Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All Rights Go To The CW. The Vampire Diaries characters and plot lines are not mine, nor or the songs used to... More

characters & outfit links
character theme songs, ships, trailer
chapter 1 - The Return
chapter 2 - Brave New World
chapter 3 - Bad Moon Rising
chapter 4 - Memory Lane
chapter 5 - Kill Or Be Killed
chapter 6 - Plan B
chapter 7 - Masquerade
chapter 8 - Rose
chapter 9 - Katerina
chapter 10 - The Sacrifice
chapter 11 - By the Light of the Moon
chapter 13 - Daddy Issues
chapter 14 - Crying Wolf
chapter 15 - The Dinner Party
chapter 16 - The House Guest
chapter 17 - Know Thy Enemy
chapter 18 - The Last Dance
chapter 19 - Klaus
chapter 20 - The Last Day
chapter 21 - The Sun Also Rises
chapter 22 - As I Lay Dying

chapter 12 - The Descent

937 24 15
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Cristian: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "Vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the parking lot, Mason jumped onto the car, onto the ground, jumping over Carter, in between him, Tyler and Kacie. His eyes were glowing amber gold.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Since then, werewolves can only turn..."

From 1.10 "The Turning Point", outside the high school, up in the sky above Tyler, there was a full moon.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "On a full moon."

From 1.06 "Lost Girls", in Stefan's room, Damon put his hand in the sunlight, making his skin sizzle

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "And vampires are weakened by the sun."

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "The werewolf part of the curse..."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the Lockwood Study, Kacie opened the box, revealing the moonstone inside.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Is sealed with the moonstone."

From 2.09 "Katerina", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Stefan, Elena and Alex sat on the couch.

Liv was leaning against the back of the couch.

Nicola and Kaylin were sitting in chairs on either side of the couch.

Rose, Damon and Cristian were standing, facing them.

"Klaus is the real deal," Rose told them.

"The oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after my sisters?" Liv asked.    

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in Alex/Elena's room, Alex and Elena were having a meeting with Elijah.

"I'm prepared to offer the two of you a deal," Elijah told them.

Alex stepped closer. "What kind of a deal?"

"I need you two to stay put, and stop trying to get yourselves killed," Elijah told them.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Lockwood Cellar, Tyler's bones continued to spasm, break, twist and transform, making him scream in pain. His eyes were glowing gold. His teeth grew into canines.

Kacie backed away toward the gate, behind it.

Tyler looked all around him animalistically.

Kacie closed the gate, grabbing chains from nearby to lock it closed.

Tyler broke free from one of the chains, rushing toward the gate doors with wolf speed, which was slower than vampire speed, trying to break through.

Tyler continued to try to attack, growling and snarling.

Kacie didn't want to leave her brother, not when she had promised that she wouldn't. She backed away outside the door leading outside.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Lockwood Cellar, Tyler was clothes.

Kacie ran inside, unlocking the gate, opening it, stopping when she saw Tyler human and standing, walking toward him in relief, still expressionless from what she had to experience earlier that night.

Tyler was fighting back tears.

Kacie slowly walked closer, even more slowly wrapping her arms around her brother in an embrace. "You're okay. You made it. You didn't get out. You're okay."

Tyler slowly returned the embrace, even more slowly shaking his head. "No. No, I'm not."

They embraced for a long moment, not pulling away, listening to the sound of the rain pouring from outside.

From 2.03 "Bad Moon Rising", outside the college campus, Stefan was on the phone with Kaylin and Nicola. "According to legend... a werewolf bite can kill a vampire."

From 2.10 "The Sacrifice", outside the Forbes House, Matt was at the front door, looking nervous.

Caroline opened the door. "Matt." She stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind her. "What are you doing here?"

"I miss you," Matt told her. Caroline smiled, softly laughing. Matt smiled. "Yeah."

Caroline and Matt embraced for a long, long moment.

From 2.10 "The Sacrifice", in the tomb, Jeremy was with Katherine. Katherine grabbed Jeremy's shirt, pushing him against the wall, transforming, preparing to bite Jeremy on the neck.

Cristian rushed into the tomb, grabbing Jeremy, pushing him away, restraining Katherine against the wall. "Go!"

Jeremy was too weak to reach the entrance of the tomb on his own, bleeding and dizzy.

Nicola ran inside, grabbing Jeremy, pulling him out of the tomb, past the entrance, where they were both safe.

From 2.10 "The Sacrifice", in the antechamber, Liv was about to enter the cave.

Jeremy, Alex and Elena ran after her.

Jeremy pulled Liv away from the tomb. "Don't you dare."

"You already have," Liv told him. "Cristian's in there, Jeremy!" She struggled to pull her arms free from Jeremy's grasp, but he wouldn't let go. "Jeremy, let go of me. Jer, let go of me." Alex and Elena helped Jeremy restrain Liv. Liv struggled desperately. "Let go of me. Let go!" Liv calmed down, looking at her siblings desperately. "Please."

Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola walked in.

"Get her out of here," Stefan told them.

Jeremy, Alex and Elena looked at Liv.

Liv looked between them angrily, yet incredibly sad because they didn't know if they could save Cristian.

Jeremy, Alex and Elena led Liv out of the tomb, leaving.

Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola looked into the tomb.

Cristian walked out of the darkness, stopping on the other side of the entrance, unable to leave.

"We'll find a way to get you out," Nicola told him.

"You can count on it," Kaylin agreed.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the tomb, Elijah was standing in the antechamber.

Cristian and Katherine walked closer.

Katherine stopped in shocked fear. "Elijah."

"Good evening, Katerina," Elijah told her. "Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." He looked at Cristian. "Your release has been requested."

"What?" Cristian asked. "By who?"

"The lovely Alex and Elena drive a hard bargain," Elijah told him. "However, we reached a peaceful agreement, they and I. Starting with freeing you for their little sister. Please." He gestured for Cristian to walk out of the tomb. "Come."

"I can't," Cristian told him.

"Yes, you can," Elijah told him. "I've had the spell lifted." Cristian slowly stepped out of the tomb, into the antechamber. Katherine tried to rush out. Elijah rushed in her way to stop her, compelling her. "As for you, however, you should not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are." He looked at Cristian. "You're free to go."

Elijah walked out, leaving.

"Cristian, no," Katherine told him. "Please don't let him leave me in here."

Cristian turned to face her, sighing. "Goodbye, Katherine."

Cristian walked out, leaving.

Katherine watched him go in fear and disbelief.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the woods, out in the rain, Liv was walking along in the pouring rain, through the aisle of treeline on either side of the dirt road that led to Cristian's House.

Cristian arrived, walking closer.

They were both drenched from the rain.

Cristian smiled. Liv ran into his arms. They embraced in the rain for a few long moments, pulling away.

