Nyx (Complete✅)

By emeraldrainbow

146K 10.3K 794

Beth Fields had known since high school that she was going to sign up for the New Hope colonization program... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 25

1.7K 135 10
By emeraldrainbow

The alien looked at Liam, who was still standing in the doorway. "What did he say?" The alien asked Beth.

Beth answered the alien. "He's wondering how we're communicating with each other."

"I'm wondering the same thing. How are we communicating?" Asked the alien.

"I have no idea! I just started to understand what you were saying a few minutes ago." Beth replied.

"Same here." The alien said. "It seems like, all of a sudden you could understand and speak my language."

"Um, Beth?" Liam said, stepping out of the doorway. "You're starting to scare me a little."

"I am? Why?" Beth said looking at Liam.

"I cannot understand anything you two are saying! I'm a little freaked out." Liam answered. "How did you learn his language so quick?"

"I didn't learn it at all. The alien was talking and suddenly I understood what he was saying as plain as you are talking to me!" Beth told him.

"It must be another effect from the injection," Liam concluded.

"Yes, that's what I was thinking," Beth said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but where are we?" The alien asked.

"What did he say!?" Liam practically yelled, making the alien jump.

"Cool down Liam. He was asking where we are." Beth replied. She then turned to the alien. "We are on a starship by the name of Songbird, traveling to your planet as a matter of fact. Our home planet was recently destroyed, so we are the last of our kind."

"You two are the last of your species?" Asked the alien.

"Two of around four-thousand," Beth answered.

"Wow! How lucky of you." Remarked the alien.

"Hopefully there's enough of us to survive," Beth said.

"How do you mean? There are four-thousand of you!" Said the alien.

"We had billions back on our home planet," Beth said.

"That is a lot." The alien quietly said. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks." Beth said." How about you, what about your people?"

"I am afraid I'm the last one." The alien said turning away.

Beth remembered the desolate huts and the absence of life she'd seen. "Nyx is a pretty big planet though. There may be some of your people left." She said trying to give the alien some hope.

"I've searched far and wide, but I hope what you say is true." The alien said. "You said 'Nyx' Is that what you call my planet?"

"Yes, it is." Beth replied."What is your name for the planet."

"Viscordia." The alien said, a little dreamily."It means strength and harmony."

Beth closed her eyes. "That's a beautiful name. I like it much better than Nyx."

The alien smiled. "What was the name of your home planet?"

"Earth," Beth said.

"Earth." The alien repeated. "I like it."

"Finally a word I understand," Liam interjected.

Beth turned to Liam, she had gotten so caught up in her conversation with the alien she had forgotten about him. "He asked the name of our home planet." She told him.

Liam yawned. "As fascinated as I am, I'm falling asleep. I need to go to bed. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay. Especially now that we can communicate." Beth said.

"Well, if you're sure, I guess I'll head out. Goodnight Beth." Liam said, turning to leave."If you need anything call me." He added as he palmed the door to leave.

Beth turned back to the alien. "My friend is going to bed."

"Yes, he seemed tired." The alien said. "So do you."

Beth yawned as she realized that she was indeed exhausted.

"I could use some sleep also." The alien added. "Regeneration takes a toll on my energy. I will sleep on the floor if that's okay?"

"Go ahead," Beth said.

The alien lay down beneath the window. Several seconds passed and then he spoke, "What is your name?"

"Beth." She replied.

"That is a nice name."He commented.

"What's your name?" Beth asked him in return.

"Kelbar." He answered. "It means 'forbidden power'."

"Nice to meet you, Kelbar." She said.

"It is nice to meet you also." He replied.

"Are you sure you'll be comfortable on the floor?" Beth asked.

"Yes, I'll be fine, I usually only sleep on a thin mat. This floor looks clean. It'll do nicely.Thanks for asking." Kelbar replied, closing his eyes.

"No problem," Beth said and as she walked to her bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, she looked in the mirror. Her hair was a mess and her clothing was extremely unkempt. "Ugh." She complained to herself. "I need a shower."

After she showered and brushed her teeth, Beth exited the bathroom. The alien was quietly snoring. Beth crawled into bed and grabbed her holo-desk. She quickly typed out a message to Liam telling him that everything was well and that the alien was soundly sleeping. She got no reply back and expected that Liam was already asleep. "He'll see it in the morning." Beth thought to herself.

Beth shut off her holo desk and clapped the light out. Settling her head against her soft pillow, she shut her eyes and hoped she would awake in the comfort of her own bed and not on the foreign ground of another world.


Ruth's eyes were heavy from lack of sleep. She hadn't had a good nights sleep in awhile, surviving on only a couple hours a night. The rest of her team had gone back to their quarters hours ago. Ruth sat in the lab, her eyes glued to the monitor. There were now two persons in Beth's quarters, one of them had left a while ago. "It's pretty late. Whoever it is is probably staying the night." Ruth thought. "I should probably try and get some sleep too." She got up and turned the monitor off.

She exited the lab and walked the dimly lit hallways back to her quarters. At night the lights in the hallways were dimmed to simulate evening time. Ruth reached her door and palmed it open. The lights automatically turned on upon her entrance into the room.

Ruth instantly put her hand to her mouth and let out a silent scream. There was a man lying on her bed! Even though Ruth was a pretty strong woman, she nearly fainted. Gathering up her bravery, despite being exhausted and frightened, Ruth stepped toward the bed. Recognition filled her senses. Her husband lay sound asleep upon the bed. She observed that he still had his day-clothes on. He was probably waiting for her to come back to the room and then fell asleep. It was extremely late after all.

She contemplated waking him as she studied his face. He had been quite handsome once, but years of hard-life had stolen his youth away. Even though he wasn't the strapping young lad he used to be, Ruth still saw the man she fell in love with underneath his scarred face and bald head. He looked so peaceful as he slept. Recently in his waking hours, he had walked around with a grimace on his face. Stress was certainly stealing his joy, Ruth was beginning to forget the sound of his laughter and the curve of his smile. He looked 20-years younger when he smiled.

Ruth decided not to wake him and silently went to the bathroom to prepare for bed. She brushed her teeth as quietly as she could. After that, she crawled into bed next to him. She smiled as she closed her eyes. She was happy to have her husband back.

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