WANT YOU ♡ taekook

By yoonginvm

336K 14.4K 11.2K

"Can you be quiet for me, baby?" IN WHICH Taehyung has to move to a private school, that turns out not to be... More

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14.8K 755 634
By yoonginvm

a reminder that this book has the tag kinky which will finally be coming up soon!


Taehyung and Jungkook walked out of the small room with flushed cheeks, both embarrassed from what they almost did. Realization hit them hard, as they grasped the thought that they nearly had kissed each other.

The two boys went back to the others and sat next to each other on the fluffy centre carpet of the room. Jungkook shied away, putting his loose fist over his mouth to hide it. The other just sat next to him, with his thigh slightly brushing against Jungkook's. The older had a satisfied yet disappointed smirk on his face.


The other boys' presences snapped the two back into reality. Jin smirked as he looked at Taehyung's face. "Had fun?" He asked.

Both boys just looked away.

Jimin couldn't help but to hold back a tear as he realized his childhood crush was involved with someone else already. Jin and Namjoon didn't make the situation any better, it seemed as if they were trying to get Jimin's heart to finally shatter.

This wasn't the case, though, since no one knew about Jimin's long lasting crush on his best friend. Jimin was afraid. Afraid that his friends and family would hate him for liking men, for being different. He didn't know if he could trust Namjoon and Jin with a secret this big, even if they said they're supportive. It was just something one had to keep private, especially when Jimin was brought up with the idea that homosexuality was wrong and should be discouraged.

The night went on. People were dared to take off parts of their clothes off, calls were made to exes, and Jimin and Namjoon were even dared to play seven minutes in heaven as well. Let's just say, they were still in there.

It was now just Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

"Truth or dare, Jungkookie?" Jin asked as he took a sip from his water bottle, trying to sober up.


"Hmm... I dare you to take another shot."

Jungkook did as was told, his throat burning while the sensation poured into his mouth. He pulled the shot glass away from himself and licked the remaining off his wet lips. Jungkook accidentally swerved his body to bump into Taehyung's, making the sides of their bodies touch. They just laughed it off and stayed almost glued together.

After a while, Namjoon and Jimin walked out of the small room. Jimin looked bothered, and kind of upset. Namjoon looked bored and just sat back down next to Jin. What was even weirder, was that Jin had this weird look on his face, as if he was uncomfortable as soon as the two walked back into the room. Jimin, looking at Jungkook and Taehyung practically drunk and cuddling on the floor without knowing, grimaced and sat his ass down right in between the two.

Before anyone could even talk about what happened, the phone in Namjoon's back pocket buzzed loudly, making him take it out and read the notification.

Namjoon's eyes lit up as he read the text. "Hey guys! Want to go to a party?" He said with a gleam as he put his phone back away. Namjoon really liked parties: Specifically, the alcohol. Oh, and did he mention that the alcohol at parties was free? Who could've ever guessed.

"What time is it currently?" Taehyung asked, a bit slurred.

Jin checked the clock on the wall above them. "1, almost 2 am."

"It's Ho's house, it's not that far from here. We can walk," Namjoon said looking at the other boys.

Everyone else just shrugged and got up. "Yeah, why the hell not," Jungkook let out as he grabbed his phone and keys. "We're al-already fucking wasted any-anyw—" A cute drunken yawn interrupted the boy. "—anyways."

"You guys do realize we're gonna have to sneak out, right?" Jimin said with a serious face.

"Yeah," Jin said in agreement. "We're gonna have to sneak out of the doors and hop the gates."

"It's nothing we haven't done before!" Jungkook squeaked out, excitedly.

"W-what the fuck, it's something I've ever done before, you guys are fucking crazy—" Taehyung stuttered out, flabbergasted. Who the fuck hops gates anymore?

"Whatever, just shut up and let's go!"

"Great, now we have to fucking sneak past the damn hall monitor."

Taehyung tsked quietly. "Hall monitor? What are we in, middle school?" He whispered. It was dead in the middle of the night and the hall monitor was somewhere here. They had to be silent and whisper.

"So who's gonna look around the corner?" Jungkook whisper-asked wide eyes.

"Not it!" Literally every one of the other three boys whispered out at the same exact time. Jungkook's eyes literally popped out his head and he breathed frustratingly.

"Guys, w-what the fuck, that's not, that's not funny, j-just someone go—"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll do it since you're all too pussy to do it," he snickered.

"Who you calling pussy, pussy?" Taehyung's drunken self whispered, pointing a finger to Jimin's chest accusingly.