"I'm okay," Cristian told her. "I'm with you."

It started to rain harder, to where the rain was a pounding downpour.

Cristian and Liv looked at each other for a long moment, smiling, kissing for a few, long, endless moments, holding onto each other, continuing to kiss in the pouring rain.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Lockwood Mansion's foyer, Tyler, Kacie and Carol stood inside, facing Jules on the outside.

"I'm Jules," Jules told them. "I'm trying to track down Mason."

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Grill, Jules and Damon sat at the bar.

Stefan, Kaylin and Nicola stood with them.

Nicola looked at Jules. "You should leave town."

"You're threatening me?" Jules asked. "On a full moon? How stupid are you?"

"I'm not threatening you," Nicola told her. "I'm trying to stop a fight before it has a chance to begin."

Kaylin tilted her head. "Oh, sweetie, I think it's too late for that."

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in Cristian's House's living room, Cristian grabbed a torch object from the wall, putting it into the fire place to lit it.

Liv walked in.

Jules the wolf lunged for Cristian from behind.

"Cristian!" Liv told him. 

Rose pushed Cristian out of the way. 

Jules the wolf jumped onto Rose, pushing her to the floor, biting her on the shoulder, making her scream in agony. 

Cristian hit Jules the wolf with the torch in the side, burning it.

Jules the wolf rushed out, leaving. 

Cristian put the torch on the wall. 

Liv ran to Rose's side, kneeling next to her.

Cristian walked closer in denial. "A werewolf bite is fatal." Liv and Rose looked up at him. Cristian looked at them in regret, shaking his head. "Rose..."

They looked at each other in denial, breathing heavily, not ready to lose Rose this way.


Day One

Morning - Woods

Jules woke up in the woods, lying on the ground, naked. She had blood and dirt on her lips. She stood, walking, looking around, to find mutilated bodies surrounding the campsite she was in. She put on some of the campers' clothes, putting the limbs together so she could make a fire. She had obviously been the one to kill them. She started the fire.

A policeman arrived, getting out of his car, walking toward her.

Jules knelt on the ground before a text, pretending to be crying.

"Good morning," the policeman told her. "Is everything all right here?"

"It was an animal," Jules told him. "A wolf. It came at us in the night."

"Are you okay?" the policeman asked.

"Yes," Jules answered. "But my friends... They're all dead."

"I'm calling it in," the policeman told her.

Jules nodded.

The policeman walked toward his car.

Jules grabbed a thick, solid, wooden tree limb from nearby, hitting the policeman repeatedly, making him fall to the ground. She continued to hit him, hitting him.


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Salvatore Boarding House - Stefan's Room

Elena walked in. "Stefan? Stefan? You're standing right behind me, aren't you?"

Stefan was standing right behind Elena. "Yep."

Elena turned to face Stefan, kissing him, pulling away. "Good morning." She saw the serious look on his face. "You're about to ruin the moment, aren't you?"

"I'm totally ruining the moment," Stefan answered. "Look, I can't just pretend like everything is okay."

"Katherine's locked away in the tomb," Elena told him.

"I know, but we still have this pressing little issue of you and Alex being in Klaus' human sacrifice," Stefan told her.

"Yes, but Elijah promised to keep me, Alex, and everyone else safe as long as we play by his rules," Elena told him.

"Right," Stefan told her. "As long as you and Alex play by his rules."

Elena sighed. "Please don't go after Isobel."

"Isobel could have some answers, and I just have a couple questions," Stefan told her. "That's all."

Elena stepped closer. "Stefan, we made a deal with Elijah."

"Right, you two made a deal with him," Stefan told her. "I didn't make one. You and your sister should keep your deal."

"Stefan, I don't want anyone else to get hurt," Elena told him.

"When have I ever wanted somebody to get hurt?" Stefan asked.

Stefan and Elena looked at each other, sighing.


Living Room

Kaylin and Nicola were talking.

Nicola poured a vial of vervain into a glass, turning to face her. "So, Rose got bit. Is she really sick?"

"From what Cristian tells me, yeah," Kaylin answered. "And if we're going by the legend that a werewolf bite can kill a vampire, then that means..."

Nicola sighed, pouring water into the glass with the vervain in it. "Then she's going to die."

Kaylin nodded somberly. "Yeah." Nicola took a drink of the vervain water. "Cristian's gonna take care of Rose today. Make sure she stays there and she stays... okay. Alive long enough for me and Damon to talk to Jules about a cure."

Nicola stepped closer. "Kaylin, please do not piss her off anymore than she already is."

"I will do whatever it takes to get a cure out of her," Kaylin told her.

"Why?" Nicola asked. "You barely know Rose, and from what I can tell, you barely like her."

"Oh, I like her," Kaylin told her. "She was cool when she took us out to Richmond on a fail mission, and you're right. I don't know Rose very well."

Nicola looked at her curiously in realization. "You're not doing this for Rose. You're doing this for Cristian."

Kaylin nodded, sighing. "Cris' lost too much this year as it is. He got out of the tomb, lost his aunt and his cousin to John Gilbert, and then he martyrs himself back into that tomb, and the night that he gets out, an old-time friend of his gets a fatal werewolf bite. He's my best friend, Nikki. If I can do something to make sure he doesn't lose anything else, I'm gonna do it."

Damon walked in. "It's way too sentimental in here." He looked at Kaylin. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, just give me a sec," Kaylin answered.

Nicola smiled a small smile, showing her the glass. "Vervain. I made it light, but are you sure? Just because Katherine built up a tolerance..."

Damon took the glass. "Yeah. Bottoms up."

Nicola gave Kaylin another vervain water glass.

Damon and Kaylin clinked their glasses, drinking. The vervain burned so much they were thrown into a coughing fit, falling to their knees. 

Nicola looked at them worriedly.

Damon and Kaylin took a moment to heal and recover, standing.

"Are you okay?" Nicola asked.

"Yeah," Kaylin answered.

Nicola sighed, seeming annoyed. "How can Elijah compel another vampire?"

"He's an Original," Damon told them. "I don't really know what that means. I don't think anybody really knows what that means, and I don't care."

Kaylin sighed. "Stefan's gonna call Isobel, and even if Alex and Elena are against it, we are all for it. We need to know everything that we can possibly know."

"Even though Isobel threatened everyone and kidnapped and nearly killed Liv the last time she was in town?" Nicola asked.

"It does no good to hold grudges, Nicola," Damon told her. "You should know that better than anyone."

Damon and Kaylin walked out, leaving.

Nicola watched them go critically.


Cristian's House - Library

Rose seemed to be sick, sitting weakly on the couch.

Cristian walked closer with a glass of blood.

