the bounty hunter (sasuke uch...

By theninjahero

251K 6.7K 1.3K

Tamaka Hikari was just on her way back to base after collecting the money she deserved for killing another ni... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 12

9.7K 310 84
By theninjahero



ughhhhhh.. what the devil?! I opened my eyes and looked to my right.. where am I? the window indicated it was night time.. probably around ten,, I tried to move my body but I heard clanging of metal and that's when I noticed...



"you're awake.." an all too familiar Uchiha voice said

"oh, it's you." I mumbled. Now I remember.. they had caught me.. Sasuke's sharingan probably put me to sleep.. damn it.. i hate that stupid eye..

"now we have covered the obvious can you let me go?" I asked shaking my wrists

"NO." I clicked my tongue and grumbled

"I might take that as an invitation, like before." he said

"like before? what do you mean?" I looked at him confusion written all over my face

"nevermind." I frowned and narrowed my eyes.. he clearly knows something and I'm gonna find out.. but I can't let him have his way.. can't let him find out about me either.. if he did he'd kill me.

"what do you know about me?"

"you. no much.. the girl who resembles you.. everything." I forgot the name Kakashi said..

"what is this girl's name?"

"I'm not telling you."

"fine. what did she look like then?"

"black hair, red eyes." My eyes grew wide.. could it be the same girl I kept seeing in my dreams?

"does this girl have a kekkai genkai like me?" I asked and he stared me down


"hm, interesting." I said pretending that my hand was scratching my chin

"what do you know?" he asked me

"I don't know anything.. for all I know I'm adopted, I have green.. well now grey.. hair and green eyes."

"don't you remember anything?"

"No. If I did I probably would've told you everything."

"who do work with?" okay.. his question is like out of the blue

"I'm not telling you."

"you are in no position to argue.. tell me"

"or else what?"

"I'll force the information out of you"

"you won't do that.."

"and why not?"

"because.. I'll be forcing some information out of you first." I grinned and befor he could react I had broken out of the chains using my hairpin and had jumped on him.

I cuffed his hands and pinned them above his head.

"gotcha." I grinned and he growled.

"now.. obviously we are not gonna be liking each other anytime soon.. so tell me what you know about my past and I'll tell you who I work with." okay.. lying.. once I find out.. I'll run for my life and kick some Akatsuki ass for lying to me.

"fine. but get off."

"No. I am not stupid Uchiha, I know you'll attack me once I get off."

"i won't"

"and I'm supposed to believe that? NO. I learned my lesson from trustiing an Uchiha too much." his eyebrows met and I widened my eyes.. FUCK.

"you have met with another Uchiha other than me haven't you?"

"NO." I deadpanned but he didn't seem to buy it.

"I said I'd answer your questions after you answered mine right?"

"fine.. your name is Kori Hikari.. you belong to the hidden village of the leaf and you belong to team 7 with me."

"Hmmmm.. I don't recall being in Konoha.. My name is clearly Tamaka Hikari.. and I swear I haven't seen you before until you decided to add me to your team." he grumbled

"HEY GUYS!!! LET'S GET GO-----" Sui-kun barged in and his eyes widened when he saw us on the floor.

"ohoho.. maybe we should stay here for a while right Sasuke? you seem to enjoy being at the bottom." I blushed at his comment

"shut up idiot." he snarled and I got up from him which was a big mistake. He grabbed my hand and cuffed it along with his.. so now his right hand and my left hand are cuffed together

"what the hell!?! UCHIHA!!!" I screamed and tried to yank my hand off

"if you ever think of escaping I'll kill you" he said and I rolled my eyes

"if you try anything stupid I'll kill you.. better sleep with one eye open though.."


"just saying Uchiha.. you're my prey here.. I am the hunter." I gave him a toothy grin and he dragged me outside.


It's been weeks and we were still walking.

"where are we going?" I asked behind me

"we're looking for information on Uchiha Itachi." Sui-kun said and I immediately stiffened. Why are we looking for Itachi-san?

"w-why?" I tried not to stutter but my emotions betrayed me

"I'm gonna kill him." Sasuke answered. and I felt my body stop

"w-what? why?"

