The Price of Freedom ➸ Captai...

By nanamibeloved

155K 6.1K 2.2K

Princess Emma has been betrothed since her birth to Prince Charles, a man she had never even met. A month be... More

The Price of Freedom
1. Princess Emma
3. Leaving
4. The Tavern
5. We Haven't Been Properly Introduced
6. The Jolly Roger
7. Going on Account
8. Hatred
9. Trying to Figure you out
10. Port Royale
11. Blackbeard
12. Surprises
13. Burning
Q & A
14. Breaking Barriers
15. Coronation
16. Attack
17. Birthday, Part I
18. Birthday, Part II
19. Two Truths and a Lie
20. Playing Hearts
21. Dreams and Past Lives
22. Tortuga
23. Confessions
24. Home is Where the Heart is
25. Defined by Choices
26. Chasing Desire
27. The Final Stand
28. In The End

2. Captain Hook

6.3K 248 11
By nanamibeloved

Killian Jones, more commonly known as Captain Hook, had spent three-hundred years in Neverland, and he was plain sick of it. After years of having no luck trying to avenge Milah, he had gotten to a point where he just wanted to leave.

He had thought over his options, and through a long and tiring process, he made the executive decision to go back to the Enchanted Forest. He could pillage and plunder there, and still look for a path to revenge.

He loved being a pirate, and that was one thing that Rumplestiltskin couldn't take from him.

"Where are we headed, Captain?" Mr. Smee walked up beside him, and assisted hoisting the anchor nervously. He had been a nice companion over the years, but he learned that when Hook decided to do something spontaneous, it was usually because he was either drunk or angry.

"Anywhere but this bloody island... The first place we come to, I suppose. We could head to a tavern, and recruit some more men for the crew. We lost so many to the Lost Boys. I suppose we'll need more to continue our piracy." Hook's speech was short, and anything but sweet. He honestly didn't care who he left behind or how the remainders of his crew felt about it. He was done with the blasted place.

Smee nodded, "Of course." He paused, waiting to see if Hook would reply. "How exactly are we getting off this island, though? I thought P- the boy never let anyone off." Smee sucked his breath in. He hated saying Peter Pan's name, it scared him out of his wits.

The captain rolled his eyes, "Pan has a reasonable side to him. We came to some sort of... Agreement."

"What was it?"

Hook scowled at him, "It's none of your concern. All you must know is that we are leaving the island, and never returning!" Another thing he was sick of... People always in his business.

Smee lowered his head and nodded glumly. "Aye, Captain."

"Brilliant. Now, go make yourself useful, and help the rest of what little crew we have," Hook replied, a hard edge to his voice.

Smee nodded, but had to ask one more question before the Captain became too focused with steering. "What about your revenge, sir?"

"Hmm? Well, I will continue finding a way, of course. We have spent three-hundred years here, but haven't exactly made any progress. It seems we take our quest elsewhere, wouldn't you agree?" He said it an obvious tone, but it almost made the message sound cryptic.

"Of course, Cap'n." Smee turned, and walked towards a man named John, who was having trouble with the ropes.

Captain Hook made his way to the wheel, and looked at the white bean in his hand. Such a fuss the boy had made about it, but in the end, had so generously handed it over.

It was remarkable how much one little thing could do. It looked so useless, so powerless, but it was quite the opposite.

Hook looked around at the ship, which was now floating gracefully along the water.

His crew all stood at attention, looking at him. He ordered them to be prepared as he threw the clear bean into the water.

"Hang on, mates! There's bumpy seas ahead," he called out as he furiously spun the wheel.

Ok so a couple things:

-I know these chapters are short, but trust me, they will get longer. Much longer! The first three chapters are kinda the intro so understand they are kinda boring.

-As I said earlier, these chapter will get really long, so I won't be updating as frequently as I did, Don't Forget About Me (which if you haven't read, you should;))

-And lastly, please comment, vote, shout-out, and don't forget to read, of course! Love you all, and excited about how the story is going to go!

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