"I was born in 1450," Rose told him. "That makes me 560 years old."

"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." Cristian trailed off.

"So I can die," Rose told him. "I've lived long enough."

Cristian held the glass of  blood toward her. "Drink up. Blood heals."

Rose took a drink, taking a moment to let the blood settle. "Yeah, it does feel like it's working."

"Let's have a look," Cristian told her. "Come on. Let me see."

Rose turned her back to him.

Cristian looked at the werewolf bite on her shoulder.

The werewolf bite had gotten much worse, having spread further down her back.

"How is it?" Rose asked.

"Definitely... better," Cristian told her. "Right, Liv?"

Liv was in the room, surprised by the growth of the bite.

Rose looked at Liv.

Liv hesitated. "Um, it's not bad." She took a deep breath, looking at Cristian. "Cris, can I talk to you?"



Cristian and Liv walked into the hallway.

Cristian turned to face Liv.

They both spoke very quietly.

"Is she gonna die?" Liv asked.

"Probably," Cristian answered. "The wolf bite caused some kind of infection, and it's getting worse."

"Like poison?" Liv asked.

"I don't know, Liv," Cristian told her. "I'm not an expert in the field."

Liv looked at him sadly, sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

Cristian didn't know what to say, let alone how to feel.


Mystic Falls High School - Outside

(Song:) Impossible - Anberlin

Everyone was preparing for the Booster Club Barbecue.

Eliza and Alex were talking alone, in the crowd.

Eliza was laughing.

Alex took a deep breath. "How are you doing with everything?"

Eliza smiled. "I'm doing good." Alex tilted her head, unconvinced. Eliza let the smile fade, sighing. "Did that sound as pathetic as I think?"

Alex chuckled, shaking her head. "No, Eliza, not at all. Listen, you've done amazingly awesome with everything that's just happened to you. I mean, you helped us get rid of Katherine, epically, I might add." Eliza smiled. "Honestly, Eliza, you're the last person anyone thought who could handle this world, and you're doing a pretty damn good job."

Eliza tried to find the right words, shaking her head, looking down. "I..." She looked up. "I mean, it doesn't really feel real, if that makes any sense. Like I haven't really seen everything that could happen. The bad or the good."

"That's 'cause you haven't," Alex told her. "Trust me, the only way any of this feels real is if you see or feel or, hell, even hear all of the good and all of the bad happening. I just... none of us wanted this life for you, or for Caroline."

Eliza shrugged. "I guess we've gotta deal with the way things turned out. It's not like there's much for me to complain about these days. I believe that things are gonna be okay."

Alex smiled, pointing at Eliza. "See, that's the attitude that's gonna get you through this."

Eliza smiled.

Eliza and Alex laughed, embracing.

Eliza closed her eyes, smiling, holding her even tighter. "Thanks, Alex."

"Oh, okay, can't breathe," Alex told her.

Eliza smiled, pulling away, her hands still on her shoulders. "Sorry."

They smiled, embracing once more.



Kacie and Tyler were walking along.

Tyler was wearing his football jersey.

"How you feeling?" Kacie asked.

"I'm okay," Tyler answered. 'I'm sore, every muscle aches."

"You did it," Kacie told him. "You know, you... your first full moon, and you didn't hurt anyone. It'll get easier. You'll get better at it, you'll learn to control it, and it won't hurt so much."

"Well, we don't know any of that for sure, Kace," Tyler told her.

"No," Kacie agreed. "But small victories, Ty. Last night was a victory. You know, let's take it. And I'm not saying that to be the eternal optimist like Eliza Forbes. I'm using terms for football and cheerleading."

They smiled.

"Look, I really want to thank you," Tyler told her. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there. I mean, I know you're my sister, Kacie, but I'm not sure that anyone else would have done the things that you did for me last night for their brother."

Kacie turned to face him. "Well, it's just you and me in this, Ty. It may just be us, but if last night proved anything, we can take care of it."

Tyler nodded.

Kacie and Tyler embraced.



Caroline was organizing things.

Matt walked toward her, in his football jersey and his varsity jacket. "Caroline, you got a second?" 

"Yeah, sure," Caroline answered.

"I... I think we got some wires crossed here," Matt told her.

"Oh, okay," Caroline told him.

"And you know how tongue-tied I get, and I don't like this," Matt told her. "Whatever this is, that's going on between us. I... I just want to..."

Matt didn't finish, kissing Caroline.

Caroline pulled away. "You can't."

"Why?" Matt asked.

"That's just..." Caroline trailed off.

"But, Care..." Matt trailed off.

"No, Matt," Caroline told him. "Okay?"

Caroline walked away, leaving.

(Song Ends)


Mystic Grill

(Song:) The Last Time - The Daylights 

Liz and Jules were sitting at the bar.

"Sheriff Forbes, hi," Jules told her. "I'm Mason Lockwood's friend from Florida."

"Jules, right?" Liz asked.

Jules nodded. "Is there any news?"

"No one's heard from him," Liz told her. "I've opened an investigation. As soon as I hear anything, I'll let you know."

Alaric was across the restaurant, watching, making a call. "Hey, Damon. The wolf is at the Grill. You and Kaylin need to get here now."

Alaric hung up.

Stefan and Elena walked toward him.

Elena looked toward Jules. "Is that the..."

"Yeah, yeah," Alaric answered. "I just left Damon a message, for him and Kaylin."

"So, you're doing their dirty work for them now?" Elena asked.

"She could have a cure for Rose," Alaric told them. "I couldn't find anything in Isobel's research except that it's fatal."

"Do you still know of a way to get in touch with Isobel?" Stefan asked.

"Even if I did, she isn't gonna help," Alaric told them.

"Isobel knew of Katherine, so she might know of Klaus," Stefan told him.

Alaric looked from Stefan to Elena. "So, this isn't about Rose. It's about you and Alex." He nodded. "I have an old number, probably out of service."

"No harm in giving it to me, then?" Stefan asked.

"You know, we can't trust Isobel, even when it comes to me and Alex," Elena told them stubbornly.

"I know that, Elena," Stefan told her.

"All right," Alaric told them. "I'm gonna see if I can find the number. If I do, I'll text it to you."

Alaric walked away, leaving.

Elena looked at Stefan. "I still think that you shouldn't do this. This could upset Elijah."

"I am willing to do anything to help save you and Alex," Stefan told her. "No matter the consequences. All right?"

Elena didn't answer, looking guilty.


Cristian's House - Guest Bedroom

Liv led Rose to the bed.

"I hate this," Rose told her. "I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in five centuries."

"Just get in bed," Liv told her. "Cristian's just getting some more blood from the basement."

Rose laid down, covering up. "We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden, and it's certainly not drawn out in illness."

"You're not gonna die," Liv told her.

