Date Night // Narry AU // Wat...

By Dianarry_

7.3K 236 77

"Dinner at 6?" "promise?" "promise." The start of something terrible. More

7th Period • 1
Shots fired • 2
Windy Forecast • 3
Blue Devil • 4
Seeing Blind • 5
Repetitive • 6
Busted • 7
Busted Again • 8
A relationship? • 9
Babygirl • 10
Love Song • 11
Highway to Hell • 12
Elana's Vision • 13
Cracking the Code • 14
Taking leads • 15
Bloody Sand • 16
Criminal Rendezvous • 17
Blank Space · 18
The Aftermath · 20
Senior Night · The Sequel !!

Final Massacre · 19

238 10 3
By Dianarry_

It all ends here.

3500 words worth of straight chaos.


"It's dark in here." I heard Emily say.

If you remember earlier with the creepy raptors charging at us. We all went down with a pretty good fight. By pretty good fight I mean Harry throwing most punches, Emily screaming and fainting, then of course me who got knocked out on the first hit.

Now we are all sitting in the back of a van, bruised and tied up with bags over our heads. Which is honestly so scary. I'm trying not to have a panic attack but I promise I'm almost there.

"No shit, Em." I say and she groans.

"Where are we going!" Harry yells and then stomping on the ground.

"Is he fucking serious?" Emily asks and I chuckle under my breath.

"Shut the fuck up before I gut you all!" One of the men from up front yells and I felt my heart start to beat quicker and faster. It hurts and I start to have trouble breathing.

Now I am having a panic attack.

"Oh shit babe." I hear Harry begin to panic. He shuffles over to me and I feel his back against mine. I could barely hear him but his prescence started to comfort me. My breathing was irregular and he was doing his best to help me.

"Baby. Think. Listen to me." He says calmly. I try to calm myself and listen but I feel as if I'm going to die.

"Remember our first real date? At the museum?" He says and I close my eyes tight trying to bare through the pain and not faint.

"The music I learned about from Beethoven ? Can you remember your favorite piece?" He asks and I feel myself imagining that night of peace.

"God it was amazing. And the scenery was so beautiful. Remember?" He says talking to me calmly.

"Yes." I grunt out. I remember everything from that night.

Inside we looked at documents of music sheets and read information and fun facts about the artists. As well as making our way to famous composers and directors.

I actually had a great time and shared so much with Harry that he couldn't handle it.

"This is valuable information. You can never know too much about music considering your in a band." I say as we're walking out and I finished telling him about how Beethoven could've had a influence on classical rock.

"Well tonight I'm not worried about Beethoven." He says and pulls me by my waist. He looks down at me as we're exiting the place and smiles.

""I'm worried about you." He says and I smile. I lean up and capture his lips again this evening. Maybe because I like kissing him or maybe I rather kiss him than tell him my feelings aloud.

I pull away and he smiles again. He pulls me to him and I lay my head on his shoulder as we walk.

The night was absolutely amazing. I could never forget being with Harry like that. The love I felt that night couldn't have been any more real.

"Think about that and breathe." He says. I could find myself calming down. He hummed the song hold on by Chord overstreet. I could breathe and relax after a few minutes.

Harry relaxes when I finally collapse against the wall of the van when he asks am I okay. I just breathe in and out slowly so he knows I am.

"You guys are so fucking cute." Emily says and I laugh on the inside. Way to add to our moment Emily.

After maybe five minutes we felt the van jolt and the vehicle stopped immediately. I finally gained enough strength to sit up and lean against Harry's back.

"Let's go ladies." The deep husky voice says that I recognize from the guys earlier. He grabs my right arm and leg to pull me out with their harsh force. He sits me in another mans arms and I feel him carry me somewhere.

"Hey! Don't grab my ass you pervert!" Emily yells like the privileged tomlinson she is. I can only imagine how hard it'll be for them to get Harry. He's lean but not light.

I hear a metal door open and I smell the stench of bleach and wax burning. Plus a hint of iron. After he props the door open I'm guessing he brings me in and sits me on the ground.

When he does, he unties my hands from my feet and ties it to a pole. After maybe five minutes I felt my bag being ripped off my head. I brought my head up to look over and see Harry next to me following with Emily.

