My Brothers Best Friend (Andy...

By WolffangsnBvB22

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scarlet dale is 17 turning 18 and is still living with her alcoholic and abusive mother. When her older broth... More

My Brothers Best Friend (Andy Biersack Love Story) intro
chapter 1: How Dare You!
Chapter 2: Lets get out of Here
Chapter 3: Here i come.....
Chapter 4: Day Out
Chapter 5: School
Chapter 6: Friends
Chapter 7: Why is Andy Biersack On My Couch!?! (birthday)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: finding out
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - What the heck are you guys talking about?!
Chapter 12 - Death threats
Chapter 13
chapter 14: kidnapped
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19: youtube convenstion
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
author's note (sorry not a chapter)
chapter 22
Chapter 23: Tour
Chapter 24: Incident
Chapter 25: O.O well that just happened
Chapter 26: back on tour
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A/N {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 {END}

Chapter 18: Scar and Andy are back

850 24 2
By WolffangsnBvB22

-2 weeks later-

(Scar's POV)

today is the day me and Andy get to go home, i was supposed to go home last week but i wanted to stay with Andy since he still had to stay for one more week, and my mother did die and i was a bit sad even though she tried to probably kill us she was still my mother.

anyway as i just finished packing our bags Tyler just walked in and said

"you guys ready to go yet"

"hell yeeaaahhh!!!" i screamed and dragged Tyler and Andy by the arm (with the other arm not the sore one) and walked out the room with our bags

we said goodbye to the front desk lady and headed for the car, Tyler drove s home as me and Andy were in the back seat with my head on his shoulder

we finally arrived home and as we walked into the house the lights turned on and everyone was here and screamed out

"Welcome Home Andy and Scar"

My friends were there BVB, BOTDF and some of the other bands i know were there as well

I ran and hugged each and every one of these people Andy did too but with the guys he did the 'guy hug' you know the one where they pat each other on the back

"ok who's idea was it to do a welcome home party" i asked Tyler raised his hand up nerviously

i ran over to him and crashed him into a hug "thankyouthankyouthankyou"

we basically spent the night eating food and YUMMY Cake and me dancing with Andy with the loud music obviously being careful with his arm

sadly, everyone had to eventually leave and i went straight up to my room putting my batman sleep wear on and tucked into bed

i then felt the bed sink and i opened my eyes to see Andy climbing into my bed and lying down next to me i smiled and said

"goodnight Andy"

he kissed me softly and said

"goodnight, i love you Scar"

"i love you too"

he then brang me closer to him and he cuddled me and we both fell asleep


AWW!!!! another cute ending

i have nothing to say right now so

bye peeps

pieceskies >_< :P

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