Incipient | Book #2 [Complete...

By krystall_xoxo

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Book #2 in the EMERGENT series Other books in the series includes; Book #1 :- IMMORTAL (Completed) Book #3... More

Author's Note
Cast List
Xar'an's POV
Chapter 1: Dead And Alive And Dead Again
Chapter 2: In A Box
Chapter 3: A Town Called Terla
Chapter 4: Look Alive
Chapter 5: Without You, Things Will Get Ugly
Chapter 6: All Things Missing
Chapter 7: An Interesting Turn Of Events
Chapter 8: Ghost
Chapter 9: Her Name Was...
Chapter 9.5: Force Like That Of A Tornado
Chapter 10: You Are A Blue Blood, Child
Chapter 11: Seeking Answers
Chapter 12: I Think I Have Killed Someone
Chapter 13: Welcome To The Bermuda Triangle
Chapter14: The Shop
Chapter 15: Guilty But Unaware
Chapter 16: The Flames Of Betrayal
Chapter 17: Don't Scream Just Yet
Chapter 18: The Raging Fire
Chapter 19: Breaking and Entering
Chapter 20: Revelations From The Black Forest
Chapter 21: Spells And Guns
Chapter 22: The Blue Blood Killer Is...
Chapter 23: Murderers In A Cell
Chapter 24:Dreams In A Flower Field
Chapter 25: Two Souls, One Body
Chapter 26: Deception And Escapes
Chapter 27: Cry Blood
Chapter 28: Follow The Hijacked
Chapter 29: What Did The Voices Say?
Chapter 30: A Soul For A Soul
Chapter 31: Kill Or Be Killed
Chapter 32: Prisoner Of Death
Chapter 33: A Little Game
Chapter 34: A Dangerous Place
Chapter 35: Dying To Escape
Chapter 36: Mistakes Were Made
Chapter 37: Monsters
Chapter 38: Blame The Flames
Chapter 39: In The Flesh
Chapter 40: Floating Arrows
Chapter 40.5: The Rebirth
Chapter 41: Pain And Bruises
Chapter 42: Declaration Of War?
Chapter 43: Into The Black Forest
Chapter 44: Before Your Very Eyes
Chapter 45: In The Flesh
Chapter 46: The City Of Atlantis
Chapter 47: Home To Xylanthia
Chapter 48: At Long Last
Chapter 49: Pro Terra
Bonus Chapter: Give Them Hell


67 8 18
By krystall_xoxo

** A picture of Calvin/Theron played by the handsome Zayn Malik in the media box**

**Listen to Battle cry by imagine dragons**

Nobody can save me now
The only sound
Is the battle cry
Is the battle cry
Is the battle cry
Nobody can save me now
It's do or die

**Five years after Lynette's death**

(A/N: This is Five years after the epilogue of the first book IMMORTAL)

From the last few chapters of the first book IMMORTAL, Calvin regained his lost memories and disvovered his true identity. His real name is Theron and that's what he will be addressed as from now on.

**Theron's POV**

I watched as Aeliana brushed Aquila's hair, telling her a story that made her giggle. I couldn't help the smile that pulled at my lips as I watched them.

"Theron, look what wonderful job Aeliana has done on my hair!" Aquila called out to me with a huge grin on her face.

Clasping my hands behind me, I straightened my posture and walked up to them, giving Aeliana a warm smile as she looked up at me. I tried to look composed in front of the beautiful brunette even though I was everything but. Aeliana always took my breath away with each and every glance I took at her.

"She put beautiful flowers in my hair!" My little sister's excited voice drew my attention away from Aeliana and down to her. Her eyes lit up as she grinned with happiness.

"Beautiful flowers for the beautiful princess." Aeliana cooed, poking Aquila's nose playfully and the little one giggled, wiggling her little nose. "All done." She said as she made a final touch to Aquila's black, wavy hair.

"How do I look, brother?" Aquila beamed at me, tilting her head backwards in order to look up at me.

"You look like the most beautiful princess in the entire world." I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, causing her to giggle before returning the gesture. "Did you thank Aeliana for getting your hair done?"

"Thank you, Aeliana!" Aquila appreciated Aeliana as she glanced in her direction, giving her a big grin. "Theron, may I please go show my hair off to my friends?" She asked, giving me a pleading look with sad, beady eyes. I could not help but bend to her will each time she played that card but not today.

I was very protective of my little sister and I almost never let her out of my sight. I needed her close to me where I could protect her and although I had been told countless times that Aquila was not an infant anymore and could look after herself, I could not help but worry about her. She was seven years old after all, she was still an infant in my eyes.

"Please, big brother! Pleeaaasssseeeee!!!" She dragged on, showing off little teeth of which the two in the middle were missing.

"Let her go, Theron. Please." Aeliana pleaded, giving a look similar to Aquila's and I cracked in that moment. Aeliana was my weakness right after Aquila. I did everything she wanted without a moment's thought.