"What the hell?" I ask looking around. Its dirt and sand with empty stables. Horses stables.

"Just my luck." Emily says and Harry starts to laugh loudly.

"They sat her in shit." He laughed and I turned to look at him. His cheek was swelling and turning an ugly purple color. Yet he was still laughing and smiling abour stupid things such as horse shit.

"Well." I say and look around. No one is here but us. I frown feeling a bit hopeless at this point because we are probably miles away from a phone and no police protection.

After maybe ten minutes of hearing Harry and Emily argue about switching places even though if he wanted to it wouldn't be possible. We hear a door open and two three individuals walk in carrying a body.

"Oh I love the smell. Is that lavender with a hint of dead body?" The voice of liza says. When the figures come into view we see the two body guards, Louis and them holding a tied up liza.

They throw her on the ground in front of us making dirt kick up in our face. She lands with a squeal and groans at the harsh impact.

"Louis! What the hell is going on!" Emily yells yanking on her ties. She tries so hard and almost breaks free when Louis rolls his eyes.

"Give it a rest." He groans and then combs a hand through his hair before clapping his hands together with a fake smile.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm not good at this whole killing spree thing yet." He says and grabs a wooden chair.

"This dude said yet." Liza says and Louis sits in the chair right in front of us. He then leans forward letting his elbows rest on his knees before he opens his mouth again.

"Questions, comments or concerns?" Louis asks and as if on cue we all start talking at the same time partially yelling at him. It all began to get too much him when he starts to yell.

"Okay shut up!" He yells over us we all quiet down hoping not to be killed tonight.

"Ill start with you, Liza." He says and before she can speak I spoke up.

"Why are we here, Louis? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I snap looking at him with anger in my eyes. Louis was my friend but he was also a killing machine.

"There's a question I can answer." He sits back and sighs. "Well when I figured out you guys knew I had to make a decision. I have to kill you all. It's a hard one though. You guys are my favorite people." He says.

"Louis you can't hide anymore and run away from the law. If you kill us you'll have 9 charges of murder and 4 counts of kidnap." I try to concince him. He rolls his eyes.

"Nah. I don't like that idea." He says and bites his lip.

Harry shakes his head. "Why?" He speaks up making Louis dart his head over to him.

"Hm? Speak louder."  Louis says.

"Why did you kill all of these fucking people?" Harry asks stern.

"Okay now we're getting there." He says and stands up smiling. At this rate Louis is too calm and easily mistaken as a fucking psychopath.

"Well all of these people have hurt me in some kind of way. Giselle killed my grandpa like the conniving bitch she always was, Peyton was such a fucking bitch. I mean Niall you seen it. She humiliated you in the hall and for what? So I hung that bitch sky high and brought you to see what I did for you." He starts off. For me?

"I didn't want her dead, Lou!"

"Your sick." Emily cries.

"And Kim? Oh god. I enjoyed shoving pills down her throat. Which I got from Liam. I showed her not to mess with our family. Now she's in hell rotting. And the thing about Liam. He was easy to influence. I fucked his mind into pushing you into my arms, Niall. Making sure no one would miss him but what do I get?" Louis asks getting into my face. Real close and personal.

"A depressed kid over his stupid death like he ever really mattered. Really? He was a dick to you, my sister and me. I was sick of his shit. So yeah I told him I'd kill him if he spilled my plans but hey! Doesn't really matter right? He almost did with the fucking note. And he is desd now." He says and then sits in a chair.

"Then fucking Lana is always sitting on the porch listening to every thing you say so when she heard me tell echo where I-" he stops at the mention of echo. Then he looks out into space before laughing his ass off.

"And echo slit that kids throat as if she's done it a million times." He says looking up as if it was his favorite fantasy. It was horrifying to hear louis speak this way. How could he be so fucking awful?

We all looked confused. Shocked even. Echo was apart of this and pretended to be a run away? She lies to our faces just like louis did and made us believe she was a victim.

"So echo was apart of this?" Emily asks with her voice shaking.

"Yes bitch. I just said that. She's the one who lured Giselle to me. Helped me. And the three shots Niall?" He says looking over to me.

