We're faking it (A Camren Fan...

By hoplessromantic143

885K 19.8K 15.9K

Lauren and Camila have always been best friends, sisters, ROD's, partners in crime and all that good stuff ev... More

We're faking it (The Camren Shippers Strike Back)
Facing the girls
Facing the boys
Facing the world
Facing our families
The Effects of a Thunder Storm
Facing The Truth
The plan
The Interview
The kidnapping of Karla Camila Cabello
It's Not You. It's Me.
The Date
The Misunderstanding
Oxygen Part Two
Morgado Jauregui Michelle Lauren June 27 1996
Age 17, 1407 El Matator Beach
This Skinny Love of Mine
Welcome Home
Peaceful Slumbers
The Effect of Nightmares
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt. 1
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.2
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.3
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.4
Contusion Lauren vs Subconcious Lauren Pt.5
Contusion Lauren vs Subconscious Lauren Pt.6
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.7
Contusion Lauren vs Subcontious Lauren Pt.8

Forever? (FINAL)

25.9K 676 553
By hoplessromantic143

Narrator's POV

In the background of Lauren's pain, Dinah decided to play it. She played a thousand years from her phone, in order to help aid the situation, by making it more meaningful.

Once she set her phone down on the soft, grainy sand, she cautiously made her way back to the girls who worried over Lauren's condition.

"Guys should we call someone?" Ally asked with full concern evident in her voice.

"No." Dinah instantly answered. "She gets these pains when her heads trying to tell her something. Let's wait it out a little longer."

"Are you sure I mean-" Mani began to say.

"Aghhh!" Lauren screamed.

"Yes. She'll be okay. She's a fighter." Camila reassured them.

"Okay... I'll keep my phone ready just in case though." Ally informed them.

Camila nodded and redirected her full attention to the green eyed girl who trembled in agonizing pain.


Lauren's POV

I heard music begin to fill my ears, but all that ran through my head were the gush of images and longer images that seemed to drag on into something longer. I held onto my head and clenched my hair into tight fists. I clenched my teeth as I tried to cope with the pain, but it was no use. This pain was something I had never felt before. It hurt worse than remembering the incident. It hurt worse then Camila leaving me. And that was because, as tears rolled down my cheeks in excruciating pain, I remembered everything.

The Booth

"Hi, I'm Camila."

I wave. "I'm Lauren."

"I...like your shirt." She blurted out awkwardly.

I smiled at her awkwardness.



"Where are you from?" Camila asked sitting next to me.


"No way! Me too!" She beamed, "Okay, so-"


My last audition

"You got this." Camila encouraged.

I took a deep breath and walked onto the stage.


Going Home

"We're sorry but you're all eliminated." Simon said sadly.

I put my hand over my mouth, keeping back the tears.

When I got back to the room with all the other contestants, my back slid down against the wall as I broke down.

"Hey it's okay." Mani half smiled, putting ,a supportive hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Lo..." I heard Camila's voice tremble. "J-" She said before she engulfed me in a hug and we began to cry together.

"We need all the contestants to take a seat." A worker said, then left.

We did what she said and a few moments later, she came back and called out names,


Lauren Jauregui


Camila Cabello


Dinah Jane Hansen


Ally Brook Hernandez


Normani Koredi

Come with me. "


"As you are, you guys will move on to compete at the judges homes." Simon revealed.

Me and Camila both turned to look at each other and squealed in joy, hugging eachother.


Random flashback

I was talking to Keaton back stage and noticed Camila eyeing us. I excused myself from him and asked her what was wrong.

She looked embarrassed and shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing."

"Liar." I cooed.

Then pulled her into my side and hugged her.


Before a performance

Camila seemed a little weird. Almost as if she was a bit off but I instantly knew what was wrong with her.


She turned to look at me, "Yeah?"

"What's wrong?" I asked putting a supportive hand on her shoulder.

"It's nothing." She claimed avoiding my gaze.

"You know I can read you like an open book. I can tell the second that your feeling a little nervous..." I said as her eyes widened at my words.

"Is that what's wrong? Are you nervous?"

She bit her lip tentatively before she answered, "Yeah..." She half sighed.

"Listen to me..." I said putting my finger under her chin to raise her head to look at me. "Your amazing alright? Don't doubt yourself. We got this, babe."

She smiled at my words and scrunched up her nose.


"Heart beats fast, colors and promises. How to be brave how can I love when I'm afraid to fall. Watching you Stand alone, all of my doubts certainly goes away somehow. One step closer." Camila sang, then looked straight at me after words, meeting my gaze.

Shit. Why had I been staring at her? Ugh whatever.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years." We all sang.