"Pussy—" Jimin seethed quietly, walking closer to Taehyung.

"Guys!" Jungkook whisper shouted. He was really getting tired of the whispering and the fighting. "Cut it out! This isn't a contest for who has the bigger dick or something, just chill the h—" Jungkook covered his mouth when a high-pitched hiccup come out his mouth. "Chill o-out."

Jimin and Taehyung glared at each other for another five seconds before rolling their eyes and walking away from each other.

"I'll do it," Jin mumbled.

"Now he has the bigger dick—"

"Namjoon, shut the fuck up—"

"Just go and check if the damn monitor's there!" Taehyung sighed and almost slammed his face into the wall.

"Fine fine! Gosh..." Jin rolled his eyes. He slowly and quietly walked down the hallway and the rest followed. Once he reached the corner about to turn, he stopped.

Jin slowly looked around the corner to see if the hall monitor man was there. His eyes widened and he quickly retracted his head.

"He's there! We're going to have to run to pass him without noticing."

All the boys gulped and quickly nodded, bracing themselves as they stared at the older.

"Okay," Jin readied himself up, jumping a bit to get his ATP molecules boosted. "On the count of three," he whispered.




They all began to run across the hall, in a big group. But their faces were quickly replaced with fear! as they saw the hall monitor stand up with his back faced to them and it looked like he was about to turn back around.


All the boys quickly turned around, pushing each other to turn the FUCK around before they were caught. Like lightening, they turned around and ran back the other way.

"Fuck it!" Taehyung whispered and just opened the loud exit door they ran into at the end of the hallway.

When the boys arrived to the party, the music was blasting and there were already people outside passed out drunk. Red cups littered the dark green lawn and people were on the side of the house, making out. Some were outside dancing outside to the music and talking with friends.

Jin had seen one of his friends and went over to greet them. Namjoon brought the other three boys inside. The owner of the house greeted them, and gave a hug to Namjoon. The two went off leaving Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung alone in the sea of wild dancing and drinking. Jungkook and Jimin told Taehyung that they would get the drinks.

"Okay, I'll go find us some seats," said Taehyung, loudly over the music as he still drunkenly looked around. Finally, he spotted a few empty seats on a couch in the living room. He sat down and looked around again. The music was blasting into his ears and he could already feel the heat from the sweaty college kids dancing away in front of him, it also didn't help that it was dark with... Was that a fucking disco light?

It wasn't too long after that he spotted Jungkook and Jimin swerving through the crowd with cups in their hands and they made their way towards Taehyung.

Jimin took a seat on the couch next to Taehyung and looked over to his side. A spot that was free when he sat down was now taken by another person who was busy chatting away. Taehyung noticed this, too, and looked at Jungkook.

Taehyung patted his own lap, motioning for Jungkook to sit on him.

Jungkook didn't understand what Taehyung was doing and moved closer. "What?" The confused younger boy asked.

"Sit on my lap, baby," Taehyung drunkenly let out.

The younger's eyes widened in shock at Taehyung's words.

"I-I... but won't they—" He stuttered out before he felt Taehyung's large hands grab at his waist and before he knew it, the older had pulled Jungkook into his lap. Jungkook blushed at the interaction before holding up the cup to Taehyung.

"Here's y-your cup," Jungkook said in a small voice.

"Thank you. Cheers!" Taehyung replied, budded his cup towards Jungkook's, then turned to Jimin and did the same, not noticing the foul look Jimin was giving him. Taehyung smirked at this, and placed his big, veiny hands onto Jungkook's soft thick thighs. He did all this while looking Jimin dead in the eye, with a smirk still on Taehyung's face. Taehyung let his hands squeeze the soft pant-covered flesh. "Just so you don't fall off," Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear, who blushed madly and nodded.

Yeah, Jungkook and Taehyung were drunk. Nonetheless, all of them took a long sip of the beer and let out an ah after drinking. It's not that Jungkook didn't like it, because fuck did he love the feel of Taehyung's nice, big hands wrapped around his body, especially in such a sensitive place for him. Jungkook sighed in content, lovely the feeling of feeling small, and leaned back against Taehyung lean framed chest. Neither of the boys noticed Jimin's lingering stare, or his fists and jaw clenching tightly.

Jungkook and Taehyung giggled at each other in their drunken states and continued to take more alcohol in, refilling cup after cup until they could've think straight anymore.

