Lust Light

By sunshineblast22

6.3K 95 7


Lust Light
Chapter One(Raina)
Chapter Two(Raina)
Chapter Three(Totiana)
Chapter Four(Raina)
Chapter Five(Nolan)
Chapter Six(Raina+Nolan)
Chapter Seven(Nolan)
Chapter Eight(Totiana)
Chapter Nine(Trevor+Raina)
Chapter Ten(Raina)
Chapter Eleven(Darren+Totiana)
Chapter Thirteen(Raina+Ellie)
Chapter Fourteen(Raina)
Chapter Fifteen(Raina+Nolan)
Chapter Sixteen(Totiana)
Chapter Seventeen(Raina+Nolan)
Chapter Eighteen(Raina)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (Totiana)

Chapter Twelve(Raina)

207 2 0
By sunshineblast22

             I sit in my dorm room with my suitcase open. I'm super excited because today Nolan, Trevor, and I are going to meet with there pack. I extremely nervous also considering I will be introduced as Nolan's mate. We are going there to get some advice from Nolan's father as how to handle Darren. I throw another t-shirt in my bag and shudder. I'm happy to be with Nolan it's just I feel bad that because of it Totiana is in danger.

            I look over at the clock. Only thirty minutes before we are supposed to leave. I know what I must do. I have to call my parent's and check in with them. They're going to want to know how school has been going. I'm so scared to tell them I'm failing two classes. They are going to be rip shit pissed at me, ecspecially my dad. I don't care much about my grades anymore. I'll be moving in with the pack once we can save Totiana so there is really no need.

             I pull out my phone and begin the torturous call.

             "Hello?" My mom answers.

            "Hey it's me." I say incredously.

           "Oh honey! I'm so happy to hear from you!" My mom says excitedly. I cringe.

          "Yeah." Is all I say.

         "Oh let me go get your daddy and we can all talk. Hold on." My mom says. I sit waiting for us to talk. Hopefully they are'nt to angry.

         "I'm back. Your father will be down in the second. He is on the craper." She says. I can't help but giggle.

       "So any cute boys there?" My mom asks nosily.

       "Yes." I say fighting a smile.

      "Oh! Tell me who!" My mom yells.

     "Well I'm kinda dating a guy." I say nonchalantly.

     "What?! Who is he? Tell me now!" My mom nearly screamed. We talk on the phone for a while and then my dad get's on. My mom repeat's nearly everything I said about Nolan. Then my dad asks.

      "So how is classes?" My dad asks.

      "They're going good." I say.

     "What are your grades?" He asks.

     "Uh well I have an A in bio." I say.

     "And the others" He asks.

    "Well I'm working on them." I say.

     "I eant the actual grdes?" He says.

     "I just need to work a bit more harder." I say.

     "What are they?" He says.

      "I have two F's and one D." I finally manage to say.

     "What?! What is wrong with you. You'll never make it through! What is wrong with you?!" He says.

      "Oh god no." My mom says.

      "You better break up with that boy." My dad says.

       "Why?" I say.

      "Because he's obviously messing up your grades." My dad says.

      "No." Is all I say.

       "Excuse me?" My dad says.

       "I said no. You won't  control my life." I say.

       "The hell I won't. Your my daughter and what I say goes." My dad says.

       "Your wrong." Is all I say.

        "You will focous on school!" My dad yells.

       "No I won't. Oh and newsflash I'm dropping out. Love you mom and dad and I'll talk to you soon." I say hanging up.

        Just as I am Trevor and Nolan come bursting in the room.

        "Dude calm down. We are going now. Ellie will be fine." Nolan says.

        "What's wrong with Ellie?" I ask alarmed. Ellie is Trevor's mate who is pregnant with his pup's. I've been talking to her over the phone and we get along great.

        "She is in labour." Trevor announces.

       "Are you serious!" I say excitedly.

       "Yes and we must go right now!" Trevor roars.

       "Don't you yell at her like that!" Nolan nearly growls.

       "Shut up. My pup's are about to be born and I'm going to miss it if we don't hurry!" Trevor yells.

       "Both of you stop. We can't miss it come on!" I say. I throw a few more clothes in my bag and put it on my shoulder.

        "Well are you coming?" I ask.

        "Yeah." They both say at the same time.

        "Come on then!" I say.


Hey everyone SO I know that this was a boring chapter.

But I felt it was good before the next one!

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