The Long Way Home

By Farley_Moon

23.1K 846 116

After being attacked in the world of the living, Ichigo must try and find the culprit in the Soul Society. U... More

The Long Way Home
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part 10
Part 11

Part Two

2.4K 94 4
By Farley_Moon

The blanket was quite cool.  Soft against his skin.  A breeze from an open window was flowing over his face.  He didn’t really want to get up; wasn’t he off school today?  Couldn’t he have a lie-in every once in a while?

He heard voices although he couldn't make out what they were saying.
Ichigo smiled.  Rukia.  She was back. 

He opened his eyes. 

The first thing he noticed was that he didn’t know where he was.  He didn’t know this place.  An unnamed panic swiftly tightened his chest and he felt a sudden, soothing sensation that he knew was Zangetsu.  Peace, Ichigo

“You decided to wake up then, huh?

Ichigo sat up.  “Renji?”  He looked around the room he was in and suddenly realised where he was.  “Is this the Kuchki house?” The wall opposite his bed had a large mural on it, a scene depicting a large battle.  Samurai’s fighting to the death.

Renji was sat with his feet up on Ichigo's bed   He took his feet off the sheets, as if Ichigo had reminded him were he was and what his Captain would do if he saw it.  He'd get looked at. 

“Yeah.” Renji leaned forward on the bed and looked him over thoroughly.  “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.  Why?  And while we're at it, what am I doing in the Soul Society?  And in the Kuchki residence, no less.”

“I don’t know if I'm the one to be telling you this.” The 6th Division Lieutenant shrugged.  “But...” 

Ichigo saw how uncomfortable his friend was.  “What!?

“Ok, Ok.  What's the last thing you remember before waking up?”

“Uh...”  Ichigo searched through his memories.  “I...”  He tried to remember, but there was this huge ball of panic shaped blackness in his mind.  “I...  I fought and killed a Hollow.  Then I went home, obviously."

Renji shook his head.  “You're missing out on what happened when you got home.” Renji sighed and reached out his hand, giving Ichigo what he thought was a comforting squeeze.  “You were attacked.”

At that moment, the door to the bedroom slid open, with Rukia and her brother coming in. 

“You're awake, I see.” Byakuya stood by the door as he closed it.

Rukia came up to the bed, smiling.  “Ichigo! You had us all so worried.”  Unable to help herself she gave him a hug. 

Ichigo turned back to Renji.  “I lost in a fight?”

Rukia tutted and glared at Renji, but the Lieutenant took no notice of it.

“You didn't lose in a fight.
“A coward attacked you.  From the shadows.  He hid himself in your room and when you were least expecting it, attempted to kill you.”

“Attempted to what!”  Ichigo threw back the sheets he was under only to find himself naked.   He quickly covered himself back up, cheeks burning as he avoided looking at Rukia.  “Damn-it!  Where's my clothes?”

“Removed.  For your comfort.”  Ichigo glared at Byakuya.

“There is more to it, Ichigo.” The tone of Rukia’s voice brought his attention away from her brother.

He looked at all their faces. “What are you not telling me?”

Renji and Rukia looked at one another but it was Byakuya who spoke.  “You were shot with a gun.  Your father informed Rukia that you briefly died on the operating table as they removed the bullet from your brain.”

Rukia nodded.  “That was two days ago, Ichigo.”

Ichigo slumped back on to the cushions of his bed.  He was looking right at Byakuya and knew there was more.  He closed his eyes.  “What else?”

He sensed rather than saw Byakuya move to the foot of his bed.  “They have still to assess the seriousness of the damage. They are not...certain of your survival.  They have placed you in a coma in the hope that it will aid in your recovery.”

The room was silent as they let Ichigo take in what was said.  Which he was having trouble doing to be honest. 

His eyes flew open. “Karin! Yuzu!  What about my dad, did they-"

Byakuya held his hand up.  “Rest assured.  They were not injured.  Your father is a credit to you.  He kept you alive.  If he had not been at hand then you surely would have died there and then.”