I couldn't help but met Camila's intense gaze for a brief moment before I sang my part, "Time stands still beauty in all she is, every breath. Every hour has come to this. Once step closer." I finished then glanced at Camila who smiled like a cute idiot.



"It's what I want to to for the rest of my life." Camila smiled.

"With me." I joked, lovingly stroking her cheek with my index finger.

"No." She played along.



"Come on admit it."

"Yeah..." She gave in.

I nuzzled my nose into her hair.


"They call her Mila and I call her Camz." I explained.

Over the massive mumbles of the girls, Camila turned to me and put her hand on my head briefly, squeezed it and lightly moved it from side to side. She then half whispered, "Because you're special to me."

I smiled instantly and said, "I love you."

She scrunched up her nose in that cute way she always does, "I love you too."


"Who's your celebrity crush?" I read off a phone.

"Chris brown! Zayn Malik..." I heard the other girls murmur.

"Mine's Lauren." I heard Camila say.

I turned my head and gave her a loving smile then hugged her.


"Have you guys heard of camren?" Chelsea Briggs asked.

"Yeah... yeah... it like our relationship name." Camila explained.

"Is it weird having your fans talk about it like that?" She asked emphasizing the word that.

"You know what ever floats their boat." Camila shrugged.

"Yeah whatever floats their boat." I repeated.


"Who are you kissing under the mistletoe?" Chelsea asked.

"Um..." I thought. "I don-"

"Me!" Camila blurted out.

I turned to look at her in surprise, "What? No?"

"Oh? Never mind!" She said almost in unison with me.

"Well?" Chelsea quirked her brow.

The question still remained.

"Um... I don't know there's so many options." I said turning to look at Camila and furrowed my brows slightly at the thought.


I felt someone's stare during the interview. I turned to meet Camila's gaze. It was weird, but nice. We looked into each other's eyes deeply. It felt as if our eyes were magnets attracted to each other. I swore that we were eye flirting and I didn't mind because Camila honestly looked stunning in her outfit today. It was until I heard someone yell, "OH MY GOD CAMREN!!! RECORD THIS." At that instant Camila and I both dropped our intense gaze.


I walked into our room to ask Camila if she was ready to go watch the new spider man movie. We've been dying to see it for weeks now and we were finally going. It was mostly because of her though, she was preoccupied with Austin and tour. But today was finally the day.

I poked my head into the door and smiled, "You ready?"

"Lauren!" She said looking up. "Hey. Listen can we reschedule? I'm sorry it's jus Au-"

I put my hand up to stop her, "Yeah. It's okay." I said suppressing a smile.

She smiled and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you. I'll see you later alright?" She said pulling away and literately sprinting out the door.

I sighed. I don't know why it bothered me. I was just insanely jealous all the time. I felt... like I was loosing my best friend, or at least that's what I thought I felt.


"What Are you guys looking forward to on tour?" An interviewer asked.

"Cute boys!" One of the girls squealed.

"Yes. Cute boys." I joked, but then realized that it didn't sound like a joke. "I'm just kidding, I have a boyfriend. Yes, a boyfriend."

Everyone else laughed at my flustered ness but Camila who rolled her eyes.


We were in a twitcam with all of the girls. I was right beside Camila, as she chewed on one of her bows. I looked at her and shook my head lightly as I watched her chew on the bow. She was such a dork. She suddenly turned to look at me, our faces not too far apart. She flashed me a smile, because she knew that I had been silently laughing at her silliness. My gaze suddenly dropped to her mouth as I watched her twist the bow between her teeth. I later found my self staring at her lips and she did the same. I heard someone clear their throats due to the many camren comments we were getting. In that moment we played it off. Acting as if nothing happened.


We came out of our dressing rooms to get ready to record our next clip of boss. I couldn't help but stare at Camila as she did the same back.


I woke up to someone's mumbling. "No Austin...Lauren..." She sounded as if she was protesting. "Lauren..." She smiled lovingly then fell back asleep.

I shook my head and murmured "Dork."


Camz and I were sitting on the couch in the lounge back stage. I was looking through tumblr feed when I noticed Austin eye humping Camila. Camz on the other hand was oblivious and talking to Dinah. I suddenly felt my arm snake around her waist and hold her protectively to my side. She turned to look at me with a confused expression. I avoided her gaze and glared at Austin.


"What can you say about Lauren?" A fan asked.

"What can I say?" Camila asked rhetorically. "Well, hmm... she has a very good way with words, she's very eloquent. And she's really good at speaking. And she's very smart...-"

I smiled at her words, "Thanks babe."


She was talking to him. Back stage I saw the two of them talking and it boiled my blood to a simmering steam. I hated watching her laugh at him because he was such a prick. I cared genuinely for her and certainly cared about who she dated. She deserved only the best and he wasn't even close to that.

"Lauren?" I heard Luis break me out of my deep thought.

