my prince

By vbatgirly

13.9K 329 154

This story is about my favorite ship (shuuneki ) ;) Bl story , if you don't like it , don't read it Have f... More

your name
my obsession
your heart
my fault
your sweetness
your forgiveness
my love
your suspicions
my feelings
your delicacy
my suspicions

my darkness

1K 23 20
By vbatgirly

~my prince~

<chapter 6>

     Anteiku is quite busy today , kaneki doesn't know why but everyone seems to simply enjoy the coffee which made kaneki smile to himself , smiling wider as he remembers a certain person .

      Ken was full of energy today and more smiley and cheerful he finished early and entered the kitchen to help touka wash the dishes , she said she didn't need his help , so kaneki get out to wait by the counter , then yoshimoura came by to check like usual

     " ah kaneki-kun , you finished early I see " the manager said

     " yes , today was quite busy but nothing unusual "

     " hm then follow me "

    " yes , sir " ken said feeling nervous by now what did the manager want to talk about ?

     As soon as they got to yoshimoura's office , kaneki sat down and the manager didn't

     " kaneki-kun , I don't want to get into the personal details of your life but I can't help but wonder , what that you have for tsukiyama-kun ? " the manager broke the silence

     " h-huh ? I don't know what you're talking about ! " this question is what kaneki didn't expect to answer ..he didn't understand the question either .

     " I meant , what kind of relationship do the two of you have ? "

     Oh if only he can run out of this room right now before the manager sees him blushing , but he can't do anything but answer

     " w-we are friends , that's all " kaneki said

     "I think touka chan warned you about him "

     " she did .. but I don't know why "

     " well , they used to fight when they were younger , but though kaneki-kun , choose your friends wisely , understand? "

     " yes , sir "

     " good "

     He got out the office , checked on touka , she finished by the way , and finally his shift is about to end , he changes to his normal clothes and and leaves anteiko , thinking about what touka and the manager told him about tsukiyama , he can't think of tsuki other than the gentleman he is , which made kaneki blush at the thought of him , he doesn't Know if he should listen to them or listen to his heart , he doesn't want to a fool that chooses by heart get betrayed . Again.

     I guess yoshimoura warned me , because he knew I had a thing for people who will try to kill me , thinking about rize but he can't help but smile on his own joke , sadly , he still doesn't know more about tsukiyama , he want to know more , today he didn't receive a message or call of him , he started to miss him slightly .. if not completely .

     Kaneki's phone rang , its tsukiyama , he answers

     " Bonjour , kaneki-kun , how are you mon cher ? "

     " I'm good , how about you ?"

     " I'm better just by hearing your voice ,mon amour "

     This made kaneki blush

     " ken , I was wondering , would you like to go on a date with me ? " and there he was waiting for an answer .

     " ah well . .. sure , of course I would like to "

     " okay then I will come pick you up "

     " tonight ?"

     " oui , unless you are busy tonight "

    " no , no, I'm free tonight "

    " marvelous ! , till tonight then , vous voir "

    " okay , bye "

     So .. we are suddenly going on a date .. . Not bad , agh I can hear touka's voice warning me , I hope everything is all right .

     Kaneki came home to find a box ? On his door step , On top of it there was a note with a rose , kaneki picked it up , it was from tsukiyama , telling him this is what he is wearing on the date , he got in the apartment with the box and opened it , there was a fine black suit that fit kaneki well , he put it on and got ready for the date , then he hears a knock on the door .

     " hey , kane- what is that ?? Sense when do you have this suit , where did  you get it ? It looks expensive ! , dose working at anteiku gives you more money ? " hide said or asked ..

     " to answer your question , I didn't buy it , I just got it for . .. A date .. " ken tried not to blush .. but he fails completely .

     " you are going on a date ? And you didn't tell me ? Me ? Your best friend ? I can-" hide looked so shocked and hurt at the same time

    " listen. ... I didn't tell you because.. I didn't think you would like then idea ..of .. "

    " of what!? "

    " of me . .dating a guy "

     They ware silent for a moment , till hide started laughing and surprised kaneki

     " you dating a guy ? Do you think I will get mad when I hear that ? Noo of course not , I'm mad because you didn't tell me about him , so you're staying here like a good friend and tell me everything "

     This made kaneki feel much better , he was going to tell hide anyway but sense he was here already then that's okay , one less problem to worry about .

     " so , you met in anteiku ?"

     " yeah "

     " can't you stop dating from that place "

     " yeah , I guess so " kaneki laughed

    " and what dose he look like ? "

     " he looks like a model , tall and handsome "

     " wow , that's a lucky catch , so what dose he do for living ? Is he rich ? "

     " he is and he works in a company by his father "
     " weird , what brings such guy to anteiku ? "

     " I don't know , but he used to know touka-chan, funny she made him leave the moment he entered "

     " yes ! , I should try my luck now with touka-chan , you need to introduce me well this time , okay ? "

     " haha yeah yeah , I will try my best " he said thinking about how touka would react

     " so the guy , what was his name ?"