"don't you know?" he looked me dead in the eye.. I stood there not inching to move.. I refuse to move.. If we were headed to kill Itachi-san then I would rather pin my feet down than continue..

Sasuke told me his life story on how Itachi-san ruined his childhood. No.. that's impossible. Itachi-san wouldn't do that.. he probably had some reason.. yeah.. that's probably it. I felt Sasuke yank on the chain so I was forced to walk. I need to stall them.. I need to do something!! I can't let him kill Itachi-san!!

I looked around and like a wave of hope it hit me.. some chakra flows.. and really strong ones. That's when we heard a bang. We all looked around

"what was that??" Karin said and looked around again.

"it's coming from over there." she pointed to a direction about a feet away from us

"we can't be bothered, let's go." THIS IS MY CHANCE!!

"no. I wanna see what's going on." I said and Sasuke glared at me


"please?" I did myu puppy eyes that never fail.. even Pein-san and Itachi-san fall for it

"NO." I puffed my cheeks and sat down the ground dragging Sasuke down with me. Karin, Juugo and Sui-kun stifled a laugh.

"GET UP HIKARI." he ordered me but I shook my head

"you always get to drag me around.. it's only fair if you let me see what's going on." I grumbled

"it's a waste of time. It's probably ninjas training.. or  a construction site" I looked at him like he was stupid

"seriously? I am not moving until you let me s---" I was suddenly scooped up from the ground

"let's go."

"ack!!! put me down!!!" I punched his face and kicked the air, he lost balance and we both fell.


"Fine. We'll go see that stupid thing.. If it's nothing improtant we'll be walking for an entire month without rest.. or better yet we won't rest until we find Itachi." he grinned and I shot him a glare but stood up..

We jumped on trees.. nearing the clearing where the explosion came from. And as we got closer a feeling in my chest kept on banging.. it's like it wanted me not to see what was going on. Then a whizz of white passed by us not to far away. I stopped making Sasuke bump into me..  I held back a chuckle and felt his glare bore into my back.. I regret nothing.

"you're not getting away." that voice. I have heard it before.. it's a boring tone but I have heared it before

"fuck you kid!! I do what I want!! Lord Jashin will punish you!" Hidan?! I looked around and noticed Hidan being chased by that Konoha kid with spiky black hair.

"that's Shikamaru." Sasuke said and I started to jump into trees again. If Hidan was here that means Kakuzu is here too!!

"Rasen Shuriken!!" I heard someone shout and I stopped hiding in the bushes with the other 4. It was Kakuzu.. he mostly had those creepy faces out and his mouth had thread coming out of them.. gross.. seriously Kakuzu.. I sighed in my head and felt the ground shake.. what the?

I looked around to see the Shikamaru kid coming out.. wait... that means,..

NO!!! HIDAN!!!

then something like a fit of screeching noises came from the other battle and I covered my ears making Sasuke fall to my side.. I couldn't care less I was busy looking at my former family member be disembodied by the weird jutsu. My eyes widened in shook when I saw Kakuzu fall from the sky.. literally.. my whole bad shaked...

my two family members were dead.. and I couldn't do anything.. but watch.


I eyes Hikari from the corner from my eye.. she was.. shaking?? she was staring at the fight and she started to shake.. I swear I saw a bit of tear in her eyes.. why was she so sad?

"L-let's go." she mumbled and practically dragged me away.


It's been a while since that incident.. Hikari kept quiet.. I decided to let her go of the chakra cuffs, surprisingly she didn't try and escape.. maybe because she still has a motive for staying with me.

I looked at her and she was again staring into space. I saw her rub her eyes and she stood up.

"where are you going?" I asked and she looked at me with her Kekkai Genkai activated

"I need to kill some people." with that she disappeared. DAMN IT!! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE  NOT LET HER OFF THOSE----

she appeared again

"don't worry.. I'll be back." she said and poofed out again


I needed to kill somebody.. I can't just sit here and cower over my loss of family members.. true Akatsuki may be a bunch of wanted ninjas but.. they were my family.. they took care of me.. and those Konoha ninjas... killed them... I can't blame them so i won't kill them,, so instead I started my hunt..




