Monster Prom x Reader (Discon...

By magmonique

19.6K 304 378

Welcome human, into this love simulator game of monsters galore as you interact with your favorite characters... More

Let's go!
Meet Your Monster (A/N)

Let's do this!

1.8K 44 78
By magmonique

It was a Friday evening and you decided this time you headed home early. GameStop's finally selling the new (favorite game [I say the new Smash Bros. Ultimate]) game. You were excited to see how this one goes compared to the others. Let's just hope it's not bullshit like (least favorite game).

You race to your front door about to make a grand entrance. You unlock your door slightly and revved up your leg for a powerful kick.


The door slammed against the wall leaving a dent in it.

Fuck the wall!

The door was slightly damaged by your foot.

Fuck the door!

You pushed your cat, Charles Williamson III aside with your foot.

Fuck the cat!


Actually, don't fuck the cat. (Don't do beastiality kids)

You walked back to Charles who was crying for your attention and picked him up. Aww, he so cute - look at him and his little whiskers, those adorable paws, and those gorgeous eyes. Any other female cat would love to have him. Or a male cat...

"Can cats be gay?" -Yahoo! (with results of 4,870)

You reached your room and place your cat on the bed. You get your (selected console) and plugged it into your T.V. (a.n. I don't even know if anyone ever types "T.V." like that anymore.)

"Alright let's see how many times I can die"


Your eyes are burning.
Your lips are chalky.
Your tongue tastes sour.
Your fingers are sore and sweaty.
Your back is so hunched that you can pass as an Igor.

You've been on this game for two hours, not really made too much progress into the story but you were just searching secrets, finishing side-jobs and finding collectibles; basically what you didn't do to any other video games. You feel so satisfying when you actually get to complete one completely. As you get to a mini-boss area, a knock was heard by your window, but you had no time. This douchebag is chasing you for no fucking reason! You're not even close to his sight range!


Came your bedroom window. Screaming, you scattered back to the corner of your room hyperventilating. You couldn't hear the voices that were coming from outside seemingly arguing with each other.

" can't do that!"

"...she couldn't.......other...times."

A hand reached through the broken window and manage to find the lock that was holding the window down. The window slowly opens giving you enough to an object to improvise as a weapon. You were ready to swing at whoever enters through that window.

Another hand grabbed on the railing and pulled it up. You were so ready, you held (selected weapon) behind yourself, once the perpetrator pops their head you fucking pop their head off their fucking neck. You ain't playing no games.

A/N: I have my brother's baseball bat in my room.

An onyx head appeared at the window. You swung your (selected weapon).


The person slipped and grabbed on the ledge for dear life.

Hold on. The voice sounded familiar. You step closer to your broken window and glanced down.


You throw the weapon to the side and hurried to grab Oz's hands and pulled him up. Why does he have to be heavy to you, he's a shadow person. You really need to exercise.

You pulled him into your room, confused why would this sweet shadow boy be involved in vandalism and B&E. Staring at him incredulously, he was trying to get a grip on reality seeing how he almost fell.

"Wha-what? ...Oz...what are you doing?"

Oz looked up back at you, his face flushed, not because of fall but because of what you are wearing. You decided to wear your house clothes: a gray t-shirt and (sweatpants/shorts). You look so adorable, it adds another reason to his list of why he likes you.


"H-Huh?" He snapped out of his thinking process.

"What are you doing?" You asked sternly. He flinched at the tone of your voice, this type of attention always made him uneasy. He didn't mean to get on your bad side, he was eager to visit you as much as the others.

"I-I'm sorry" his eyes traveled down to his feet avoiding your harsh gaze. "I d-didn't mean t-to, I just wanted to v-visit and see your home. T-this isn't how I-"

"Nevermind..." you hold up your hand to stop him, "...I'm sorry for sounding harsh on you, but you can't just enter my home like that."

"I'm sorry..."

"Hey, hey, hey..." you hugged him "I know it's not your nature to do that. Now tell me what's going on."

"Oh, umm. We wanted to check up on you, you haven't come to meet us today and Brian knows where you live- "

"I did not show him where I live."

"I was weird about it too." He chuckled. "Then our friend Amira decided it was a good idea to knock your window with a pebble."

"That was like a bolder Oz."

"And I wanted to make sure if you were okay?"

"That's was sweet of you Oz, but I'm okay. I'm dandy."

You two headed downstairs towards the front entrance to face your monster friends.

