My Reality (Trafalgar Law X R...

By Roseforl

131K 6.4K 2.3K

You receive some bad news which results in you getting a computer with a virtual reality system leading to so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Trivia Chapter

Chapter 19

2K 112 89
By Roseforl

The explanation from Law has brought up more questions than it has answered.

Who was the relative that died six years ago?

What is so bad about your father's business that Law tried to warn you about?

How does Law know your father?

And most importantly, why did Law seem so scared?

When you had messaged Law after being killed by the MassacreSoldier he shrugged all of your questions off as being over reactions but you are more suspicious than ever when it comes to your father's dealings.

Nevertheless you push all of your questions down so you can get yourself ready.

The old blue dress that had once belonged to your mother is laid out on your bed and the makeup and accessories you had decided on are spread out around it.

Graduation night has finally arrived and your answer for your father is due.

You sit patiently at your desk as your mother carefully styles your hair.

Your school didn't have any kind of prom but over the years the graduation night has seconded as one.

Parents are invited to watch the actual graduation but are then sent home so their children can celebrate with snacks and dancing. Of course there are always after parties and Nami has arranged one at her house.

It took a bit of convincing for you mother to let you go. You are all eighteen and Nami has already acquired a taste for alcohol. Your father was the one to convince your mother in the end, saying that you can be responsible for yourself and you are old enough to legally drink.

Your mother has finished on your hair and now moves to your makeup. You could probably do it yourself but she has had more practise. The process so far has been silent except for the odd complaint about you squirming around too much.

This doesn't bother you as much as it might for other people. It's not that you and your mother have a weak relationship, quite the opposite actually. You are close in personality, appearance and morality so you can always relate to her.

She has always been a quiet woman, one who doesn't like small talk and prefers to let her mind wander.

"I'll be starting work again soon." She announces.

"Are you ready for it?" You inquire, a concerned expression taking over your face which is definitely not helpful for your mother.

"Yes." She replies decisively. "It will be good for me if my life goes back to normal."

She places the finishing touches of makeup onto your face then reaches for the dress on your bed and gently passes it towards you.

"We'll leave in fifteen minutes. Your father will meet us there." She says as she walks out the bedroom door, closing it behind her.


The drive to the large hall that the school had hired is short and uneventful.

The hall is used for many different large events and is well equipped with a large stage, many chairs and some caterers for later.

There are about forty large round tables scattered around the room, each being able to hold about twelve people. On top of the stage are many trophies and medals for graduates who have won prizes during the year. You and your mother sit down at a table towards the edge of the room and somewhat close to the food. You are early but the tables are slowly beginning to fill up with students and their parents.

The first to really stand out to you is the right orange hair tied up in a fancy bun heading in your direction. She is wearing a purple dress with split sides and a lot of cleavage showing. Yellow pearls are laced through her hair and over her thighs. You are surprised she was even let in by the teachers in charge.

Following her is her gorgeous lavender haired sister Nojiko and her badass cop mother Bell-mère.

Your mother stands to greet her old fuchsia-haired friend while Nami speeds towards you, eyes lighting up.

"Just a few more hours until we're officially out of high school!" She beams. "And we can forget all these assholes."

"Hey!" You complain.

"Of course not you (Y/N)!" She gasps, grabbing your face in her hands.

Nojiko has sat down at the table and is now fiddling with her phone. Bell-mere and your mother have sat down and your mother has placed her bag on a chair beside her, reserving it for your father.

Only two families and the table is already half full.

Sanji shows up with his mother and sister, as his father and brothers didn't particularly feel like going out. Zoro is alone and you aren't sure why any family he may have aren't here. Usopp and his mother fill in the last gaps at the table.

When the others show up they are forced to sit at the next table over. It's close enough but it's a shame you aren't all sitting at the same table.

Luffy and his adopted brothers arrive next, followed closely by Robin and her mother.

There are more tables than there are people so the rest of their table remains empty.

The room is buzzing with excitement as the students prepare for the huge milestone that will mark the start of their adult lives.

"You're late." Your mother says as your father walks to the table and sits down in the spot she had saved.

"I ran into an old acquaintance outside." He frowns but he quickly fixes his expression to a large grin.

"Look at you, all grown up!" He exclaims.

"I don't feel like I am." You admit.

The chatter of the crowd dies down as the principle strolls onto the stage and towards the microphone.

She gives a brief introduction of herself and some of the other staff present before moving onto the students. She announces group A and several students who had been scattered around the large hall make their way to the base of the stage so they can be called up one by one.

It takes over an hour but eventually everyone has been onto the stage to collect the piece of paper that ensures their freedom from the prison known as high school. Some people also got scholarships which were announced. One of these students was Robin, who had done incredibly in her English and history classes.

By this point in time all of the new graduates had moved to one of the tables taken by your group while the family members sit around the other. The only exceptions are Sabo and Ace, who fit in much more easily with the younger crowd.

One by one the adults start to leave so the students can enjoy the rest of their night without parents who might "cramp their style" as your mum had put it.

Most of the family members of your group have already left by the time your parents come up to say goodbye.

"Have fun tonight sweetie." Your mother says as she hugs you. "Bell-mère will make sure your friends don't go too crazy."

She finally releases you and you turn to your father. You take a breath in, nervous to make the decision that will decide your future.

"Dad, I'm not going to join your business." You decide. "I want to carve my own path and do something that I am passionate about."

He nods but seems disappointed. You feel bad but you won't let that change your mind.

"I understand." He replies.

"Thanks dad." you say as he pulls you in for a hug.

"You being happy is good enough for me." He murmurs.

Ace and Sabo are the last to leave, promising to catch up with you all at Nami's after party later.

"You know (Y/N)" Nami murmurs in your ear. "Robin was telling me about inviting someone else to my party, have any idea who it might be?"

"Vivi?" You guess.

"No, I invited her myself." Nami replies.

"Maybe it's someone we don't know." You suggest.

"Maybe. I guess we'll have to wait and see. But for now..." Nami turns to face you and grins.

"Oh no." You grumble.

"Let's dance!"

Nami grabs your hand and drags you to the middle of the room, which has been cleared of tables to form a dance floor. The two of you join Robin and begin to dance to the variety of songs that had been voted on by your year level. Usopp and Luffy are 'dancing' together somewhere to your right while Sanji fawns over the girls across the room. Zoro stands at the edge of the dance floor tapping his foot and watching.

The small triangle you, Nami and Robin have formed is broken when the raven haired girl dances out to grab Zoro and drag him into the group. He shifts awkwardly in an attempt to dance.

Another hour passes until the music gets shut off and you are all told to leave.

Nami jumps into action and leads you all out of the building, down the street and towards her house.

"Can we go sleep now?" Zoro complains.

Nami huffs and picks up her pace.

"The party is only getting started." 

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