Sander Sides: A Collection Of...

By Nananana989

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Too many fandoms, so little time, give it up for Logic, Morality, Princey, and Anxiety! What a train wreck I'... More

Virgil x Logan ~ Accidental Morning Kisses
Logan x Patton ~ Long Enough
LAMP ~ Summer Rain
Patton x Virgil ~ Kinks
Roman x Virgil ~ Princess
LAMP ~ Movie Night
Patton x Roman ~ Close Your Eyes
Patton x Logan ~ Love Letters
LAMP (Platonic) ~ Texts
Roman x Virgil ~ Helpless
Roman x Logan ~ Poetry... Sorta
Logan x Patton ~ Pillow Talk
LAMP (Not Really) ~ GOOD FOR YOU!
Roman x Virgil ~ So This Is Love
Logan x Virgil ~ Morning After
Virgil x Logan ~ Roomates (Human Au)
Patton x Logan ~ Teaching (Human AU)
Roman x Virgil ~ Behind The Scenes (Human Au + Red String Of Fate Au)
Patton x Virgil ~ Best Friends And Awkward Dinners (Human Au)
Virgil x Logan ~ Oh Teacher (Human Au)
Logan x Patton ~ Sugar (Human Au)
Virgil x Logan ~ Hell On Wheels (Heathers Au)

Virgil x Logan ~ Double Rainbow

674 12 5
By Nananana989

A/N: I need more of this ship. Like, it's so amazing????


Another day. Slipping through his fingers. Virgil felt...

At peace.

No anxiety plagued his mind. Strangely enough.

He could just hear the spring rain. He wanted to go see it, one of the few things he was motivated to get up early to do.

He didn't bother with makeup, and just went downstairs, seeing no one but an empty room.

His eyes caught the windowsill, and he sat in the couch, facing the window as the raindrops hit the window in such a calming way.

For some reason, seeing the rain wash away the dirt on the window, seeing it sway the trees and seeing it dance in the sky calmed Virgil down.

His eyes lazily watched the drops, his face so close to the window that his breath fogged it up.

Virgil really liked that the weather in the real world also happened in the virtual, it gave the sides a series of things to do. Their outside could be morphed in whatever way they wished, but the weather would remain consistent. Except winter. It snowed in the mind-space in winter, even if it didn't in the real world.

Right now, there were a few trees outside, being swayed by the wind the rain came in, and there was a walkway with stones set out. Virgil could eye a bench that was getting drenched by the rain and some part of him desperately wanted to walk outside and sit on the rain drenched bench.

Each second he sat their, staring at the rain, the more and more tempted he felt.

He hardly even recognized his own legs carrying him to the door, dragging him out...

Until the rain touched his skin.

He was cold, but in a good way, his shaking and shivering meaningless with such a warm and happy smile on his face.

The rain felt perfect, and his clothes stuck to his skin. He should've felt uncomfortable, but he was still smiling.

Virgil faced the sky, letting the rain wash away any stress he held.

Logan, who had been up for quite some time finally went downstairs for a cup of coffee. It didn't take him long to notice the front door was open.

He paused his pursuit for coffee and went to the door, about to close it when his eyes caught a figure in the rain.

He learnt against the doorframe, frozen, fixated on Virgil's figure. His clothes were drenched, his hair was matted and his lips were starting to turn blue, but he had this huge smile on his face.

Logan knew he had to get Virgil inside and make him take a nice hot shower, so he walked outside, getting drenched himself, and set a hand on Virgil's shoulder.

Virgil just softly snapped out of his gaze and turned to Logan, more importantly, the hand that Logan had on his shoulder.

It was warm.

So, achingly warm.

Virgil's eyes shifted to Logan face, taking in how matted down Logan's hair had gotten, his rain drops coated Logan's glasses, how rain dropped down his skin.

Virgil's eyes focused themselves on Logan's face, "what is it Lo?" He lazily asked.

"Well, you're gonna catch a cold standing out here like this. Get inside, you're taking a hot shower."

"I-" Virgil realized how cold he was, shivering, "Yeah, Alright." Virgil felt the warmth from his shoulder move down his arm to his hand.

Logan was holding his hand!

Virgil followed Logan back inside, both of them dripping wet, leaving small puddles on the floor in their wake. They left small puddles with every step they took up the stairs and to Virgil's room. Logan maneuvered his way to Virgil's bathroom.

"Shower, cannot have you catching a cold. With out you, the other sides get overwhelming and Roman gets extra."

"Isn't he always?"

Logan let a sly smile slip to his face, "Yes, that is true. Seriously, you need a nice, hot shower, your lips are turning blue." Logan brushed his thumb over Virgil's pale lips and the younger trait seemed frozen at the warmth.

Logan realized what he was doing and dropped his hand.

"When you finish, make sure to wash your clothes. I need to go take a shower myself."

Virgil nodded softly and Logan left the bathroom. Virgil stood still for a moment, feeling, sad that Logan was gone. He let out a heavy sigh and turned to the shower, turning it on, undressing and jumping in, letting hot water sear his cold skin.

He stayed in until his body was warm again, washing his hair, washing his body, all that, getting out and drying off, wrapping a towel around his waist and grabbing his wet clothes from the floor, walking out, seeing Logan sitting on his bed.

