Maybe Its Fate ~Jaden Smith L...

By ThatDreamingMSFT

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Alex kinda sorta meets Jaden Smith but she wont fall for him as easy as Jaden wants but will fate tell her so... More

Maybe Its Fate ~Jaden Smith Love Story~
And off to CA...
You live WHERE!!!!
He just cant get enough of me...........
Authors Note
And we meet again
Sweet Love
Hidden Talents
I could get used to this
The Best I've Ever Had.
Movie Day
Crying Again. Part 1
Crying Again Part II
Find Your Love
I Don't Know How To Describe This Chapter.
This Story Is Coming To An End.
More Than I Thought
Birthday Party
Maybe It's Fate


6.5K 101 11
By ThatDreamingMSFT

Alex POV

  So everybody left. Leaving me and Jula to get ready. So I ran  up to my room and took a shower, washed my hair. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair. I lotioned wrapped a towel around my body. I went to the closet and got out some Black short shorts and a glittery gold striped tank with some gold combat boots.

I straightened my hair and put some curls in it. I started whipping my hair so it would look kinda natural. I put some makeup on but the natural look and covered my scars.

Alex- Im not really that perfect people.

I got my phone, 50 dollars, and some gum. I popped one in my mouth. I walked downstairs. Jula had on some blue boyfriend jeans with an oversized blue shirt and some blue supras.

Alex- Dont you look like a sexy blueberry.

Jula- ha and dont you just look sexy

Alex- Well thank you.

Jula- You ready.

Alex- Yeah uh WAIT

I whipped my hair once more looked in the mirror.

Alex- Okay NOW Im ready.

Jula- O_o Okay cause Justin texted me... He's outside.

Alex- Mhm probaly not the only thing he said.

Jula- Oh shut up and go lick Jaden's abs.

Alex- Only for Chris Brown.

Jula- Lol.

We got to the Justin's black Range Rover and Jula got in the front but there were no more seats.-_- 

Alex- Where am i suppose to sit?

Jaden- Come on

He patted his lap. I was hesitant but it wasnt like I was giving him a lap dance. So i sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I got this tingly warm feeling. Hmph weird but i noticed that girl they were talking about wasnt here.

Jula- Where's Stella.

Whaat was she a mind reader like damn.

Justin- She's meeting us there.

Alex- *whispering* I hope she's not a bitch.

Jaden- *whispers* Just dont get on her bad side and you'll be good.

This guy. Jaden is really different. He's like supportive in a way. haha Im really starting to like him. My phone buzzed. I got a text.

~Phone Convo~

Jula- You like him.

Alex- He's cool

Jula- Mhm Alex and Jaden sitting in the tree KISSING First comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

Alex- Your the one to talk i see you and Justin's hands together. Mhm

~End of phone convo~

She didnt text me back. She knows Im right. 

The car stopped meaning we were here. We got out of the car Jaden was kinda sorta helping out.

Jula- *mumbling* A and J sitting in the tree KISSING first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

Justin- Whaaa.

Jula- Ohhh nothing.

Alex- Mhm.

We walked to the entrance.

Jaden POV

Frank Ocean - Thinkin Bout You came on as we got in the carnival.

Alex- *mumbles* A tornado flew around my room before you came excuse the mess it made it usually doesnt rain in-

Jaden- You have a beautiful voice.

She was blushing. haha I have that effect on people. But Alex is different. She's senstitive but has a toughshell. I really like her.


Everybody- True.

Mateo- Correction.... We ARE Awesome.

HIm and Alex high fived.

The girls went to get cotton candy. 


Holy Shit.

Alex POV

Us girls went to get cotton candy.


Maddison- And here comes the wicked witch of the west.

Willow- Oh come on Stella is cool

So that's Stella. She seemed stannkish. Bandeau shirt that could pass for a strapless bra and short short short shorts that could pass for panties. WOW She had a nice body but she could have covered up. 

Willow- Come on lets say hi

We walked over there. Stella was hugging the boys.

Stella- WILLOW!.....ugh Maddison

Madison- Nice to see you to...... maybe next time if you put some clothes on i would be telling the truth.

Willow- Oh my gosh stop it. hi stells.

Stella- What's that.

She pointed at me and Jula. Yup she's a biitch so i put my hair in a bun and took off my earrings just in case I have to set her straight.

Jula- Watch what you say.

Stella- Okay WHO. Are you.

Justin- OKAY Jula Stella Stella Jula Alex Stella Stella Alex

Alex- Hi

Stella- ugh! 

I dont like this bitch. So I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

Jula- All of your Anger Management classes are gonna go out the window.

Alex- Already did.

Stella- But what are you guys doing here.

Alex- That has gotta be the dumbest question Ive ever heard.

Stella- Your face is a dumb question.

She stepped up to my face.

Alex- Back. Up.

Stella- And what are you gonna do.

I pushed her backwards making her fall.

Alex- Dont cross me.

I walked away. I needed to clear my head.

Jula POV

Holy shit.

Madison- Dude Alex is like my bestfriend right now.

Jula- Hey Stella are you okay.

Stella- SHUTUP!


Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Jula- Now. Are you okay?

Stella- y-yes. T-tthank you.

