Nekopara: A New Breed

Av Count_Lemon

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The bakery "La Soleil" has been doing wonderfully, thanks to the assissance of the 6 beautiful catgirls, 1 de... Mer

Chapter 1: Unexpected Introductions
Chapter 2: The Mall Fiasco
Chapter 3: Things Start Heating Up
Chapter 5: A Late Night Stroll
Chapter 6: I'm Not Sick
Chapter 7: The Bake-Off Starts Now
Chapter 8: Comfort
Chapter 9: Greetings

Chapter 4: No Catnip For You

1.5K 16 22
Av Count_Lemon

Midnight POV

"Sweetheart~" I hear a soft voice coo. "Time to wake up." Her tone is so quiet and silky, it almost puts me back to sleep listening to it.

"*groan* Five more minutes..." I reply in a groggy voice. I hear her giggle to herself as I feel her stroke my hair.

"*sigh* Oh alright...Just five." She replies in that same soft tone. I nuzzle back into her chest, loving the soft feeling it has.

"Wake up." Cyan says in the back of my head.

"No...She said five more minutes...You can talk then...

"Whatever...Just don't sleep all day."

I groan a bit and nuzzle my head a little deeper into her chest, until I hear someone gasp.

"Onii-chan! You pervert!" Chocola yells.

"There goes my last few minutes of sleep." I thought to myself as I pull the covers over Cinnamon's body and my own.

"Maybe if were quiet...They'll go away..." I say quietly. Cinnamon just giggles and lowers herself on the bed, moving my head to rest on her shoulder. The next sound I hear is two bodies getting onto the bed, followed by the covers being removed from over my head. 

"What are you two doing under her?" Chocola asks.

"It looks like they're snuggling." Vanilla replies.

"Snuggles! Chocola loves snuggles!" She says, laying on top of me. Vanilla joins in, but she just curls into my side. I pick my hands up and start to pet my sisters gently, until I glance over to Cinnamon.

"Well...You did let me sleep on you..." I raise my tail over her head. "I guess I should give you some pats too~" I start to gentle pat and stroke her hair with my tail. All three of the girls were purring contently, giving me a relaxed feeling. As this continues, I start to fall back asleep, making me slow down my petting.

"Onii-chan~" Chocola complains, nudging my hand. "Don't slow down~ Purr, Purr."

"Yeah~ Keeping going. Purr, Purr." Vanilla says, also trying to nudge my hand. 

"Well...Let's see if this still works." I think to myself as I move my hands behind the two girl's ears. Chocola's right and Vanilla's left. I start to scratch in a very specific pattern directly behind their ears, up, left, right, down, repeat, followed by light taps from my free fingers.

"No!~ N-N-N-Not like that!~ Ah!" Chocola yells, shivering and twitching. She grabs onto my chest, digging her nails in a bit.

"S-S-Stop it, Ah! Onii-chan!~ You know it, Ah! Feels too good~" Vanilla whines, digging deeper into my side.

"This is what you two get for waking me up~" I tease, continuing to torture them.

"N-N-N-Noooo!" The two yell, still trying to squirm. After a few seconds, they finally give in.

"You're s-s-so m-m-mean..." Vanilla says, finally giving into the feeling. Chocola just moans periodically.

"You could be doing, literally, anything else right now." Cyan scolds, leaning his faded body against the dresser.

"I know. But I should spend some time with my sisters."

"And your little 'snuggle buddy'~" He teases.

"Whatever dude. Leave me be."

"If you say so." He makes his body fade away, leaving me with the girls once more. I glance over to Cinnamon, whose chuckling lightly to herself.

"You really are a nice big brother...Despite what they're yelling." She says with a smile.

"Yeah...I haven't been around for a while now...I should take them somewhere later."

"How about the park."


She nods. "Yeah, it's nice and open. That could be fun for you and your sisters."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"NUMSKULLS! What's takin' so damn long!?" Azuki yells from downstairs. I stop rubbing the girls and try to lean up, but Chocola keeps me down with her resting head.