"Was because it took a few trial runs in to shoot a bitch because she kept moving." He curses and then lays back. "It was easy really. I wasn't planning on killing you guys tho. My beloved friends and family." He smiles and then pulls out a gun from behind his back. Probably from his pants. 

"See kids, you shouldn't have went to see Zayn. He was supposed to die that night but like the asswipe he is for breaking my heart! He lived?" Louis says and starts to point the trigger at us all. I let panic set in because Louis was actually going to kill is all.

"Stop! God just stop lou." Emily cries out while Harry tenses up at the sight of a gun in his face.

"I had a huge heart. I loved everyone but everyone was so fucking mean to me." He says and I remember in the room when he was looking really down. I should've known then. I should've known when I seen that darkness in him that he was a psychopath.

"Damn kid. Your life sucks." Liza says and louis roll his eyes.

"And Liza here didn't want to run away with me. Chickened out when she seen we were actually leaving. Saying she wanted to live with Niall." He groans.

"Like what's with you kid? All these fucking friends that care about you? How do you honestly get them? Act like the church boy you are?" He says letting that awful nickname ring in my ears.

"Because everyone loves Niall. Including me. Then here comes Mr. Harry. Smoking pot in the woods. Running as soon as he seen me. If he would've stopped me, Peyton would be alive and I'd be rotting in jail." He says and crouched down to Harry. "Hows that for a hero?"

"And guys im conflicted. I dont know exactly why I killed these people because hey! I'm fucked in the head."

He turns to us pointing the gun at us and then smiles.

"I have an idea." He snickers to himself. He stands up and he looks to the other side of the stables.

"Lou your being a dick." I say making him stop in his tracks. He turns slowly to look at me evily.

"Shut up." Lou says and Harry piped up.

"No, you shut up and untie us." Harry says.

"Yes, please. My arms are aching in this position." Liza points out.

"Oh Harry has some fucking balls now?" He asks and I look at Harry. He turned to show me something secretly as he went back and forth with Louis.

It was his gun.

"In all honesty Louis, your a fucking asshole. From when I first met you to now. You didn't care what you said to people and you didn't like their responses. Giselle killed your grandpa on accident, Peyton was a girl who hurt your feelings. Don't think we didn't know you didn't want her taking Niall from you." Harry says and he continues. "You killed your stepmom because your father said he felt happier with her. He hurt your feelings too You killed Liam because he was a dick to you? Liam wasn't brainwashed or scared of you. You were more scared of him then he was of you. And you killed Lana because you were scared she'd tell on you."

He takes a breath then smiles. "You were scared of all your victims and instead of confrontation, you killed them." He says and then shakes his head. "Couldn't find a sane way to stop the pain in your life? You just couldn't be happy for the people you loved."

"Just because you have a mental disorder it doesn't excuse your actions. So don't ever think somebody will." He barks and Louis shakes his head on the verge of tears.

"Thank you Harry. For your touching speech." He says and wipes a tear.

"But me and my associate have business to discuss about you guy's death. And how we should do it. So pardon me." Louis says and walks away to the two body guards to reveal Echo and another figure behind her.

I try to strain my eyes to see in the dark but I couldn't see who was behind her. Hopefully it wasn't some new person coming to kill us.

When the person revealed themselves it came to be some girl we haven't met. She was asian and very tall. She carried a knapsack and she wore all black. She also wore her hair down in her face which made her even more scarier.

"Meghan?" Harry says and we all turn to look at him. He stares up at the asian lady in disbelief. She stares back at him with a oddly warm smile.

"Hey Harry." She smiles and drops her sack. Letting it fall to the ground with the sound of metal clank.

"What is going on? Where is milani? What are you doing?" He asks till she crouched down to her sack. She opens it to reveal weapons of every kind.

"Harry. Don't worry about that. I was hired and I'm here to do my job." She says and Louis comes up behind her.

"How do you know princess here?" Lou asks her.

"Im dating his cousin. You know levi?" She says and Louis nods.

"So yeah. He takes care of Milani alot. Too bad he can't anymore." She says and then smiles.

"Well it's been real." She says and leaves without another word. She walks away and pulls out a phone. She then dials something and flashes me the phone screen. I looked at her confused out of my mind as to why she was leaving us high and dry and why she was showing me her phone.

