Long, Long, Long

By PickleGirl58

2.5K 57 22


Ice Cream Sundaes
Sand Castles
Till There was You
Good? Bad? Both?
Scared of Talent
Honeymoon...In Paris?
Can't you Come with Me?
A Sea Shell, the Statue of Liberty, and a New Record
A Hard Day's Night
Really Real Ballet Slippers
Till Death do we Part One
Till Death do we Part Two
Glorious Circles of Deliciousness
Chicken Pot Pie and Cheesecake
Home Coming
The Letter
Surprise! :D
Cat the Cat

Upside Down Girl

620 4 1
By PickleGirl58

The sun was shining bright on the four Beatles as they all walked down the side of their hotel pool.

Paul took in a deep breath, smelling the sea air, "Can you smell it lads?" he asked running his fingers through his hair. "This is nice." he turned round as some bikini clad girls walked past them. He looked them over thoroughly as they all made their way toward Layla, and Lucy. They had spent most of their day Sun bathing.

"I can see it." John said. He was practically drooling. "Birds in bikinis, why haven't we come here before?" 

 "We've been to the beach before, John." George laughed rolling his eyes at them as the four boys walked passed a few more girls. John and Paul were practically drooling. 

 "Yeah but these girls are attractive, George." Paul smirked. Ringo laughed and shook his head at them.

 "I happen to like the ones we've got." He said as he looked around for his girlfriend. George chuckled and helped him look. 

 "I do too," He said. John shoved him as they found them. "Look there they are." He pointed to a row of beach chairs set up. There, sunbathing, was a line of girls. They walked past three blond, bikini clad girls, and all of them, even Ringo, were ogling over them. A brunette with big sunglasses looked at them as they passed and she winked at George. He awkwardly looked away and kept walking. Next were a few more blonds and then there was Lucy, Ringo's little red headed step-child. Well sort of. Lucy was six years old and her mother was Ringo's girlfriend. Layla was a gorgeous actress with dark curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. None of the other boys knew how Ringo managed to snag her. The four boys stopped in front of the leggy brunette and the little red-headed girl and Ringo smiled. 

 "Richie, you're in my sun!" Lucy whined. George and Ringo laughed at her and Layla giggled as she pushed her sunglasses up onto her head. 

 "You're silly!" Ringo said picking the little girl up. He sat down on the chair and he leaned over to Layla. He kissed her cheek and John and Paul pulled up some chairs of their own. George looked for one, but instead he found a funny looking girl. He laughed and John and Paul looked at him with a frown. He nodded to hte funny girl and John snickered while Paul rolled his eyes.

 Whille in search of a chair, George found in the chair next to Layla a pair of feet. They were nice looking feet, but the girl was wrong way up in the chair. Her head was at the end of the chair with her long brown hair falling to the ground, the tips just barely scraping the ground. She was in a little purple bikini and her stomach was pale. Even more pale than Lucy was. She had her eyes shut and she had light freckles on her cheeks and across her nose. 

 "Why don't you sit down, George?" Layla asked getting up. "You can have my seat. Lucy wanted a beverage and I need to get out of this sunshine for a few minutes." George nodded and she patted his head as she got up. Geore sat down in her seat as Lucy climbed out of Ringo's lap.

 "Richie, well you come and swim with me? Mummy said you might, and she wouldn't because she wanted to get all tan and stuff." Lucy asked. Ringo ruffled Lucy's hair and shrugged.

 "I'm not a very good swimmer, Goose." He said gently. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

 "That's OK," She giggled, "I can't either. Please Richie? What's the point of being here and getting this new thingy if I can't swim?" She pulled at her bathing suit, the one that Ringo bought her, and she scrunched her nose up cutely. 

 "Oh alright," He said getting up, "But I can't promise you not to drown." 

 "Oi, you drown our drummer, you'll have to fill in for him!" John said teasingly. He winked at Lucy and she giggled as Ringo walked over to the pool with her. George chuckled and he rolled his eyes.