"Oh yeah!" Chocola's head shot up and she got off of me. "Onii-chan! We're going out for a while..." Then she goes to grab my face with both her hands. "And we wanted you to come!" I glance over to Vanilla, whose currently staring at me with serious drive.

"Do I have a choice?" I ask reluctantly.

Chocola giggles. "Oh Silly...Of course you don't~" She cooes. I sigh and sit up. Vanilla and Chocola get up and leave the room, Cinnamon following behind.

"Oh...Umm...Thanks." I say as Cinnamon leaves the room. She just smiles, then walks away. I slip on some of the nicer clothing they bought me yesterday. A nice red t-shirt that hugged my chest lightly, but it was thin enough to give me some airflow. The pants were just some loose blue jeans, a too loose, so I need to wear a belt. I walk out into the living room where I find everyone sitting or standing idly by, watching me leave the room.

"What's going o--- Gah! What the hell!?" I yell as all six of the girls, minus Shigure, charge at me, grabbing my arms and chest. I go to use my tail to break out, but Chocola and Vanilla grab it. 

"Like I said..." Looking towards everyone. "What the hell?"

"We need to train you." Shigure says, walking up to me.

"Train me? For what?" I ask, confused as hell.

"For a catgirl, or in your case 'boy', to walk around freely, they need a bell. It acts as a certification that you can be on your own since you're technically an animal."

"Okay...? Why can't I just keep my ears and tail tucked like I've been doing?"

"If you're caught, the consequences are a lot more strict than they have been. I'm not really sure what they'll do, but because of the increased crime, you need one."

"Fine. But why did you have them hold me back?" I ask, gesturing towards all six of the catgirls.

"If your anything like your sister..." Shigure gestures to Chocola. "Then you'd run away. And we don't want that happening now, would we?" She gently grazes her hand against my cheek, her expression make we both afraid and worried about this 'training'.

"Now..." Shigure snaps her fingers and the girls let go. "Let's begin." She walks over to a little bag in the living room and pulls, what I think is, a cat toy with a little mouse dangling on a string. She holds it in front of me and wiggles it around. I stand there, completely confused.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Don't give in to your cat-like instincts Onii-chan." Chocola says, sitting back down. 

"Mhmm." Vanilla says, nodding her head, taking a seat next to Chocola. "The test sees if you can act and behave like a human. So resist your urges to swat it."

"Don't let your instincts take over Onii-chan!" Chocola yells again, I think she's trying to encourage me.

"Okay..." I push the toy to the side. "That 'thing' is dumb. What else you got?" Shigure and the others look a little surprised. She snickers to herself and holds out a piece of fish. I look at the other girls, their mouths practically watering. She stands on the tips of her toes and holds it directly in front of my face.

"Don't try to eat it~" She coos. "Even if it's a nice, fatty piece of tuna~" She teases once again.

"You know..." I push her arm to the side and lean down to match her eye level. "This one might have broke me if that fish was a nice juicy steak. But really..." I look back at the fish. "I'm not very hungry right now. Any other tests?"

Shigure looks speechless and slides the fish back into her sleeve, kinda weird. She then pulls out a little container of some green herb mixture or something, I don't really know. She pours some out into her hand and holds it up to my nose. I sniff it, then pull my head back. My head starts to feel dizzy, and it feels like everything just started to heat up.

"Woah~" I say in a dizzy voice. I stumble back into the wall and let myself slide down it.

"What the hell was that?" Cyan asks.

"Looks like we need to work on the catnip reaction." Shigure says.

"It was catnip...Got it Cyan?" I say out loud in a groggy and confused voice.

"What the hell?! Don't say my name out loud to them, they'll start asking questions! Or they'll just think your crazy."

"Looks like he lost it." Azuki says, standing over me with her arms crossed. I giggle.

"You're short~ Hey look...ground." I throw my body onto my right side and giggle to myself, lightly rolling on the floor. Azuki just grumbles and looks down at me again.

"Listen here you---Woah! Hey! Cut that out!" She yells. I reach out and grab her neck pulling her into me. She squirms and struggles to get away from me, but unfortunately, I was acting on pure impulse.

"*groan* You're like a teddy bear~" I coo in a tired voice.