"Alright." I set Aquila down to the ground gently and smiled as her little legs scurried away. "Do not wander off to far."

"Thank you, Theron! I will be back in the soonest time!" The cute little girl called back as she rushed down the street to get little friends.

I turned to Aeliana once she was out of sight. "You know you did not have to-"

"I know I should not intrude in your family matters but Aquila is happy when she gets to play with her friends. I just -"

"No! You are not intruding, at all! I was talking about the adornments you put in her hair. It was too kind of you." I clarified and she gave a shy smile, looking down to her fingers which were interlaced on her thighs.

"No, it is alright. I enjoy adorning her hair. Aquila a sweet girl." Aeliana said and my heart melted at this little gesture. She was taking care of my sister and that meant a lot to me.

"Just like you." I stared into her beautiful eyes as her head lifted and she stared back into mine.

The world around me faded each time I caught a glimpse of her and now was no different. She was the most beautiful person in the universe and nothing else came in close to her beauty. I could have stared at her for days, years or centuries and still be in awe of all of her.

From her black braided hair to her caramel coloured skin to her mesmerizing brown eyes to her full pink lips to her velvety voice. I loved every inch of her and I would have never changed anything on her. She was perfect to me and I loved her.

I had always wanted to tell her how much she had meant to me and I should have but it was too late now. She was betrothed to another.

Aeliana parted her lips to speak but was interrupted as a loud scream echoed. Only a few heard it as the streets of the market were noisy.

I got out from underneath the tent shielding Aeliana, myself and the sacks of wheat she had been helping her Aunt sell, from the sun. I intended to see what the commotion was about.

Just as I stepped out into the street, a loud booming sound echoed, sending vibrations through the ground beneath my feet and shaking my balance.

Just as I had managed to stable myself, a heavy force charged through the street, pushing away everything in its path including people and items being sold in the streets.

A harsh wind blew me off the ground and sent me flying backwards into the air, only to crash painfully to the ground a few feet from where I was previously stood. My head came in contact with the hard ground and it started to spin as I suddenly felt dizzy.

My vision began to fade and the last thing I saw before my eyes closed were the insulaes in my line of sight crumbling down to the ground. I, then heard an even louder sound which swallowed up the noises from the screaming people before I faded fully into the unconscious.

It was not long until I regained consciousness and I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. My head was pounding and a loud, deafening sound rang in my ears, blocking out all other sounds from around me.

Everywhere had been covered in dust but most of it had settled, making the view much clearer.

It was clear that was under attack. Our attackers had possessed sophisticated weapons that I had never seen or heard of before, weapons that could harness the force of the wind and force it to do its will.

In a few moments, the ringing in my ears had faded and it was only then I could think.

"Aquila!" I cried out as the face of my sister flashed in my mind. She had been out here.

Wasting no time, I rushed up to my feet and ran in search of my little sister.

I glanced around as the dust had started to clear, panicking as I spotted people down on the ground, some injured and some dead but I could not spot Aquila anywhere.

"Aquila!" I called out again, searching for her in the rubble but I could not find her.

I turned in the opposite direction and spotted a black haired little girl laid on the ground, unmoving and my heart dropped.

"Aquila!" I rushed up to the girl and flipped her over. "Oh, no, Drusa." I checked for her pulse but there was nothing. She was gone.

Drusa had been Aquila's best friend and if she was here, then, Aquila might have been-no. I could not afford to think that way.

I stroked Drusa's hair, saying a short prayer for her before I continued the search for my sister.

"Aquila! Aquila! Where are-" I was interrupted by a scream and my head snapped in the direction to see where it had originated from and that was when I saw them.

Firstly, a man came into view, then, two men followed behind him and four more behind them.

It was as they drew closer that I realized something strange.

They were all pale in colour, almost white even with blue glowing eyes, stark white hair and I could have sworn that they were seven feet tall.

They had white staffs with strange markings in hand which had sharp spearheads and I could tell just what they were here for.

My eyes met that of the man in the front who seemed to be the leader of bunch and he held my stare, his head angling a little to the right which sent chills up my spine.

There was something off about these men, something not human, something that instilled fear in me whenever I looked at them and being a hunter, I was scared of very little.

"Theron!" Aquila's desperate voice called out and my head snapped to the left in her direction but I was not the only one who glanced at her.

"Aquila, run!" I called out to her in alarm as one of the pale white men started towards her.

She was covered in dust and I could spot some bruises on her but nothing too serious. She had been crying too, it was so obvious she was scared and that broke my heart. I also feared for what that man might have done to her if he had gotten hold of her.

I ran towards her and scooped her in my arms before running as fast as I possibly could have, away from them.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting in my upper arm and that was when I saw a spear whip past me, it had cut my skin in the process.

I tripped and fell with Aquila in my arms and I heard her groan in pain as we hit the ground.

I rushed up to my feet and pulled her up with me but before I could pick her up in my arms, I felt a large hand wrap around my neck.