I killed five and headed to the collection house.. when I collected the money I decided to go to a nearby village and change. I transformed into a traveler again and went to a clothes shop.

I bought white shorts and a black sleeveless shirt with a hood. it's so hot.. I stopped by a dango shop and ate.. probably take some back .. I shopped for snacks and poofed out of the village.


"I'm back." I grumbled and Sui-kun jumped up

"food!" he yelled and I chuckled.

"you seem to be in a good mood." Juugo said he rarely talks

"well.,. i got money for doing my job so yeah.."

"how did you end up being a bounty hunter?" Karin asked and I stopped

"I don't know." I honestly don't

"where's Sasuke?" I asked again notcing he wasn't around.

"I dunno.. he's somewhere.. probably looking for wood or something." Sui-kun said as he chugged down some juice. I grunted and went to walk

"where you going?" Juugo asked

"I need a bath.. tell Sasuke I came back though." I said and went on my way. I found a little lake a few meters away from where the others were. I removed my shirt when I felt a familiar chakra around. I drew out a kunai and before I could throw it a hand stopped me from doing so.

"I'm back." I grinned


"seriously Sasuke can you at least say something other than hn.? you are as unsociable and cold as always!" I yelled and he chuckled

"oh.. you laugh?"

"waht is that supposed to mean?"

"nothing. why are you here anyway?"

"I was on my way back when I sensed you."

"okay.. be on your way.. I'll just be a while. Unless you want to take a dip with me?" I grinned and wagged my eyebrows, and saw him have a hint of pink in his cheeks

"shut up."

"oh come on... I know you want to.. Sasuke-kun." I  teased and before I knew it he pushed me on the lake.


as soon as my head popped out looking like I wanted to kill someone he scoffed and held out his hand

"why should I accept that?" I looked away

"just take it, or let your shorts stay wet for the entire time." he mumbled.. I took his hand.. of course.. nothing is every fun if I didn't get revenge.. so I pulled him in.

"HIKARI!!!" he gasped for air and I chuckled

"baka Uchiha." I said then noticed his death glare

"uh-oh." he grinned

"uh-oh is right." he took of his clothes only to be left with his boxers and started to swim towards me.

"FUCK!!" I swam away but in a flash he had caught me by my waist.

"lemme go!!" I shouted

"NO." he then dived down dragging me with him. I was gasping for air when we resurfaced and he grinned at me.

"that's it." I did hand signs

"water style: water pistol jutsu!!" I shouted and his eyes widened. yeah you better run.

A bullet like form of water shot out from behind me and headed to Sasuke. once the jutsu was done I couldn't see him.. holy shit!!! did I kill him?!?! fuck!!!

I swam around searching for any signs of the Uchiha

"S-Sasuke?" I asked the air.. No answer!! omaygad!!! I started to panic.. what if I killed him!?! what if I--- I felt a pair of arms grab my waist and drag me down. I opened my eyes underneath the water and saw him smirking at me.

"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I thought you were dead you idiot!!!" I said and splashed water on his face

"who would die of that silly technique?" he said as he got up to the ground. I can't help but stare.. Sasuke has a nice body.. I mean.. for an average teen I mean

"enjoying the view?" he teased and I felt heat rush to my cheeks.. weirdo Uchiha

"please. I've seen better." I lied but he dragged me up and cornered me to a tree

"w-what?" I said embarassed as hell.. I mean who wouldn't be!?! I am only in my bra and he's in his pants already but his stone chest was baring right infront of me

"who?" he said lowly

"w-what?" I tilted my head

"who have you seen in this form other than me." he said a little more demading I decided to tease him a bit

"oh you know.. those guys in the bingo book can't keep their hands off me.. so to get them to come with me I used some methods." I twirled my hair but my enjoyment didn't last long when his curse mark started to cover his body

"No one besides me is allowed to touch you." he said in a scary deep voice

"h-hey.. I was just kidding." I said a little scared with his sudden change.

"seriously.. I was kidding." I forced a chukle and I felt his head drop to my shoulder.. i stiffened

"thank god." he whispered.

What's going on with Sasuke?

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