"Such a human thing to say," Rose told her. Liv looked around the room thoughtfully. "Last night was the first time you've ever been in Cristian's room, wasn't it?"

"Last night was the first time I've ever been in this house," Liv answered. "I heard a lot of bad about it, but... it's not bad anymore. It doesn't feel bad."

Rose managed a small smile. "You're lucky, you know. No one's ever loved me the way that you and your sisters are loved."

"Really?" Liv asked skeptically.

"Trevor was my best friend," Rose told her. "Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire." Liv looked down. Rose looked at her knowingly. "I can see it, you know."

Liv looked up. "See what?"

"You play the part that you don't care much for anything," Rose told her. "But it's all just an act. You care. You care a lot. You've just been hurt beyond imagine, and you don't want to get hurt again. And you think that this act is what will protect you from being hurt. But you're wrong. No matter the act, it's not going to hurt any less."

"So you're saying that it's hopeless?" Liv asked.

"No," Rose answered. "I'm saying that it's the opposite. As long as you have someone to make it all worthwhile. And I think that you have that person. Don't you?" Liv didn't answer, looking down thoughtfully. Rose closed her eyes. "I'm so tired." Liv stood, turning to leave. Rose suddenly sat up, gasping in pain. "Liv. Liv, I need Cristian. I need you to get Cristian."

"Yeah, of course," Liv told her, running out the room. 

Rose seemed to slip into a trance.



Liv jogged up to the staircase, calling down the stairs. "Cris, we need you up here!"

Liv suddenly seemed to feel as if something was wrong, turning around. She didn't see anything, turning toward the staircase once more.

Rose appeared, gripping Liv by her throat, slamming her against the wall, transformed. "It's all your fault, Katerina. You, Katerina, you did this."

Liv held the wrist that held her throat. "It's Liv."

"You betrayed us!" Rose told her, lowering her grip on Liv's throat, being burned by her vervain locket, ripping it off, throwing it down the staircase, lunging forward to bite Liv on the neck and feed, making her scream.

Cristian appeared, pulling Rose off of Liv, turning to face her, holding her by her shoulders. "Rose." Rose tried to get past him, but he held her back. "Rose! Look at me." Rose let her face return to normal slowly, coming back to. "Look at me." Rose looked at Cristian. "It's Liv. It's not Katherine."

Rose looked at Liv. "Oh, my God, Liv." She looked between them. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me." Liv pushed away from the wall, holding a hand to her throat. "I'm sorry."

"You're gonna be all right," Cristian told her.

"My mind," Rose told them. "I'm..."

"It was just for a second," Cristian told her.

"I'm sorry, Liv," Rose told her. "Don't be scared of me."

"I'm not," Liv told her. "I'm not."

Liv lowered her hand to her side, looking at Cristian.


Guest Bedroom

Rose laid back down.

Cristian laid the blanket over her.

Rose had tears in her eyes. "I'm scared."

"You're not alone," Cristian told her. "I'm right here."

Rose looked around. "Here, where's here?"

"My house, your guest bedroom," Cristian answered.

Rose settled back into the bed, terrified about what was going to happen to her. "I want to go home."

Cristian thought for a moment, sitting next to her. "You remember when we met?"

Rose managed a small smile, nodding. "St. Austell, thirty kilometers south of London. 1402. In the fields with horses. It was beautiful. When you live long enough, everything disappears. So much time wasted, I just wish I wouldn't have been so afraid."

Cristian looked down somberly.

Liv was standing in the doorway, looking expressionlessly.


Mystic Grill

(Song:) The Mall and Misery - Broken Bells

Jules was eating at a table.

Damon and Kaylin were standing a little distance away, walking closer.

Nicola ran in behind them, stepping in their way.

"What, did you follow us here?" Kaylin asked.

"Obviously," Nicola answered.

"Why?" Damon asked.

"To stop you from making a mistake," Nicola answered. "Look, I know you two, and there's a lot of people here."

"Oh, damn," Kaylin told her sarcastically. "There goes our plan to rip her spleen through her back. We're gonna take her outside and have ourselves a nice little torture session."

"No, you're not," Nicola told them. "You're gonna ease up, and you're gonna have a friendly little chat with lady wolf. All right? Please, let's not make this any worse than it needs to be."

Damon and Kaylin considered, nodding. They walked toward Jules.

Jules looked up. "Hey. I found one of your vampire friends in the woods, and I followed her to this house that reeked with vampire scent, and then I bit her. But I'm pretty sure that's why you're here."

"You won't live to see another full moon," Damon told her.

Nicola gave him a look. "Unless..." She looked at Jules. "Unless you tell us how to cure a wolf bite. And then I won't let them kill you."

"Promise?" Jules asked.

Nicola nodded. "Yes. A deal's a deal."

Jules pretended to consider, leaving some money on the table, standing. "Bite me." 

Jules turned to walk away. 

(Song Ends)

Kaylin grabbed her arm to stop her. 

Jules said the sentence in a sing-song voice. "I'm not afraid of you."

"Then you are very, very stupid," Damon told her.

"How's your friend?" Jules asked. "Rose, is that her name? Have the chills started? The unbearable pain?"

"If there's a cure, tell us, or start watching your back," Kaylin told her.

"Did I mention the dementia?" Jules asked. "It'll eat away at her brain. Soon she'll be rabid. You want a cure? I'll tell you the only cure that exists." She started to back away. "Take a stake and drive it through her heart."

Jules turned around, walking away.

Damon, Nicola and Kaylin looked at each other.


Mystic Falls High School - Outside

(Song:) DLZ - TV on the Radio

Alex and Eliza were still talking.

Alex saw Tyler approaching, smiling.

Tyler walked closer, managing a smile.

Eliza turned to follow Alex's gaze, looking at Tyler. She looked at Alex, smiling a small, sympathetic smile.

Tyler joined them. "Hey, Alex. Hi, Eliza."

Alex smiled a small smile. "Hi."

"Hey, Tyler," Eliza told him. She looked at Alex, tilting her head toward Tyler in silent communication, smiling a small smile. "I gotta go help set up the banners for tonight, so..." She started to back away. "See you guys later."

Eliza turned around, walking away, leaving.

Alex looked at Tyler. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, well, busy with the full moon and all," Tyler told her.

Alex nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah. So have I. I mean, busy, not with the full..." She looked down, chuckling, looking at Tyler. "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Tyler told her, taking her hands in his, pulling her closer. Alex looked guilty. "I'm sorry that I haven't been able to talk to you, and I know that you have your own things, but..." Tyler didn't know how to finish, looking at Alex longingly, with heightened emotion than he usually had. He pulled Alex closer, kissing her. Alex responded in surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck. They continued to kiss passionately. Tyler's hands closed in around the leather jacket around her, the cloth of the clothing she was wearing. His heartbeat quickened. He seemed to have trouble with controlling himself, pulling away, horrified. "Oh, no..."