"Ahh, I'll bring those to the wash for you, I laid out some clean clothes as well."

Virgil was left at a loss for words as Logan quickly took his wet clothes from him and left the room, heading to the laundry room.

In and out, just like that. As calming as the rain outside. Virgil smiled weakly, realizing a feeling he didn't think he could hold, choking it down as he got dressed, then heading to the bathroom to apply his makeup. When he came out, a part of him was saddened that Logan wasn't sitting on his bed.

He let out a tiny sigh, and headed downstairs, no longer stuck on the rain that was still pounding on the windows.

Instead, he was focused on Logan, who had to switch to a different outfit since his was now in the wash.

It was a tight fitting black shirt, with some tight fitting black jeans. Definitely not what Virgil ever pictured Logan wearing.

Logan heard Virgil enter the room, and offered a comforting smile his way, "You warm now?"


"Good," He then nodded his head to the brewing pot of coffee, "you want some."

Virgil nodded.

"You like yours with cream and sugar, right?"

"I... Yeah."

Logan smiled to himself, proud at his memory as he finished brewing the coffee, setting his aside, liking his as black as the void of space, and then getting to work perfecting Virgil's. A minute later, he handed the steaming cup to Virgil, who gladly took it.

The two moved to the couch with their coffee, faintly hearing the pounding rain on the window.

"So, you like the rain?" Logan asked kindly, seeing Virgil's eyes drift back to the window.

Virgil snapped back to the much greater reality in front of him, "it's calming."

"I suppose it is."

The two sat in a warm silence, comfortable with each other. Virgil loved Patton like a father, but he wouldn't be able to sit like this with him. And Roman...

Roman was no good at these sort of things.

Logan was this warm, intelligent guy that captured Virgil's eye, that made him sort of dizzy thinking about.

Virgil lowered his eyes to his coffee, taking a sip from it.

Why were emotions so complicated? Virgil didn't like how his anxiety soared whenever his heart skipped a beat, but then stalled the minute his eyes met Logan's.

Virgil glanced up at Logan, finding the logical trait giving him a calm smile, a warm light in his brown eyes.

Their eyes locked, and neither of them could bear to break the other's gaze. It was a warm flush of emotions swelling inside of them with each second they gazed at each other.

They moved closer together, hardly noticing any distance that existed between them. So close, yet-

"Would you look at that? A double rainbow! Why a sight!"

The two jumped apart, returning to their coffees, looking Patton's direction. Patton noticed the pair and smiled.

"Well, Logan, that's not what you usually wear."

"My clothes are in the wash," he explained.

Patton nodded, "I'm going to go wake Roman!" He booked it back up the stairs and the two shifted their gaze to the window, seeing that there was, in fact, a double rainbow.

"Beautiful," Virgil said softly.

Logan nodded, "it is quite mesmerizing. Since the rain stopped, would you join me I'm going outside to gaze at it?"

"Sure." Virgil and Logan set down their coffees and headed outside, the cool air boring their skin as they watched the sky, the rainbows mesmerizing. The bolder one was so beautifully bright, and it was there.

It made such an impact on the sky. The faded one, even though it wasn't as bold, was harsh against the light sky, seeming more like glitter than light.

"You remind me of these rainbows," Logan said suddenly.

Virgil snorted, "barely appearing and absolutely gay?"

"No," Logan said, shaking his head, turning towards Virgil, "I was going to say beautiful, bold, a huge contrast to the normal, but a uniqueness that others crave."

Heat rose to Virgil's cheeks, and Logan smiled at the simple reaction.

"Sorry, was that too much? I wanted to tell you what was on my mind and may have overdone it."

"No! No! I- I just- I...." Virgil didn't know what to do, looking at Logan, such a warm set of eyes, looking at him as if he were special.

Virgil stepped forward, "Logan, do you like me?"

Logan brought a hand to Virgil'a face, his thumb brushing Virgil's cheek, "I feel that it's obvious that I do. Still, I should say it outright. Virgil, I love you."

His heart skipped, screamed.




Virgil moved closer, "I love you too." His hand slipped over Logan's.

"Can I kiss you?" Logan asked softly.

Virgil nodded, "yes."

Logan leaned in, and captured Virgil's lips with his own, his research coming in handy as he carefully held Virgil close, putting his other arm around Virgil's waist, holding him closer.

Virgil, not knowing what to do with his hands, let them fall on Logan's chest, his eyes fluttering closed, leaning more into Logan.

There was this fire that seemed to ignite where Logan touched. His face, his lips, his waist, his hands, everything burned.

Patton and Roman were standing in the doorframe, and while Roman seemed surprised, Patton had this knowing smile on his face.

"Come on, let's give them some space." He dragged Roman back inside and left the two to their own.

When Logan eventually pulled away, they were still, so, so, so close. Their foreheads were touching, and their lips seemed to be millimeters away from kissing again, so close their breaths were hot on each other's lips.

They both opened their eyes to look at each other, "that was-"

"Yeah." They smiled and pulled away a bit, still in each other's arms. It was unspoken, what they were, and they let their hands fall, catching the others before letting one go so they could walk hand in hand, back to the house.

From that point on, every rainy day became their favorite day.


A/N: I love me some fluff!

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