The second you opened the door you were attacked by open stitched arms wrapping around your face, suffocating you to a clothed chest.

"____! I'm sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. I told them that this was a bad idea but they didn't listen to me!"

"Nice to see that your acting hasn't gone bad Vicky. Almost forgetting that it was your idea." Brian sarcastically says. You patted her shoulder signaling to let go, but she squeezed harder out of spite. You pinched her hard on her arm.

"Ow!" She lets go, grabbing her injured arm. Oz chuckled beside you as he walked over to the argument Brian is currently having with a fire elemental, fire lady? Pyro-Spirit-Human? You don't know. You just keep it as Fire Elemental because she reminds you of Holt Hyde from Monster High but without the blue skin.

"You could've alarmed the neighbors!"

"I thought we didn't look suspicious. Just normal teenagers calling out their friend."

"With a flaming head!?" He gestures to her head.

"You're no better!"

"You broke a window Amira."

"I thought it a regular size pebble."

"That was rock," Brian said flatly

"No, that was a boulder" you intervene gaining both of their attention. Brian was first to approach you before engulfing you in a hug. Your head was on his chest as his arms were around your waist. Amira, you now learned, gave you a stumped look on how you manage to gain Brian's affections.

You're just a human. Nothing special.

"You okay?" He asked gently. You muffled a 'yeah' into his shirt before returning the gesture. He smells like a mixture of chestnut, pine trees and dead flesh. As expected. It was nice and warm, having a broad chest to rest your cheeks on and his favorite jacket provided comfort around your frame. You could fall asleep like this, however, the very thought brought heat to your face.

You couldn't help but think what it'll be like with Brian, imagining you're just in your bed in a cool winter night and he was there providing comfort as you lay on his chest, your heart swells at the thought and your cheeks are more prominent from the warm feeling. You like his hugs.

You were in a bit of a daze and it hasn't gone unnoticed by the hot head. Strutting herself over to where you are and she pried Brian off of you. Snapping back to reality, your (e/c) eyes meet a pair of fierce emerald eyes that seem to brew with light. The intense staring contest was going on between you two, well, more like a one-sided thing.

You were scanning her attire because you couldn't help being curious about what type of person she is. With the leather red jacket, and a black strapless, fitted dress with matching thigh-high black wedge boots - she strikes you as a BOLD type of person. And to confirm at least half of your assumption, she was confident enough to throw a rock at your window and doesn't give a fuck about the expenses and consequences.

You haven't realized that she was talking to you until she snaps her fingers to get your attention.

"Hey, have you been listening to me?"

"E-excuse me, wha?"

Amira ironically flips her flaming hair as if it was in her face and places her foot against a random beam that came out of nowhere beside your head, trapping you with the close proximity. If she leans any closer, you might manage to catch a glimpse of her underwear.

"I said why a lousy human like you seem so interesting to my friends."

"Amira!" Vicky exclaimed

"What I'm just curious."

"It's okay Vicky," you said to butt her out of it.

She reminds you one of those type of pricks at the school, who thinks they overrule you whenever they please because you don't accommodate to their bitch-like superiority. You slightly bit your lip to hold yourself from snapping at her and go through a whole line of curses.

You stared blankly at Amira unamused as she boldly leans a little closer than your comfort looking all smugly as she asserts her dominance. You have to admit she looks really hot (pun not intended), it made you feel a little insecure about yourself before immediately removing the feeling.

"Well?... Got anything to say about it loser?"

You continue to stare at her, not wanting to take any more chili pepper shits from this ashy head-ass bitch.

"You should take some cool mints hot breath, cause your polluting the air with your dumbass lips."
Holy shit (mind my profanity) did that came out of your mouth? Talk about 100% of savagery in your bio - I should fixed that actually.

Your friends, including Amira was agape by your response. You just Amira to a whole 'nother level that those other levels was just became imaginary. YOU👏🏽. GO👏🏽. BITCH👏🏽.

Amira wasn't ready for that savagery and overhearing Brian cracking up and Vicky just over-hyping, running around you both screaming in amazement, made her flustered. You embarrassed her in front of your friends while she not even ready with a comeback. You took her by surprise. You noticed that the flame on her head rises bigger and shedding a hint of red at the roots.