"What?" Alex asked breathlessly. "Ty, what is it?"

Tyler shook his head, stepping back. "It's nothing." He bit his lip, sighing. "I don't think this should happen anymore."

Alex blinked, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "What shouldn't happen anymore?"

Tyler closed his eyes in guilt, not wanting to do this. "I, uh, think that I need time to be alone, to think things through, with everything that's happened..."

Alex sighed, nodding, looking down. "Yeah, I've had that feeling, too. A lot."

"But it's not just that," Tyler told her.

Alex looked up, a little exasperated. "Then what is it?"

"Things aren't... safe with me anymore," Tyler answered. "So much more than what you think I'm talking about."

Alex sighed, looking down. "Okay. So you're breaking up with me."

Alex seemed thoughtful, upset.

Tyler took her chin in his hand, lifting her head for her to look at him, his voice a whisper. "Hey. I'm sorry, Alex. I really am." He started to back away. "I really am sorry."

Tyler turned around, hesitated, closing his eyes in guilt, obviously not wanting to go through with this. He took a deep breath, walking away, leaving.

Alex watched him go, upset, confused, but not surprised, with how much they had been drifting apart, and the secrets between them, with only one of them being completely honest, guilty and angry with herself.

(Song Ends)


Mystic Falls High School - Hallway

(Song:) Take Me to the Riot - Stars

Caroline was walking alone.

Matt joined her. "Caroline, why?"

"Why what?" Caroline asked.

"I kissed you," Matt told her.

"I know," Caroline told him. "I was there."

"So why did you run away?" Matt asked.

"You caught me off guard," Caroline answered.

"Yeah?" Matt asked.

"What did you expect me to do?" Caroline asked.

"Not that," Matt answered.

"Well, I'm sorry," Caroline told her.

"And..." Matt trailed off.

"And what?" Caroline asked. "What do you want me to say, Matt?"

"Something, anything," Matt answered. "How did you feel? Anything in the realm of truth right now would be nice."

"Okay," Caroline told him. "I feel... like I... I love you."

Caroline had tears in her eyes.

Matt lit up. "I love you. Then what's the problem? What are you keeping from me, Care? Look, if you love me, you'll tell me. So what is it?"

Caroline didn't answer.

A cheerleader walked closer. "Hey, Matt, we need more burgers."

Matt turned to face her. "Yeah, not now, Dana."

Dana walked away, leaving.

Matt turned to face Caroline.

Caroline had disappeared.

Matt looked around the hallway to see that he was alone.


Night - Outside

Alex and Kacie were leaning against Kacie's car as the celebration raged on in the night.

"And he broke up with me," Alex told her. "Just like that. Even after all the secrets and the... recent development... it's just... gone. He didn't even tell me why."

"He won't tell you this because he doesn't wanna scare you, but you know I'm so painfully blunt and honest to everyone, not caring if it scares or hurts them, but don't take this the wrong way," Kacie told her. "Since he's turned, he has these.... urges."

Alex looked at her in confusion. "What kind of urges?"

"The urges that tell him to rip your throat out every time he's with you," Kacie answered. She shook her head. "He doesn't know how to control it yet. And this might be the lamest, most used classic break-up line ever, but in this case, it's totally, 100% true. It's not you. It's Ty."

"He told you that?" Alex asked. Kacie nodded. Alex looked away, in shock. "Oh, my God."

Kacie looked at her sympathetically. "Yeah. So, don't hate him, or be mad at him. He's just trying to protect you."

Alex looked at her seriously. "I don't think I could ever hate him."

Kacie sighed. "That is why I will never, not in a million years, ever kill someone and turn like he has. I don't wanna have to ever live through that."

"Let's hope for the best," Alex told her.

Kacie smiled a small smile. "Let's." There was a moment of silence. Alex looked down sadly, pulling a piece of hair behind her ear. Kacie shook her head. "Oh, come on. Way too sappy right now. We came here to party. And we all knew that this was coming, Alex. Let's just find a way to make you feel better and do what we came here to do. Sounds easy enough, right?"

Kacie climbed up onto the hood of her car.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked.

"You mean, what are we doing?" Kacie asked, taking Alex's hands, pulling her up onto the hood of the car with her. "Dance with me."

Kacie started to dance to the music, on top of the car, a hand raised over her head, turning her head from side to side.

Alex smiled a small smile, starting to dance with her, but not into it as much as Kacie was.

(Song Ends)


Mystic Grill

(Song:) Country Lane - Telekinesis

Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola were sitting at a table.

"I am going to shove wolfsbane up right where the sun doesn't shine," Kaylin told them. "See how Jules like this."

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again," Nicola told them. "I am here to make sure that you don't do anything stupid. Do you really want to start a war with this girl?"

"It's one lone wolf, who's not as strong as she is on the night of the full moons," Damon told them. "I say we do what Cristian did with Mason Lockwood and get rid of her permanently."

"And then what happens when another wolf comes looking for her and Mason?" Nicola asked. "You're gonna kill them, and then another one's gonna come, and the one after that, and the one after that."

Stefan looked at them in confusion. "I thought werewolves were extinct."

"We were told that they were on the endangered species list, yes, but who knows how many are really out there?" Nicola asked. "Can you guys just listen to me and back off of this one? Messing with Jules anymore is just going to get a lot of more people killed."

Stefan looked at Damon and Kaylin. "And here we thought that having a human relative would be more of a person that we had to protect from the ones seeking vengeance against us. And, yes, we did that. But Nikki is also saving our lives by getting us to listen to her logic that none of us seem to have because we are bloodthirsty vampires."

Damon took a drink.

Kaylin nodded. "Where's Elena?"

"She's not exactly fond of the idea of me getting ahold of Isobel because of Elijah, so she is going to the school to get Alex and try to have her help her to try to convince me otherwise," Stefan answered.

"But it's not going to work, now, is it, brother?" Damon asked.

"No, it is not," Stefan answered.

Kaylin looked at Nicola. "See? Stubborn, relentless, dark humor, but very smart, and very attractive. All qualities of a Salvatore. Told you that you fit right in." Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola held up their glasses, clinking them, each taking a drink. Kaylin looked down, troubled. "How do you think Cris and Liv are holding up with Rose?"

(Song Ends)


Cristian's House - Hallway

Cristian was pouring glasses of blood.

Liv walked closer with sheets. "Rose vomited blood on the bed, so I got these."

Cristian looked down. "It's fine. Not the worst thing that's happened in this house."

Liv stopped next to him, looking at him in concern. "How you doing?"