     " oh his name is tsukiyama shuu "

     " Tsukiyama !? That rich family ?  Did he ever let you see the tsukiyama company ? "

    " what ? .. I never asked " kaneki said

     " you need to see this then "

     Hide got his phone out and googled the name for kaneki

     " oh , he doesn't talk much about it though , the only time he mentioned it was when he apologized for missing a call "

     " hmm quite the gentleman , don't you think ? " hide said giving kaneki a look

     " yeah... hey! Stop it "

     " haha , I didn't know you were into rich guys , I bet he is the one who got you the suit "

    " who else , besides I didn't know I liked guys either "

    " he must have liked to read then "

    " how did you know ? "

    " knowing you my friend , and you dated a girl who liked to read as well "

    " hm oh my phone ! " kaneki's phone rang

    " so mister fancypants is about to pick you up "

    " don't call him that , and yes he said he would pick me up "

    " okay , good luck "

    " thanks hide "

    " and if you feel like things get touchy , stay away of him , filthy rich guys can be as filthy as their money "

    " hide ! I know he won't be like that ! "

    " okay okay , call me when its over , and don't forget to spill every little detail , goodnight ! "

     " goodnight , hide "

     By the time hide reached the door , tsukiyama was already knocking .

     " always on time " hide opened the door as he said so tsukiyama looked at him in surprise

     " hi tsuki "he said smiling as he came out of the door as well .

    " hello , mon cher , who is your little friend ? " kaneki can't hear the hint of jealousy in shuu's tone

    " ah , hide that is tsukiyama shuu , tsuki , this is nagachika hideyoshi " kaneki introduced him

    " nice to meet you , tsukiyama-san , have a nice date you two and tsukiyama-san , kaneki is my friend sense we were kids , if you break his heart I won't have any mercy on you .. see ya ! " after saying his death threat he left .

    " well , nice to meet you too " shuu said

    " haha I'm sorry for that , he gets defensive when its about me sometimes "

    " how come ? He is just friend , non ? "

    " no , he is my best friend , and he had been with me since my mother died , hide is family "

    " I'm sorry for your mother , mon cher " tsukiyama came closer and hugged kaneki as he said so.

    " I'm fine don't worry  " kaneki smiled.

     They got in to the car , they sat in silence , kaneki felt like tsukiyama was thinking so he didn't want to cut his line of thoughts .

     Shuu on the other hand , was actually thinking wouldn't stay silent if this was a regular date , in a regular place , they were going to the ghoul restaurant , yes , he is going to finish this .


    At two in the morning , shuu sat on his bed , he kept thinking of the same matter ..

     I know that I can't love , the only thing that attracted me to him , was his divine scent , I bet he tastes much much better , maybe ... a gourmet can fall in love with his nicest meals  ...but he is still a food in the end ...

     End of flashback

     Shuu put his eyes on kaneki , this divine beauty shall never go to waste and get damaged my this world .. tonight is the end

     They arrive and step out of the car , they entered the restaurant , shuu made an excuse to leave kaneki , he waited , in a room that looked like an office , a maid gave him a small cup of coffee , he tried to ask where might tsukiyama be , but she didn't answer , she had a mask on her face , he didn't know why .

     He drank some of the coffee , it tasted a bit weird

    Suddenly , the room was moving and everything was changing , he is in a new room ? The lights are blinding , he put his arm over his eyes , and new he sees a room full of a crowd , they talk and laugh like nothing is happening , he was hearing a voice of someone talking in the microphone .. he was talking about ken .

    He looks around , trying not to panic , he sees ah tsukiyama

    " tsukiyama-san ! " he was with two girls in both arms , and didn't pay much attention to kaneki , till he heard his name

   Something started to play in tsukiyama's chest , he feels his heart beating rapidly , its like he was the one down there not kaneki , he left the girls and sat down like the others , eventually , the girls came to sit beside him .

    Kaneki was so terrified now , this can't be happening , he can't believe what is happening , he got betrayed , again ..I .. I thought he was different .. I thought he loved me . ...why ? ..just why ? ..

    Shuu looked at kaneki again , he didn't want to look though , he knew deep in his heart that the look kaneki would give him will shatter his heart .. then why am I doing this if this isn't what i want ? Could It be that I had changed ? I had gone soft ?

    All it took for tsukiyama to realise his decision was wrong was the look on kaneki's face , he looked shocked , betrayed by the one person he loved , and his eyes can tell the pain he was bearing , he fell to his knees , putting his palms on the floor , he knew he couldn't keep it forever , tears hit the floor one by one , he didn't want to look up and let the others see him crying , but a sound of heavy foot steps made him look at the direction of it .

    The guy who spoke on the microphone before introduced kaneki to his death .

    As the huge beast came , he started to hear cheering , he knew these were ghouls , would cheer for something like this !

    No sight of tsukiyama , he is wondering where he might be , but he focuses on what is important now , his life , that beast almost stepped on him , kaneki runs for his life , the monster following behind him , he is trying to calm himself so he can think of a plan to get out of here but its kind of hard when there was a deadly beast running after you .

    Suddenly kaneki can't feel his legs , he fell down , and unable to move , what is wrong with me ?? I only drank coffee ... oh no ..


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