"Somebody help me!" She yells, still struggling. Coconut looks down and starts laughing, but her smile fades when she sees a burning fury in her eyes.

"I said---Let go!" She went to slash at my face with her claws. My body tenses up from its previously relaxed state. I can feel everything slow down as my body fills with a sense of cold, sinister violence. My eyes begin to harden their black color into a pure, dark black, devoid of anything else. 

"Chill out!" I hear Cyan yell from inside my head, but it was all too late. I catch her tiny wrist and wrapped it around her neck, almost starting to strangle her. She audibly gags and slash with her free hand. I catch it in my own, and slowly start to crush it, making her attempt to cry out in pain. 

"I said, Chill out!" Cyan yells, he takes control and makes me let go of Azuki, jetting out a small talon from my hand and launching it into the side of my body. The pain spikes through my body as Azuki gets away from my reach and goes back towards Coconut, looking at me with pure terror. The cold, sinister feeling has left my body, my eyes calm themselves and the color begins to soften out. I sit back up and lean against the wall, pulling the talon out of my side. Thankfully, he didn't puncture my clothing, and nobody else seemed to notice the wound.

"Damn it....Damn it....Damn it...." I repeat to myself quietly.

"You fucked up.

"I know..." I stand up and begin to walk out of the room, going downstairs. No one tries to stop me, not even my sisters make a sound. I get downstairs to hear Kashou doing something in the kitchen. I tuck in my ears and tail, and walk out the door. 

"I fucked up..."

"It's alright...Hopefully."

"What happened to me?

"It seems that catnip makes you very relaxed, which is good. Takes some of that constant edge off, but there is a problem."

"What?" I ask, continuing to walk down the street.

"You don't have the ability to regulate the primal instincts 'they' put inside you. You're going to get all violent and crazy if you can't hold yourself together."

"I'll finally become a monster..." I drop my arms to my sides and sigh, slipping my hands into my pockets. "I can't go back now..."

"Yes you can, I'm sure they'll forgive."

"I was about to kill Azuki...I don't think anyone would forgive that, besides...Maybe being outside for a while won't be so bad."

"Maybe...There's a park somewhere around here. Why don't you go relax on a bench or something for a while."

"That sounds nice..." I keep walking around, looking for this 'park' Cyan mentioned. I could only imagine how the girls are reacting to this.

"Hey...Shouldn't you be finding your ingredients?" Cyan asks.

"Nah...Chocola and Vanilla know what to do...Besides...It was just a way to stall them."

Azuki POV

"What the hell..." Maple says quietly after she watched Midnight leave the room.

"Are you okay?" Coconut asks, looking down at me. I rub my neck, still a little sore from the chokehold he had me in, but I nodded yes. I look down at my hand, still pulsing lightly with pain from his tight grip. Shigure walks over to me, checking my hand and neck.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks. I nod once more.

"It's happening again." Vanilla says, looking over at Chocola. She just nods and walks into Midnight's room, Vanilla following behind. I follow the two of them, peeking my head through the doorway as they dig through his things to find something.

"Got it!" Chocola yells. She pulls out an old tattered book from the pocket on Midnight's torn up pants. She opens the book to the first page and begins reading, Vanilla reading over her shoulder. 

"Got it." Vanilla says, walking out of the room and heading downstairs. Chocola takes the book and runs over to Shigure, completely ignoring me in the doorway.

"Shigure! Shigure! Chocola needs somethings." She says, opening the book to face it towards Shigure. I pop behind her, reading the page as well.

"In case of violent outburst, remember this mixture. Mix crushed red chili peppers, Indigo, Lilac, and Orchids. Remember, 24 hour time limits. Never go over, for your sisters. Don't forget them, don't hurt them. Always remember,also, take mixture with water."

"What is this?" I ask. 

"It's a drink for Onii-chan...It keeps him nice and happy...After he has an outburst. Vanilla and Master are going to get the ingredients, we need to find him." 

Shigure stands up and begins walking towards the stairs. "Come on girls. We need to find him."

"What? Why? He almost killed me!" I yell.