Cristian looked up. "Peachy."

Liv tilted her head, giving him a gentle look. "No, you're not."

"What do you want to hear me say, Liv?" Cristian asked. "I don't want to lose her. I really don't. But there's no way to stop this. The only thing that we can do now is let it finish its course or put her out of her misery."

Liv didn't answer, knowing that he was right.


Guest Bedroom

Liv walked into the bedroom with the new sheets, looking around. "I brought some clean sheets."

Rose wasn't in the room.

Liv put the sheets on the bed.

Cristian walked in with the glass of blood. "Where is she?"

Liv and Cristian exchanged a look, walking out, leaving.



Cristian walked into the basement. He found an empty blood bag, picking it up. He walked further into the basement, finding Rose drinking blood from a bag. 

There were a lot of emptied blood bags on the floor around Rose.

"Rose," Cristian told her.

Rose looked up, seeming to see something different than what was in front of her. "Trevor."

"No," Cristian told her.

"No, stop, wait," Rose told him. "Tell them to prepare the horses."

Cristian stepped closer. "It's okay, Rose."

"Trevor, don't be so stupid," Rose told him. "You're never going to make it there before the sun."

Liv walked closer. "Did you find her?" She looked around the blood bags. "Oh, my God."

Rose looked at Liv with a glare of hatred. "Katerina."

Liv backed away. "No."

Rose stood, transforming, rushing toward Liv.

Cristian rushed to stand in her way, holding her back. "Rose, stop. It's Liv. It's not Katherine." Rose stopped. She seemed to believe him, but instead, she grabbed Cristian, turning to throw him into the wall behind her with vampire speed and strength, rushing toward Liv, pushing her against the wall, biting her on the neck, starting to feed. Liv struggled fiercely, digging into the werewolf bite on the back of Rose's shoulder, making her scream in pain. Liv backed away quickly, stumbling over a broken wooden chair that Rose had made Cristian break, holding one up in defense. Rose lunged for Liv. Cristian grabbed Rose from behind, pushing her against the wall, restraining her with an arm across her throat. "You're hallucinating. It's Liv. It's not Katherine."

Rose let her face return to normal, coming to. "Cristian, I'm so sorry. Cristina, I'm so sorry for hurting Liv. I--I don't know what's happening to me."

"It's all right," Cristian told her.

Rose was suddenly in agony, holding her head, crying and screaming in pain. "Oh, make it stop! Please, make it stop! I hate it, make it stop!"

Cristian tried to get Rose under control.

Liv watched worriedly, holding a hand to her neck, not knowing what to do.


Rose was calmed down now, covered in sweat. 

Cristian handed her a glass of blood. "Hi, there."

"I'm sorry," Rose told him.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," Cristian told her.

"Yes, I do," Rose told him. "That thing followed me into your house from the woods. It would have gotten you if I hadn't jumped in the way. It was just me fixing my own stupid mistake. If I had just been more careful..."

Cristian shook his head. "No. It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," Rose told her. Liv stood in the doorway. Rose looked at her. "And I'm sorry to you, as well."

"For what?" Liv asked.

"For kidnapping your sisters to hand them over to Elijah," Rose answered. "I just wanted my freedom. And I'm sorry that I couldn't do more to help you save them. For feeding off of you, Liv. I don't like feeding from humans. I never have. It's the worst part about it. The hunt. The need to kill. The thirst. The pleasure it brings you afterwards. I wasn't meant to be evil. It hurts."

"It's fine, Rose," Cristian told her.

Rose looked at Liv. "Cristian's a lot like me. He wants to care, but when he does, he runs away from it. That's why Cristian compelled Kaylin to be just his friend back in 1864. He knew that loving her was more dangerous that the relationship he already had with her. You know that he would have done the same to you if Kaylin hadn't convinced him otherwise. To protect you, Liv. From him."

Liv looked at Cristian, nodding. "I know that."

Rose coughed weakly.

Liv walked closer, sitting next to her.

Rose looked up at Liv. "Why are you so nice to me?"

Liv shook her head, shrugging. "Us humans."

"You're not this nice to others," Rose told her. "You're just the opposite."

Liv shrugged. "I guess it comes in with the most weakest moments of humanity."

"You can never forget it, what it's like to be human," Rose told her. "To have your humanity. It haunts me. It's the only thing that's kept me going. It doesn't hurt as much anymore."

Rose was suddenly in agony, thrashing and crashing in the bed, crying and screaming in pain.

Liv stood, backing away to give her room, looking at Cristian. "What do we do?"

Cristian tried to get Rose under control, looking at Liv. "Go."

"Cristian..." Liv trailed off.

"Just go," Cristian told her. "I got this."

Liv hesitated, sighing, walking out, leaving.

Cristian tried to get Rose under control.

Rose cried and screamed in pain. "Oh, God. Make it stop, make it stop! I can't take it anymore! Make it stop!"


Rose was asleep now.

Cristian was standing nearby. He slowly walked closer, looking at Rose in front of him.


Rose's Dream - 1402

St. Austen

Day - Field

Rose was dressed for the time period. She walked through the field with horses. She smiled in surprise, looking around, ecstatic. She ran toward where Cristian was sitting, sitting next to him. "This as my favorite place to come as a girl. And it happens to be the place you and I met, Cristian. Am I dreaming?" Cristian shrugged slightly. Rose looked up at the sky, closing her eyes. "The sun is so warm. I miss this. I miss being human. I had friends, I had a family. I mattered."

"You still do," Cristian told her.

Rose shook her head. "No, but you do. You built a life, Cristian, whether you want to admit it or not. I spent 500 years just existing."

"You didn't have a choice," Cristian told her. "You were on the run."

"There's always a choice," Rose told him.

"This is your last dream, Rose," Cristian told her. "Don't ruin it."

Rose looked at him thankfully, embracing him. "I'd like to enjoy the fresh air. Would you enjoy it with me?"

"For a while," Cristian answered.

Rose pulled away, looking at Cristian. "Thank you."

"For what?" Cristian asked.

"Taking care of me," Rose answered. "I want you to tell Liv I thank her for the same. I know that you don't want to put her in danger, Cristian, but she's sisters with the Doppelganger and the Wraith. If she's with you or not with you, she's going to be in danger."

Cristian looked away, changing the subject. "Is the pain gone?"

Rose nodded. "It is."

"I'm glad," Cristian told her.

"Will I see them again?" Rose asked. "My family?"

Cristian looked at her. "I think you'll see whoever you want to see."

"That would be nice," Rose told him. "Maybe I'll see Trevor, too. I'm not afraid anymore."



Night - Cristian's House - Guest Bedroom

Rose was lying unconscious in the bed.