Oh yes, I have a boyfriend. Yes, Lauren a boyfriend.

"Hmm?" I said turning away for a brief second before I eyed them again.


"Yeah so-"

"BOO!" I heard Camila yell and jump up from behind me.

I jumped a little at her unexpected touch and yell.

I turned to meet her attentive look, "Hey, what's up?" I asked putting my hand on her arm.

"Nothing I just wanted to scare you. I was hoping for a bigger reaction-"

"I'm in an interview." I interrupted, pointing at the camera man.

"So? I can still scare you whenever I want." She sweetly but huskily said.

I quirked my brow at her words and shook my head lightly. Dork.


Camila had been felling sick ever since this morning. We felt as if we should wait it out, just in case she would get better. But she didn't. We ended up calling 911, to take her to the ER. It turned out that she had been dehydrated. I wanted to stay with her but we had a concert in Philly, so I had to leave with the rest of the girls.

I worried about her so much that I almost messed up on most of my solos. But after the show I sent a her a text saying, " Hey Camz, we missed you. It wasn't the same without you 😔, I hope your doing better babe. We love you. Get well soon."


She started typing but stopped. I could imagine why. Then after a few minutes she texted back.


"The fans crave Camren and your 'relationship'. They crave it so much that they want it to be real and have convinced themselves that it needs to. So, we need you both to date or at least fake being in a relationship. It's the only way to get your fans back and increase our numbers. I've already talked to the label and they agree, they think it's a pretty good idea."

"WHAT?!" Camila and I both yelled in unison.


"...It seems like they need a little convincing."

I stood up and brought Camila with me. I then turned to the crowd and yelled, "Why would I need to do any convincing when I can just do this?" I turned to face Camila and placed my hands on her hips. In a swift move I pulled her into my body and kissed her.

...sparks..shivers..butterflies.. her...

Holy shit.


"But how did you know?" Camila asked surprised.

"Honey, come on now. The kisses on the cheek, the long hugs, the unintentional lovey dovey statements, holding hands, cuddles? and the way you both look at eachother... you guys really couldn't stop giving us hints." Sinu said.

" And you guys are okay with it?" Lauren and I both blurted out simultaneously.

They all nodded.

Alejandro smiled slightly then said " Mija we all talked about it, a few months back and I couldn't be more happy to know that Lauren will be by your side through everything... I trust that she'll take good care of you."

"Same goes for you Lauren... We couldn't be happier that Camila is the one." My mother smiled.

I whispered under my breath, "What. The. Fuck."


I woke up to thunder but more importantly to Camila's trembling. I tried to calm her down, but nothing worked and the next thing I knew, I was kissing her. And I felt it all over again. Those stupid butterflies and these weird feelings that friends shouldn't be feeling. Through my confliction, she had calmed and that couldn't of had made me any more happier.


The next morning, Camila tried to tell me something after a brief conversation about how I 'helped' her last night.

"Lauren I..." She began to say until the prick barged in and interrupted her.

She instantly ran into his arms and ignored my presence. When I saw them kiss, I couldn't take it anymore and ran to Dinah's room. Once I was in there I broke down completely. And before I knew it I had revealed the real reason why I had been crying.

"Dinah... I love her!" I revealed. "Fuck... I really do love her." I finished in realization.


Dinah and the girls had convinced me to make Camila fall in love with me and had devised a plan for it. I had a hot make out session with her in the elevator, which made her look more conflicted than satisfied but I knew that I had succeeded when she had ran her thumb across my lips in an attempt to then trap them between hers. But the doors opened before she could...


"...I will never stop my fatal attempt to make you fall in love with me. I'll probably die trying but it would be an honor to die everyday waiting for you. No matter how long it takes... because honestly Camila, I love you."


"I want you to be the person who teaches me how to love. To teach me what love is." Camila smiled.


"Look," Camila began. "At first we were faking it but now..."

"We're not." I finished.

Both guys were absolutely surprised.

Austin raised his brow "What?"

" I feel in love with Camila." I said looking into Luis's eyes.

Luis remained calm and took a deep breath.

"And I'm starting to fall for her." Camila admitted.

Austin ran his hand through his hair. Both angry and upset, he then said " What the hell, man!"


She nuzzled her nose into my neck then laid her head on my shoulder.

"Your so whipped." She told me.

"Like frosting on a cake." I said with a big cheeky smile.

She giggled. Then there was a silence.

"Lauren..." She said.


"You're doing a really good job." She admitted.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Of making me fall more in love with you everyday."

"Woah. Already falling on the first date? Damn I'm good." I joked.

"Your such a dork, LoLo."

"Yeah, but I'm your dork." I smiled.


"I win." I smirked as I straddled Camila and pinned her down by her wrists.