“If you had not been close at hand, brother, Ichigo might have been tethered by his chain of fate.”

“What?”  Ichigo didn’t understand.  It seemed like there was nothing about this he could understand.  “I thought I broke my chain when I became a Soul Reaper.”
Renji spoke this time.  “You did.  But you're still a mortal, Ichigo.  You have a body in the real world.  We don't.   When you die in the real world you come to the Soul Society just like everyone else.  Well, actually no one is sure what way it would work out when it comes to you.  There is nothing normal about your powers, Ichigo.   Most people come here or are born here and then find their Soul Reaper powers.  You have them already plus you have a mortal body.  But you were still in shimigami form when you were attacked. Just. Captain Kuchki got you here before your body could trap you.”  He shook his head. “We think it would have trapped you as you aren’t dead, but in a coma.”  He smacked his fist into his hand. “Whoever it was that done this is a damn coward!”

Ichigo stayed silent.  It was almost too much to take in.  Finally a question came to mind that he had to ask.

“Does anyone know why this happened?”

The three Soul Reapers looked at one another.  “We three have talked about it.  In the World of the Living, as flesh and blood, you are nothing special, Ichigo.”

Ichigo felt a smile creep on to his lips at that.  “Can't really argue with you there.”

Rukia returned the smile.  “But here, you are one of the strongest warriors connected to the Soul Reapers.  Your reputation has spread.  Your skills lauded by your peers.  We believe that your attack in the World of the Living, came from here.”

“You think someone from the Soul Society wants me dead?” Ichigo could hardly believe it.

“A coward attacked you in the world of the living.  Such a dastardly act would be a lot harder to accomplish here, were you are at your strongest.” Byakuya scowled, “It is in your mortal form that you are most vulnerable. An attack here would likely result in their death, not yours.  What benefit it might bring to an enemy is as of yet, unknown.  But I do believe that enemy is here.  In the Soul Society.”

“So what am I supposed to do?”  All Ichigo wanted to do was pick up his sword and fight.

“Well,” said Rukia.  “We have come to the conclusion that no one must know you are here.  As such, you must remain here-"

“No!  No way!  I'm not hiding here waiting!” A scowl crossed his face.  “I want to find the bastard that did this and- and-"

“Kill him?” asked Rukia.

“Yes!” said Renji.  Ichigo nodded his agreement.

“Neither of you will do any such thing!”  Byakuya rarely let emotion taint his voice, but there was anger in it now.

“Yes Captain.” Renji bowed his head, suitably chastised.

“You're not my Captain! You can’t stop me-"

“Having learned a little of how hot headed you are, I know it would be difficult for you to remain here.”
Byakuya arched an eyebrow.  “That is why I am proposing that we should disguise you."

“Ichigo has next to no control in restraining his spiritual pressure.  No matter the disguise, he would be instantly discovered.” Said Rukia.

“Which is why I propose we disguise it for him.  Physical attributes can then be changed. He will be another face in the crowd.”  Byakuya reached in to his robes and pulled out a leather cord on which hung a carved piece of stone.

“Put this on, Ichigo.”

Byakuya tossed the amulet to Ichigo, who caught it and examined it.  “What is it?”

“It is made of Sekkiseki stone.  It will sap you of enough of your spiritual energy to make you appear you have next to none.  You will be simply be a distant relative of mine, visiting the Soul Society to ascertain if it is a suitable calling.”  Byakuya shrugged.  “Darken your hair, perhaps some glasses and in more tradition garb, no one will recognise you as we go about our investigations.”

“It could work, I suppose.”  Ichigo stared at the necklace in his hand.  Then he realised something.  “Hey!  What about Orihime?”  Ichigo sat up straighter in his bed.  “She has healing powers!  She could heal me.”

Renji and Rukia couldn’t help themselves as they exchanged glances.  Ichigo felt his fear rising again.  “What?  What is it you’re not telling me?”