 "He is smitten." Paul said getting up and sitting down in Ringo's seat, "And he might like Layla a little bit as well." 

 John laughed and adjusted his sunglasses, "Good lord it's hot out here." He said pulling his white t shirt off. George saw some girls lowering their sunglasses to look at him. George was surprised they hadn't been mobbed by fans yet. 

 "It's much better in the shade." A voice said. George looked over next to him at the upside down girl. She peaked one eye open at him and she smiled. He smiled to himself and repeated her words to John. John then stood up, finding it a good idea. 

"I should find a telephone anyway." he said, "Gotta call Mandy back home." He smiled fondly to himself and walked off. John had a long time girlfriend called Amanda Peyton who was a model. Her fame was rising rapidly and she'd been in Paris for the last six weeks. The day she returned home was the middle of the Beatles' American tour, so John had yet to see her since she left. 

 "Alright" Paul said smiling, "Tell her we said hello." 

 John nodded and walked off to find a phone. George sighed. He never could keep a girlfriend for very long. Paul couldn't either really, but he always seemed to have a girl. George rarely ever did. 

 "George can I have my seat back?" Layla asked holding a drink with a straw in it. She sipped at it and George got up. 

 "Yeah sure." He said. He moved his legs to stand up, but Layla sat at the end of the seat. She crossed her legs and sat facing him. "Where's John and Ringo?" 

 "Ringo went swimming," George said nodding to the drummer splashing Lucy.

 "And John went to call his girlie." Paul said rolling his eyes. Layla giggled and smirked. 

 "They're a pretty cute couple." She said scrunching her nose up. George thought she looked an awful lot like Lucy when she did that. "Welp, Johnny's in a serious relationship, I've snagged up Richie, we all know Paulie will never settle for just one girl, so George..." George raised his eyebrows at her.

 "Why do you say so George like that?" He asked laughing at her. 

 "So what about you?" She asked nudging his knee. She was just dying to play match maker for someone. It was her specialty, and she'd told them that when they all met her. 

 "What about me, Layla?" He asked taking his sunglasses off. He wiped the sweat from his nose and set them on a table next to him. She nudged him again and waggled her eyebrows. He looked at her with confusion and she groaned, shoving his shoulder.

 "You can't honestly tell me you aren't interested in having a family." She said rolling her brown eyes, "Really, you have a huge family, wouldn't you like to have one of your own?" 

 "I do have one of my own." George laughed, "I've got me mum and me dad and me sister and me two brothers!" Layla shook her head and sighed.

 "You know I didn't mean that." She said, "I mean, don't you want to get married and have kids? Maybe get a dog?" 

 "How can you be so set on having a family, even after it didn't work for you the first time?" George wasn't trying to sound harsh. He was actually laughing as he said it. Thankfully, Layla didn't take it that way. She giggled and shrugged.

 "I do have a family in my own little way. I have my Lucy, and I've got Ringo now." She shrugged and George shook his head.

 "You're crazy." He said teasingly, "You're crazy, and Ringo's crazy for lovin' ya!" Layla laughed and shoved his again.

 "You love me too, and you know it." She said snarkily. George sighed and he kissed her cheek.

 "You've found me out!" He cried, "I'm in love with me best mate's girl!"  

 "Don't let him hear you say that, Georgie." Paul said as he turned the page of a fan mag. Layla laughed at him.

 "Aw he knows already!" George went on, "Our love is so obvious! Even little Lucy loves me more." 

 "Does not!" Lucy cried as she ran up to them dripping wet. "I love Richie most!" she said. George grabbed her and started to tickle her.

 "No you love me more!" He argued, "You know you do!" 

 "Nuh uh!" Lucy said laughing uncontrolably. Ringo grabbed and towel and he kissed Layla as he sat next to her. 

 "Yeah huh!" George said laughing. He kissed her cheeks and she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

 "I love you second best!" She said giving in a little. George giggled and rolled his eyes playfully. 