She rolled her eyes and punched my arm playfully.

Then the door suddenly flew open.

"Yo Camren, breakfast then rehearsal." Dinah said before popping her head into the door way.

"Jesus!" She said covering her eyes. "There are other people in this house... Let a girl know!" Dinah said closing the door.


"I want to make you mine...forever. Camila Cabello, will you be my girl friend?" I asked looking deep into her chocolate brown orbs.

She had been speechless and that began to worry me.


She shook her head lightly. "Sorry." She said then hugged me. " And Yes Lauren. The answer is yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

I smiled and pulled away from the hug. Then removed the ring from the box and asked for her hand. She gladly gave me her left hand. I slid the ring on on her ring finger.

"What does it say?" She asked, squinting at the words.

"It says, Forever? And on the inside...it has my name engraved. " I explained, opening the other box. I then took out a silver necklace with a engraved ring hanging from it. "And Mine says Forever. And has your name engraved in it."


Camila shook her head. " I can't.. I can't leave you."

My eyes began to fill with tears. " Camila go. Now."

"No. No." She said shaking her head as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I crashed our lips together. For one last kiss before... She had to leave. I had to, just to feel her lips pressed against mine once more before I'd submit my life for the girl I loved. I cupped her cheeks and practically pleaded, "Camila, I love you. Please."


...Everything in between was our journey through the effect that the incident had on me. I had lost my memory, and forgotten our journey to fame, forgotten how to love hard and forgotten the love I had for her.


"I love you Lauren. I am truly, madly, deeply and foolishly in love with you."


Narrator's POV

Lauren had held her head in excruciating pain, until Camila's confession had brought her back to the world. She instantly fell forward into Camila's arms. She had been too tired to hold up her own weight let alone think about anything.

"Lauren? Oh my god. Lauren? Are you okay?" Camila said shaking her a bit.

Lauren was conscious and opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and clouded. After a few seconds of blinking and rubbing her eyes, she regained her sight. She was able to see her friends and her beloved girlfriend. She smiled and answered, "Never better baby." before she fell back into Camila's arms.

Camila's eyes began to fill with tears."Lauren? Did you-" Camila said as her voice cracked.

Lauren felt like there was no need to answer that question. So instead she kissed her girlfriends collar bone. Camila felt shivers run through her body. Although, Lauren's actions had made her answer pretty clear. Camila needed to hear it confirmed verbally.

"Lauren? Babe. Please answer me."

"Yes Camz. I remembered." Lauren said smiling into her neck.

The girls squealed in joy and Camila's tears flowed effortlessly down her cheeks. Lauren felt the dampness of her girlfriends tears above her head. She slowly sat up and caressed her cheek.

"Why are you crying? I'm back babe."

Camila sniffled, "Why? Because... I can't believe it. I can't believe that you're really back." She said, her voice cracking a little at the end.

Lauren smiled at her girlfriends cuteness. "Yes baby, I'm back. Thanks to you."

"Ehem." Dinah said.

"Thanks to all of you." Lauren said in acknowledgement.

She then redirected her full attention to her sobbing girlfriend. She knew that she wouldn't be able to calm her down verbally so instead she kissed her passionately on the lips. Camila instantly calmed and responded to the kiss. Their lips collided effortlessly and violently, missing each other more than they ever did before. Each kiss was full of pure, raw emotion and love. Savoring them as if they would be their last and savoring the moment that would last a life time.

When air had become a problem. The girls pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other's.

"I love you so much Lauren. I'm so sorry I didn't get to tell you sooner. But I love you okay? I really freaking love you." Camila said breathlessly, cupping the green eyed girl's cheeks.

"I know baby. I know. I love you too." Lauren smiled then kissed her girlfriend's nose.

"I feel like this is a dream, I-"

"It's not. I'm here...Forever? Okay?" Lauren told her referring to their rings.

"No."Camila retorted.

"What?" Lauren asked a bit surprised by her girlfriends answer.

"That's not long enough." Camila simply said, grasping Lauren's hand and turning it over for her to read the engraving on it, "Eternity?" Lauren read quirking a brow at her girlfriend's adorable intention.

"For an Eternity." Camila confirmed before she crashed their lips together in a passionate but supple, heart pounding kiss. Marking the beginning of a peaceful eternal bliss.


A/n: Fin. Guys. I can't express how much it meant to me that you guys have read along their journey of love. I can't thank you enough for continuing to read this story and I can't express the absolute gratitude that I have for each and every one of you. If you guy haven't heard yet. The second Camren fic is up. It's called The Girl NextDoor (A Camren Fanfic) . And the new you/ fic is called Fifth times a charm. Look for them on my profile or search them up if you wish too. Thank you so much again. You guys are the best.

Much Love,


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