Cristian was standing at her bed side, looking at her somberly, expressionlessly. He slowly pulled out a stake, looking at it, knowing what he had to do.


Rose's Dream

Day - Field

Rose stood, looking at Cristian. "I'll race you to the trees."

"Well, you'll lose," Cristian told her.

"I'm older and faster," Rose told him.

"You're not that much older than I am," Cristian told her, standing. "And I'm controlling this dream. Maybe I'll cheat."

Rose smiled. "On the count of three. One, two..."



Night - Cristian's House - Guest Bedroom

Cristian drove the stake through Rose's heart. He had tears in his eyes, watching as Rose's dead body desiccated in front of him. He knew that he put her out of her misery, and that he did what he had to do, but he hated every moment of it.


Mystic Grill

(Song:) I Like It A Lot - Death Ships

Tyler and Kacie sat at one side of the table.

Jules sat across from them. "Thank you for coming."

Kacie sighed. "So what do you want from us?"

"Just to be your friend," Jules answered. "Mason would have wanted that." Tyler nodded slightly. Kacie shrugged one shoulder. Jules leaned against the table, her arms on the table. "I know about Mason." She looked at Tyler. "And you."

"You know what?" Tyler asked.

"I know you're a werewolf," Jules answered. She looked at Kacie. "And I know that you're not one just yet." Kacie raised her eyebrows. "And I know that your little high school and this Grill is crawling with vampires."

"We only know of one vampire here," Tyler told her.

Kacie frowned, looking down, knowing she couldn't say anything about it.

Jules looked at Tyler in confusion. "You only know of one vampire? You can't sniff them out?" Tyler and Kacie looked at her in confusion. "Oh, my God. You are brand new. How many times have you turned?" They didn't answer. Jules laid a hand on Tyler's arm. "Hey, I can help you."

Jules tried to put a hand on Kacie's arm.

Kacie pulled her arm away. "Do you know where Mason is?"

Tyler pulled his arm away.

"He's dead, Kacie," Jules told her. She looked between them. "He was murdered."

Tyler and Kacie were in denial, shaking their heads.

"No," Tyler told her.

"You wanna know who murdered him?" Jules asked.

"Just stop," Kacie told her.

Jules ignored her, going on bluntly. "Your little vampire-infested town did."

"Caroline is the only vampire in town," Tyler told her.

"Is that what she told you?" Jules asked. "She lied. This town is crawling with vampires." She looked at Kacie. "You don't seem surprised by this." Kacie opened her mouth, trying to explain, but no sound came out. She groaned, tilting her head back in annoyance. Jules realized. "They compelled you." Tyler looked at Kacie in confusion. Kacie looked down. "Don't worry. We'll get them."

Kacie took a moment to speak to make sure that the compulsion let her this time. "Who are you?"

"I'm your friend," Jules told them. "There are others like us, and they're on their way."

Tyler and Kacie looked at each other apprehensively, not liking the sound of more werewolves coming to a town full of vampires.

And not when they knew that at least one of their friends had betrayed them.

(Song Ends)


Gilbert House - Foyer

Alex walked in.

Stefan and Elena were waiting.

"Elena, you're home," Alex greeted. "Stefan, hi. Liv not home? Rose?" Elena shook her head sadly. Alex looked down guiltily. "How's Cristian?"

"Not good," Elena answered. "Liv said she got hurt twice today by Rose because of her hallucinations. Rose fed on her."

Stefan and Alex looked at her in surprise and worry.

"Is she okay?" Alex asked. "I mean, I know Rose is dead. But is Liv okay?"

"She is now," Elena answered. "She said Cristian gave her some blood to heal her. Cristian's gonna keep an eye on her so that nothing happens while she has vampire blood in her system."

Alex and Stefan nodded in understanding.

"I, um, I called Isobel," Stefan told them.

"What?" Alex asked.

"I'm sorry," Stefan told her. "I had to."

Alex was obviously not happy about this. "It's okay. Did you find her?"

They heard John's voice. "Not exactly." He stepped out of the kitchen into the hall. Alex glared at John, surprised and angry. "Hello, Alex."

Alex took a deep, suppressed-angry breath. "Uncle John."


Cristian's House - Living Room

Cristian walked in.

Liv was sitting on the couch with a glass of Scotch.

"I thought you left," Cristian told her.

"I did, but then I came back to make sure that you're okay," Liv told him, giving him a glass of Scotch.

Cristian took it. "I appreciate the gesture. But I'm fine."

"You know I don't believe that," Liv told him.

"Go home, Liv," Cristian told her. "Get some rest. It's a whole new day tomorrow."

"Cristian, a girlfriend usually knows when their boyfriend is hurting," Liv told him.

Cristian finished the drink. "Yes, Liv, I cared about Rose. And I'm upset. But I'm going to move on from this, just like I--"

"Moved on from Pearl and Anna?" Liv suggested. "Cris, you didn't move on from them. You're living in their house that they shared with the other tomb vampires. You lived here, too. And you still live in the house where Nicola was taken and tortured and nearly killed, and where a lot of the tomb vampires were killed, where Pearl and Harper were killed, because it's your last remaining thing that still connects you to them. I get it. I do. Believe me."

"It was supposed to be me," Cristian told her. "Jules lunged at me, and Rose got out of the way."

"You feel guilty," Liv told him.

(Song:) Breathe - of Verona

Cristian nodded. "Yeah, I feel guilty, Liv. I feel guilty that Rose died instead of me. I feel guilty that Pearl and Anna died instead of me. I feel guilty for asking for your help to deal with Rose today, and nearly got you killed. Death and damage and danger are the only things that surround me, Liv, and I don't want those to be the only things that surround you."

Liv shook her head. "Those things already surround me, Cris. Look at who my family is. You can't push me away like you pushed Kaylin away."

Cristian stepped closer, holding up Liv's vervain locket by its chain. "When you don't have this, I can." Liv felt at her neck where the necklace was supposed to be. "It fell off when Rose attacked you the first time."

Liv was worried about what he would do in the heat of the moment, not afraid that he would hurt her, but scared that he would compel her like he had done to Kaylin. "She thought that I was Katherine. Cris... don't do this. Please." Cristian stepped closer. "Whether you do this... whether you compel me or not, I'm still going to be in danger, with who my sisters are to the oldest vampire in the world. And if they cross him, if we manage to save them, and he retaliates, it'll be worse than anything that anyone from your past can do to me. But if you do this now... it will be the worse thing that can ever happen to me."

Cristian looked at her for a moment. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Why do you do this?" Liv asked. "Why do you think that you don't deserve something like this?"