The next thing I knew was that I was lifted off the ground, coming face to face with the scary man who might as well have been a monster because there was nothing human about him.

His blue glowing eyes looked soulless and dark and they had no mercy in them at all. He scared me way more than I would have liked to admit.

"Aquila, run! Go to Myron! Hurry!" I instructed my little sister although I could not see her any longer. I could not let this monster get a hold of her.

"Theron!" Her little voice broke and I felt a lump form in my throat. I could not stand my sister being so scared. She always saw me as her protector and now I was helpless to both her and myself.

"I will be fine, princess. I promise." I assured her and just then the white man glanced down at her. "Run, Aquila! No-" I choked as the monster's grip around my neck tightened, cutting off the airflow to my lungs. I tried to pry his hand off but he was just too strong.

"This land is ours." He spoke for the first time, his voice deep and thick with an accent that I could not recognize.

"Who...are... you?" I croaked out, still struggling to break free.

"I am the conquerer of worlds, the god of the galaxies, the harbinger of death! I am war! I am Xam'ar of Xylanthia!" He introduced in a fearful tone and I immediately knew this was worse than I had originally thought. "I have come for your world and I will not stop until I have conquered!"

My vision started to get blurry and I was starting to see spots. I was so sure I was going to die from asphyxiation.

I was already fading into the dark when the pressure around my neck loosened.

I was completely let go of and drew in a long breath, coughing as I hit the ground.

I looked up to see Xam'ar pull a spear out of his stomach, groaning as what looked like blue blood sipped out and then he laughed out loud, tossing the spear away.

I got up to my feet and scurried off before he could reach for me again and I felt a great sense of relief as I spotted our army behind, armored and ready to fight.

"This is as far as you go, intruder! Surrender now!" General Vitus ordered, taking a brave step towards Xam'ar.

"I take orders from no one, especially not you filthy humans!" Xam'ar yelled and then launched a spear at Vitus which hit him right in the heart. "Whoever stands in my path shall meet their end!"

And that was when the war began.


I heard another explosion and the ground beneath my feet shook.

So much had happened in the last three hours, so many had died and so many had been taken by the intruders as the villagers had started calling the white giant men.

Xam'ar had rained hell on earth and it was worse than any other battle I'd heard off.

Most of our warriors were dead now and villagers had taken up weapons to defend themselves. Warriors from other villages had even showed up to join the fight.

"Tullius!" I heard an all too familiar voice scream and my head snapped in the direction of the voice to see Aeliana a few feet away on the ground, crying.

Tullius who was standing about three feet in front of her dropped to his knees with a spear pierced in his side.

The intruder pulled out the spear and Tullius fell face flat in the sand, bleeding out.

Aeliana crawled towards him and I feared that she was going to face the same fate her brother had.

The intruder grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground, choking her like Xam'ar had done to me.

Instinctively, I rushed towards her, swinging my sword at the leg of the intruder.

He dropped Aeliana and she crawled back to her brother.

"Aeliana, run!" I ordered but she didn't listen, instead, she helped her brother up and tried to walk him to safety.

Tullius was terribly injured and I was surprised he was still breathing.

He could barely stand, talk less of walking or running away from danger. He wasn't going to make it and if Aeliana kept on pulling him with her she was going to get herself killed.

The intruder took a swing a me with his arm and I skillfully dodged, slashing my sword across his arm.

I knew Aeliana was never going to leave her brother, so I going to have to protect her, with my life if I had to.

I tried to cut the intruder once again but he caught me by the neck and flung me into the sky. Thankfully, a tent broke my fall to the ground.

I rushed back up to my feet but before I could move two steps, a spear was thrust into my stomach, a burst of pain shooting through my body.

The intruder lifted me up by the neck, squeezing the life out of me and I should've been scared to die but when I saw Aeliana bleeding out behind him, unmoving, I suddenly lost all will to live.

"Theron!" I heard Aquila scream my name and my eyes widened as I searched for her.

I spotted her to the side being carried away by one of the intruders.

She was kicking and screaming, her eyes pleading for me to save her but I couldn't do a thing.

I'd lost everything I loved. My town, the only family I had left, the love of my life and now I was going to loose my life.

My vision faded until all I saw was darkness and then I heard my heart stop.

My eyes snapped open and I was breathing heavily, drenched in my sweat.

This had been the third time in four nights I'd had this exact dream.

I couldn't tell why but I shouldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Like something very bad was coming.

"Calvin!" A frightened voice said and I looked down to see my hand wrapped around Sierra's neck as she looked up at me with fear in her wide eyes.

I immediately let go off her and stepped back, taking in my surroundings.

How was I standing in Sierra's room when I had only just woken up?

Why was I choking my daughter?

"Bloody hell, Calvin!" Edward yelled as he rushed into the room, hurrying over to Sierra who was gasping for air, her hands rubbing her neck. "What the hell did you do!?"

Something was really wrong.


And there you have it!

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