Order Of The Midnight Sun

By jpatt82

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By jpatt82

     Steve walked up and stopped directly behind me, I tried to keep my body from shaking. For once I wasn't sure what was going to happen, whether or not my sweet man would take me as Bucky had. He looked up from my body, his gaze met mine, there was a hunger in his eye that had never been there before.
     Steve shook his head, before reaching down wrapping his arm around my upper torso helping me to my feet. He then swept an arm under the back of my legs, lifting me bridal style. He turned back to the door and Bucky, who was smirking at him.
     "Buck, I'm not you, I can't." Steve said softly, his words vibrating in his chest as he walked out of the room.
    "One of these days punk." Bucky responded following us.
     Steve gently laid me down in the bed before laying down beside me, instinctively I wrapped myself around his back. I felt the bed dip down behind me, and Bucky's warm body press its self against my back. He gently pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder blade, as his arms encircled my waist.
      Warm morning light filtered its way through the large windows washing over me. My eyes fluttered open, the gentle rising and fall of the chest under my head threatened to put me back to sleep. I took a deep breath, copper, sweat and sex still clung to the man beneath my sleepy head.
    I tighten my arm that was draped around him just a bit, Bucky's good arm slowly lifted to his face. He rubbed at the sleep in his eyes, before they flicked down to my face. A lopsided smirk formed as he rolled into me, wrapping his large muscular arm around me.
      "Morning Doll." He mumbled, his voice gravelly with unshed sleep. "Where's lover boy?"
      "Working on his death list." I yawned, nuzzling my face into his chest.
       "Already?" He asked, kissing the crown my head.
       "Yeah, he had about twenty people and since they are all on the west side he decided to get an early start."
       "How long is your list?" He asked, resting his head against mine. Moments like this, where he was affectionate didn't last long. But when they did I basked in it.
     "Five, all southies." I sighed, I felt him pull his head from mine, his deep blue eyes locking into mine.
     "You always end up with southies, why is that?" He asked, in five years he's just noticing.
      "Shit detail." I remarked finally pulling out of his embrace, knowing I needed to get my day start. "Right after Steve and I graduated, at the coronation, Commander Rumlow came up to Steve telling him he wanted a night with me."
      "Rumlow? You mean.." he trailed off, leaning up on his metal elbow, the bed sheet tucked around his waist.
      "Yeah, the one that sends us the death list." I half chuckled, snagging a clean pair of black pants from my dresser pulling them up my scar covered legs. "Anyway, he told Steve he wanted me for the night, as an executioner he thought that since I was with Steve, he could just ask him he if could have me."
       "You serious? That prick just asked if he could take you, like you were some kind item. Jesus, Kara." I could see Bucky's face tighten, a dark glint flickered across in his eyes.
     "James, you have to remember, me being a woman I'm not afforded the same rights as you and Steve are. And that's just for being born the wrong 'gender' add into the fact that I'm an executioner, I'm treated like dirt by society and the rest of us." I stated matter of factly, pulling a grey top over my head. Bucky had finally pulled himself from our bed and was getting dressed as well.
      "Not sure I know what you mean." Bucky stated, grabbing my sheathed knife from the bed stand and tossed it to me.
      "Well, as a woman I'm supposed to be secretary or a nurse, have kids, be a doting wife not someone who goes around killing people." I chuckled as I caught the weapon, attaching it to my hip. "And you know how the public loves to hate us. They love that we do what the cops and judicial system won't do, take out the dangers of society but the also hate and fear us, cause well, we are what we are."
     "So you get it from both sides?" He narrowed his eyes at me, still not following my line.
     "James," I said, walking up to him I placed the palms of my hands on his chest. "You are the first executioner I've met, outside of Steve, that has accepted the fact that I am the same as you. In the home I was constantly beaten to the point on unconsciousness, almost raped more then I care to admit."
    His eyes narrowed as his face turned slightly red, I could hear the plates whir and tick into place. The sound would frighten most people, but not me, I knew what I had said had pissed him off. Bucky was extremely protective of both Steve and I, any sign of threat to either of our well beings has led to the death of more then one person.
     "To the outside world, outside the walls of this factory, I'm less the human." The words hung heavy in the air, as I looked up him. I have never told him any of this in the last five years because it was never brought up.
     Bucky looked down at me, like he was actually looking at me for the first time. His eyes racked over me. From my cargo pants, the knife on my hip, my loose heather grey shirt, and leather forearm bracers. Gently he brushed my hair from my eyes.
      "It's the reason I hide my mark." I held up my hands, showing him the old dark brown leather strapped to both arms. "I've been attacked because of that tattoo, its the reason I wear my hair braided to the side, covering the brand. Steve was the first person besides the man that raised me to treat me like an equal."
      "Do you ever wish things were different?" He questioned quietly, eyes cast down to the floor, grasping my hand in his. "That you had a normal life?"
      "No." My resolve in that word snapped his head up, his eyes wide. "What we do makes a difference, we're cleaning up the mess the government created. And if I hadn't been born to cracked out whore I wouldn't of met you or Steve"
     He pulled me into him, I wrapped my arms around his waist. It was the truth, I wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world. As shitty as a hand I held been dealt with it, this was my life, and my home.
     "So what did Steve say to Rumlow anyway?" He asked as he released me so we could go about our day.
     "Nothing," I turned to face him, walking backwards to the door. "I decked the bastard myself, as I said shit detail."
     "Now that sounds like my murder kitten." He laughed as I walked out the door.

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