fly or a distraction whose weird, but the more we talked and the more you looked at me. I couldn't hold my feelings in and now your gonna die, because of me."

"Shit," I yelled out in anger. "Why did you get in my head and why do I love you so much," I said while hitting the wall and making an indent mark.

She stood there and stared at me, like I was a bozo and shook her head.

I immediately realized what I said to her and freezed and sniffled, "I'm sorry I said that, it just....."

"Stop," she said as she stood there and made me look into her hazel eyes. "I  also.........."

End of Chapter

Peter: What happens next, I wanna know now!!!! Why the heck did you stop it there author. Why would you do that!!!!

Michelle: Loser have you ever read a freaking book, it's called a freaking cliff hanger for a reason idiot, it builds suspense.

Peter: Oh I get it now!!! She wants to create suspense and leave it as a cliff hanger!!!

Michelle: *slaps forehead* I just said that Loser, but in a different way!!!

Peter: Man I'm smart. Wait did you say something MJ?

Michelle: just shut up Parker, just shut the hell up.

Hoped you enjoyed it and tell me what you think.

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