 "Oh well I can settle for second best." He said. Lucy smiled at him and he poked her, "Did you have fun swimming?" 

 "Yes!" She yelled, "And Richie did too!" George laughed and she sat down in his lap, facing her mum. Layla handed her and towel and she wrapped it around her shoulders as the upsdie down girl next to them sat up. George was mesmerized by her. Her shiny brown hair fell free down her back and her graceful arms reached up into the air as she stretched with s sigh. 

 Layla snapped her fingers in front of George's face, "Geo!" She laughed, "Ringo asked if you wanted something to drink." George blinked and looked at Layla, feeling a bit embarrassed. 

 "Oh no, I'm getting a bit hungry though." He said as Lucy leaned back against his chest. 

 "Me too!" She giggled, "Mummy when can we have dinner?" 

 "I don't know," Layla said glancing at the girl who appeared to be leaving. "Oh hi, sorry, but do you have the time? I'm afraid we've all forgotten our watches." The girl smiled kindly and looked at a watch that sat on top a pile of three books next to her.

 "Oh sure, it's 5.30." She said in a soft gentle voice. George sighed and blushed when her eyes met his. "You're accent is different, where are you from?" 

 "Oh we're from England." Layla said gathering her towel. "Thank you for the time." 

 "No problem." She said picking up her things. She put a sun hat on her head and walked toward the hotel doors. George watched her go. She was magnificent. 

 "She was nice." Lucy said standing up in the chair, "Are we going to have dinner now, Mummy?"

 "Yes we are!" Ringo said hopping up, "And since you're my favorite, it's my treat." 

 "Are George and Paulie invited too?" Layla asked picking up Lucy after she stood up. George got up and scrunched his nose.

 "Nah, you three go and have your family time." George winked at Layla and he kissed Lucy's cheek, "But remember, I'm your favorite." He tapped the end of the little girl's nose and Lucy shook her head,

 "No!" She said. George smiled and they walked off. She waved to George and George blew a kiss back to her before he sat back down next to Paul. 

 "I thought you said Rich was smitten with Lucy." He said teassingly. 

 "Aw you've got to admit she's the cutest little girl you've ever met." George said nudging Paul's  arm. 

 "She is cute." Paul observed, "Well anyway, what do you want to do for dinner?" George never had a chance to answer because a blond girl walked up and clasped her hands together in front of her. 

 "Um, hi," She said awkwardly. George sighed. He  knew the autographs would roll out eventually.

 "Hello," Paul said smiling charmingly.

 "Well my friend told me I had to come over here." She said rolling her eyes, "She's just too shy to do it herself, but anyway, um, I'm Weslyn Lewis, and my friend Maria wanted to know if you wanted to do something with us?" Weslyn bit her lip, looking more nervous that she made her friend out to be. George grinned and looked at Paul. He looked utterly starstruck. 

 "Oh well I suppose that depends on who you're friend is," Paul said winking casually. Weslyn blushed and looked at her feet. 

 "Well she's over there." Weslyn pointed over to the hotel doorway where the girl from before was standing watching from behind the corner. George chuckled and he and Paul shared a glance. 

 "Alright, what did you have in mind?" George asked. He looked back at Weslyn and the blond girl tucked her hair behind her ear.

 "Um, well Maria said you mentioned being hungry." She said before blushing again, "I mean, not to be creepy or anything, but um...well we know this really good place to eat." George smiled and Paul stood up.

 "Sure, just let us go and change clothes and we'll meet you in the lobby." He said taking her hand, "Is that OK?" Weslyn nodded and smiled sweetly. Paul kissed the top of her hand and George stood as well. 

 "Sure OK." She said as Paul let go of her hand.

 "Just give us 20 minutes." George said nodding. She nodded back and George and Paul went inside quickly. George winked at upside down girl as he walked passed her. 

 "You take Maria, and I'll get Weslyn?" Paul asked as they got in the lift. George smiled and nodded.


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