Rukia looked to her brother, who nodded his head in approval.  “I’m sorry, Ichigo.  Orihime was found unconscious in her apartment.  She lies in a bed in the very same hospital that you are in.”

Renji took up the story.  “She was found unconscious by Uruyu.  Your father rang your closest friends to tell them what had happened.  Orihime never answered any of the calls to her.  Uruyu was on his way to see her when your father rang him.  He found her unconscious on the floor and called an ambulance.

The young Soul Reaper grew angrier than he thought possible.  Everyone in the room felt the pressure rise as his spirit raged.  “Did they try and kill Orihime too?"

From what we have been able to gather from reports from your friends, no one at the hospital can figure out what is wrong with her.  They’re still running tests.”  Renji scowled.  “Taken by itself, I would have thought this was an illness, but both you and her on the same night?  It’s connected.  It has to be.  Attacking an innocent girl!  What cowards!”

“We will find out what is behind all this, Ichigo.”  Rukia said.  She could see the anger building in Ichigo and his spiritual pressure was starting to rise.

“If they’ve hurt her, they’ll pay for it.”  No one doubted his statement.  There was silence for a moment or two.

“There’s something I don’t get though.  Killing me in the World of the Living, only brings me here.  As a Soul Reaper I have my powers.  Any attack here and I’ll fight.  What’s the purpose behind all this?  Who have I pissed off that much that’s still alive?”

“They waited until they thought you were back in your body.  They wanted you dead but now think you are in a coma. Trapped in your own flesh. Perhaps they believe you would have been striped of your power?”  Rukia shrugged her shoulders.  “We don’t have all the answers yet.  But we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”  She reached out and took Ichigo’s hand in her own.  “Renji and I are going back to the World of the Living.  No one will know the true reason for our presence.  We’ll find out what happened to Orihime and who shot you.”

“I want to help!”

She could see the pain in his eyes.  She wanted to comfort him and reassure him, but she knew this man in front of her.  She squeezed his hand.  “We are your friends.  By our honour, and devotion to that friendship you can trust us to be tireless in our efforts, Ichigo Kurosaki.”

Renji stood and nodded.  “We will not give up.  You have our word on that.”

Byakuya moved over to the bed and removed the necklace that was in Ichigo’s hand and carefully placed it around his neck.

“Wow,” said Renji.  “That thing certainly took out a lot of your spiritual pressure and then some!”

Byakuya simply nodded.  “Go.  Maintain your regular duties while patrolling Kurakura town.  Express your concern to Kurosaki’s family and let Isshin know that his son is safe and under my protection.   Investigate in secret.  Tell no one there what we believe.  We do not yet know who is watching and whom we may trust.”

“Of course, brother.”

“Yes Sir.  We’ll find those answers.”

They both bowed and left the room.

Ichigo flopped back down on the bed.

“I feel so useless!”

“It is only temporary, Ichigo Kurosaki.”

“That doesn’t matter, Byakuya!  I just want to…”

Byakuya moved over to the desk by the window and brought over a chair to sit next to the bed.  “A warrior must know how to fight on all fronts. That includes learning patience and waiting for the right moment to strike.”

Ichigo put his arm over his eyes.   “Patience isn’t exactly a virtue of mine.” He sighed.  “Why are things never easy?”

Byakuya didn't reply.  The room fell to silence and before long, Byakuya heard the soft regular breathing of someone fast asleep. He didn’t rise immediately but sat there watching the young soul reaper sleeping.

Eventually, he rose from his seat to pull the curtains by the window.  The sun was setting and red streaked an azure sky.  For almost an hour Byakuya stood there and watched the sun finally sink below the horizon. 
He pulled the curtains closed and made his way to the door.  Byakuya paused as his hand fell on ridge of the door, turning to look at the still figure on the bed.  “Rest Well, Ichigo Kurosaki.  Tomorrow will bring many challenges.  For both of us.”

He slipped out of the room with barely a sound.

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