"He needs our help...Please Onee-san?" Chocola asks, her light brown eyes staring into mine. I look away and sigh.

"Alright..." I say quietly. Everyone got up and left the building, beginning the hunt for Midnight.

Midnight POV

"So...What are you gonna do?" Cyan asks, making an image of himself appear besides me on the bench.

"I don't know Cyan...I don't know."

"Maybe some music will help out."

"Thanks bud." Cyan starts to play some music and songs I used to listen to as a child. The nostalgia behind each song soothed me at this tense time. I lean back on a bench I found in the park, looking over the railing to a stream or lake or something. I nod my head slowly to the beat of the music. Minutes turn to hours as the sun starts to set over the horizon. It's bright orange hue slowly began to submit to the on coming darkness of night. Replacing the orange glow with speckles of bright white, and shimmering black. 

I look away from the sunset and down towards the watering, reflecting the iridescent glows of the fading orange and brightening darkness. Through the calming melodies playing in my head, I can hear the clacking of high heels against the ground, the steps sound soft, yet urgent. I turn my head to see Cinnamon walking in at a hurried pace towards me.

"Midnight!" She calls out as I turn my head. I turn my head back towards the water.

"What do I do?" I ask Cyan.

"Whatever you think is best. I can't make all your decisions for you." He says, making his transparent form leave the bench. 

"Thank goodness I found you." She says, stopping a bit to catch her breath. I motion for her to sit down, she complies.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"They went to look for you...I thought you might be here."

"And you didn't bring anyone along with you...?"

"Yeah..." She replies, looking down, then towards the water.

"Why did you come alone?"

"I just--I wanted to talk to you...A little..." She replies, noticeably fidgeting with her fingers. 

"Well, what's up?" I ask turning my head to face her. She turns to face me, a strange glint in her eyes showing she's both worried and afraid.

"Last night...Once you fell back asleep, you started mumbling things..."

"Oh god damn it." I thought to myself.

"You were calling out everyone's name...and you started to moan a bit...But then..." She stops, clutching her hands to her chest. A lewd smile starts to form on her face, I have no clue why. "Then you woke up...Your eyes were...different. Then you sat up and crawled on top of me..."

"What the hell did I do? And why don't I remember?

"I'll look into it." Cyan says, silencing himself for a while.

"And then you went to kiss me..." She says, her mouth forming, what I hope is, drool. 

"Did I...?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head no.

"No...You just kinda collapsed back onto my chest."

"Thank god..."

"Wait...You don't remember..." She says meekly, wiping her mouth.


"Oh god...I'm sorry. Forget I said anything...Okay?" She says frantically. I smile at her sudden flustered appearance, it makes her look pretty cute. I nod and stand up.

"Shouldn't we be heading home?" I ask. She smiles and stands up, leading the way as we walk back.

"I found the problem...We do go through heat."

"The hell? Why?"

"I guess with all that genetic and biological tinkering they did, it gave you a heat cycle...Or something like one."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...From what I can find. Your body can go into a state where you're only acting off your animalistic instincts. You lose your control over yourself and go berserk...Or in this case...You just go into the male version of heat."

"How do I control it?"

"I don't know...So try to keep yourself calm, or don't get so horny." Cyan says.

"Alright...You didn't really need that last part."

"Oh yeah? You've been staring at Cinnamon's boobs for last ten minutes. I'm surprised she hasn't caught you yet."

"Wait...I am?!" I focus back to realize my eyes were fixated on her chest. I look away, only to be slowly drawn back by their mesmerizing bounce.

"Perve." Cyan says, following behind in his faded form.

"Oh shut it."

"We're almost there...Just a few more blocks." She says, turning her head to face me. We keep walking, until someone steps out of an alleyway.

"Aye Sweetheart~" A tall man says. He seems to be a thug, or at least trying to be one. He's more lengthy than anything else, and his voice is all deep and raspy. "How's about you come with me?" He says, beginning to approach Cinnamon. I step in front of her, using my left arm to push her back a bit. The man approaches me. "You're in the way of me and that sweet catgirl~" He says, giving a lewd look towards Cinnamon. She's obviously scared as she creeps closer to my back.