She winks and walks out the door. Leaving the raptors for guard. As louis figures out the deadly weapons on the ground I ignore his taunting words while I thought about what she did.

Then it hit me. She was calling the cops.

I turn to Harry to see him annoyed. "Harry?" I whisper.

"Yeah baby?" He answers.

"Would Meghan happen to be an undercover cop?" I ask and he furrows hos eyebrows.

"She never talked about her job. But she was the one who suggested I register myself with a gun to protect myself." He says and then shrugs.

"I'll never know why."

We hear a gun being loaded and turn towards Louis. He was staring at the gun in awe as if it were his favorite toy.

"Alright here's my idea." He says and lays the weapons out to our display.

"I think I should let you guys choose how you will die." He says and smiles, biting his lip.

"Um. Emily, you first baldy." He says and she licks her lips and seals them. She hasn't said a word at all.

"Honestly just fucking stomp me to death because this parade your throwing is boring me!" Liza yells at louis and he deeply breathes and yells at her to shut up.

Liza has said so much shit to Louis yet louis hasn't killed her yet.

"Now Em. Choose now or I'll choose for you. " He says and I feel fear begin to set in all over again. He gets impatient with her and grabs her wrist ties harsh. He yanks them off and grabs her.

"Now its showtime." He growls and throws Emily's body to the ground.

She whimpers and looks up to him with tears in her blue eyes. She afraid and she knows she might die tonight. He reaches down and strikes her twice, closed fist making her let out cries of pain. It was unbearable to hear.

"Please make this stop." I whine out.

He begins to kick her hard in her ribs. She is whining out trying to block his hits desperately and I begin to shake. I felt heavy tears fall down my face as she screamed for Louis to stop. But he was too angry.

Harry hung his head low and squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't want to hear this and neither did we.

"For crying out loud lou! Just fucking stop!" Liza yells and Louis stops in his tracks above his bloody sister.

He walks over to liza laying in front of us and he grabs her by her hair. He then drags her over to where Emily was and presses her face into the mud.

She groans and then he lets her head up for her to breathe. She comes up and spits out blood mixed with dirt.

"Is that the best you've got?" She asks and he looks at her with rage. He just slams her head back into the mud making her cry out when he returns to Emily.

She is barely responsive at this point and probably unconscious. He straddles her lap carefully and whips out a pocket knife. I then turn my head away to hear nothing but screams. Loud, gut wrenching screams from Emily.

"Help!" She screams and when it was over Louis then turns to me. Blood was all over the lower half of his shirt and his blade was soaked in blood. He smiled at me.

"Oh church boy." He sings out to me. I just break down and start crying harder than before. He's going to kill me.

I quickly turn to Harry with tears in my eyes.  He's yanking at his ties trying desperately to get free and I know he wants to be my super hero but its not going to happen this time.

"Harry I just want you to know that I love you so much and I will never ever forget about you. Even afterlife I will forever love you and everything we had. I love you so much." I cry and he starts to cry himself yanking on the ties harder.

"I love you too baby. My sunshine. My everything." He cries and Louis rolls his eyes again. He cuts off my vision of Harry and holds up the blade.

"That's enough love birds. I've heard enough." He says and I cry out.

"Louis please!" And it all happened in slow motion. All I heard was a gunshot and Louis was on the ground screaming in pain. My eyes were wide and blood was splattered all over me.

I slowly look up to see Harry cradling his gun in his hands and the ties around his wrist that had cut through skin just for Harry to break free.

He was breathing heavily when we heard a bang at the door and the swat team burst in along with my mother and paramedics. Harry dropped to his knees and unwrapped my hands from the pole above me. He then pulled me into a tight hug.

He was shaking and crying into my chest. I couldn't blame him. I was a mess too. Harry was whispering to me things I couldn't understand but I knew it was ending in sunshine.

"Okay boys. Lets go." I heard my mother say softly behind me. She rested her hand on my back and waited until Harry and I were done.

"I love you, sunshine." He whispers finally.

"I love you too, Harry."


Alright here it is ladies. The finale.

Stay tuned for the last bit of this short story next chapter.

Comment your thoughts on what happened.

Were you even surprised ?

And did i do a good job of writing this book?

Later bubs ✌✌✌✌

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