A more few drinks later, Jungkook was focused on Jimin and the other people around them, talking and laughing. The younger was still sat in Taehyung's lap and faced Jimin, a boy who he didn't know was currently hurting at the time.

Jungkook was blabbering something about how fish actually breathe in oxygen, and that's why the air is polluted, because the fish fart through their mouths.

That was his argument.

Anyways... Taehyung noticed that Jungkook kept shifting in his lap. At first, the older didn't think much of it as it seemed that Jungkook was just trying to get comfortable during his little disagreement with Jimin. Apparently, drunk Jungkook didn't believe that fish actually don't breathe oxygen, or fart through their mouths. Though the Jungkook's action kept occurring, Jungkook kept brushing his perky ass against Taehyung's crotch, making the latter let out a low groan.

"Stop it, slut." Taehyung growled in the younger's ear, his hands going to hold the younger in place by his tiny petite waist, letting the alcohol cloud his mind from thinking straight. He didn't even notice he let his degradation kink slip out. Fuck, his waist, Taehyung was reminded of Jungkook's feminine-like body that he noticed when he first met him. Both of my hands can practically hold the entirety of it.

Jungkook froze and felt slight shivers run throughout his body as he processed what Taehyung had just called him. "W-what?"

"Stop moving. You're rubbing against something you shouldn't be rubbing," whispered Taehyung  in a lower voice than before. The boy in his lap just bit his lip and nodded. Maybe I just imagined him saying that, Jungkook thought fuzzily. Damn, he could barely form coherent thoughts with this 'bomb ass alcohol' as Jin called it. It still didn't help that the name Jungkook heard got him a little hard in his pants, his hands reaching at his tight white shirt to cover it.

"Jungkookie, let's go dance!" Jimin yelled as he stood up in front of the two. Before Jungkook could even respond or protest, Jimin already had the other's hand, pulling Jungkook up from Taehyung and onto the dance floor with the rest of the sweaty people.

It was too late for Jungkook to complain, so he just slowly and awkwardly moved along to the beat and danced with his best friend. Both boys sipped their drinks as they danced closely to one another, already sweating and forgetting previous events. Jimin smiled at Jungkook and the latter returned the smile even bigger. They continued dancing, getting wild and crazy, minds becoming one with the loud blasting music

It wasn't until someone unhesitantly wrapped their arm around Jungkook's waist from the back that Jungkook was aware of what was happening. The boy panicked as he looked behind him to see a random dark-haired stranger grinding on him. One of the man's hand seemed to be lowering itself from Jungkook's waist down slowly to grip his ass roughly. The other hand of the man's was harshly holding onto Jungkook and keeping him from moving away. Jungkook looked over to see Jimin already gone in the sea of dancing people, Jimin's bright orange hair leading Jungkook's eyes to see the other dancing with another male.

Jungkook struggled from the man's grip, not being able to move away. He tried to get out, but the man was strong and his dirty hands kept wandering all over. Jungkook felt his eyes begin to water, struggling more till he felt another pair of strong arms on his waist. The small boy looked up to see Taehyung pulling Jungkook close to himself, out of the stranger's grip. Everything was happening so fast, Taehyung pushed the stranger away, Jungkook was hugging onto Taehyung and shutting his eyes like a scared child.

All of it was over in a few seconds. Jungkook guessed that the stranger backed off and went away. He opened his eyes, still hugging Taehyung, and looked into the older's eyes fearfully.

"Be more careful next time," warned Taehyung with hard eyes as he stared into Jungkook's dark inky black eyes. His breath reeked of alcohol, but so did Jungkook's.

"O-okay... thanks, though, I w-was so scared—" the other mumbled.

Taehyung hummed in response before starting to rapidly check the younger for injuries. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I-I'm fine, really, just a bit shook," the boy giggled. Of course, as drunk as he was, he didn't make a big deal out of it. It's not like he'd remember in the morning.

The latter sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're okay."

After standing in each other's arms, Jungkook spoke up. "Let's go back to dancing, yeah?"

Taehyung grinned and nodded, separating himself from the other a bit so they would have space to dance. The music was now much softer and smooth. A slow dance, Taehyung noted. "You have to stay next to me all night now, alright?" he whispered, getting a nod in return.

The two boys slowly swayed back and forth with one another. They sighed content. All thoughts of Namjoon, Jimin, Jin and the rest of the world were gone at that second. The alcohol they had consumed (and still were consuming) blocked all their worries and let them enjoy the moment as it was. If only they knew what the rest of the night would bring them.

The night was still, as they say, young.

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