"You have ten seconds to leave, or else I'm going to make you." I say, feeling a quiet flame begin to burn inside me.

"Calm down." Cyan says, I just ignore this.

"Oh really. Listen to that boys! He thinks he could stop us!" The man yells. A few other thugs appear behind him, three in total. One seems to be the beefy knucklehead of the group, cracking his fingers in the other hand. The other two seem to have a similar build to the man in front of me, all four other wearing black clothing and vests. The three scrawnier men pull out pocket knives. Cinnamon gasps and pulls on the back of my shirt.

"Let's go!" She yells. This causes the other men to get closer to me.

"I said, calm down!" Cyan yells  from inside my head.

"I tried to warn you." I say. I turn to face Cinnamon, and take her hands off of my shirt. "Don't be afraid...Okay?" I ask her. She looks confused, but I turn back to face the men anyways.

The two in the back decide to charge me with their knives, while the big man just runs at me. I grab the big man's arm and swing him around, throwing him into the other two. The one closest to me tries to jab the knife into my stomach. To have some fun, I let him. The knife pierces my skin, but it doesn't, it gives me a burning excitement. I can feel my humanity leave me, replaced with a pure, unchecked blood lust. I wide, sinister grin forms on my face as the man stares in terror. He pulls the knife out and jabs it into me again, I still show no signs of pain. He begins to step back.

"What--What are you!" He yells in a trembling voice. I launch my arm out, taking hold of his neck. I lift him off his feet, he kicks and chokes. 

"I. Am. A monster." My eyes begin to glow a dark, ominous black. "And you are in. My. Way." I raise my other hand, extending claws from each of my fingertips. I growl and go to jab them into this thug, but Cinnamon stops me.

"Stop it! You're hurting them!" She yells. Recollection flashes in my mind, the words from my dream. I can feel my humanity begin restored, the burning flame now dimmed to a dying ember. I drop the man and retract my claws.

"Beat it." I say with a frightening tone of seriousness. The man scrambles to his feet and runs off, the other three following behind him. I look at Cinnamon, her eyes are filled with fear and concern. My breathing gets shaky as my eyes calm themselves, I sigh and take Cinnamon's hand.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get serious...I hope you aren't too scared." I look up at her. She goes to speak.

"You did scare me..." She closes her mouth and laces her fingers with mine, dropping her arm to her side.

"How about you make it up to me...And keep me safe...Please?" Her eyes still have the same look of fear.

"She's scared." Cyan says.

"Of what? Those thugs...or me?"

"Maybe both...But this may be a good time to build up your relationship with her."

"I'll keep you safe..." I pull her body a little closer to mine. "I promise." We continue to walk home, I can see the glow from the bakery as it contrasts against the brilliantly black night sky.

"I promise...I'll keep all of you safe...Even if it kills me.

"Careful with that mindset Midnight. No need to reckless make promises like that." Cyan says in a scolding tone.

"You know 'he's' going to come after them if I don't come back. It's my problem, not their's."

"Let's hope it won't come to that...but for now. You should probably get home, I bet Chocola and Vanilla got everything for you're 'cure'." He teases.

"Damn it...That thing tastes awful..."

"Or you can just tell them you've been tricking them all this time."

"Sounds better than drinking that horrible concoction."

"It was your idea."

"And you let it happen."

"Just get home already." Cyan says. I sigh and look down to Cinnamon, her soft eyes and skin, her cute, silky hair. 

"Stop thinking like that..." I scold myself, tearing my gaze away from her. "But still...Something feels so comfortable...And something feels a little hot."

Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you can't tell, I've decided to draw Cinnamon closer to Midnight than the other catgirls, minus Chocola and Vanilla. An interesting lemon might be coming, but I don't want it to be rushed. In any case, I'd really like some suggestions on how to write this "Animalistic Midnight", this being whenever he loses control over himself and someone, like Cyan or Cinnamon or however, needs to calm him down. And just suggestions or ideas in general. Besides that, I'll be back with chapter 5 soon.

Fortsett รฅ les

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