Being a stubborn little girl she is, retracted her hand harshly making sure she made a burn indication on your shirt, growling before stomping off with a pouty look on her face. Oz chased after Amira to console her so he can convince her to come back. Brian and Vicky rushed to you in excitement and in awe because they've never seen you in that kind of demeanor before. Neither had you. You almost shitted your pants because that literally flew out of your mouth from nowhere. You actually thought she was going to burn you alive in 450ºF while adding a little zest, garlic, butter, pepper, salt and barbeque sauce, so she can devour you with Caesar salad on the side, drenched in sesame ginger and some red wine for a late night dinner.

You were so oblivious to your monster friends because you just realized, you just made your first monster enemy. A fire elemental at that. This is going to make your life more difficult, especially with your mom's life on the line too. Of course, Amira was their friend, but you have no idea what she could do to you.


So here you are in your living room which you think it's soon going to be called, "the dead room," as you trying calm down your anxiety while your friends are trying to relax you. You continuously ignore them, thinking of every possibility of what could happen you

"You need to calm down, Amira isn't going to do anything."

"I don't know that Brian!"

"Well I know, come and sit down."


"Slow down and breathe. Your shouting."

You collapsed on the rugged floor. Vicky was quick to action as she rushed over your side, she holds your shoulders as you clutch on to her arms tightly. Brian rushed to find the kitchen to fetch you some water. You hate having these breakdowns and what humiliates you, even more, is in front of your new friends. You haven't told your mom about this because you're afraid to stress her out even more. She had a lot on her plate already and just adding to that would make it worst on her. You love her too much to do that.

It was twenty minutes but it felt like hours until you calm down. You felt light headed afterward. You slipped the now luke-warm water down your throat before letting yourself to properly breathe by taking a deep breath.

It was hard to wrap around to the fact that your friends were able to help, you felt your chest full with gratitude.

You allowed your friends to explore your home, maybe they can get a little taste on how a human's house is like. Amira came back with a pissed off look on her face along with Oz who's face looks like he's smiling (due to the lack of mouth). They found you in the kitchen preparing something to eat. You heard a faint whisper behind you before witnessing Oz exiting the kitchen.
Oh boy.

You were in the kitchen whipping and flippin up some food other than mac n cheese....actually you are making some mac n cheese, cause one: you're too lazy to actually cook for once and two: you try to do something other than instant ramen noodles. So great job, you're actually cooking. Your friends, Brian and Oz are checking out in your living room trying to decide which games you all can play and curious Vicky took a stroll around your "luxurious" home wondering how your lifestyle is like, and lastly, Amira was just there by the kitchen entrance staring at you like she's actually wants to throw chainsaws at you. You felt a shiver down your spine as if a chainsaw did poke you.

You put on your best poker face and gave a side glance at her. Her face seems troubled with her eyebrow furrowed, probably when you achieved on making her flustered right on the spot in front of her closest friends. She looks like she wants to be anywhere but here.

"Do you like games?" You asked flatly.

Brian told you about how Amira is extremely into competitive gaming. He mentions once when all of them hung out at Amira's place and the first thing they do was playing a racing game. Amira was winning victoriously while Brian was in last place, Oz was playing calmy and Vicky broke her controller, there's no surprise if Oz was secretly sadistic.

(Sounds like what Wildcat or BigjigglyPanda would do if they kept losing or having infinite redshells and bombs thrown at them in Mario Kart 8 Ultimate.)

"Y-yeah. What about it?" Her defenses faded a little.

"I'm asking you if you want to play one with me."

"..." her eyes were like the size of stereotypical anime eyes.


Your eyes crinkled in amusement. "And while we're at it, we can heat it up with a bet."

"What do you want?"

"If you win I'll do whatever you want for a month, but if I win you'll be my friend."

"What kind of a bet is that?"

"Well since we got off on the wrong foot, I thought we could patched things up with a good old combat game."

"..." she stared at you skeptically.

"Whatever, let's get going." You walked past by her to the living room to pick out Smash Bros Ultimate.

Yeah that's a good choice.

You were praying to God to give you the skill to beat her cause you haven't played this game as much as you thought you would. Especially since it's new.

So here you are in an intense battle play with Amira, while Brian, Vicky and Oz are cheering for you at the side on the couch. Amira seems much more comfortable around you now when she's in her element (😀).

Oh, by the way, you won.

And your mac n cheese are burnt.

Wow, this is shorter than I intended it to be. Don't worry, I'll give Amira more justice in possibly the next chapter. Sorry for not updating as much, I lost the fuel and then I came back because you guys were so eager to read more. I can understand the feeling.

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