"I don't," Cristian told her. "Liv, the things that I've done--"

"From what I've seen, you've done things that have been way past redemption about 145 years ago," Liv told him. "You were in that tomb for that long, and when you got out, you weren't bloodthirsty or vengeful. You wanted peace. You saved Jenna. You saved me. You saved all of us. Matt, Kaylin, Damon, Stefan, Nicola, Caroline, Alex, Eliza, Elena, Jeremy, Tyler and Kacie, just for starters. And when you were back in that tomb... after all that time, after we were together... having you taken from me and me thinking that I would never get you back... I realized something that I should've realized a long time ago. I love you." Cristian looked at her in surprise. "And if you compel me to forget that I love you, for me to walk out that door, it wouldn't be to protect me. It would be to protect you, because you obviously love me enough to go to the extremes to protect me. And if you lose me, it'll be worse than anything you can think of, either. It's not that you don't want to love, Cris. It's that you don't think you deserve it, and you're afraid of what happens if something goes wrong. I'm afraid, too, Cris. But I am willing to take this chance, only if you are. But if you're not willing to take that chance, then go ahead and do it." Liv took a deep breath, nodding, completely sincere, but surprised that she had managed to say the words. "I love you, Cristian. And compelling me away is worse than anything that Klaus can do to me."

Cristian looked into her eyes.

Liv tensed, sure he was going to compel her, tears in her eyes, fighting them back to be strong and defiant.

Cristian looked at her for a moment, placing a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her. Liv was surprised, but responded passionately, instantly. As they continued to kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Cristian put Liv's vervain locket around her neck, clasping it around her without breaking the kiss. They finally pulled away, looking from the vervain locket around Liv's neck to each other, breathing deeply.

Cristian looked down, tears in his own eyes.

Li let a few tears fall, pained by his pain, wrapping her arms around him comfortingly.

Cristian slowly returned to the embrace, sighing, thinking of the love and lost.

Liv closed her eyes.


2.13 "Daddy Issues" Trailer

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", outside the Forbes House, Tyler pushed Caroline against her car angrily, his eyes glowing gold.

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the foyer of the Forbes House, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

"Tyler was so upset," Caroline told her. "The look on his face... he was so betrayed. And if this hurt Tyler this bad, I can't even think about how bad Kacie has to be. She's our best friend, Eliza."

Eliza put her hands to her head, overwhelmed and worried. "Oh, my God. This is bad."


From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the woods, a werewolf staked Stefan in the stomach, making him fall to the ground.

Another werewolf shot an arrow into Cristian's chest, making him stop. Cristian gasped in pain.

Kaylin stopped fighting when she saw, angry and in denial. "No!" 

Jules shot Kaylin in the back with six bullets, making her fall to the ground.

Caroline and Tyler each had one of Eliza's arms over their shoulders, helping her outside. 

Jules rushed toward them, pushing Eliza to the ground. 

Eliza landed painfully and weakly on her stomach, her wounded shoulder and knee scraping against the dirt, crying out in pain, nearly screaming. 

Jules pushed Caroline against the RV, putting the gun to her back.

Another werewolf flipped Damon to the ground, having a stake posed at his heart. 

The first werewolf pulled the stake out of Stefan's stomach, raising it to stake Stefan in the heart. 

Tyler saw all of this, and he didn't do anything.  


From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the Lockwood Study, Elena stepped closer to Kacie.

Kacie backed away angrily. "No! If you're gonna tell anyone of them anything, it is for them to go to hell because of everything you let happen." Elena was stunned into silence. Kacie pointed toward the door, stepping closer. Elena stepped back. "Now get the hell out of my house."

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the RV, Eliza and Caroline were in a cage, with a metal plate in the middle of the cage to separate the two of them.

They both had bullet wounds.

"Why are you doing this to her?" Eliza asked. "To me? Why are you doing this? Why?"

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the Grill, Alex pushed John's arm off of the all, pushing past him, leaving.

John was left alone, unsurprised, but a little hurt.


From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the Gilbert House's kitchen, Alex, Elena, Liv, John and Jenna were talking.

John looked at Jenna. "What they were talking about? Liv assaulted a police officer to avoid arrest, and I made arrangements on her behalf to make the matter disappear." Alex, Elena and Jenna looked at Liv in shock. Jenna looked angry. Liv looked down. "And what I'm talking about? I'm Alex and Elena's biological father. There. Now you know."

John walked out, leaving.

Jenna looked at Alex, Elena and Liv in surprised anger. "What?"


From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the Grill's bathroom, Damon and Alex were arguing.

Alex stepped closer to him. "Damon, you're not going to kill Kacie and Tyler. And you're wondering about why you're just now finding out about Jules taking Caroline and Eliza? I'm wondering why I'm just now finding out that you compelled Kacie not to tell anyone about the attacks, and they were only half-erased from her memory, which made her think she was going insane. You wanna explain that to me?"

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the kitchen of the Gilbert House, Alex, Elena and Liv were arguing with John.

John looked at Liv. "You seem to need a reality check on who has leverage over who."

Liv raised her eyebrows. "Really? I'm not the one that killed the aunt and cousin of a 500 year old vampire."

"If I see Cristian, I'll kill him myself," John told her.

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the woods, Cristian, Kaylin, Damon, Stefan and Tyler faced off with Jules.

"Give us Caroline and Eliza," Kaylin told her. "Without a full moon, it's not an even fight, and you know it. We will take you."

"I'm not so sure about that, bad girl," Jules told her, whistling through her fingers. 

The rest of her pack walked out of their hiding places, surrounding Cristian, Kaylin, Damon and Stefan, all holding stakes and crossbows. 

Cristian, Kaylin, Damon and Stefan looked around.

Cristian looked at Kaylin, Damon and Stefan. "We can take them."

"I don't know about that," Stefan admitted.

"Well, then..." Damon trailed off.

Cristian rushed toward Jules.


Kaylin, Damon, Stefan and Nicola were in a clearing with a storm in the background, looking at the camera.

Alex and Elena were in a clearing with a storm in the background, looking at the camera.

Kaylin, Damon, Alex, Elena, Stefan and Nicola were in a clearing, walking toward the camera.

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All rights go to CW and Kevin Williamson, and Julie Plec, all except for the fan made characters. Heartofice97: Alexandra "Alex" Gilbert, Kacie L...
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❤️Intro❤️ #Story# "မိုးသည်းနဲ့အတူ အမှတ်တမဲ့ ခိုဝင်လာခဲ့တယ်☔☔☔ "မိုးလဲစဲရော တိတ်တိတ်လေး ထွက်သွားခဲ့တယ်☔☔ "လှစ်ဟာသွားတဲ့ဘယ်ဘက်ရင်ကို ...
8.4K 165 6
"I'll ride with you, Toretto," Madison says as she glances around at the team, causing everyone to look at her shocked. (Roman Pearce X OC) All righ...