Jaden- Well um Let me go and get Alex.

Justin POV

Man I wish Stella didnt come. 

Justin- Okay well Im trying to have fun so lets go on the rollercoaster.

Jula- k.

That voice Oh My God she's in baggy clothing and she still looks beautiful.

Justin- *whispers* You look beautiful.

Jula- Thank you.

Stella- *sighs*

Stella can get so annoying. We reached the rollercoaster.

Jula- *mumbling* Holy shit this is high.

Justin- Are you afraid of heights.

Jula- yes.

I grabbed her hand and sat her in the seats.

Jula- The last time i was on a roller coaster I threw up.

I laughed cause she was so scared.

Justin- How old were you.

Jula- .....6

Justin- You havent been on a rollercoaster for 11 years.

Jula- yup.

Rollercoaster Engineer- 3..2..1 Blast off.

She gripped my hand tighter. I laughed.

Justin- This is nothing.

We got to the top. And the rollercoaster stopped.

Jula- What's happening.

It started again.


This was to funny. The ride was over. And Jula was freaked out!

Jula- Im never doing that again that was crazy ans scary.

She was talking a lot so i did to her what she did to me. I kissed her. When she kissed back I felt fireworks, thunder, Atomic bombs go off. We pulled back.

Jula- Thanks

Justin- No Thank You.

Everybody- Get Some...... I see you.

Jaden POV

I went to go find Alex. Cause i swear hell was about to break loose.

I found Alex about to get on the Ferris Wheel alone..... Thats not gonna happen.

Jaden- ALEX!

Alex- Jaden?

Jaden- Can i go on with you.

Alex- Surre why not.

We payed for 5 rides.

Jaden- Are you okay?

Alex- Yeah just a little heated.

Jaden- Dont let her get to you.

Alex- That's the hard part.

Jaden- Why.?

Alex- Because its hard to argue with somebody whose incredibly gorgeous. And can just throw the I look better than you card just so i can back down.

She looked down. So I raised her chin so she would look at me. But she wouldnt look me in the eyes.

Jaden- Hey Alex. Look at me. Your beautiful. Dont forget that. You'll incredibly funny and amazing. I've never met anybody like you and that's a good thing. Your amazing.

She had tears in her eyes. One of them spilt over. So i wiped them.

We were both leaning in.

Alex POV

Jaden was leaning in so i followed suit. We kissed right when we reached the top. I felt bombs flying around me. It. Was. Magical.

We pulled back smiling. The ride stopped and we had to get off. My phone buzzed.

~Phone Convo~

Alex- hello

Jula- Meet us at the food court

Alex- Cool.


~End of phone convo~

Alex- Okay we gotta go to the food court thingy.

Jaden- haha okay cool.

He grabbed my hand and we went to the food court.

Stella POV

I dont like that Alex girl. she's trying to steal Jaden from me. And that Jula girl..... She KISSED Justin like ugh! This is not going good for me.

Jula- Well there's Alex and Jaden................. holding hands.

I almost spit out my drink when she said that.

Stella- W-what.!

Alex- Hey guys sorry for ditching you.

Madison- Oh trust me its cool.

Alex- .....What did I miss?

Even her voice is annoying.

Stella- Jula and Justin kissing.

I said in an angry voice.

Alex- *mumbles* You mad

Stella- Whaat did you say?

Alex- Oh nothing *mumbles* cruella

Everybody was laughing..... What's so funny?

Stella- What's so funny?

Madison- Nothing.

Alex- I'll be back.

Stella- *mumbles* Who cares.

Madison POV

Stella is up to something and I dont like it.

Alex- I'll be back

I got up and followed Alex.

Alex- hey Maddie.

Maddie- What happened between you and Jaden.

Alex- We kissed.

Maddie- OMG!

Cashier- What will you to be having today.

Maddie- Cheese Pizza.

Alex- Nachos.

Cashier- two dollars each.

We gave him the money and he gave us our food. We sat back down at the table. Let's start drama shall we.

Maddie- So Jaden a little birdie told me you and Alex kissed.

Alex and Stella started choking.

Stella- WHAT!


Everybody started running besides Alex and Jula.

Maddie- guys come on we gotta go.

Jula- why?

Alex- Were not famous.

They had a point so everybody else ran.

We ran for like to blocks until we finally found them so we went to the car. To see people in the car.

Jula- Took you guys long enough.

Alex- How was your run?

Alex POV

After I finished my Nachos me and Jula walked to the car. She had the keys so we went inside and turned the radio on.

We saw everybody coming.

Jula- Took you guys long enough.

Alex- How was your run.

Justin- keys.

Jula- Im driving.

She gave him the puppy face and it worked.

Justin- FINE.

Stella sat on Jaden's lap. I was in the front. 

Stella- So Alex do you do sports.

Alex- Yup

Stella- Really! Which ones.

Alex- Soccer, Track, Volleyball, Cheer, Dance, Softball, Basketball, and a little bit of Karate.

Stella- I swear if I've never seen you. I would think your a boy.

Alex- And if I've never seen you I'd think your a transvestite.

OHHHH Drama. Thanks for reading. Remember vote, comment, fan. Peace Love Happiness.



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